View Full Version : Real talk: Sterling is entitled to his opinions. He should not lose his team.

05-30-2014, 01:22 AM
The people effected by this are African American NBA players.
And the NBA for the bad publicity.

If this wasn't the youtube/tmz age and the world did not hear it, and it was more of an internal thing Donald Sterling would not have lost his team. Adam Sterling's press conferences, everyone saying "racist is wrong!", etc etc it's all a bunch of politically correct bs. Political correctness is as bad as lying in my opinion. The NBA, owners, players, etc are NOT on the same page. Mark Cuban at least had the balls to give his opinions and subtly/tactfully not be politically correct about race which i thought was great because that could have started some real honest dialogue but that got shot down because American society is not that intellectual to have those conversations yet.

How much progress did we ACTUALLY by getting rid of Sterling? It just teaches people to keep their mouths shut, but at the END of the day this is not going to teach people a larger message and keep the conversation going.

05-30-2014, 01:25 AM

05-30-2014, 01:25 AM
Still better than Dolan.

05-30-2014, 01:27 AM

Dawg it's a cool gif, but less is more. chill

05-30-2014, 01:31 AM
But the thing is Sterling has the attitude of a modern day plantation owner. And he has a history of racist policies in his other business ventures. He views the Clippers players as property and feels he's solely responsible for their lifestyle. He FAILS to realize the millions and millions of dollars minorities put in his pockets. This is WAY MORE DIFFERENT than the Riley Cooper N Bomb situation. Sterling is the type of guy who WILL USE HIS POWER AND INFLUENCE TO HOLD MINORITIES DOWN!! Institution style racism is the worst kind of racism and Sterling's attitude is a by product of that. In other words he thinks blacks are ok as long as they entertain him or put money in his pocket! No room for that in American sports at all. Sterling doesn't own the NBA itself. So the NBA has EVERY RIGHT TO KICK HIS ASS OUT!!

05-30-2014, 01:33 AM
Dawg it's a cool gif, but less is more. chill


Adam Silver
05-30-2014, 01:38 AM
Adam Sterling's press conferences, everyone saying "racist is wrong!", etc etc it's all a bunch of politically correct bs.

How dare you confuse me with that old racist troll.

05-30-2014, 01:39 AM
The people effected by this are African American NBA players.
And the NBA for the bad publicity.

If this wasn't the youtube/tmz age and the world did not hear it, and it was more of an internal thing Donald Sterling would not have lost his team. Adam Sterling's press conferences, everyone saying "racist is wrong!", etc etc it's all a bunch of politically correct bs. Political correctness is as bad as lying in my opinion. The NBA, owners, players, etc are NOT on the same page. Mark Cuban at least had the balls to give his opinions and subtly/tactfully not be politically correct about race which i thought was great because that could have started some real honest dialogue but that got shot down because American society is not that intellectual to have those conversations yet.

How much progress did we ACTUALLY by getting rid of Sterling? It just teaches people to keep their mouths shut, but at the END of the day this is not going to teach people a larger message and keep the conversation going.

Your whiny mindstate and ignorance are a huge problem. I am sure you have read this millions of times by now, but guess what? The NBA is not America. Players and coaches get fined money simply for saying the refs were bad. And you know why? Because the NBA can do that. They have a brand and if YOU are invited to make money off that brand then you have to abide by the rules set by their contracts. They can do whatever they want. Sign the contract and they own you.

Additionally, Donald Sterling can say anything he wants. He wasn't arrested. The government did not come after him.

But if you said "FIRE" in an empty theater you WOULD be arrested. So even in America, you can't just say anything that you want. And you KNOW this.

If you want, go start up your own NBA and get players to play in it and let the owners say whatever they want. But you crying about what a company puts in its constitution and what owners sign is laughable.

Real talk: Don't start none, won't be none.

05-30-2014, 01:43 AM
Oh, and saying "only African Americans are affected" is clueless crap and a slap in the face of all Americans who don't want to deal with this bigotry and hate. This affects ALL of us.

Get out of here with your dividing attitude and cry baby nonsense. Its 2014 and we as people are not putting up with it any longer.

05-30-2014, 02:10 AM
That poor billionaire. Let's defend him more. Just in case.

05-30-2014, 02:23 AM
But the thing is Sterling has the attitude of a modern day plantation owner. And he has a history of racist policies in his other business ventures. He views the Clippers players as property and feels he's solely responsible for their lifestyle. He FAILS to realize the millions and millions of dollars minorities put in his pockets. This is WAY MORE DIFFERENT than the Riley Cooper N Bomb situation. Sterling is the type of guy who WILL USE HIS POWER AND INFLUENCE TO HOLD MINORITIES DOWN!! Institution style racism is the worst kind of racism and Sterling's attitude is a by product of that. In other words he thinks blacks are ok as long as they entertain him or put money in his pocket! No room for that in American sports at all. Sterling doesn't own the NBA itself. So the NBA has EVERY RIGHT TO KICK HIS ASS OUT!!
This is such a cringe worthy statement that people keep mindlessly repeating. It's so diminishing and completely disrespecting history to compare THIS to an ACTUAL slave plantation. This is almost on the same level as when Sarah Palin compared tax rates to slavery. It's not appropriate.

05-30-2014, 02:25 AM
The NBA is entitled to remove him, just as much as he is entitled to his opinions.

05-30-2014, 02:26 AM
The NBA is entitled to remove him, just as much as he is entitled to his opinions.
even if his opinion wants made in public?

05-30-2014, 02:28 AM
I really don't like the idea of private conversations being recorded and shared with the world, regardless of how vile the comments may be. I don't think people should have the ability to destroy one another based on something said in a one-on-one conversation in confidence.

Now, the woman is contending that he was forcing her to record all of his conversations because he's having a difficult time remembering things (clearly senile), so -- if true -- that could change things.

But, damn... we're giving sites like TMZ a hell of a lot of power with this new trend.

Don't take this as standing up for Sterling. He's an old bigoted, cheap, vile human being and I don't say that just based on his taped comments. Anyone who has followed basketball for the last few decades has encountered stories about his prickishness, whether he was refusing to fullfill his contracted obligations by paying ex-employees, being sued for discrimination practices in his real estate ventures, heckling his own players while sitting courtside, or demeaning players by publicly admiring their bodies the way you would a racehorse...

This guy's dickishness seems to know no bounds. And, the NBA has been looking for a good reason to kick him out for a long time. Not only is he a seemingly awful human being, he's also proven to be an incompetent owner.

I have no problem with the league, the owners and the players demanding his departure. The NBA owners are like an incredibly elite club. One bad apple could reflect horribly on all of them. This isn't a situation where Sterling's comments only impact his organization. That would be bad enough... but, what about the way these 29 other members of this very elite club? How do they look if they do nothing? How does the league look?

And, what happens when all of his players refuse to take a paycheck from him, demand to be traded or given free agent rights, or just outright refuse to play for him?

Perception is reality, and Sterling made his own bed. With all of the stories that have been swirling around him for all these years, I'm surprised it took this long for him to be ousted. I have no sympathy for him, even if the way he was caught is a pretty scary trend in our society.

05-30-2014, 02:28 AM
even if his opinion wants made in public?

It's public information. No one can unhear what he said.

05-30-2014, 02:40 AM
This is such a cringe worthy statement that people keep mindlessly repeating. It's so diminishing and completely disrespecting history to compare THIS to an ACTUAL slave plantation. This is almost on the same level as when Sarah Palin compared tax rates to slavery. It's not appropriate.

Your entitled to your opinion. But as a young black man, I took what Sterling said to heart and was VERY OFFENDED!! And I stand by what I said! Im not mindlessly repeating ANYTHING when he disrespected MY RACE!! The gloves are off when it comes to Donald Sterling!! He brought it upon himself!! How DARE u tell me what's appropriate when he insulted MY RACE! U got some nerve!!

Secondly, his mentality is INDEED the mentality that MANY SLAVE OWNERS had back in the day. I'm not comparing what he said to slavery itself. But his MENTALITY and many other racists for that matter was INDEED very similar to the mentality that many slave owners had.

So in a nutshell, GET YOUR COMPREHENSION SKILLS TOGETHER!! Sterling's comments weren't anywhere near as bad as slavery was. But HIS COMMENTS and THINKING are how many racist plantation owners thought. How can u debate that!

05-30-2014, 02:45 AM
Your entitled to your opinion. But as a young black man, I took what Sterling said to heart and was VERY OFFENDED!! And I stand by what I said! Im not mindlessly repeating ANYTHING when he disrespected MY RACE!! The gloves are off when it comes to Donald Sterling!! He brought it upon himself!! How DARE u tell me what's appropriate when he insulted MY RACE! U got some nerve!!

Secondly, his mentality is INDEED the mentality that MANY SLAVE OWNERS had back in the day. I'm not comparing what he said to slavery itself. But his MENTALITY and many other racists for that matter was INDEED very similar to the mentality that many slave owners had.

So in a nutshell, GET YOUR COMPREHENSION SKILLS TOGETHER!! Sterling's comments weren't anywhere near as bad as slavery was. But HIS COMMENTS and THINKING are how many racist plantation owners thought. How can u debate that!
There is no black race.

05-30-2014, 02:45 AM
I really don't like the idea of private conversations being recorded and shared with the world, regardless of how vile the comments may be. I don't think people should have the ability to destroy one another based on something said in a one-on-one conversation in confidence.

Now, the woman is contending that he was forcing her to record all of his conversations because he's having a difficult time remembering things (clearly senile), so -- if true -- that could change things.

But, damn... we're giving sites like TMZ a hell of a lot of power with this new trend.

Don't take this as standing up for Sterling. He's an old bigoted, cheap, vile human being and I don't say that just based on his taped comments. Anyone who has followed basketball for the last few decades has encountered stories about his prickishness, whether he was refusing to fullfill his contracted obligations by paying ex-employees, being sued for discrimination practices in his real estate ventures, heckling his own players while sitting courtside, or demeaning players by publicly admiring their bodies the way you would a racehorse...

This guy's dickishness seems to know no bounds. And, the NBA has been looking for a good reason to kick him out for a long time. Not only is he a seemingly awful human being, he's also proven to be an incompetent owner.

I have no problem with the league, the owners and the players demanding his departure. The NBA owners are like an incredibly elite club. One bad apple could reflect horribly on all of them. This isn't a situation where Sterling's comments only impact his organization. That would be bad enough... but, what about the way these 29 other members of this very elite club? How do they look if they do nothing? How does the league look?

Perception is reality, and Sterling made his own bed. With all of the stories that have been swirling around him for all these years, I'm surprised it took this long for him to be ousted. I have no sympathy for him, even if the way he was caught is a pretty scary trend in our society.

I agree with your post for the most part, but it does irk me how selective people are in whom they choose to be outraged by. I mean there's no question Sterling's an absolute fukchead based on the way he treats people INDIVIDUALLY. But his opinions on race in general? Like people from different generations and regions and backgrounds aren't gonna all have their own? The holier than thou nature of the sheep out there is so cringeworthy. "Think the way I think or else I'm gonna use labels and smearing to coerce you to do it, or ruin you if you wont!" It's a campaign of intimidation to create conformity, by a crowd that likes to pretend its made up of "non conformist rebels."

