View Full Version : Whats easier, 1foot or 2 foot take off for dunking?

05-31-2014, 04:29 AM
Im 6'2 and i can only grab the rim. Thats off 2 feet tho. i can touch but not hang off of a 1 foot take off. I feel like it would be easier to dunk off 1 foot because i can barely get high off it but i can still touch rim. Any advice?

05-31-2014, 04:36 AM
There is different advantages to 1foot and 2foot jumping

Blake Griffin and Lebron are same size but Griffin is a 2foot jumper and has quicker 2nd and 3rd jumps. It makes him better at rebounds, putbacks and more explosive in the half court.

05-31-2014, 04:38 AM
I have noticed Blake Griffin does not jump high off 1 foot.

Probably why he's a better rebounder and dunker than Lebron because he doesn't need momentum or runstart to jump high in the air since he's explosive off of two foot.

But Lebron's 1 foot jump makes him more dangerous in fastbreak because he can glide farther in the air.
i dont think i will be dunking much in games. i usually play in the post against bigger guys so not many chances unless its a fastbreak.

05-31-2014, 04:38 AM
what's easier? how the fukk am I supposed to know how you have spent your life using your muscles?

05-31-2014, 04:40 AM
what's easier? how the fukk am I supposed to know how you have spent your life using your muscles?
stfu and go post more lebron pics fa*got

05-31-2014, 04:41 AM
I barely completed a couple 2-footed dunks, and have never completed a 1-footed dunk, but I've seen others who are the opposite. Depends on the person is my guess.

05-31-2014, 04:44 AM
I barely completed a couple 2-footed dunks, and have never completed a 1-footed dunk, but I've seen others who are the opposite. Depends on the person is my guess.
i think 1 foot dunks are for taller guys with long arms. my wingspan is only 2 inch longer than my height so i think thats why 2ft is easier for me

Smook A.
05-31-2014, 04:48 AM
To take off?

Definitely 1 foot. When you run, you jump higher and explode better off of 1 foot. If you take off from 2 feet, you don't glide nearly as good from when you jump off of 1 foot. Look at the free throw line dunk. Its almost impossible to do it if you jump from 2 feet. Some of the greatest dunkers, like Jason Richardson and Dominique Wilkins always jumped off of 2 feet. That was their style. When J-Rich tried doing the free throw line dunk off 2 feet, it was difficult for him because he could glide further.

So to answer your question, 1 foot is much much easier to take off from.

05-31-2014, 04:56 AM
To take off?

Definitely 1 foot. When you run, you jump higher and explode better off of 1 foot. If you take off from 2 feet, you don't glide nearly as good from when you jump off of 1 foot. Look at the free throw line dunk. Its almost impossible to do it if you jump from 2 feet. Some of the greatest dunkers, like Jason Richardson and Dominique Wilkins always jumped off of 2 feet. That was their style. When J-Rich tried doing the free throw line dunk off 2 feet, it was difficult for him because he could glide further.

So to answer your question, 1 foot is much much easier to take off from.
i think i jump higher off two feet tho. but the thing is i extend better when i take off on one leg, so i dont need to jump as high to reach the same height as when i jump off two feet.

05-31-2014, 05:02 AM
i think i jump higher off two feet tho. but the thing is i extend better when i take off on one leg, so i dont need to jump as high to reach the same height as when i jump off two feet.

Can you palm a basketball?

05-31-2014, 05:05 AM
Can you palm a basketball?

05-31-2014, 05:07 AM
To me 2foot dunks deliver more power, and 1 foot dunks give you more hang time

05-31-2014, 05:07 AM
Can only dunk off of 1 foot myself, the two foot take off feels as if I have to stop to pick up momentum.

05-31-2014, 05:15 AM

Ok. If you can palm the ball then you can get full extension on a two foot dunk. I'm 6'1 ish and that's how I used to do it. Like a power hop kinda dunk. The trick for me was to take it up with my left hand and jam that way, even though I'm a rightie. It was the only way I was comfortable doing it. I always just laid the ball in when I jumped off one foot even though every body I played with thought I was going in to jam.

