View Full Version : V Spanoulis BEAST performance in the Greek League Finals

06-01-2014, 08:49 PM

If his team have win ( in their homecourt) they would have win the championship. Now the series are 2-2 and gonna play the last game away.

What a performance, what a player and real leader.


06-01-2014, 08:51 PM
1 point? :oldlol:

06-01-2014, 08:52 PM
Still better than Roy "NBA All Star" Hibbert:confusedshrug:

Im Still Ballin
06-01-2014, 09:23 PM


06-01-2014, 09:25 PM
Still better than Roy "NBA All Star" Hibbert:confusedshrug:

Both leagues are weak right now. Euroleague certainly weaker.

06-01-2014, 09:26 PM

:applause: :applause:
spanoulis a beast.
hes playing injured right now:coleman: :coleman:

06-01-2014, 11:45 PM
dat assist to turnover ratio doe :eek:

06-01-2014, 11:51 PM
More proof Euroleague > NBA

in the NBA he could score almost 3 entire points a game(2.7) and but can ony muster 1 in Euroleague

06-02-2014, 04:13 AM
The king of the clutch

06-02-2014, 04:17 AM

Pshh, V-Span 4 GOAT nigguhs !!! Smelly, mother lusting Greeks know what's good.


06-02-2014, 04:20 AM
The series is rigged, like it is every year you moron.


“I will not just stand and let them f u c k me”
on May 29th, 2014 | 4 Comments

By Aris Barkas/ Barkas@eurohoops.net

After Game 3 of the finals against Olympiacos, Panathinaikos owner and president Dimitris Giannakopoulos made the following statement on the camera of the Greek public television (video): “We already made an official protest, we want the game to be replayed, because Olympiacos had too many persons sitting on its bench. According to the league rules, 22 persons are allowed for the guests and they were 29. The three referees decided the result. What they did today, they will find it down the road. I am not Vardinogiannis and Alafouzos (ed.note: former and current owner of Panathinaikos’ football section) to just stand and let them f u c k me”.

UPDATE: For that comment and also incidents against the referees after the end of the game Dimitris Giannakopoulos was punished with three months ban from any gym and a 22.000 euros fine and also an extra 9.000 fine was imposed to Panathinaikos.




Coach Bartzokas of @olympiacosbc "Our presidents don't throw money to refs and don't intimidate them. In the end they didn't stop the time"


Coach Bartzokas: We did 2-3 fouls to 3D in order to stop the clock, we also fouled Fotsis & finally the refs called foul on Lasme at 2 sec


Angelopoulos brothers stated officially right now: President of bball federation Vasilakopoulos is a "sick" fan of Pao.


Angelopoulos brothers: Vasilakopoulos thinks he owns Greek basketball, he has problem. Not even 1 player of @olympiacosbc will play at NT


Owners of @olympiacosbc: "The federation is pro-@paobcgr, our players will not play for the NT"


Greek NT in #Spain2014 without Spanoulis, Printezis, Sloukas, Mantzaris etc? Yes, according to @olympiacosbc owners


Nice try troll. Did Prasini pay you overtime for this propaganda hit piece?

06-02-2014, 04:22 AM
So ref rigging made Spanoulis score only 1 point in 30 minutes of play?

06-02-2014, 04:30 AM
So ref rigging made Spanoulis score only 1 point in 30 minutes of play?

This clown has never seen a Greek League game.

Diamantidis is so old that he can barely dribble a basketball in Euroleague and he instantly becomes Superman in Greek League.

Spanoulis is the clear best player in Euroleague and he is absolutely unstoppable in any Greek League game, except against Panathinaikos, when he can be fouled literally 30 times on a possession.

The list goes on and on.

06-02-2014, 04:32 AM
This is like saying "this clown has never watched Batman & Robin".

Ass Dan
06-02-2014, 04:34 AM
Patty Mills or Norris Cole would have dropped 40.

Vag Span is gaping.

06-02-2014, 04:36 AM
This is like saying "this clown has never watched Batman & Robin".

Don't make comments about things you know nothing about then. There are a few assholes here that come to post propaganda stuff from Panathinaikos, which fixes games in Greece and you guys keep posting the stuff over and over.

It's really getting classless.

These Sopist2007 videos are obviously stuff made as Panathinaikos propaganda and it's very classless stuff to keep posting it here.

If some kind of NBA equivalent was being posted, you guys would all be getting 3 day bans every time you posted the stuff.

In Europe (not just Greece, but EUROPE), everyone just laughs at these games and knows they are rigged and are a complete joke, and here they are being used as some kind of reference point.

In the Spanish League forums people have repeatedly called for Panathinaikos to be banned from the Euroleague because of their actions.

Even another club in Euroleague, CSKA, was asking for them to be sanctioned at one point after they received threats. They threatened Barca also if I remember right too.

06-02-2014, 04:40 AM
Back to blaming the refs, Euroleague is worse than Lebron stans :roll:

06-02-2014, 04:40 AM
1 point :oldlol: Who is this bum?

06-02-2014, 04:40 AM
Patty Mills or Norris Cole would have dropped 40.

Vag Span is gaping.