Sarcastic is the perfect example. During the lockout, he was literally saying on this board that anyone who didn't support the players side was an obvious racist. :facepalm He claims the dress code is racist. :facepalm He claims the age limit is racist. :facepalm He said people who didn't vote for Obama were motivated by race. :facepalm And this guy is WHITE. But he's such a try-hard, confused little boy he thinks this is what makes him... cool, I guess. Or smart. Or something. Just hurling race cards around everywhere. He's appointed himself Race Chief of Police for some bizarre reason. And it must stem from some kind of need for validation, some need to play the hero or be recognized. That's the problem with a lot of these difficult and sensitive issues, is that the majority of the people are not trying to hammer out a logical, universally-enforced principle, they're trying to side with whatever position will earn them APPROVAL. That's what Sarcastic wants. He wants APPROVAL from either black people or liberals or whomever the case may be. He's not interested in truth practicality. He's desperate for APPROVAL and that's why he sprints in to every argument and puts his hand up to the black folks and says "Hold up, I got this. Watch how I'm gonna get em. You guys are gonna love this. You're gonna think I'm so progressive and enlightened, oh man, I can't wait, you're gonna just think I'm soooo cool." And then he proceeds to say something retarded because he thinks that's what a bunch of gullible liberal dummies wanna hear and he doesn't wanna disappoint.

True story.

05-30-2014, 02:50 AM
The NBA is entitled to remove him, just as much as he is entitled to his opinions.

Exactly right! Everybody is entitled to be a racist (which I feel is pathetic in itself). But companies, sports teams, etc. have the right to remove them. People gotta think you have minority fans all over the world who put billions of dollars into sports all over the globe. The NBA is 80% black, so how could u EVER have a racist owner in the mix. And let's not forget the terrible statements he made about Magic and those afflicted with AIDS and HIV. Donald Sterling is SCUM and he deserves what happens to him. When some people get upset or get in a confrontation, they may use a racial slur because they are pissed off. I'm not condoning it, but that's WAY LESS SEVERE than what Sterling has a LONG history of doing.

For those who aren't minorities, u might not understand the outrage that many of us have. So instead of asking us why were are so pissed off, try to keep in context OUR HISTORY AND EXPERIENCES before saying we are overreacting. Many of us are the same one who forgave Riley Cooper for his dumb ass remark. Because we are sophisticated enough to understand that he did it because he was pissed off. I don't think he feels blacks are inferior or that he would do something to oppress us as a whole. Sterling is the opposite and is a flat out RACIST!!

05-30-2014, 02:50 AM
There is no black race.
Sterling still won't sleep with you dude.

05-30-2014, 02:52 AM
Sterling still won't sleep with you dude.

Girls still won't sleep with you.

05-30-2014, 02:53 AM
The NBA is entitled to its constitution that Sterling agree to, and the owners can choose to keep or let him go in a more than fair vote. If only a quarter of the owners voted to keep him then he would stay. So yes, both parties are entitled, Sterling to his opinion and the NBA to its constitution.

The NBA is entitled to remove him, just as much as he is entitled to his opinions.

If i knew you had written this then I wouldn't had written what I wrote. I agree.

05-30-2014, 02:54 AM
I agree with your post for the most part, but it does irk me how selective people are in whom they choose to be outraged by. I mean there's no question Sterling's an absolute fukchead based on the way he treats people INDIVIDUALLY. But his opinions on race in general? Like people from different generations and regions and backgrounds aren't gonna all have their own? The holier than thou nature of the sheep out there is so cringeworthy. "Think the way I think or else I'm gonna use labels and smearing to coerce you to do it, or ruin you if you wont!" It's a campaign of intimidation to create conformity, by a crowd that likes to pretend its made up of "non conformist rebels."

Sarcastic is the perfect example. During the lockout, he was literally saying on this board that anyone who didn't support the players side was an obvious racist. :facepalm He claims the dress code is racist. :facepalm He claims the age limit is racist. :facepalm He said people who didn't vote for Obama were motivated by race. :facepalm And this guy is WHITE. But he's such a try-hard, confused little boy he thinks this is what makes him... cool, I guess. Or smart. Or something. Just hurling race cards around everywhere. He's appointed himself Race Chief of Police for some bizarre reason. And it must stem from some kind of need for validation, some need to play the hero or be recognized. That's the problem with a lot of these difficult and sensitive issues, is that the majority of the people are not trying to hammer out a logical, universally-enforced principle, they're trying to side with whatever position will earn them APPROVAL. That's what Sarcastic wants. He wants APPROVAL from either black people or liberals or whomever the case may be. He's not interested in truth practicality. He's desperate for APPROVAL and that's why he sprints in to every argument and puts his hand up to the black folks and says "Hold up, I got this. Watch how I'm gonna get em. You guys are gonna love this. You're gonna think I'm so progressive and enlightened, oh man, I can't wait, you're gonna just think I'm soooo cool." And then he proceeds to say something retarded because he thinks that's what a bunch of gullible liberal dummies wanna hear and he doesn't wanna disappoint.

True story.
Don't get it twisted. These lib-tards couldn't give a fυck less about black people. They don't care about approval from blacks. They care about the approval of other lib-tard whites.

You'll notice that when a black person has any opinion that isn't left-wing, these same white people suddenly feel really comfortable throwing around labels like "Uncle Tom" and "house nιgger".

05-30-2014, 02:55 AM
I agree with your post for the most part, but it does irk me how selective people are in whom they choose to be outraged by. I mean there's no question Sterling's an absolute fukchead based on the way he treats people INDIVIDUALLY. But his opinions on race in general? Like people from different generations and regions and backgrounds aren't gonna all have their own? The holier than thou nature of the sheep out there is so cringeworthy. "Think the way I think or else I'm gonna use labels and smearing to coerce you to do it, or ruin you if you wont!" It's a campaign of intimidation to create conformity, by a crowd that likes to pretend its made up of "non conformist rebels."

Sarcastic is the perfect example. During the lockout, he was literally saying on this board that anyone who didn't support the players side was an obvious racist. :facepalm He claims the dress code is racist. :facepalm He claims the age limit is racist. :facepalm He said people who didn't vote for Obama were motivated by race. :facepalm And this guy is WHITE. But he's such a try-hard, confused little boy he thinks this is what makes him... cool, I guess. Or smart. Or something. Just hurling race cards around everywhere. He's appointed himself Race Chief of Police for some bizarre reason. And it must stem from some kind of need for validation, some need to play the hero or be recognized. That's the problem with a lot of these difficult and sensitive issues, is that the majority of the people are not trying to hammer out a logical, universally-enforced principle, they're trying to side with whatever position will earn them APPROVAL. That's what Sarcastic wants. He wants APPROVAL from either black people or liberals or whomever the case may be. He's not interested in truth practicality. He's desperate for APPROVAL and that's why he sprints in to every argument and puts his hand up to the black folks and says "Hold up, I got this. Watch how I'm gonna get em. You guys are gonna love this. You're gonna think I'm so progressive and enlightened, oh man, I can't wait, you're gonna just think I'm soooo cool." And then he proceeds to say something retarded because he thinks that's what a bunch of gullible liberal dummies wanna hear and he doesn't wanna disappoint.

True story.

But u can't be an NBA owner with the kind of beliefs that Sterling has. That's pretty much cut and dry. He went above and beyond and is frankly BAD FOR BUSINESS. Also keep in mind the long history of Sterling and his policies in other business ventures. Sports is a great way for people of all backgrounds to break the ice and get to know each other. Professional sports has no room for people like Sterling.

05-30-2014, 02:57 AM
But u can't be an NBA owner with the kind of beliefs that Sterling has. That's pretty much cut and dry. He went above and beyond and is frankly BAD FOR BUSINESS. Also keep in mind the long history of Sterling and his policies in other business ventures. Sports is a great way for people of all backgrounds to break the ice and get to know each other. Professional sports has no room for people like Sterling.
Apparently you can. He IS an owner, isn't he?

05-30-2014, 02:58 AM
Apparently you can. He IS an owner, isn't he?

He's not gonna be for much longer!! LOL

05-30-2014, 03:00 AM
Apparently you can. He IS an owner, isn't he?

And u know what the hell I mean!! It's a shame he was an owner for as long as has been and it's for him to get the boot. And I stand by what I said, guys with his beliefs CAN'T be owner! U know what the hell I was saying!

05-30-2014, 03:04 AM
And u know what the hell I mean!! It's a shame he was an owner for as long as has been and it's for him to get the boot. And I stand by what I said, guys with his beliefs CAN'T be owner! U know what the hell I was saying!
Agreed. And all anti-Christians are not allowed to own teams either.

05-30-2014, 03:04 AM
But u can't be an NBA owner with the kind of beliefs that Sterling has. That's pretty much cut and dry. He went above and beyond and is frankly BAD FOR BUSINESS. Also keep in mind the long history of Sterling and his policies in other business ventures. Sports is a great way for people of all backgrounds to break the ice and get to know each other. Professional sports has no room for people like Sterling.

There's a reason sponsors dropped a lot faster than season ticket holders did. It's because they're also worried about the capricious reactions of the blind masses.

If Sterling remained on as owner, the players would still play next year and the arena would still be filled. Why? Because Sterling has nothing to do with the product. People still enjoy basketball, and they can enjoy it regardless of what opinions Donald Sterling has on who his girlfriend takes pictures with.

This is not an example of a legitimate injustice, this is an example of opportunistic liberals trying to push thought-conformity into another aspect of society. It's kind of like what the church used to do with 'heretics.' Don't conform to our beliefs? SUFFER THE WRATH. They love to exert their power like this. It makes them feel self important and... powerful. That's why they do it. It's not about anything else.

And that's a sad precedent, IMO. We should judge people by their actions, and not really GAF about their beliefs. Unfortunately, liberals don't see it that way. If you don't believe as they do, prepare for the smear campaign. They're vicious. And they're always looking for a witch to burn at the public stake, just like in Salem during the puritanical days. You see, social phenomena haven't changed since then, except for the ancillary bells and whistles that adorn it. The masses still thirst to exert their will on those who are different, punish them, ridicule them, demean them, and ruin them. Yes, the liberal masses. That's what they aim to do. Sarcastic and Droid included. That's sociology for ya.

SacJB Shady
05-30-2014, 03:08 AM
Sterling didn't do shit wrong. How come the owner who paid 100 k to ban gay rights was not banned from the NBA? Makes absolutely no sense however you put it. Kobe Bryant used the F Bomb. Why wasn't he banned? Cuban said he's afraid of blacks in hoodies. Sterling said some words at home, he didn't do shit. I don't see how the NBA can take away your livelihood just because they didn't like something that you said. This makes the NBA look bad. The reality is that nobody was going to boycott if Sterling was an owner by next year, and I mean nobody. They had no proof.

05-30-2014, 03:20 AM
Sterling didn't do shit wrong. How come the owner who paid 100 k to ban gay rights was not banned from the NBA? Makes absolutely no sense however you put it. Kobe Bryant used the F Bomb. Why wasn't he banned? Cuban said he's afraid of blacks in hoodies. Sterling said some words at home, he didn't do shit. I don't see how the NBA can take away your livelihood just because they didn't like something that you said. This makes the NBA look bad. The reality is that nobody was going to boycott if Sterling was an owner by next year, and I mean nobody. They had no proof.
This is a key point. There NEVER was any public outcry. The media DOES NOT reflect the public. Just because a bunch of loudmouths on TV and radio were feigning outrage doesn't make it a reality of the general public. People didn't stop going to the games. Nobody boycotted. I never heard of any protests.

