View Full Version : Jeff Bower is our new GM

06-02-2014, 12:23 PM

06-02-2014, 04:57 PM
I heard that this morning too. I'm not really sure what to think of it. SVG is still the guy who is going to make the final decisions. Right now I'm not too thrilled with the direction of the team.

Aussie Dunker
06-02-2014, 06:22 PM
Bower and SVG have to earn our trust, our respect, by making some sort of shake up to our roster one way or another. I don't want a repeat of last year and I want to see these two men show the fans some commitment by giving us hope that they are not afraid to shoot for greatness even if it means taking a few chances - as mediocrity is far worse than bottoming out in the end...

06-03-2014, 12:14 PM
I heard that this morning too. I'm not really sure what to think of it. SVG is still the guy who is going to make the final decisions. Right now I'm not too thrilled with the direction of the team.

Really? I'm pretty thrilled. Bower has a solid track record and reputation and SVG was a fantastic hire.

Aussie Dunker
06-29-2014, 12:04 AM
Just an idea for Bower / SVG...

Rockets receive: Rondo + Smith (Smith and Rondo are bum buddies, Smith and Dwight are BFF - would make them all very happy)

Pistons receive: Parsons (The true stretch SF the Pistons need, and allows Dre + Moose frontcourt to develop)

Celtics receive: Harden (The marquee superstar to build the franchise around moving forward)

I am sure Pistons and Celtics say yes to this deal, not sure how the rockets would view this - I think it makes sense for them though...

06-29-2014, 03:00 AM
Just an idea for Bower / SVG...

Rockets receive: Rondo + Smith (Smith and Rondo are bum buddies, Smith and Dwight are BFF - would make them all very happy)

Pistons receive: Parsons (The true stretch SF the Pistons need, and allows Dre + Moose frontcourt to develop)

Celtics receive: Harden (The marquee superstar to build the franchise around moving forward)

I am sure Pistons and Celtics say yes to this deal, not sure how the rockets would view this - I think it makes sense for them though...

I think Chandler Parsons is one of the most over rated players in the NBA. I don't want anything to do with him or the long term contract he'll be getting.

Aussie Dunker
06-29-2014, 10:33 AM
I think Chandler Parsons is one of the most over rated players in the NBA. I don't want anything to do with him or the long term contract he'll be getting.

Interesting... How do you think he is over rated?

I think he is over rated in terms of being a budding star of a SF in this league.

But he makes less than a million a year - so far he has exceed ALL expectations of where he was drafted and what the rockets thought he could do...

I think he has potential to develop into a truly elite role player, he could lead the league in 3's next year - which is EXACTLY the type of player we need. From a positional stand point he fits the pistons pretty damn well in my opinion... Spaces the floor for Dre and Moose and provides a legit outside threat...

He is still young so SVG has time to make him accountable on defense, he has the potential to be a very good defender...

But if people think he can be a first or 2nd option, they will be disapointed...

Aussie Dunker
06-29-2014, 10:36 AM
I do Parsons for Smith trade in a heart beat, it helps un-congest our front court, allows Moose and Dre to fully develop, and makes Pistons better at SF. It gives us an outside threat - which is the Pistons #1 need right now, and straightens our lineup out... Makes sense on a number of levels...

06-29-2014, 01:13 PM
I think Chandler Parsons is one of the most over rated players in the NBA. I don't want anything to do with him or the long term contract he'll be getting.

I'd love to have Parsons. I feel he is consistent, has driving and play making ability, can play decent defense, and is a nice ranged player. I had him on my fantasy team, so I watched quite a few Rockets game this year and really liked his style.

Aussie Dunker
06-29-2014, 07:03 PM
I'd love to have Parsons. I feel he is consistent, has driving and play making ability, can play decent defense, and is a nice ranged player. I had him on my fantasy team, so I watched quite a few Rockets game this year and really liked his style.

^^ I just think he would compliment Dre and Moose substantially more than Josh Smith does - solves two major problems; 1 - deep shooting and 2 - spacing, both of which the Pistons were horrific at last year.


we get rid of Josh Smith and get to keep Moose, which is the big win here! :cheers:

06-30-2014, 01:13 PM
an efficient shooting SF like Parsons is exactly what we need and his ability to move to stretch 4 is perfect here.

