View Full Version : Breaking News: NBA vs. Sterlings is over

05-30-2014, 07:12 PM
The NBA and the Sterling family reached an agreement Friday that cleared the way for the Los Angeles Clippers to be sold to Steve Ballmer, the league announced.

The league will drop its pending charge to terminate the team's ownership and the Sterlings have agreed not to sue the NBA. The vote scheduled for Tuesday in New York, which could have terminated the team's ownership by a three-fourths vote and turned the asset over to the league for sale, has been canceled, the NBA said.

In addition, "Mrs. Sterling and the Trust also agreed not to sue the NBA and to indemnify the NBA against lawsuits from others, including from Donald Sterling," the NBA said.

Shelly Sterling's agreement to sell the team to Ballmer, the former Microsoft CEO, for $2 billion, is now subject to approval by the NBA's Board of Governors. The transaction requires a three-fourths vote to pass.

The legal settlement between the NBA, Shelly Sterling and the family's trust marks a presumed end to one of the ugliest periods in NBA history. Donald Sterling, owner of the Clippers since 1983, was banned for life by commissioner Adam Silver on April 29 after an audio recording of his racially derogatory statements became public.


05-30-2014, 07:13 PM

05-30-2014, 07:14 PM
Now waiting for Donald to screw this up somehow...lol

05-30-2014, 07:15 PM
So the NBA wins again :rolleyes:

longtime lurker
05-30-2014, 07:15 PM
The NBA and the Sterling family reached an agreement Friday that cleared the way for the Los Angeles Clippers to be sold to Steve Ballmer, the league announced.

The league will drop its pending charge to terminate the team's ownership and the Sterlings have agreed not to sue the NBA. The vote scheduled for Tuesday in New York, which could have terminated the team's ownership by a three-fourths vote and turned the asset over to the league for sale, has been canceled, the NBA said.

In addition, "Mrs. Sterling and the Trust also agreed not to sue the NBA and to indemnify the NBA against lawsuits from others, including from Donald Sterling," the NBA said.

Shelly Sterling's agreement to sell the team to Ballmer, the former Microsoft CEO, for $2 billion, is now subject to approval by the NBA's Board of Governors. The transaction requires a three-fourths vote to pass.

The legal settlement between the NBA, Shelly Sterling and the family's trust marks a presumed end to one of the ugliest periods in NBA history. Donald Sterling, owner of the Clippers since 1983, was banned for life by commissioner Adam Silver on April 29 after an audio recording of his racially derogatory statements became public.


No way. STERLING NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT! He's got a great case against the NBA! :lol

05-30-2014, 07:16 PM
Seattle celebrates

05-30-2014, 07:17 PM
Seattle celebrates

Sale is conditional team stays in LA

05-30-2014, 07:18 PM
No way. STERLING NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT! He's got a great case against the NBA! :lol

05-30-2014, 07:19 PM
Sale is conditional team stays in LA

Any conditions will be easily bypassed when Ballmer owns the team officially.

05-30-2014, 07:19 PM
I can't believe they took this man's team away from him and forced him to sell just because he hates blacks and other minorities. SMH

05-30-2014, 07:21 PM

longtime lurker
05-30-2014, 07:21 PM
I can't believe they took this man's team away from him and forced him to sell just because he hates blacks and other minorities. SMH

Yeah man truly a sad day racists every where. :cry:

05-30-2014, 07:23 PM
Sale is conditional team stays in LA
Wasn't the okc sale meant to be like that originally? Won't be immediate but I the next 2 years I bet the push begins to move them

05-30-2014, 07:24 PM
It's not actually over. Sterling will fight. But Sterling is Vitor in the following video while the NBA is Anderson Silva:


05-30-2014, 07:26 PM

can't wait for this

05-30-2014, 07:28 PM
It's not actually over. Sterling will fight. But Sterling is Vitor in the following video while the NBA is Anderson Silva:

The sale is over sterling will fight for damages and will settle for a bunch more cash

TheReal Kendall
05-30-2014, 07:29 PM
Was this whole thing really "one of the ugliest periods in NBA history"?

05-30-2014, 07:30 PM

okc vs seattle gonna be a good rivalry

Ancient Legend
05-30-2014, 07:31 PM
Was this whole thing really "one of the ugliest periods in NBA history"?

Yeah typical journalism nowadays. It COULD have been if the process dragged out.

Clippers are staying in LA, according to Ballmer.

05-30-2014, 07:33 PM
Yeah typical journalism nowadays. It COULD have been if the process dragged out.

Clippers are staying in LA, according to Ballmer.

That's what they said about the sonics. :lol

05-30-2014, 07:46 PM
Why would Balmer take the Clippers out of LA? They get great ratings and the arena is packed every night. Seeing as the Lakers are going to be mediocre for quite some time, it makes no sense for Clips to leave the city for a much smaller market in Seattle.

05-30-2014, 07:56 PM

05-30-2014, 07:58 PM

05-30-2014, 08:02 PM
Was this whole thing really "one of the ugliest periods in NBA history"?