05-31-2014, 05:19 AM
Ok. If you can palm the ball then you can get full extension on a two foot dunk. I'm 6'1 ish and that's how I used to do it. Like a power hop kinda dunk. The trick for me was to take it up with my left hand and jam that way, even though I'm a rightie. It was the only way I was comfortable doing it. I always just laid the ball in when I jumped off one foot even though every body I played with thought I was going in to jam.
for some reason its not comfortable to me. i have to bring my arms down and up to jump high enough to grab rim. i cant do that while palming the ball

05-31-2014, 05:19 AM
I was never a great 2 footed dunker. The best I could do really was a reverse, or just two hand power dunk.

1 footed was my thing. Could reverse pump, windmill and do a pretty ugly looking 360.

I think it's a preference thing. Human's are creatures of habit, so I guess what you grow up watching and practicing becomes more efficient. I never practiced 2 footed dunks since I was better from a one footed take off from the get go. The first time I ever tried to touch the ring I ran up and took off from one foot. Other kids ran up and powered up off two.

05-31-2014, 05:58 AM
i think 1 foot dunks are for taller guys with long arms. my wingspan is only 2 inch longer than my height so i think thats why 2ft is easier for me

I guess that makes sense. I was more of an explosive leaper, but I'm short by basketball standards (5'9"), so I required 2 legs. If you are tall, you may not need as much explosiveness to your leaps and practice the 1 legged dunks.

05-31-2014, 06:05 AM
I am 6'2 aswell, barely can dunk of two feet, but of one feet quite easily including reverse and some other stuff. And yeah might be right about long arms = 1feet dunkers, I have quite big wingspan.

05-31-2014, 08:59 AM
Like what PlowKing suggested, I think it's preference in a lot of regards. There might be a predisposition to a particular dunking style, but I think the general ease of one foot dunking versus two foot is relatively habitual.

Personally, it seems most beginning dunkers I know (including myself back yonder) attempt to do so while jumping off one foot. Perhaps it tends to allow for the most seamless transition between a momentous build-up and explosive takeoff.

That said, as I've mentioned before, there was a time where I discovered jumping off two feet (leading with my left foot forward), so I was hammering off two with a powerful windup. However, I somehow got so interested in two foot takeoffs that I more or less lost the ability to dunk off one foot for my junior and senior years of high school. As a result, my in-game dunking opportunities evaporated.

Long story short, I think a lot of the ease is, in fact, about habit. Once I re-committed to one-foot dunking post-high school, I began jamming in games all over the place. I like the feeling of two hand dunks (now a right foot forward two-hand dunker) but they're tougher for me to pull off on the run. Much better to be able to sprint and seamlessly rise off one.

I also say don't count yourself out of in-game dunking. I am just 6'3'' or 6'4''-ish. Depending on your age, you could still have a fair amount of strength development remaining.

Mr Exlax
05-31-2014, 09:11 AM
2 feet if you're right under the rim since you're gonna need power.
1 foot if you're away from the rim and need distance.

that's how it was for me anyway.

05-31-2014, 12:09 PM
one foot dunks allow for more forward momentum because you aren't required to slow down as much as when you dunk off 2. Dunks off 2 feet have a higher vertical potential.

This is why guys with longer arms are usually 1 foot dunkers in the NBA. They don't depend on their vert as much to get the ball to rim level.

BG=short arms for his size as an NBA player.

Bigs who spend a lot of their time in the paint tend to go off 2 because they don't always have a runway to gather forward momentum.

I can get fingers over the rim off 2 (5'11 6'3 wingspan) and I'm not close off 1 with a running start.

05-31-2014, 12:18 PM
I was never a great 2 footed dunker. The best I could do really was a reverse, or just two hand power dunk.

1 footed was my thing. Could reverse pump, windmill and do a pretty ugly looking 360.

I think it's a preference thing. Human's are creatures of habit, so I guess what you grow up watching and practicing becomes more efficient. I never practiced 2 footed dunks since I was better from a one footed take off from the get go. The first time I ever tried to touch the ring I ran up and took off from one foot. Other kids ran up and powered up off two.
How tall are you?