If they played with Panathinaikos, they would never log probably hardly a minute of playing time ever.

That's Diamantidis' position and he is "God of the Universe". He's "better than Michael Jordan".

So no, they would actually never even play if they were on Panathinaikos, since "God" would need to play every minute.

If they played on Olympiacos, they would not score a single point in an entire 5 game series if they were placed in Spanoulis' role, which is what you imply.

Triple teamed the whole game and fouled 30 times on every possession without getting a whistle.

06-02-2014, 04:45 AM
Back to blaming the refs, Euroleague is worse than Lebron stans :roll:

The owner of Panathinaikos has now been banned from the league two years in a row for threatening the refs and throwing money at them.

He officially did this and has officially been banned for it now 2 years in a row.

Somehow this is "blaming the refs" in your warped and sick mind.

:facepalm :rolleyes:

06-02-2014, 04:52 AM
And just so you a-holes know, keep laughing it up. The Panathinaikos lunatics that think it's funny they rig these series every year and they make these hit piece videos and articles and then make posts like these to mock....

and the NBA only fan idiots that don't know anything about this and make fun of it.

Because Spanoulis was so angry and sick of this and so fed up with this stuff that last year he was extremely close to coming to the NBA because of it and that he would not continue in the Greek national team, which is run by Panathinaikos if it continued either.

The feeling was if it continued again this year he would come to the NBA and quit the Greek national team forever. Well, we already have that the Greek national team has been told to go to hell basically because of the non stop rigging.

So all the people that think this crap is funny are probably going to eat mega crow over it. Because it probably means he will be coming to the NBA now so that he never has to deal with it ever again.

So that means never again Panathinaikos lunatics and NBA only fans being able to mock him about the NBA. And every year he has many NBA teams offering him contracts and starting roles.

And because of all this crap Panathinaios has caused with the national team now, they are going to be kicked out of running the national federation and thus the national league, which means they finally won't be able to run the refs and the league anymore.

So just keep laughing it up while you can.

06-02-2014, 04:52 AM
wow that guy is really terrible

06-02-2014, 04:55 AM
Seriously though, I'm genuinely interested in understanding this. How exactly does the rigging work then if Spanoulis is allowed to play 30 minutes? Do they pay Spanoulis to shoot bricks? (and doesn't that then make him an accomplice?) Or did they fix the box score itself?

I've watched Spanoulis many times, I know his style of play, strengths and weaknesses pretty well, mainly from the Euroleague I watch occasionally (ACB too though this has nothing to do with the topic). I also play basketball. I'm curious as to why exactly Spanoulis bears no responsibility in his own performance on the court.

06-02-2014, 05:03 AM
The ironic thing here is that Euroleague has said that he's actually a Panathanaikos fan. Dude straight up hating on his team and blaming them for serious stuff to save his boy Shitnoulis.

What a character, Euroleague never disappoints.

06-02-2014, 05:07 AM
This clown has never seen a Greek League game.

Diamantidis is so old that he can barely dribble a basketball in Euroleague and he instantly becomes Superman in Greek League.

Spanoulis is the clear best player in Euroleague and he is absolutely unstoppable in any Greek League game, except against Panathinaikos, when he can be fouled literally 30 times on a possession.

The list goes on and on.
How can Spanoullis be best player in the Euroleague when hes not even better than Arroyo :/

06-02-2014, 05:08 AM
Seriously though, I'm genuinely interested in understanding this. How exactly does the rigging work then if Spanoulis is allowed to play 30 minutes? Do they pay Spanoulis to shoot bricks? (and doesn't that then make him an accomplice?) Or did they fix the box score itself?

I've watched Spanoulis many times, I know his style of play, strengths and weaknesses pretty well, mainly from the Euroleague I watch occasionally (ACB too though this has nothing to do with the topic). I also play basketball. I'm curious as to why exactly Spanoulis bears no responsibility in his own performance on the court.

Because the other team is allowed to foul him endlessly on every single possession. He gets maybe a token foul call here or there when he gets thrown to the floor, which last year he didn't even get that. Last year in the finals they literally threw him to the floor over and over and he never even got a whistle.

But there was so much shit that happened in Olympiacos' arena where the fans rioted and tore the arena apart and attacked the police and everything that this year they at least are giving calls when he gets thrown to the floor.

But that's it. He gets fouled on every single shot attempt. He gets hit on every single jump shot, bumped every time he has the ball, pushed, shoved, held, grabbed, etc.

Off the ball they hold him, grab him, etc.

When he dribbles they hit him, bump him, make sure he can't get anywhere by fouling him. If he drives to the basket they just slap his arm or hit his hand every time.

On every jump shot he is hit, every single time.

On the other hand, Panathinaikos' player Diamantidis, you can't even breathe on him, you can't basically even play defense on him.

He is so old and so washed up that in Euroleague he can literally barely even dribble the ball over the half court line, and every year he becomes Superman in Greek League.

Same thing every year.

Spanoulis is the best in Euroleague, and he's complete unstoppable in Greek League against any team unless he has to play against Panathinaikos (which controls the league - actually controls the league, I mean that they actually run the league, not saying that to say it, I mean they actually do run the league, that's how it works, a team operates the system).