You need to get more than Rondo for Harden though and Parsons is worth more than SMith

Parsons no longer makes less than a mil, he's a restricted fa

06-30-2014, 02:09 PM
Parsons is definitely not worth more than Smith. Smith is the better ball player in that deal. We'd be doing them a favor just due to the fact that we have pieces that don't fit.

06-30-2014, 03:00 PM
Parsons is definitely not worth more than Smith. Smith is the better ball player in that deal. We'd be doing them a favor just due to the fact that we have pieces that don't fit.

I 100% disagree. I mean, Smith can still be a good player if he gets it together, but even the year before when Smith was in Atlanta, he was a 4.5 win player to Parsons' 7.5. Parsons' effiicient shooting is very valuable.

Aussie Dunker
06-30-2014, 05:45 PM
In the correct situation Smith is a lot more valuable than Parsons in my humble opinion. You have to remember that Smith is one of the elite defenders for his position - has a career average of over 2 blocks and 1 steal per game.

Talent wise? It isn't even close, Smith has so much raw talent.

Now last year - Parsons was a more valuable asset as he was in a role that suited him a lot more than Smith was.

Next to Dwight though, at PF, I think Smith would be extremely good, and Rockets would be upgrading...

Aussie Dunker
06-30-2014, 05:48 PM
Just read an article about Pistons looking at Josh Smith for Ben Mclemore centered trade...

06-30-2014, 06:03 PM
Just read an article about Pistons looking at Josh Smith for Ben Mclemore centered trade...
Hypothetical or legit rumor? I kind of like that. I remember before the draft last year we were all hoping he was going to drop to us. Now we have KCP though. I just don't see how that works. Although I do think McLemore has far more upside. For all the SG related rumors that tells me the Pistons don't see a future for KCP.

Aussie Dunker
06-30-2014, 07:12 PM
I think ESPN first broke this rumor, so who knows if it has any merit behind it? But I think it is growing momentum...

Mclemore + Williams for Smith + Harrelson was the likely trade, but also have heard Thompson, Landry and Terry's name floating around...

I would be straight on the phone to the jazz offering them Mclemore for Burke, as it appears Exum wants to be a pure point guard...

Then would just need to trade Jennings away for pretty much nothing, and bring in a SF...

06-30-2014, 07:19 PM
I was saying in a different thread that Burke must be on the market now. I know they think they're going to play them together but I don't see it working. I wouldn't mind looking into getting him either.

I'd pull the trigger on the McLemore & Williams trade right away. I feel like Williams could finally find a good fit here. He can knock down an outside shot which is something we really need. Of course we have Jerebko too, so I'm sure we're going to see more of him this season. Anyway around it Williams has more upside. The times where he's been played he's done pretty well. He just sits the bench too much.

Aussie Dunker
06-30-2014, 07:39 PM
Williams has a pretty comparable game to Smith's. Ultra athleticism, both can play the tweener forward position and both have decent range for a big guy (well, Smith thinks he does anyway)...

And Williams wouldn't be any older than what, 23?... Would work nicely off the bench, and could share minutes at both forward spots with Jerebko...

Mcelmore for Burke makes too much sense,

Exum / Mcelmore ir better than Burke / Exum from a positional and complimentary standpoint. I would assume that Mcelmore and Burke have similar value (perhaps Burke slightly more after his rookie season but back to even trade value after Jazz drafted Exum).

Aussie Dunker
06-30-2014, 08:59 PM
The other move I have heard some whispers around is Smith to Knicks for Shumpert + Bargs...

07-01-2014, 12:25 AM
We supposedly offered 3/24 to Isaiah Thomas. That's weird if true, though he is better than Jennings.

07-01-2014, 01:38 AM
The other move I have heard some whispers around is Smith to Knicks for Shumpert + Bargs...

I guess the bonus to that would be Bargnani is an expiring contract. He would be alright next to Dre, but he can't play any defense. I'm not sure who we could attract to Detroit as a FA in 2015 though.....

Aussie Dunker
07-01-2014, 05:23 AM
Sign Thomas, then send Smith and Jennings to Kings for Mclemore, Williams and Thompson? Kill two birds with one stone ;)