The same thing happened with Duck Dynasty. The media loudmouths were going off about how Duck Dynasty has to go and pressuring sponsors to not support the show but the actual public said if you get rid of Duck Dynasty, we actually will boycott.

05-30-2014, 03:23 AM
There's a reason sponsors dropped a lot faster than season ticket holders did. It's because they're also worried about the capricious reactions of the blind masses.

If Sterling remained on as owner, the players would still play next year and the arena would still be filled. Why? Because Sterling has nothing to do with the product. People still enjoy basketball, and they can enjoy it regardless of what opinions Donald Sterling has on who his girlfriend takes pictures with.

This is not an example of a legitimate injustice, this is an example of opportunistic liberals trying to push thought-conformity into another aspect of society. It's kind of like what the church used to do with 'heretics.' Don't conform to our beliefs? SUFFER THE WRATH. They love to exert their power like this. It makes them feel self important and... powerful. That's why they do it. It's not about anything else.

And that's a sad precedent, IMO. We should judge people by their actions, and not really GAF about their beliefs. Unfortunately, liberals don't see it that way. If you don't believe as they do, prepare for the smear campaign. They're vicious. And they're always looking for a witch to burn at the public stake, just like in Salem during the puritanical days. You see, social phenomena haven't changed since then, except for the ancillary bells and whistles that adorn it. The masses still thirst to exert their will on those who are different, punish them, ridicule them, demean them, and ruin them. Yes, the liberal masses. That's what they aim to do. Sarcastic and Droid included. That's sociology for ya.

It is what it is. U make some good points, but the bottom line is those remarks Sterling made were out of line. And there are good liberals out there who mean well. And trust me, THERE ARE MANY CONSERVATIVES who want Sterling out too. Trust me I know! I'm liberal and PROUD OF IT, but I have many conservative friends who want Sterling out as well!

05-30-2014, 03:24 AM
This is a key point. There NEVER was any public outcry. The media DOES NOT reflect the public. Just because a bunch of loudmouths on TV and radio were feigning outrage doesn't make it a reality of the general public. People didn't stop going to the games. Nobody boycotted. I never heard of any protests.

The same thing happened with Duck Dynasty. The media loudmouths were going off about how Duck Dynasty has to go and pressuring sponsors to not support the show but the actual public said if you get rid of Duck Dynasty, we actually will boycott.

I dunno man, it seems like people took the issue pretty seriously.


05-30-2014, 03:25 AM
I agree with your post for the most part, but it does irk me how selective people are in whom they choose to be outraged by. I mean there's no question Sterling's an absolute fukchead based on the way he treats people INDIVIDUALLY. But his opinions on race in general? Like people from different generations and regions and backgrounds aren't gonna all have their own? The holier than thou nature of the sheep out there is so cringeworthy. "Think the way I think or else I'm gonna use labels and smearing to coerce you to do it, or ruin you if you wont!" It's a campaign of intimidation to create conformity, by a crowd that likes to pretend its made up of "non conformist rebels."

Sarcastic is the perfect example. During the lockout, he was literally saying on this board that anyone who didn't support the players side was an obvious racist. :facepalm He claims the dress code is racist. :facepalm He claims the age limit is racist. :facepalm He said people who didn't vote for Obama were motivated by race. :facepalm And this guy is WHITE. But he's such a try-hard, confused little boy he thinks this is what makes him... cool, I guess. Or smart. Or something. Just hurling race cards around everywhere. He's appointed himself Race Chief of Police for some bizarre reason. And it must stem from some kind of need for validation, some need to play the hero or be recognized. That's the problem with a lot of these difficult and sensitive issues, is that the majority of the people are not trying to hammer out a logical, universally-enforced principle, they're trying to side with whatever position will earn them APPROVAL. That's what Sarcastic wants. He wants APPROVAL from either black people or liberals or whomever the case may be. He's not interested in truth practicality. He's desperate for APPROVAL and that's why he sprints in to every argument and puts his hand up to the black folks and says "Hold up, I got this. Watch how I'm gonna get em. You guys are gonna love this. You're gonna think I'm so progressive and enlightened, oh man, I can't wait, you're gonna just think I'm soooo cool." And then he proceeds to say something retarded because he thinks that's what a bunch of gullible liberal dummies wanna hear and he doesn't wanna disappoint.

True story.
I'm pretty sure Sarcastic's support of the players' union was more about his own rooting interests than any kind of race baiting, regardless of what he may have been putting out there (I didn't see any of it).

Not having collective bargaining, a salary cap, etc. would benefit the Knicks greatly. Whether he admits it or not, I'd bet that was his main priority. (I'm sure he can speak for himself)

05-30-2014, 03:28 AM
It is what it is. U make some good points, but the bottom line is those remarks Sterling made were out of line. And there are good liberals out there who mean well. And trust me, THERE ARE MANY CONSERVATIVES who want Sterling out too. Trust me I know! I'm liberal and PROUD OF IT, but I have many conservative friends who want Sterling out as well!

Fans in general have always wanted him out, because hes a terrible owner and a scummy person. But they wanted him out before and never did anything as far as boycotts or even petitions (to my knowledge). They wouldnt have done anything this time if it were for the media pulling the "race alarm" and all the little witch hunters grabbing their torches to march with the mob.

05-30-2014, 03:28 AM
It is what it is. U make some good points, but the bottom line is those remarks Sterling made were out of line. And there are good liberals out there who mean well. And trust me, THERE ARE MANY CONSERVATIVES who want Sterling out too. Trust me I know! I'm liberal and PROUD OF IT, but I have many conservative friends who want Sterling out as well!
Out of line? Says who? By who's standards? You say they were out of line, I say they weren't. How do we decide which one of us gets to decide what's the correct opinion for all of us? Perhaps is just better we let people have their own opinions.

And conservatives are the ones you should be siding with. They're the ones who believe a business should be able to run itself at its own discretion. It's liberals who always want to enforce regulations on who you are and aren't allowed to fire/not-hire and which reasons are and aren't allowed to be used.

05-30-2014, 03:33 AM
Sterling didn't do shit wrong. How come the owner who paid 100 k to ban gay rights was not banned from the NBA? Makes absolutely no sense however you put it. Kobe Bryant used the F Bomb. Why wasn't he banned? Cuban said he's afraid of blacks in hoodies. Sterling said some words at home, he didn't do shit. I don't see how the NBA can take away your livelihood just because they didn't like something that you said. This makes the NBA look bad. The reality is that nobody was going to boycott if Sterling was an owner by next year, and I mean nobody. They had no proof.

Mark Cuban was trying to make an excellent point in my book, but gave an example I didn't really agree with. But I NEVER thought Cuban should be suspended for what he said. Kobe got fined and he said what he said because he was upset. What Sterling said was above and beyond what Kobe and Cuban said EASILY!! There is no comparison at all. Sterling is entitled to his opinion BUT the NBA is entitled to kick his ass out due to their constitution! It's the NBA and they make a constitution that they want their owners to abide by.

In a way, I think many in the NBA thought Sterling looked down or was racist against ONLY poor Blacks and Hispanics. And that's bad enough as it is. But once he showed to be racist against Blacks in general (regardless of economic situation), that's when all hell broke loose. I really think the majority of players would take A MAJOR STAND if the owners failed to vote Sterling out.

05-30-2014, 03:39 AM
Out of line? Says who? By who's standards? You say they were out of line, I say they weren't. How do we decide which one of us gets to decide what's the correct opinion for all of us? Perhaps is just better we let people have their own opinions.

And conservatives are the ones you should be siding with. They're the ones who believe a business should be able to run itself at its own discretion. It's liberals who always want to enforce regulations on who you are and aren't allowed to fire/not-hire and which reasons are and aren't allowed to be used.

For one, it's none of your damn business how I view politics. Mind your damn business! Secondly, I'm speaking for me and Sterling's remarks were OUT OF LINE! Apparently, millions of people around the world feel the same way! Apparently, Adam Silver feels the same way. As a black man, I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE PISSED AT WHAT STERLING SAID!! He's entitled to his opinion and i got the right to say **** his opinion!! I'm sorry but I just can't tolerate racism. People DIED for me to have rights in this country!! Sterling has the mentality of many racists who tried to hold back integration in this country.

05-30-2014, 03:49 AM
For some of yall out there let's say Sterling called your mom a bitch! I mean he's entitled to his opinion after all isn't he? Is he allowed to get away with it? I mean everybody has an opinion!! Would u take that lightly? If u have ANY BALLS, of course you wouldn't put up with that shit. Why? Because he insulted your mom!!

So on a larger level, he insulted a whole race of people flat out. That can't be denied. He's entitled to his opinion for sure. BUT GUESS WHAT! I'm even MORE ENTITLED TO AN OPINION ABOUT THAT OPINION because he's talking about my race! He's insulting me! If he made a statement like the Chris Rock joke where he said "you have black people and then you have the N word" that would have been controversial but it wouldn't be as bad. Because he's basically he saying you have good and bad in every race. Or u have sophisticated and unsophisticated in every race. Sterling's remarks shitted on a whole race of people flat out!

05-30-2014, 03:52 AM
For one, it's none of your damn business how I view politics. Mind your damn business! Secondly, I'm speaking for me and Sterling's remarks were OUT OF LINE! Apparently, millions of people around the world feel the same way! Apparently, Adam Silver feels the same way. As a black man, I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE PISSED AT WHAT STERLING SAID!! He's entitled to his opinion and i got the right to say **** his opinion!! I'm sorry but I just can't tolerate racism. People DIED for me to have rights in this country!! Sterling has the mentality of many racists who tried to hold back integration in this country.
You volunteered this information. I didn't secretly record you or anything.

I'm liberal and PROUD OF IT
Don't bring up the topic of your political beliefs if somebody responding is gonna get your panties in a twist. Nobody forced you to bring it up.

I'm pretty much done treating you with kid gloves. You're not a very bright person from what I can tell. You obviously have a persecution complex, and that honestly must suck to an extent. It's not anybody else's problem though.

05-30-2014, 03:57 AM
For some of yall out there let's say Sterling called your mom a bitch! I mean he's entitled to his opinion after all isn't he? Is he allowed to get away with it? I mean everybody has an opinion!! Would u take that lightly? If u have ANY BALLS, of course you wouldn't put up with that shit. Why? Because he insulted your mom!!

So on a larger level, he insulted a whole race of people flat out. That can't be denied. He's entitled to his opinion for sure. BUT GUESS WHAT! I'm even MORE ENTITLED TO AN OPINION ABOUT THAT OPINION because he's talking about my race! He's insulting me! If he made a statement like the Chris Rock joke where he said "you have black people and then you have the N word" that would have been controversial but it wouldn't be as bad. Because he's basically he saying you have good and bad in every race. Or u have sophisticated and unsophisticated in every race. Sterling's remarks shitted on a whole race of people flat out!
Nobody is telling you that you can't have your opinion. Be as mad as you want. I'm not required to care about your opinion though.

Also, we're not all a bunch of momma worshipping simps like you.