Then all of a sudden, he can't score because he is fouled endlessly, triple teamed the whole game, etc.

Diamantidis is always Superman, because no one is allowed to defend him. Acie Law made these comments, then the press attacked him and he had to apologize, because you see, Panathinaikos also employs 50% of the press.

Yes, that's also how it works, the team employs half of the journalists also.

It does not work like how it does in the USA. You can't assume it's the same type of competition like NBA or like Euroleague is. One club runs and controls everything and that's just how it is. I mean the club even controls the damn national team.

06-02-2014, 05:13 AM
This clown has never seen a Greek League game.

Diamantidis is so old that he can barely dribble a basketball in Euroleague and he instantly becomes Superman in Greek League.

Spanoulis is the clear best player in Euroleague and he is absolutely unstoppable in any Greek League game, except against Panathinaikos, when he can be fouled literally 30 times on a possession.

The list goes on and on.
:applause: :applause:

06-02-2014, 05:17 AM
The ironic thing here is that Euroleague has said that he's actually a Panathanaikos fan. Dude straight up hating on his team and blaming them for serious stuff to save his boy Shitnoulis.

What a character, Euroleague never disappoints.

I am a Panathinaikos fan, but I'm not one of these crazy lunatics that agrees with all of this absurd nonsense.

No one should agree with rigging series every year and destroying the country's national team.

And people that think that are just nuts. And if you think I should agree with that just for being a fan then you are a moron.

The ownership of that club is absurd and they should have been removed a long time ago, along with the puppets they put in to run the Greek federation, which also runs the national team, the refs league, the national league, etc.

They have Panathinaikos presidents in all of the positions, it's just crazy and absurd. And they have an owner that is threatening refs and people on TV all the time.

He's threatening league officials, even threatened the commissioner of the Euroleague last year. They broke some rules about having fans in the walkways of the arena during games. And the head of Euroleague said that was unsafe and the owner went nuts on the guy and started threatening him.

Can you imagine what would have happened if an NBA owner would have threatened Stern? And he did this in the media too.

I mean can you even imagine something like that?

This stuff just goes on and on and on and on. It's like it never ends.

They got the old national team coach Giannakis fired, and now they are getting the Olympiacos players barred from the national team too.

Again, can you imagine an NBA team wreaking such havoc on Team USA, and that ever being allowed to go on?

It's a club that is absolutely out of control totally. And most of the normal and sensible fan base knows that and agrees with it. It's just the crazy hooligans and fanatics, the ones that are burning down houses, attacking people, causing riots, making these propaganda videos, making these types of hit threads, that think all of this stuff is normal and acceptable.

It's just psychopaths that think this stuff is normal.

06-02-2014, 05:18 AM
How can Spanoullis be best player in the Euroleague when hes not even better than Arroyo :/

:lol :oldlol: :roll: :facepalm :rolleyes:

06-02-2014, 05:37 AM
The owner of Panathinaikos has now been banned from the league two years in a row for threatening the refs and throwing money at them.

He officially did this and has officially been banned for it now 2 years in a row.

Somehow this is "blaming the refs" in your warped and sick mind.

:facepalm :rolleyes:

You don't know the meaning of "officially" :facepalm

06-02-2014, 05:58 AM
You don't know the meaning of "officially" :facepalm

Apparently, you can't read and you are another sub 65 IQ retard.


UPDATE: For that comment and also incidents against the referees after the end of the game Dimitris Giannakopoulos was punished with three months ban from any gym and a 22.000 euros fine and also an extra 9.000 fine was imposed to Panathinaikos.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-02-2014, 06:23 AM
Apparently, you can't read and you are another sub 65 IQ retard.


UPDATE: For that comment and also incidents against the referees after the end of the game Dimitris Giannakopoulos was punished with three months ban from any gym and a 22.000 euros fine and also an extra 9.000 fine was imposed to Panathinaikos.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

you quoted a source :lebronamazed:

06-02-2014, 06:25 AM
I am a Panathinaikos fan, but I'm not one of these crazy lunatics that agrees with all of this absurd nonsense.


06-02-2014, 06:48 AM
1 point for the T.Mac of Greece:facepalm :lol

06-02-2014, 06:56 AM
Spanoulis is the best in Euroleague, [/B]and he's complete unstoppable in Greek League against any team unless he has to play against Panathinaikos (which controls the league - actually controls the league, I mean that they actually run the league, not saying that to say it, I mean they actually do run the league, that's how it works, a team operates the system).

Then all of a sudden, he can't score because he is fouled endlessly, triple teamed the whole game, etc.

Diamantidis is always Superman, because no one is allowed to defend him. Acie Law made these comments, then the press attacked him and he had to apologize, because you see, Panathinaikos also employs 50% of the press.

Yes, that's also how it works, the team employs half of the journalists also.

It does not work like how it does in the USA. You can't assume it's the same type of competition like NBA or like Euroleague is. One club runs and controls everything and that's just how it is. I mean the club even controls the damn national team.

Not this year. This year it was Sergio Rodriguez and Tyrese Rice.
Shows the level of Euroleague today.
:roll: :roll: :lol