Of course it was. It was SHOCKING. We need to stop this racism EPIDEMIC. What sterling did was worse than sitting on his porch shooting slaves back in the day..
What he said, and what followed was probably the worst period in humanity of all time

oh the horror
05-30-2014, 08:03 PM
So the NBA wins again :rolleyes:

Clips were sold for 2 billion. I'd say the a Sterlings didn't do too bad.

05-30-2014, 08:08 PM
okc vs seattle gonna be a good rivalry
I see... now that the Sterlings aren't suing, Number6 has dropped one form of mindless trolling for another one.

Shine on, you crazy diamond.

05-30-2014, 08:13 PM


05-30-2014, 08:30 PM
Might not be a horrible idea to move the team, frankly.

What the hell kind of history are the Clippers leaving behind anyway?

05-30-2014, 08:34 PM
It's not actually over. Sterling will fight. But Sterling is Vitor in the following video while the NBA is Anderson Silva:


05-30-2014, 09:11 PM
How today's agreement between the Sterling Family trust and the NBA effects Sterling's lawsuit for damages filed this afternoon...

The NBA already might have rendered the latter request moot and boxed him out legally.

The league announced Friday that it reached an agreement with Sterling's wife Shelly in which the team will be sold to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, pending approval by the NBA's Board of Governors.

"The NBA will withdraw its pending charge to terminate the Sterlings' ownership of the team," the NBA said in a statement. "Because of the binding agreement to sell the team, the NBA termination hearing that had been scheduled for June 3 in New York City has now been cancelled. Mrs. Sterling and the (Sterling Family) Trust also agreed not to sue the NBA and to indemnify the NBA against lawsuits from others, including from Donald Sterling."

That means Shelly Sterling and the Sterling Family Trust might have to cover the NBA's expenses if Donald Sterling sues the league, as he did Friday. The couple jointly owns the trust, which owns the Clippers.

"If Mrs. Sterling and the Trust specifically agree to indemnify the NBA against lawsuits from others, including Donald Sterling, then, yes, if Donald Sterling sues the NBA over the sale (as distinguished from other types of claims), it would appear that Mrs. Sterling and the Trust would be agreeing to cover the NBA with money from the trust and/or her own personal funds," said Perrie Weiner, an attorney in Los Angeles who is not involved in the case.

Weiner cautioned that he has not reviewed the indemnity agreement, which could have provisions not publicly known.

NBA Executive Vice President and General Counsel Rick Buchanan called Donald Sterling's lawsuit predictable and "entirely baseless."

"Among other infirmities, there was no `forced sale' of his team by the NBA – which means his antitrust and conversion claims are completely invalid," Buchanan said in a statement. "Since it was his wife Shelly Sterling, and not the NBA, that has entered into an agreement to sell the Clippers, Mr. Sterling is complaining about a set of facts that doesn't even exist."


In Response to todays agreement between Sterling Family trust and the NBA. D Sterling's lawyer responded to questions

Ramona Shelburne ‏@ramonashelburne 48m
Max Blecher tells ESPN "We have to think through the whole situation. There's at least some question whether that indemnity will be enforced

Blecher said Donald Sterling filed the lawsuit before the NBA released its statement announcing the deal with the Sterling Family Trust

Blecher"This all happened in the last 30 minutes. We have not had a chance to analyze or do any legal research about it. Give us a break"

05-30-2014, 09:56 PM
Shelly showing what wives can do in California.

05-30-2014, 10:31 PM
Why would Balmer take the Clippers out of LA? They get great ratings and the arena is packed every night. Seeing as the Lakers are going to be mediocre for quite some time, it makes no sense for Clips to leave the city for a much smaller market in Seattle.
thats exactly what i been thinking. they have made money for years. someone said their tv deal is up in 2015. when you sign a new tv deal would you rather be in LA or Seattle? i assume its going to be for a ton of money if they stay in la. more so if they keep getting better.

05-30-2014, 11:05 PM
Damn, I was hoping to see Sterling put up more of a fight. Plus, I wanted to see if the players would actually walk out. That could have been historical.

SacJB Shady
05-30-2014, 11:08 PM

Sterling suing

05-30-2014, 11:20 PM
A guy owned an NBA team for 30 years, and was forced to sell a $2 billion franchise over an illegally disseminated, completely private phone call talking to his girlfriend about her choice in acquaintances. Oh, and by the way, Sterling has Alzheimers.

All within a few weeks, because, ya know, it has to be done as quick as possible or the entire nation might crumble...or something...FASTER!!!


SacJB Shady
05-30-2014, 11:26 PM
A guy owned an NBA team for 30 years, and was forced to sell a $2 billion franchise over an illegally disseminated, completely private phone call talking to his girlfriend about her choice in acquaintances. Oh, and by the way, Sterling has Alzheimers.

All within a few weeks, because, ya know, it has to be done as quick as possible or the entire nation might crumble...or something...FASTER!!!


Oh was he forced? Sterling is suing. Far from over.

05-30-2014, 11:30 PM
Legal expert wieghs in after today's latest news...