05-30-2014, 05:25 AM
Did he use the N word? Nope. Did he flat out say I hate black people? Nope. I feel a lot of his remarks were taken out of context,

Sterling worded his views poorly which were easily taken out of context,

Idk man, seems like nowadays anyone with a different opinion than the media is automatically wrong :confusedshrug:

It amazes me people try to argue Sterling isnt a racist. Out of context? What is this shit?:biggums:

In August 2006, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Sterling for housing discrimination in using race as a factor in filling some of his apartment buildings. The suit charged that Sterling refused to rent to non-Koreans in the Koreatown neighborhood and to African Americans in Beverly Hills.[5] The suit alleges Sterling once said he did not like to rent to Hispanics because they "smoke, drink and just hang around the building," and that "Black tenants smell and attract vermin."[5] In November 2009, ESPN reported that Sterling agreed to pay a fine of $2.73 million to settle claims brought by the Justice Department and Davin Day of Newport Beach that he engaged in discriminatory rental practices against Hispanics, blacks, and families with children.[6] In addition, Sterling was also ordered to pay attorneys' fees and costs in that action of $4,923,554.75. [Order Granting Motion for Prevailing Party's Attorneys' Fees and Costs, dated November 2, 2005, C.D. Cal. Case No. 2:03-cv-00859-DSF-E Dkt No. 454]. In granting the attorney's fees and costs Judge Dale S. Fischer noted "Sterling's' scorched earth' litigation tactics, some of which are described by the Plaintiffs' counsel and some of which were observed by the Court. The Court has no difficulty accepting Plaintiffs' counsel's representations that the time required to be spent on this case was increased by defendant's counsel's often unacceptable, and sometimes outrageous conduct." [Id. at p. 5]

In February 2009, Sterling was sued by former longtime Clippers executive Elgin Baylor for employment discrimination on the basis of age and race.[7] The lawsuit alleges Sterling told Baylor that he wanted to fill his team with "poor black boys from the South and a white head coach".[5] The suit alleges that during negotiations for Danny Manning, Sterling said "I'm offering a lot of money for a poor black kid."[5][8] The suit noted those comments while alleging "the Caucasian head coach was given a four-year, $22-million contract", but Baylor's salary had "been frozen at a comparatively paltry $350,000 since 2003".[7]

I wanna know why you think you can coach these ******s.
(To potential coach Rollie Massimino, 1983)
That's because of all the blacks in this building, they smell, they're not clean.
(To a property supervisor, 2002, sworn testimony.)
And it's because of all of the Mexicans that just sit around and smoke and drink all day.
I don't like Mexican men because they smoke, drink and just hang around the house.
Is she one of those black people that stink? [...] Just evict the bitch.
I'm offering a lot of money for a poor black kid.
(On negotiations to sign Danny Manning, 1988, allegedly in David Stern's presence.)
I don't have to spend any more money on them, they will take whatever conditions I give them and still pay the rent.
(On Koreans, sworn testimony.)
According to former general manger Elgin Baylor, Sterling envisioned a "Southern Plantation type structure" for the Clippers, one in which, as he allegedly put it to Baylor, "poor black boys from the South" played for a white head coach.
In 2011, he refused to cover a Clippers assistant coach's prostate cancer treatment, forcing NBA players to pay for it. Players complained Sterling brought women into the locker room while they were showering, and told the women to "look at those beautiful black bodies."
Oh, and then there's all the sexual harassment lawsuits and Sterling's demands that women "let me put it in [...] or suck on it."

05-30-2014, 07:22 AM
If they are going to remove him for this than off the top of my head kobe should be banned, Melo should be banned for his 5% bs, brouchard fired, spike lee banned, Nick young banned, Jason kidd banned, rodman and isiah thomas banned and yes rich devos. Policing morals and opinions however ****ed up they are is a slippery slope for a business. Sterling is racist, maybe not malicious but he is racist. The league has always had racists homophobes and criminals in it before and noone cared

05-30-2014, 07:23 AM
There's a reason sponsors dropped a lot faster than season ticket holders did. It's because they're also worried about the capricious reactions of the blind masses.

If Sterling remained on as owner, the players would still play next year and the arena would still be filled. Why? Because Sterling has nothing to do with the product. People still enjoy basketball, and they can enjoy it regardless of what opinions Donald Sterling has on who his girlfriend takes pictures with.

This is not an example of a legitimate injustice, this is an example of opportunistic liberals trying to push thought-conformity into another aspect of society. It's kind of like what the church used to do with 'heretics.' Don't conform to our beliefs? SUFFER THE WRATH. They love to exert their power like this. It makes them feel self important and... powerful. That's why they do it. It's not about anything else.

And that's a sad precedent, IMO. We should judge people by their actions, and not really GAF about their beliefs. Unfortunately, liberals don't see it that way. If you don't believe as they do, prepare for the smear campaign. They're vicious. And they're always looking for a witch to burn at the public stake, just like in Salem during the puritanical days. You see, social phenomena haven't changed since then, except for the ancillary bells and whistles that adorn it. The masses still thirst to exert their will on those who are different, punish them, ridicule them, demean them, and ruin them. Yes, the liberal masses. That's what they aim to do. Sarcastic and Droid included. That's sociology for ya.

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

Let's please stop the BS already! Sterling got screwed over by his goldigger because he tried to screw her over 1st!

Also, please don't be so ignorant to believe NOTHING would happen if the NBA decided not to punish Sterling! GTFOutta here! :rolleyes: The players would boycott just to prove a point!

05-30-2014, 07:29 AM
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

Let's please stop the BS already! Sterling got screwed over by his goldigger because he tried to screw her over 1st!

Also, please don't be so ignorant to believe NOTHING would happen if the NBA decided not to punish Sterling! GTFOutta here! :rolleyes: The players would boycott just to prove a point!
Would have been no different than Paula Deen. People pretended to give a shit for a month or two, but after the story faded away, she's back to business as usual.

05-30-2014, 07:30 AM
But u can't be an NBA owner with the kind of beliefs that Sterling has. Professional sports has no room for people like Sterling.

such naivety

05-30-2014, 07:34 AM
thanks OP. the 10 million f*cking topics we had on this subject and the same exact people arguing the same exact thing were not enough. fvcking headass.

05-30-2014, 07:39 AM
thanks OP. the 10 million f*cking topics we had on this subject and the same exact people arguing the same exact thing were not enough. fvcking headass.
:roll: come back to BTE, i got more white girls for you. You need to chill

05-30-2014, 08:19 AM
Sterling didn't do shit wrong. How come the owner who paid 100 k to ban gay rights was not banned from the NBA? Makes absolutely no sense however you put it. Kobe Bryant used the F Bomb. Why wasn't he banned? Cuban said he's afraid of blacks in hoodies. Sterling said some words at home, he didn't do shit. I don't see how the NBA can take away your livelihood just because they didn't like something that you said. This makes the NBA look bad. The reality is that nobody was going to boycott if Sterling was an owner by next year, and I mean nobody. They had no proof.

Wasn't planning on responding but some things need to be addressed.

You say sterling didn't do anything wrong but you forget one key thing he said in the conversation. He told the girl to "not bring minorities to his game". That one line is not a private matter because an owner CANNOT discriminate who comes to the games based on race. That one line interferes with not only the clippers revenue but the entire league.

Also every business has in its paperwork things related to race discrimination, intimidation etc not being tolerated. Would be a bigger problem if he remains an owner and then every black player demands to be released from their contract because specific terms was violated. If the nba denies such a request then the players would have grounds to sue.

05-30-2014, 08:31 AM
Would have been no different than Paula Deen. People pretended to give a shit for a month or two, but after the story faded away, she's back to business as usual.

C'mon dude...Paula Deen lost her endorsement deals and her show! There was no "business as usual".

I'm not even worried about who legitimately cares or not; it's about an asshole getting screwed over (and he deserved it). Too many "unrealistic" excuses for Sterling... I actually wish the NFL would take a stance against the Colts owner and his drug use, but it's not race-related so ehhhh....

05-30-2014, 08:41 AM
Whatever happened to just putting the damn ball in the hoop, getting paid, and shutting the fvck up?!

05-30-2014, 09:15 AM
The people effected by this are African American NBA players.
And the NBA for the bad publicity.

Who, are not people. And where the NBA isn't a private company.

This is like when Monica Lewinsky said it was consensual.

Once you said his opinions HAS effected others as well as the entity in which he has signed onto.

The rest of your post is useless, in the most practical sense.

05-30-2014, 09:51 AM
C'mon dude...Paula Deen lost her endorsement deals and her show! There was no "business as usual".

I'm not even worried about who legitimately cares or not; it's about an asshole getting screwed over (and he deserved it). Too many "unrealistic" excuses for Sterling... I actually wish the NFL would take a stance against the Colts owner and his drug use, but it's not race-related so ehhhh....
It's not. If you want to get Sterling by any means necessary, that's fine. I don't care about punishing him.

Personally, I think you should be able to eliminate anybody from your business at any time for any reason. I don't even care if there isn't a reason.

If I was in control of the NBA, would I get rid of him? No, probably not. If they want to, that's their prerogative. The ability to do so is another discussion, but if it was me personally, I wouldn't do anything on the grounds of the shady nature of how the tapes came out and now that it's appearing that the scumbag who leaked them was manipulating a mentally unwell person.

05-30-2014, 10:16 AM
Will the moronic racist please shut the hell up. You don't like like what the NBA did? Fine go watch hockey or golf or NASCAR or baseball. Don't watch the NFL though, they probably would have done the same thing.

05-30-2014, 12:45 PM
Sterling is intitled to his opinion yes, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished for it. I bet if he was talking about gay people instead of blacks, you assholes would be calling him Hitler.

I feel like I'm entitled to keep all my god damn earning but that doesn't mean I shouldn't get punished for not paying taxes!

05-30-2014, 12:54 PM
Sterling is intitled to his opinion yes, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished for it. I bet if he was talking about gay people instead of blacks, you assholes would be calling him Hitler.

I feel like I'm entitled to keep all my god damn earning but that doesn't mean I shouldn't get punished for not paying taxes!

Idiots that have never had to fight for freedom are always so eager to throw it away. People never appreciate what has been GIVEN to them.

05-30-2014, 01:01 PM

Idiots that have never had to fight for freedom are always so eager to throw it away. People never appreciate what has been GIVEN to them.

Wtf are you talking about? Rules are rules. If I decide to stab someone in the neck with a knife then I should be punished. Owning a team and having certain standards to uphold have NOTHING to do with freedom. Lets not talk out of our asses.

Sterling can talk about blacks all day, but he is a man in a position of power. He made the mistake of being caught in the act.

05-30-2014, 01:01 PM

Idiots that have never had to fight for freedom are always so eager to throw it away. People never appreciate what has been GIVEN to them.

What freedom are you speaking of? There has always been consequences for private acts that become public, and always will be. The only thing that has changed is the ease at which those actions reach the public.

05-30-2014, 01:06 PM
Wtf are you talking about? Rules are rules. If I decide to stab someone in the neck with a knife then I should be punished. Owning a team and having certain standards to uphold have NOTHING to do with freedom. Lets not talk out of our asses.

Sterling can talk about blacks all day, but he is a man in a position of power. He made the mistake of being caught in the act.
Yes, but if you think about it or talk about it (as you just did) you shouldn't be punished.

05-30-2014, 01:06 PM
What freedom are you speaking of? There has always been consequences for private acts that become public, and always will be. The only thing that has changed is the ease at which those actions reach the public.
Does the public really care about the Sterling "controversy"?

05-30-2014, 01:12 PM
Does the public really care about the Sterling "controversy"?