Do you have vids? Because there is no way I can't believe you could dunk unless you were at least 6'5''

05-31-2014, 02:40 PM
How tall are you?

Do you have vids? Because there is no way I can't believe you could dunk unless you were at least 6'5''

I see white dudes 6'2"-6'4" dunking at the outdoor courts nearest me and they aren't even good.

I believe plowking

05-31-2014, 02:47 PM
Im 6'2 and i can only grab the rim. Thats off 2 feet tho. i can touch but not hang off of a 1 foot take off. I feel like it would be easier to dunk off 1 foot because i can barely get high off it but i can still touch rim. Any advice?

Uh, stop being a beta and work on jump training mabye? At 30 years old 6'1 I could dunk off 1 foot. At 6'2, if you do some air alert you will be dunking over people like it's nothing.

05-31-2014, 03:45 PM
one foot dunks allow for more forward momentum because you aren't required to slow down as much as when you dunk off 2. Dunks off 2 feet have a higher vertical potential.

This is why guys with longer arms are usually 1 foot dunkers in the NBA. They don't depend on their vert as much to get the ball to rim level.

BG=short arms for his size as an NBA player.

Bigs who spend a lot of their time in the paint tend to go off 2 because they don't always have a runway to gather forward momentum.

I can get fingers over the rim off 2 (5'11 6'3 wingspan) and I'm not close off 1 with a running start.Hmm, I'll have to think about the long arm/one-foot correlation. I haven't really seen a real deal connection up to this point. I understand I'm only one instance, but as a short-armed 6'3'', I always felt one-footed dunking was easiest, simply because it was what worked for me.

TheReal Kendall
05-31-2014, 03:48 PM
I used to be able to dunk both ways but 1 ft always seemed easier to me

05-31-2014, 07:42 PM
Uh, stop being a beta and work on jump training mabye? At 30 years old 6'1 I could dunk off 1 foot. At 6'2, if you do some air alert you will be dunking over people like it's nothing.
you are way too old to be trolling on this forum :roll:

05-31-2014, 07:57 PM
1 foot usually is easier, most people don't stop to do a layup while driving or doing fastbreaks unless it's against a defender. Just more natural imo, but do whatever feels more natural to you.

05-31-2014, 08:04 PM
1 foot running, 2 feet standing. Also, two handed dunks seem more natural off a two foot take off

05-31-2014, 08:08 PM
Also you don't need to be able to palm the ball to throw it down with one hand. For some reason some dummies think that you have to

05-31-2014, 08:40 PM
Also you don't need to be able to palm the ball to throw it down with one hand. For some reason some dummies think that you have toTruth. A lot of times I wish I could palm a rock because while it's not necessary for dunking, it makes it a lot easier. However, I've noticed the trade off on palming dunks (Statue of Liberty-esque) is you often lose a lot of power and authority. Non-palming one-handers are subsequently a full arm motion, as opposed to the wrist flick of a palm finish.

05-31-2014, 08:45 PM
Truth. A lot of times I wish I could palm a rock because while it's not necessary for dunking, it makes it a lot easier. However, I've noticed the trade off on palming dunks (Statue of Liberty-esque) is you often lose a lot of power and authority. Non-palming one-handers are subsequently a full arm motion, as opposed to the wrist flick of a palm finish.

It just takes practice, you can even do statue of liberty type ones without palming it. After you practice a bit, the ball just feels like it sticks to your hand

05-31-2014, 09:20 PM
How tall are you?

Do you have vids? Because there is no way I can't believe you could dunk unless you were at least 6'5''

I'm 6'3 barefoot. So maybe 6'4 in shoes.

I have a video compilation I made somewhere on my old computer, but I doubt I can find it now. I can't dunk now as well as I could 4 or so years ago, due to being heavier from weightlifting, but I can still throw down a tomahawk and some easy two handed dunks.

All I have from recent times is a few pictures.