By Lester Munson

Donald Sterling's lawsuit against the NBA and commissioner Adam Silver asserts that Sterling is the victim of an unconstitutional and illegal termination of his ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers, even though his ownership was not officially terminated by the league. The lawsuit and its timing raise legal questions about the actions the NBA has taken against Sterling; the apparent sale of the team by Sterling's wife, Shelly; and Sterling's attempt to stop the process that began with his racist rant:

Q: Can Sterling use this lawsuit to stop the NBA from ending his ownership of the Clippers?

A: No. For starters, the league did not vote to terminate his ownership. That was set for Tuesday, but that meeting has been cancelled because of the sale of his team by his wife, Shelly.

In his lawsuit, Donald Sterling makes a number of claims against the NBA -- breach of contract, violation of constitutional rights and flaunting of the nation's antitrust laws. None of them is valid. As the owner of the Clippers, he agreed to the terms of the NBA constitution, the governing document of the league. It provides that his ownership can be terminated when he acts in a way that is adverse to the interests of his fellow owners and reduces the value of their enterprises.

The termination process is specified in the constitution, and commissioner Adam Silver has followed it precisely. When he became an owner, Sterling agreed that he could not and would not sue either his fellow owners or the commissioner. Any disputes would be submitted to arbitration. Sterling's lawsuit ignores these basic agreements among the owners of the NBA. His lawsuit will be dismissed early, with the judge telling Sterling to submit his claims to NBA arbitration.

Q: Sterling claims that the recording of his racist rant was made secretly and without his consent. Can the recording be used against him?

A: Yes. There is no doubt that California privacy laws prevent the use of recordings that are made without the consent of all participants in the conversation. But, in an arbitration, the rules of evidence are not strictly applied. In a trial in a court, Sterling could rely on the privacy law. In an arbitration with his fellow owners, the recording would be used against him.

Q: Sterling also claims that his constitutional rights were violated. Can the NBA terminate his ownership if it violated his rights?

A: Yes. The words "due process" do not appear anywhere in the NBA constitution. Like most owners of a sports franchise, Sterling waived certain rights in return for the privileges of ownership of a professional sports team. It is highly doubtful that Silver and the league violated any of Sterling's rights, but even if they did, it would be of no help to Sterling. In return for the waiver of his rights, Sterling owns a franchise that has increased in value from $12 million when he purchased it in 1981 to a potential value of $2 billion in a sale to Microsoft billionaire Steve Ballmer.

Q: What will be the outcome of Sterling's lawsuit?

A: It will be dismissed as soon as the NBA is able to file the necessary papers. It will not only be dismissed, Sterling faces the prospect of paying the NBA's attorneys' fees and expenses in obtaining the dismissal. According to the NBA, Shelly Sterling promised the league that the Sterling family trust would pay any expenses that resulted from a lawsuit filed by Donald. Even without Shelly's promise of indemnification, the lawsuit that Sterling filed is so filled with incorrect facts and failures of legal doctrine that he would be forced to pay anyway.

Q: Is there anything that Sterling can do to stop the sale of his team?

A: No. Silver and his lawyers have performed at the highest level, anticipating every move that Sterling could make. They have used the powers of the NBA constitution in ways they have never been used before, but they have done so with precision. Sterling may have a legal claim against his wife, Shelly, but he would be well advised to calm down and accept his fate.


05-30-2014, 11:31 PM
A guy owned an NBA team for 30 years, and was forced to sell a $2 billion franchise over an illegally disseminated, completely private phone call talking to his girlfriend about her choice in acquaintances. Oh, and by the way, Sterling has Alzheimers.

All within a few weeks, because, ya know, it has to be done as quick as possible or the entire nation might crumble...or something...FASTER!!!


The owners are the ones who wanted it to be done quickly, because as intelligent human beings, they know it would be an awful precedent to set to actually vote Sterling out over this, no matter how much everyone hates him.

But they also know the public is feeble minded and ruled by mob think and emotion. This was a publicity nightmare. And frankly I understand why people are upset. Nobody WANTS to hear a team owner saying shit like that, even if it was not intended to be made public. I completely understand why so many people are pissed and I personally cringe at thinking like his as well. Even still, we should condemn him and rebuke him, but at the end of the day, boycotting a product you enjoy simply because the guy who makes it has feelings you don't agree with? It's an embarrassing notion.

If the CEO of Chevy, BMW, Audi, Lexus, etc. (whatever car you drive) was reported to have made these comments, would you sell your car? What if the If the head of Samsung said something, would you sell your TV? Refuse to buy a Samsung TV again even if the TV you waneted was the best combo of price and quality? It's just silly. People need to stop TRYING to have their feelings get hurt as an excuse to create public witch hunts. That's really what this stuff is about. Yeah, the comments he made are wack. But the backlash isn't even about the comments. It's about an opportunity, to hunt a witch and watch him crumble publicly. People have been lovin that since the dawn of civilization.

05-30-2014, 11:46 PM
It's about an opportunity, to hunt a witch and watch him crumble publicly. People have been lovin that since the dawn of civilization.

Yup...All we're missing is a bunch of torchs and a guillotine.


The mob has spoken....