The comment happened what, 5 weeks ago and it's still leading Sportscenter and being covered on ESPN Radio all day as well being covered on national news programs that have nothing to do with sports -- sounds like the public cares to me.

05-30-2014, 01:41 PM
We all know Sterling has been railroaded.

Nothing new here.

05-30-2014, 02:43 PM
The comment happened what, 5 weeks ago and it's still leading Sportscenter and being covered on ESPN Radio all day as well being covered on national news programs that have nothing to do with sports -- sounds like the public cares to me.
The media =/= the public

SacJB Shady
05-30-2014, 02:48 PM
Absolutely disgusting. America is ****ed up. More hated than OJ Simpson or Bernie Madoff? For having a public conversation, when he was baited, and still didn't say that much, and was only jealous of the men the love of his life was with? America doesn't have their priorities right.

This only bodes bad for all of you. You think that you never said anything in private that was morally wrong? You're crazy if you don't think people don't record stuff all the time. You can get in a vast amount of trouble too for not doing shit. This is the evil world that we live in.

Sterling didn't do shit, the NBA should get sued for ruining his reputation. I have lost respect for the NBA. A bunch of hypocrites. Magic owner pays 100 Grand to support a ban on gay marriage and he doesn't get banned when Sterling was having a private conversation and said some questionable things at 80 years old? NO GOOD. :no:

05-30-2014, 02:53 PM
For the hundredth time business is business. You're not entitled to every opinion you want to have in business, actually.

That's the bottom line. If you're pissing off your work force and driving off sponsors, goodbye.

Besides, who the f*ck even cares at this point, they got a massive $2 billion return on a $12 million dollar investment. It's too bad Sterling is apparently medically senile now, or he might be able to enjoy it.

05-30-2014, 02:56 PM
For the hundredth time business is business. You're not entitled to every opinion you want to have in business, actually.

That's the bottom line. If you're pissing off your work force and driving off sponsors, goodbye.

Besides, who the f*ck even cares at this point, they got a massive $2 billion return on a $12 million dollar investment. It's too bad Sterling is apparently medically senile now, or he might be able to enjoy it.
For the hundredth time.... Nobody actually cares about Donald Sterling.

05-30-2014, 02:57 PM
For the hundredth time.... Nobody actually cares about Donald Sterling.

Then what's the problem? Sterling (well Shelly got hers anyway) got paid, the Clippers now have a far better owner.

Everyone wins, except maybe Donald who's too senile to enjoy any of the money he has.

Too many 50k-60k/year earners here who don't understand how business actually works (especially franchised businesses).

05-30-2014, 03:00 PM
For the hundredth time business is business. You're not entitled to every opinion you want to have in business, actually.

That's the bottom line. If you're pissing off your work force and driving off sponsors, goodbye.

Besides, who the f*ck even cares at this point, they got a massive $2 billion return on a $12 million dollar investment. It's too bad Sterling is apparently medically senile now, or he might be able to enjoy it.

If only it was that simple.

05-30-2014, 03:02 PM
If only it was that simple.

It is that simple. If I am the head of a franchise and you own one of my restaurants but are sending tons of bad PR to the overall franchise with recorded statements that end up on the news and are alienating workers, customers, and sponsors ... I can boot your ass out in a second.

That is how the real business world works.

05-30-2014, 03:03 PM
Then what's the problem? Sterling (well Shelly got hers anyway) got paid, the Clippers now have a far better owner.

Everyone wins, except maybe Donald who's too senile to enjoy any of the money he has.

Too many 50k-60k/year earners here who don't understand how business actually works (especially franchised businesses).
Here's is how business works. Listen to the customers. The anti-Sterling customers aren't the only ones who get to voice their opinion. The majority is probably best for business. Only way to find out who the majority is.... Is for all sides to be vocal.

05-30-2014, 03:05 PM
Here's is how business works. Listen to the customers. The anti-Sterling customers aren't the only ones who get to voice their opinion. The majority is probably best for business. Only way to find out who the majority is.... Is for all sides to be vocal.

No one gives a sh*t about the opinions of Sterling sympathizers.

I have a multi-billion dollar corporation like Samsung pulling their sponsorship, I have players not willing to play/sign ... that matters, not what the "closet racist demo that loves watching a sport that's 75% black" (lol) crowd thinks.

05-30-2014, 03:05 PM
Absolutely disgusting. America is ****ed up. More hated than OJ Simpson or Bernie Madoff? For having a public conversation, when he was baited, and still didn't say that much, and was only jealous of the men the love of his life was with? America doesn't have their priorities right.

And what should OJ be hated for?

05-30-2014, 03:07 PM
No one gives a sh*t about the opinions of Sterling sympathizers.

I have a multi-billion dollar corporation like Samsung pulling their sponsorship, I have players not willing to play/sign ... that matters, not what some fringe minority thinks.
And how do you know they're a fringe minority?

05-30-2014, 03:07 PM

basically 64% think the punishment was right or that the NBA didn't go far enough

05-30-2014, 03:08 PM
And what should OJ be hated for?
Stealing his own shirts.

05-30-2014, 03:08 PM
And how do you know they're a fringe minority?

I'm sure closet/borderline racists would be choosing the fuggin NBA to be their main go-to sport.

That is a niche (probably utterly confused) audience if there ever was one.

05-30-2014, 03:09 PM
I'm sure closet/borderline racists would be choosing the fuggin NBA to be their main go-to sport.

That is a niche (probably utterly confused) audience if there ever was one.
What makes them "racists"?

05-30-2014, 03:15 PM
What makes them "racists"?

I dunno, I don't see why such a crowd would even like or be interested in basketball in the first place. Of all sports :oldlol:

Racist/closet bigoted people are generally irrational/silly in their belief systems to begin with, it never really holds up logically.

05-30-2014, 03:20 PM
The media =/= the public

True to an extent; but the media gets money based on the interest of the public; and nobody likes to lose money. If the story hadn't captured the interest of the public there is no way the media would still be covering it.

05-30-2014, 03:24 PM
It is that simple. If I am the head of a franchise and you own one of my restaurants but are sending tons of bad PR to the overall franchise with recorded statements that end up on the news and are alienating workers, customers, and sponsors ... I can boot your ass out in a second.

That is how the real business world works.

Not if "your" franchise was created and put together by 30 individual owners who appointed you to oversee it and the rules signed by the 30 owners.

This is not Adam Silvers league, he just oversees it and the rules being followed. Which is why Sterling hasn't been booted out yet and why he might take Silvers decision to court, because he actually owns part of the league and is not just renting the brand name and products.

05-30-2014, 03:26 PM
True to an extent; but the media gets money based on the interest of the public; and nobody likes to lose money. If the story hadn't captured the interest of the public there is no way the media would still be covering it.
Just because people are interested in the story doesn't mean they are anti-Sterling.

05-30-2014, 03:26 PM
how much and what can sterling win in a lawsuit ? .. he's not getting back what he really wants anyways which is the team

05-30-2014, 03:27 PM
Not if "your" franchise was created and put together by 30 individual owners who appointed you to oversee it and the rules signed by the 30 owners.

This is not Adam Silvers league, he just oversees it and the rules being followed. Which is why Sterling hasn't been booted out yet and why he might take Silvers decision to court, because he actually owns part of the league and is not just renting the brand name and products.

The NBA constitution seems pretty clear on what owners can and can't do to me.

He could take it to court, sure, but he'd be wasting his time and beyond that I think most of the other NBA owners do want him out. He's not good for their business either.

In a week this whole story will be pretty much gone, and every NBA owner will be happy to see it sail away. Sterling is probably too senile to even know what the hell is going on :lol

I think he should have a weekly show with Anderson Cooper where he just makes inane comments all the time.

05-30-2014, 03:28 PM
True to an extent; but the media gets money based on the interest of the public; and nobody likes to lose money. If the story hadn't captured the interest of the public there is no way the media would still be covering it.

Just remember that most media corporations own multiple platforms as well as information outlets.

Don't be surprised if people/media take the neutral stance on issues that they don't want to be involved in or be known for.

But then sooner or later, their neutral point of view on certain aspects ends up being pursuaded by other interests in a package deal presented by lobbying/special interest groups.

05-30-2014, 03:28 PM
I dunno, I don't see why such a crowd would even like or be interested in basketball in the first place. Of all sports :oldlol:

Racist/closet bigoted people are generally irrational/silly in their belief systems to begin with, it never really holds up logically.

I'm pretty sure you're a racist and a bigot

SacJB Shady
05-30-2014, 03:29 PM
What if Sterling wins the vote?

05-30-2014, 03:31 PM
I'm pretty sure you're a racist and a bigot
He probably makes sandwiches stupidly too.

05-30-2014, 03:32 PM
What if Sterling wins the vote?
I would severely doubt it. They have a new owner ready to go.


05-30-2014, 03:32 PM
I'm pretty sure you're a racist and a bigot

Nope. It's not even all the difficult to be honest. I just treat everyone around me how I'd like to be treated and generally speaking that tends to work out pretty well (go figure).

I wouldn't want to live in a world where everyone is the same ethnicity ... it would be boring to begin with.

05-30-2014, 03:33 PM
What if Sterling wins the vote?

:oldlol: would love to see this .. the players and sponsors would be mind****ed because neither are pulling out of anything

05-30-2014, 03:34 PM
Nope. It's not even all the difficult to be honest. I just treat everyone around me how I'd like to be treated and generally speaking that tends to work out pretty well (go figure).

I wouldn't want to live in a world where everyone is the same ethnicity ... it would be boring to begin with.
I would agree. I don't see how I would be "bored" by it though.

05-30-2014, 03:34 PM
:oldlol: would love to see this .. the players and sponsors would be mind****ed because neither are pulling out of anything

The Clippers wouldn't have a roster next year in that case. The NBA would probably have to allow all the Clipper players to become free agents and no one would sign there.

They could probably sign D-league players, but I think even in that case, opposing teams with NBA players on them would boycott any games against the Clippers.

You paying $80 to go watch the Clippers ... play against no one and just run a D-league practise? Didn't think so.

05-30-2014, 03:38 PM
Not if "your" franchise was created and put together by 30 individual owners who appointed you to oversee it and the rules signed by the 30 owners.

This is not Adam Silvers league, he just oversees it and the rules being followed. Which is why Sterling hasn't been booted out yet and why he might take Silvers decision to court, because he actually owns part of the league and is not just renting the brand name and products.

I would be surprised if Adam Silver had made this decision without any discussion with others, including that of the Board in which appointed him.

05-30-2014, 03:38 PM
I would be surprised if Adam Silver had made this decision without any discussion with others, including that of the Board in which appointed him.

He's a lawyer. Of course he discussed it with about the 100 other lawyers the NBA has.

05-30-2014, 03:42 PM
Nope. It's not even all the difficult to be honest. I just treat everyone around me how I'd like to be treated and generally speaking that tends to work out pretty well (go figure).

I wouldn't want to live in a world where everyone is the same ethnicity ... it would be boring to begin with.

it's true, somehow, rednecks don't like to go out of the neck of their woods.

I've been told it's because when they go out, they find idiots disguised as people walking around.

05-30-2014, 03:46 PM
The NBA constitution seems pretty clear on what owners can and can't do to me.

He could take it to court, sure, but he'd be wasting his time and beyond that I think most of the other NBA owners do want him out. He's not good for their business either.

In a week this whole story will be pretty much gone, and every NBA owner will be happy to see it sail away. Sterling is probably too senile to even know what the hell is going on :lol

I think he should have a weekly show with Anderson Cooper where he just makes inane comments all the time.

Per the NBA constitution they will have to prove intent and that will be hard when the recording is illegal per California law and inadmissable per California rights.

If you've read the NBA constitution you owe it to yourself and go read Sterlings defense, I bet you can't refute it point by point without saying "well the bottom line is"...and Silver will have to in front of a real judge.

05-30-2014, 03:47 PM
Just because people are interested in the story doesn't mean they are anti-Sterling.

We're going in circles; I never said everyone is anti-Sterling, and personally I think that's a good thing -- who wants to be a part of a world where the only opinions being advocated are the popular ones?

05-30-2014, 03:48 PM
Per the NBA constitution they will have to prove intent and that will be hard when the recording is illegal per California law and inadmissable per California rights.

Not trying to have a discussion about choice of law but your assuming that California law will be applied; but that is not a certainty. I do not believe that the NBA is incorporated in California; so the first fight will be what states law will be applied. Additionally even if the recording isn't admissible on its face; the door can very easily be opened by referencing his very public statements in the wake of the scandal.

If you've read the NBA constitution you owe it to yourself and go read Sterlings defense, I bet you can't refute it point by point without saying "well the bottom line is"...and Silver will have to in front of a real judge.

You realize that the other side hasn't presented right? Any lawyer worth his salt should be able to make a layperson feel that way when he's being unopposed. The question is how will he stand up to scrutiny when

05-30-2014, 03:49 PM
The Clippers wouldn't have a roster next year in that case. The NBA would probably have to allow all the Clipper players to become free agents and no one would sign there.

They could probably sign D-league players, but I think even in that case, opposing teams with NBA players on them would boycott any games against the Clippers.

You paying $80 to go watch the Clippers ... play against no one and just run a D-league practise? Didn't think so.

so you want the players to be allowed to break their contracts and screw the team just like that even after a legit vote ? lol ..

what happened to following the nba 'constitution' ? guess it only applies in certain situations ?

05-30-2014, 03:49 PM
Kinda lost in all this is $2 billion dollars ... if Shelly Sterling is crying, she's crying all the way to the bank :oldlol:

The Clippers are not worth that kind of coin, Ballmer simply has so much money that this is a novelty purchase for him not an investment.

This is a franchise that 4-5 years ago was garbage. They don't even own their own arena. Sterling's made out like bandits here.

Forbes pegged the Clippers at around $500 million in value just a few months ago (before all this fuss).

05-30-2014, 03:49 PM
hate to break it to you dummies but none of you sound intelligent despite postkng all this garbage.

05-30-2014, 03:49 PM
I would be surprised if Adam Silver had made this decision without any discussion with others, including that of the Board in which appointed him.

Me as well, he had to for the media pressure and this way whatever happens down the line he can always tell the fans that at least he tried.

05-30-2014, 03:51 PM
so you want the players to be allowed to break their contracts and screw the team just like that even after a legit vote ? lol ..

what happened to following the nba 'constitution' ? guess it only applies in certain situations ?

I'm just saying that's the reality of the situation. The players would boycott. At the end of the day they are the league, no one would pay 10 cents to watch Donald Sterling play basketball against Mark Cuban against whoever the owner of the Bucks is.

05-30-2014, 03:52 PM
Most people say racist shit in their life at some point. Joke, stereotyping, whatever, it really isn't something you get prosecuted over.

If you're like: Black people can't play for my team, or black people can't work for me, and the statistics and internatal structure back that up, and there's clear racist culture within the organiztion, that's different.

05-30-2014, 03:52 PM
You realize that the other side hasn't presented right? Any lawyer worth his salt should be able to make a layperson feel that way when he's being unopposed.

What do you mean haven't presented? Sterlings defense was in response to the accusations and proceedings of the NBA. Did you even read it? :confusedshrug:

05-30-2014, 04:11 PM
Kinda lost in all this is $2 billion dollars ... if Shelly Sterling is crying, she's crying all the way to the bank :oldlol:

The Clippers are not worth that kind of coin, Ballmer simply has so much money that this is a novelty purchase for him not an investment.

This is a franchise that 4-5 years ago was garbage. They don't even own their own arena. Sterling's made out like bandits here.

Forbes pegged the Clippers at around $500 million in value just a few months ago (before all this fuss).
And Forbes was wrong.

Appraisal value = hypothetical
Market value = real

05-30-2014, 04:13 PM
I'm just saying that's the reality of the situation. The players would boycott. At the end of the day they are the league, no one would pay 10 cents to watch Donald Sterling play basketball against Mark Cuban against whoever the owner of the Bucks is.
Predicting the future =/= reality.

You are merely giving your opinion of what you THINK would happen.

05-30-2014, 04:16 PM
Predicting the future =/= reality.

You are merely giving your opinion of what you THINK would happen.

Several high profile players already stated that they would boycott. And once one high profile guy does it, others would follow suit. Everyone and their grandma knows that is exactly what would happen.

Anyone who thinks the players would just forget this and let this blow over is an idiot.

05-30-2014, 04:20 PM
Several high profile players already stated that they would boycott. And once one high profile guy does it, others would follow suit. Everyone and their grandma knows that is exactly what would happen.

Anyone who thinks the players would just forget this and let this blow over is an idiot.
Anyone who thinks a player would risk a lawsuit for breach of contract over a senile old man's leaked conversation is a terrorist.

05-30-2014, 04:20 PM
Most people say racist shit in their life at some point. Joke, stereotyping, whatever, it really isn't something you get prosecuted over.

If you're like: Black people can't play for my team, or black people can't work for me, and the statistics and internatal structure back that up, and there's clear racist culture within the organiztion, that's different.

The difference is, most people aren't owners of NBA teams or in positions of huge power (and responsibilities). If you say some racist stuff, it's very unlikely your firm will get a ton of negativity, but if the CEO or one of the board members was recorded saying it, then you can bet he'll be forced to resign from the board. He can have his opinions, but his status in society matters to whether those opinions will affect him.

05-30-2014, 04:22 PM
May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
We're gonna have a problem here..

well, I guess we are either going to see the whole league, including Donald Sterling, banning himself

or the whole league standing up for their rights and prevent such precedent from happening again and re-write the by-laws while explaining to the players as to why protecting the legal rights of any human being, disregarding their position/title/wealth/age/race is more important than their own ignorants.

05-30-2014, 04:24 PM
Anyone who thinks a player would risk a lawsuit for breach of contract over a senile old man's leaked conversation is a terrorist.

LOL, the NBA is not gonna do sh*t. The NBAPA would raise a giant stink about it too.

They would lose a season for nothing if they even dared to try that. The players aren't exactly living paycheque to paycheque like you are either. You are beyond naive if you think you can force these guys to do something they are dead set against doing.

No pro sports league is going to sacrifice their integrity for a replaceable piece of sh*t like Sterling. There are plenty of multi-billionaires who need a shiny new toy and would buy a team in LA to schmooze with movie stars all day.

05-30-2014, 04:25 PM
What if Sterling made comments about Latino players?

Or even if a black owner (MJ) had made comments about white people?


05-30-2014, 04:26 PM
The NBA is entitled to remove him, just as much as he is entitled to his opinions.

That's a contradiction.

05-30-2014, 04:28 PM
LOL, the NBA is not gonna do sh*t. The NBAPA would raise a giant stink about it too.

They would lose a season for nothing if they even dared to try that. The players aren't exactly living paycheque to paycheque like you are either.

No pro sports league is going to sacrifice their integrity for a replaceable piece of sh*t like Sterling. There are plenty of multi-billionaires who need a shiny new toy and would buy a team in LA to schmooze with movie stars all day.

You'd be suprised.


05-30-2014, 04:34 PM
You'd be suprised.


The NBA is not dumb enough to push it that far, anyone who knows anything about business knows damn well how this was going to play out from the get go.

The head of ESPN/ABC/Disney would tear Silver a new asshole for even trying to do that. I'm paying you billions of dollars to have f*cking games on my network, not this side show and threats of boycotts and dropped sponsors.

End of discussion. Business is like politics, no ... you are not entitled to say whatever you want and you sure a hell are not entitled to zero blowback from it.

05-30-2014, 04:34 PM
LOL, the NBA is not gonna do sh*t. The NBAPA would raise a giant stink about it too.

They would lose a season for nothing if they even dared to try that. The players aren't exactly living paycheque to paycheque like you are either.

No pro sports league is going to sacrifice their integrity for a replaceable piece of sh*t like Sterling.
I've never worked for another person a single day in my life. If someone who worked for me decided to not show up to work and fulfil their contractual obligations, I'd sue the living shit out of them. I'd imagine Sterling would do the same. If you don't show up to work, not only do you not get paid, but now you also have to pay me for the damages created by your failure to live up to your contract. Nobody is going to pay out of their own pocket to Sterling just to not play for him.

05-30-2014, 04:36 PM
The NBA is not dumb enough to push it that far, anyone who knows anything about business knows damn well how this was going to play out from the get go.

The head of ESPN/ABC/Disney would tear Silver a new asshole for even trying to do that. I'm paying you billions of dollars to have f*cking games on my network, not this side show and threats of boycotts and dropped sponsors.

End of discussion. Business is like politics, no ... you are not entitled to say whatever you want and you sure a hell are not entitled to zero blowback from it.
If the other owners don't vote Sterling out, there's nothing for Silver to do.

05-30-2014, 04:38 PM
I've never worked for another person a single day in my life. If someone who worked for me decided to not show up to work and fulfil their contractual obligations, I'd sue the living shit out of them. I'd imagine Sterling would do the same. If you don't show up to work, not only do you not get paid, but now you also have to pay me for the damages created by your failure to live up to your contract. Nobody is going to pay out of their own pocket to Sterling just to not play for him.

That's fine and dandy, but you obviously don't have the slightest notion of how pro athletes think.

Doc Rivers would leave. Chris Paul would raise a stink. LeBron James would boycott. And if he boycotts, then Dwayne Wade boycotts. And then you would have the entire African American community galvanize and unite around this issue.

And when you have that, your NBA isn't worth sh*t anymore because no one goes to any of these games or buys any of these jerseys or licensed video games or billion-dollar TV contracts for Donald Sterling.

05-30-2014, 04:39 PM
If the other owners don't vote Sterling out, there's nothing for Silver to do.

Guaranteed you give more of sh*t about Sterling than 90% of the owners do :lol

That's a hill no one is willing to die on. For what? If I'm the owner of the 76ers I want no part of being associated with Sterling. Where's the benefit to me?

05-30-2014, 04:40 PM
That's fine and dandy, but you obviously don't have the slightest notion of how pro athletes think.

Doc Rivers would leave. Chris Paul would raise a stink. LeBron James would boycott. And if he boycotts, then Dwayne Wade boycotts. And then you would have the entire African American community galvanize and unite around this issue.

And when you have that, your NBA isn't worth sh*t anymore because no one goes to any of these games or buys any of these jerseys or licensed video games or billion-dollar TV contracts for Donald Sterling.
If the ENTIRE player's union strikes, that's an entirely different story. If it's just a matter of Clippers players refusing to play, that would not turn out well for them. You can't just break contracts because you feel like it.

05-30-2014, 04:42 PM
If the ENTIRE player's union strikes, that's an entirely different story. If it's just a matter of Clippers players refusing to play, that would not turn out well for them. You can't just break contracts because you feel like it.

It wouldn't just be the Clipper players, I'm fairly certain other players in solidarity would refuse to participate in games against the Clippers so long as the Clipper players are in that predicament.

There would be no Clipper games period. It was already getting there and that was the playoffs, I think if Silver did not do what he did, you would have seen a full boycott of a playoff game and then sh*t would've hit the fan.

If I'm Mickey Arison too, I'm not sh*tting on LeBron James for refusing to player against the Clippers either. I'm not that stupid.

05-30-2014, 04:43 PM
Guaranteed you give more of sh*t about Sterling than 90% of the owners do :lol

That's a hill no one is willing to die on. For what? If I'm the owner of the 76ers I want no part of being associated with Sterling. Where's the benefit to me?
I'm sure they probably won't vote to keep him. It's a hypothetical. In that hypothetical situation, ESPN yelling at Silver accomplishes nothing. His hands are tied. There isn't anything he can do.

And for the millionth time, I don't care about Sterling. I'm not on "his" side. More than anything I hope the Clippers move to Seattle and change their name. We're not talking about my personal wishes though.

05-30-2014, 04:45 PM

Holy shit


05-30-2014, 04:46 PM
I'm sure they probably won't vote to keep him. It's a hypothetical. In that hypothetical situation, ESPN yelling at Silver accomplishes nothing. His hands are tied. There isn't anything he can do.

And for the millionth time, I don't care about Sterling. I'm not on "his" side. More than anything I hope the Clippers move to Seattle and change their name. We're not talking about my personal wishes though.

You're naive about the players having no power in this situation, and I think you're naive in underestimating the players feeling insulted in this situation too (whether you agree with it or not).

Without the players, the NBA isn't worth a roll of toilet paper.

Of course they won't vote to keep him, you really think it's even a question? lol. You guys are really naive when it comes to corporate politics.

05-30-2014, 04:46 PM
It wouldn't just be the Clipper players, I'm fairly certain other players in solidarity would refuse to participate in games against the Clippers so long as the Clipper players are in that predicament.

There would be no Clipper games period. It was already getting there and that was the playoffs, I think if Silver did not do what he did, you would have seen a full boycott of a playoff game and then sh*t would've hit the fan.

If I'm Mickey Arison too, I'm not sh*tting on LeBron James for refusing to player against the Clippers either. I'm not that stupid.
Well, I'm not an expert regarding the laws for unions, but I don't think it's legal for such a selective strike. Either it's a strike or it isn't. When postal workers strike, they don't just refuse to go to 1 particular street but otherwise carry on as usual.

05-30-2014, 04:48 PM
It wouldn't just be the Clipper players, I'm fairly certain other players in solidarity would refuse to participate in games against the Clippers so long as the Clipper players are in that predicament.

There would be no Clipper games period.

If I'm Mickey Arison too, I'm not sh*tting on LeBron James for refusing to player against the Clippers either. I'm not that stupid.

I don't think it would ever come to that. I can see the league making moves to work with the NBPA and avoid any form of strike

IF Sterling is still owner as the preseason approaches and the NBPA is threatening a strike I could see the league owners voting to release Clipper players and coaches/staff from their contracts and being allowed to pursue other agreements within the league

05-30-2014, 04:49 PM
Well, I'm not an expert regarding the laws for unions, but I don't think it's legal for such a selective strike. Either it's a strike or it isn't. When postal workers strike, they don't just refuse to go to 1 particular street but otherwise carry on as usual.

And who's going to tell LeBron James he has to suit up? You? Lets see how well that goes. :lol

No one in the Heat organization is going to void his contract either, if anything they will support his position and stand in solidarity with him. Even if we remove any moral standing on the ownership, it's simply great PR for the franchise.

05-30-2014, 04:51 PM
I don't think it would ever come to that. I can see the league making moves to work with the NBPA and avoid any form of strike

IF Sterling is still owner as the preseason approaches and the NBPA is threatening a strike I could see the league owners voting to release Clipper players and coaches/staff from their contracts and being allowed to pursue other agreements within the league

It would never come to that because the NBA is smart enough to not allow it to come to that, and you're right the NBA would allow Clipper players to become free agents, and no one would sign for the Clippers, in which case they are effectively a null and void franchise that I could buy for $10.

And in this scenario, Sterling would be *begging* the NBA to let him sell.

05-30-2014, 04:51 PM
You're naive about the players having no power in this situation, and I think you're naive in underestimating the players feeling insulted in this situation too (whether you agree with it or not).

Without the players, the NBA isn't worth a roll of toilet paper.
That's true, but Adam Silver isn't an Emperor. He's not even a prime minister. If the owners make a decision, there's nothing he can do.

Of course they won't vote to keep him, you really think it's even a question? lol. You guys are really naive when it comes to corporate politics.
And what exactly is your corporate experience? What businesses do you own?

05-30-2014, 04:53 PM
I've never worked for another person a single day in my life. If someone who worked for me decided to not show up to work and fulfil their contractual obligations, I'd sue the living shit out of them. I'd imagine Sterling would do the same. If you don't show up to work, not only do you not get paid, but now you also have to pay me for the damages created by your failure to live up to your contract. Nobody is going to pay out of their own pocket to Sterling just to not play for him.

Why on earth would a player expect to be paid if they do boycott? That's kind of the point of a boycott, you are protesting and are willing to go without the paycheck. Also, do employers sue employees who try to quit their jobs? I know about the 2 week notice etc, but I was under the impression employers very rarely do so unless the employee was specifically using company secrets or bringing them to a rival.

05-30-2014, 04:54 PM
That's true, but Adam Silver isn't an Emperor. He's not even a prime minister. If the owners make a decision, there's nothing he can do.

And what exactly is your corporate experience? What businesses do you own?

The idea that public comments and public image is just some little thing that should have no bearing on anything and a person in an extremely public position can say whatever they want is incredibly naive.

It's the logic of a 12-year-old who would get laughed out of a Wallstreet board room. Publicity/PR matters. Big time.

My family owns an investment business, I can't say I earned a penny myself, but I will reap the rewards of it (life's not fair but that's the way it goes).

You don't really even need to have any corporate experience to know any of that, it's common sense.

There is zero incentive for any owner to support Sterling in the first place.

Racism in the business sphere is just bad business. No one wants to be associated with that, it's like being the guy at the bar who's openly telling girls he has herpes. See how that works out for ya.

05-30-2014, 04:55 PM
And who's going to tell LeBron James he has to suit up? You? Lets see how well that goes. :lol

No one in the Heat organization is going to void his contract either, if anything they will support his position and stand in solidarity with him. Even if we remove any moral standing on the ownership, it's simply great PR for the franchise.
Well, the Heat players would be contractually obligated to play. If they refuse, Sterling would be within his rights to sue them for financial damages.

Remember, this is a scenario where Sterling is still the owner. The only way that happens is if the other owners DON'T vote him out.

The only way to avoid it is a strike. Would they actually strike over this? I don't know. Maybe they would.

05-30-2014, 04:58 PM
The idea that public comments and public image is just some little thing that should have no bearing on anything and a person in an extremely public position can say whatever they want is incredibly naive.

It's the logic of a 12-year-old who would get laughed out of a Wallstreet board room. Publicity/PR matters. Big time.

My family owns an investment business, I can't say I earned a penny myself, but I will reap the rewards of it (life's not fair but that's the way it goes).

You don't really even need to have any corporate experience to know any of that, it's common sense.

There is zero incentive for any owner to support Sterling in the first place.
That's probably true, but we're talking about a hypothetical situation where the opposite is true.

05-30-2014, 05:00 PM
That's probably true, but we're talking about a hypothetical situation where the opposite is true.

It's obviously true, lol.

Even in such a "dream" scenario, the NBA effectively taking Sterling's side would then force players to look like Uncle Tom's if they went along with playing for the NBA after being insulted publicly (and yes, once the tape got out on TMZ, it's a public insult).

You would have a full on revolt from the players in your fantasy "hypothetical".

I think honestly if that were the case, the league would fold and the PA would start their own league. ABC/ESPN would also sue the living sh*t out of the NBA, so would various other sponsors.

A lockout situation is one thing, a network will abide that (even that has limits though), but an unforced revolt from the players due to league action? That's a giant Disney branded c*ck coming to slap the NBA in the face.

05-30-2014, 05:05 PM
if the players did that, I would tell them to go home and let me know when they're ready to come back and get replacement players like they do in the nfl .. this isn't an issue about player finances .. you're getting paid to put out an entertainment product and getting paid very well .. you're fking useless if you're not on the court and especially if you're sitting because you were 'offended'

05-30-2014, 05:05 PM
Of course he can be as racist as he wants to be. But if those racist views are disseminated into the general public and do damage to the league's relationship with sponsors, fans and players and the like...he's gone. End of discussion.

You don't get to screw with the NBA's money. Its got nothing to do with "Oh there's no room for those attitudes in this game" at all. You hear 187 n*ggas, f*gs, and assorted curse words get picked up by courtside mics and cameras every bloody night on that floor. Donald Sterling's rights < the NBA's relationships with business partners, sponsors, players and fans. It may not be fair, but tough titty for Donny.

05-30-2014, 05:07 PM
It's the logic of a 12-year-old who would get laughed out of a Wallstreet board room. Publicity/PR matters. Big time.
That is true in a handful of industries, but in the vast majority of the business world, product is all that matters.

Apple makes good products. I buy their phones and computers even though I'm well aware that they are made in sweatshops under terrible conditions.

I think all of us sensible people would agree the Foxconn conditions for workers is GREATLY beyond anything going on in this Clippers situation, BUT.... The products are good, so we don't care. Somebody probably jumped out of the window to commit suicide in the factory on the day that the computer I'm typing this on was manufactured. We don't actually care. We pretend we do, but we don't.

People who like to watch basketball will continue to do so.

05-30-2014, 05:08 PM
Number6 still defending the racist shitbag billionaire? Surprise surprise.

Must be exhausting being wrong so much.

05-30-2014, 05:09 PM
if the players did that, I would tell them to go home and let me know when they're ready to come back and get replacement players like they do in the nfl .. you're getting paid to put out an entertainment product and getting paid very well .. you're fking useless if you're not on the court

They get paid well because people are willing to pay/generate billions of dollars to watch their talent and they are among the top 200 people in the world (of like the 1 million+ that play basketball) that anyone would give a sh*t to pay money to watch.

You're welcome to pay to watch the WNBA for example or D-League, but who the f*ck wants to do that?

It's the same crybabies who whine about Brad Pitt making $20 million dollars a movie ... he makes that because attaching him to a movie generates an extra $100 million+ in global box office. That's why no studio has any issue giving him his quote.

But "Joe Average" is too stupid to understand that most of the time. That's why he'll never make more than 80k/year in his life.

I wouldn't pay $5 to watch an NFL with replacement players, what the hell is the point of that. Might as well watch the friggin CFL.

05-30-2014, 05:12 PM
Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 2 min.
Donald Sterling plans to file a $1 billion lawsuit against the NBA, his attorney Max Blecker confirms in email to Yahoo Sports.

Sterling likes OP's thinking:lol

05-30-2014, 05:13 PM
this is y we need a black league

05-30-2014, 05:19 PM
That is true in a handful of industries, but in the vast majority of the business world, product is all that matters.

Apple makes good products. I buy their phones and computers even though I'm well aware that they are made in sweatshops under terrible conditions.

I think all of us sensible people would agree the Foxconn conditions for workers is GREATLY beyond anything going on in this Clippers situation, BUT.... The products are good, so we don't care. Somebody probably jumped out of the window to commit suicide in the factory on the day that the computer I'm typing this on was manufactured. We don't actually care. We pretend we do, but we don't.

People who like to watch basketball will continue to do so.

If the CEO of Apple tomorrow was caught on tape making negative comments about the Chinese, just as Apple is trying to launch a huge push for iPhone adoption in China and it caused a huge uproar in the Chinese media ... his ass would be voted out faster by the board of directors than you can say "Foxconn".

That's a more direct comparable to this situation. And Apple has started to shift away manufacturing from Foxconn in part because they don't want their lilly white PR image taking too much damage. They are stuck with Foxconn for the time being because its difficult for the time being to get the volume of product they need from other suppliers, but Apple would drop them like a bad habit tomorrow if it suited them.

05-30-2014, 05:19 PM
Of course he can be as racist as he wants to be. But if those racist views are disseminated into the general public and do damage to the league's relationship with sponsors, fans and players and the like...he's gone. End of discussion.

You don't get to screw with the NBA's money. Its got nothing to do with "Oh there's no room for those attitudes in this game" at all. You hear 187 n*ggas, f*gs, and assorted curse words get picked up by courtside mics and cameras every bloody night on that floor. Donald Sterling's rights < the NBA's relationships with business partners, sponsors, players and fans. It may not be fair, but tough titty for Donny.

Well said! He has the right to be a racist but once it hits the public, you have to pay the price! The damage that could be done by keeping him on would be crippling. And even though we all have a right to be racist, ITS A DAMN SHAME ANYBODY WOULD BE RACIST!

05-30-2014, 05:23 PM
You're naive about the players having no power in this situation, and I think you're naive in underestimating the players feeling insulted in this situation too (whether you agree with it or not).

Without the players, the NBA isn't worth a roll of toilet paper.

Of course they won't vote to keep him, you really think it's even a question? lol. You guys are really naive when it comes to corporate politics.

Right on the money! People gotta understand that Sterling INSULTED a whole race of people. And on top of that has practiced shady policies concerning minorities in the past. The players are the product and make the NBA go around. Many of those guys have enough money to retire right now. And plus guys could go to Europe and REALLY turn Europe out! The Euro leagues would welcome the NBA players with open arms if it came down to it!

05-30-2014, 05:27 PM
If the CEO of Apple tomorrow was caught on tape making negative comments about the Chinese, just as Apple is trying to launch a huge push for iPhone adoption in China ... his ass would be voted out faster by the board of directors than you can say "Foxconn".

That's a more direct comparable to this situation. And Apple has started to shift away manufacturing from Foxconn precisely because they don't want their lilly white PR image taking too much damage.
I get the point that you're attempting to make, but it don't ring true in this specific situation. You're talking about a communist country. You can't apply western sensibilities. The public only hears what is permitted. If the Chinese government wants to do business with Apple, the Chinese people will just never hear of the controversy.

05-30-2014, 05:29 PM
Right on the money! People gotta understand that Sterling INSULTED a whole race of people. And on top of that has practiced shady policies concerning minorities in the past. The players are the product and make the NBA go around. Many of those guys have enough money to retire right now. And plus guys could go to Europe and REALLY turn Europe out! The Euro leagues would welcome the NBA players with open arms if it came down to it!
The problem is..... NBA players are under contract. It will cost them too much out of their own pockets. It's just not worth it.

05-30-2014, 05:32 PM
Number6 still defending the racist shitbag billionaire? Surprise surprise.

Must be exhausting being wrong so much.
I thought you had him on ignore you little bitch

05-30-2014, 05:33 PM
I thought you had him on ignore you little bitch
He's just trying to bait responses.

05-30-2014, 05:37 PM
The difference is, most people aren't owners of NBA teams or in positions of huge power (and responsibilities). If you say some racist stuff, it's very unlikely your firm will get a ton of negativity, but if the CEO or one of the board members was recorded saying it, then you can bet he'll be forced to resign from the board. He can have his opinions, but his status in society matters to whether those opinions will affect him.

Exactly right!! When u are racist AND in a position of great power, its different than somebody just saying something racist (for example Riley Cooper who said something in a fit of anger because a black security officer pissed him off). The CEO may use his racism to deny blacks certain promotions or even employment in general. Or the minorities may have to be three times as good of an interview as somebody white. It can factor into so many negative things that corporations can't afford to have racist CEO's in power such as that.

05-30-2014, 05:40 PM
Exactly right!! When u are racist AND in a position of great power, its different than somebody just saying something racist (for example Riley Cooper who said something in a fit of anger because a black security officer pissed him off). The CEO may use his racism to deny blacks certain promotions or even employment in general. Or the minorities may have to be three times as good of an interview as somebody white. It can factor into so many negative things that corporations can't afford to have racist CEO's in power such as that.
That's a bad thing?

Let's say YOU start a business. If you want to specifically hire blacks, why should anybody have a problem with that?

05-30-2014, 05:41 PM
Number6 - 'The NBA can't force him to sell. They just want to look like they are coming down hard on him, knowing they can't enforce their penalties.'


Number6- 'They can't make the minority owners sell because they didnt do anything wrong'


I can't recall anyone so determined to prove his own ignorance.

05-30-2014, 05:42 PM
That's a bad thing?

Let's say YOU start a business. If you want to specifically hire blacks, why should anybody have a problem with that?

If my business depends on big money from sponsors then they will obviously have a big problem with that.

05-30-2014, 05:43 PM
Number6 - 'The NBA can't force him to sell. They just want to look like they are coming down hard on him, knowing they can't enforce their penalties.'


Number6- 'They can't make the minority owners sell because they didnt do anything wrong'


I can't recall anyone so determined to prove his own ignorance.
And these statements have been proven wrong?

05-30-2014, 05:46 PM
And these statements have been proven wrong?

Yes. They are selling the team against Donald's will. I guess you didn't hear about it.


05-30-2014, 05:48 PM
Yes. They are selling the team against Donald's will. I guess you didn't hear about it.

He was declared mentally incompetent. How does the NBA have anything to do with that? His wife is voluntarily selling.

05-30-2014, 05:50 PM
Sterling should fight this, it'll be hilarious when he realizes his $2 billion dollar baby is worth $10 come October if he's still around.

La Frescobaldi
05-30-2014, 05:50 PM
And in other news.........

"After brief stops in San Diego and Los Angeles, the Buffalo Braves have announced their new owner, former microsoft ceo blah blah blah will be moving the franchise to (where else?) Seattle, home of microsoft ceo blah blah blah.
Fans are already dusting off the old '70s championship trophy and are currently painting a new SuperSonics sign which will be displayed in the lady's room of the 17th parking garage basement below the new 100% tax-funded 300 billion dollar Microsoft SuperSonic Arena.

05-30-2014, 05:54 PM
He was declared mentally incompetent. How does the NBA have anything to do with that? His wife is voluntarily selling.


His wife declared him mentally incompetent, not the league. Do you not think it strange that she had him declared mentally incompetent just weeks after he gave her control of the team, in writing? I guess as clueless as you are you probably can't understand what they are doing.

And what about the minority owners? Did she declare them all incompetent too?

05-30-2014, 05:55 PM

His wife declared him mentally incompetent, not the league. Do you not think it strange that she had him declared mentally incompetent just weeks after he gave her control of the team, in writing? I guess as clueless as you are you probably can't understand what they are doing.

And what about the minority owners? Did she declare them all incompetent too?

I believe the trust that encompasses the franchise asset has declared him mentally incompetent ... which they can do. It's actually one of the reasons a trust exists in the first place. They probably have a case too, he's clearly out there in the Anderson Cooper interview.

05-30-2014, 06:00 PM
For the hundredth time business is business. You're not entitled to every opinion you want to have in business, actually.

That's the bottom line. If you're pissing off your work force and driving off sponsors, goodbye.

Besides, who the f*ck even cares at this point, they got a massive $2 billion return on a $12 million dollar investment. It's too bad Sterling is apparently medically senile now, or he might be able to enjoy it.

Damn right bro! Business is business! U are right, his investment got flipped into 2 BILLION! So he's riding off into sunset FOR BEING A RACIST with 2 BILLI! As u stated people gotta understand u are entitled to be a racist on your own time. But once your comments go public or u practice racist polices, your shit can get yanked!

05-30-2014, 06:06 PM
That's a bad thing?

Let's say YOU start a business. If you want to specifically hire blacks, why should anybody have a problem with that?

If I OWNED a business, Im hiring the best people for the job REGARDLESS OF RACE!! Racism is rooted as looking at another race as inferior. So sorry you made another worthless point! Secondly, I'M TALKING IF ITS A KNOWN RACIST THAT'S IN THE POSITION THAT STERLING IS NOW IN! Many corporations know that having somebody like that in a position of power CAN BE BAD NEWS ACROSS the board. And aren't willing to take that risk!! And of course due to minorities being denied rights in the past (which can't be denied AT ALL) there were policies put in place to even the playing field. Why do you think bills like th e Civil Rights Act were signed?

05-30-2014, 06:10 PM
And let's stop pretending that Shellie is "voluntarily" selling. She isn't selling. The League is terminating their ownership.

Shellie is trying to keep a minority interest in the team after the sale which the NBA isn't going to let happen.

05-30-2014, 06:13 PM
And let's stop pretending that Shellie is "voluntarily" selling. She isn't selling. The League is terminating their ownership.

Shellie is trying to keep a minority interest in the team after the sale which the NBA isn't going to let happen.

$2 billion dollars? :lol

Shelly will give Ballmer a hummer to close the deal, that is a gross overpayment massively inflated by all the PR hype this situation has gotten.

The Clippers don't even own the building they play in, they are a low rent version of the Lakers that was has been a laughable piece of garbage for 90% of the last 30 years.

05-30-2014, 06:18 PM
I believe the trust that encompasses the franchise asset has declared him mentally incompetent ... which they can do. It's actually one of the reasons a trust exists in the first place. They probably have a case too, he's clearly out there in the Anderson Cooper interview.

Here's my question on the supposed diminished mental capacity claims

stick with me...

Why now? why use this claim to wrestle control of the Sterling family trust away from D. Sterling now when you could have used the exact same claim to downplay his remarks that got him in so much trouble. Why not say he's not right he's not capable of knowing right from wrong. as bad as his words were he doesn't know what he's saying...

Why not except the ban, pay the fine and apologize for Sterling's remarks ask the NBA for leniency based on the fact Sterling is mentally incapable and work with the league from the start?

Honestly you look at Shelly's reactions/actions and contradictions to all this from the start and you wonder if the doctors saw the right Sterling :lol

05-30-2014, 07:26 PM
If I OWNED a business, Im hiring the best people for the job REGARDLESS OF RACE!! Racism is rooted as looking at another race as inferior. So sorry you made another worthless point! Secondly, I'M TALKING IF ITS A KNOWN RACIST THAT'S IN THE POSITION THAT STERLING IS NOW IN! Many corporations know that having somebody like that in a position of power CAN BE BAD NEWS ACROSS the board. And aren't willing to take that risk!! And of course due to minorities being denied rights in the past (which can't be denied AT ALL) there were policies put in place to even the playing field. Why do you think bills like th e Civil Rights Act were signed?
Voter demographics.