View Full Version : Couple of Alex Jones, Cliven Bundy militia type just murdered some cops eating pizza

06-09-2014, 11:43 PM
Straight up ambushed two cops having lunch. (http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/10/us-usa-nevada-shooting-idUSKBN0EK1U320140610)

The couple are believed to have acted alone on Sunday when they killed the lunching policemen before heading to a nearby Walmart, where they killed a bystander who tried to stop them. Later, surrounded by police, 22-year-old Amanda Miller shot and killed her 31-year-old husband, Jerad, then took her own life.

“At this time we believe this is an isolated act,” Assistant Clark County Sheriff Kevin McMahill told a news conference. “There is no doubt that the suspects have some apparent ideology that’s along the lines of militia and white supremacist.”

Information about the suspects gleaned from police and social media painted a picture of a pair with increasingly extremist views on government and law enforcement, culminating in an ominous Facebook post a day before the shooting.

"The dawn of a new day. May all of our coming sacrifices be worth it," Jerad Miller wrote on Saturday.

Police said the Millers, who married in 2012 in Indiana, had expressed support in social media for renegade Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, whose property was the scene of a high-profile April standoff between federal agents and Bundy supporters over a forced round-up of his cattle from public land.

McMahill said investigators were looking into any possible ties between the couple and right-wing extremist groups, as well as any links to the Bundy ranch action, which became a magnet for anti-government militiamen angry over what they viewed as federal overreach.

Bundy's son, Ammon Bundy, told Reuters the Millers had indeed been at the family's Bunkerville ranch, but that militia members asked them to leave because of "radical conduct." He did not know the nature of the behavior that got them ousted or how long they stayed.

“We’re working to figure out those details,” Bundy said.

So this married couple was too extremist for the loons who gathered around Cliven Bundy and aimed their rifles at law enforcement.

They had plans to take over a courthouse and start executing people.
They left a shit-ton of anti-government paranoia all over social media too. YouTube, Facebook, The message boards at Infowars.com, Google +, etc

06-09-2014, 11:50 PM

Before 6 on Sunday morning, just hours before they killed two police officers and a civilian in a display of anti-government violence, Jerad and Amanda Miller left their two beloved cats with Kelley Fielder, the next-door neighbor with whom they had been staying. Amanda Miller, 22, promised to return later. Jerad Miller, 31, did not. He gave Fielder a tearful hug, and said, "I got to do what I got to do."

" 'The revolution has begun' - that's what he kept saying," Fielder recalled Monday. "All Jerad wanted to do is talk about overthrowing the government. I thought he was talking smack."

But rather than idle talk, Sunday marked a bloody end to what neighbors described as Jerad Miller's obsession with overthrowing the government.

The couple set off on foot from their apartment building - she with a handgun in her purse, and he with at least one shotgun and hundreds of rounds of ammunition in a backpack, the police said. Just before noon, the couple entered a CiCi's Pizza parlor, where Jerad Miller shot officer Igor Soldo, 31, in the head, then the couple opened fire on officer Alyn Beck, 41.

They draped one officer's body in a swastika and a yellow "Don't Tread on Me" flag that has been adopted as a symbol of the tea party. On the other officer, they pinned a note warning of "the beginning of the revolution," a phrase they also shouted in the restaurant, the police said.

They promptly crossed the street to a Walmart, where Jerad Miller fired a single shot and announced to those shopping in the crowded store: "Get out! This is a revolution. Police are on the way." Joseph Wilcox, 31, who was at the checkout area and carrying a handgun, tried to stop Jerad Miller, but did not notice that Amanda Miller was working in concert with her husband. She shot Wilcox dead. The couple marauded through the store until the police trapped them at the back. There, Amanda Miller fatally shot her husband before shooting herself in the head.

Documents the police found in Fielder's apartment, where the Millers had been staying for the last two weeks, indicated that they may have planned even greater destruction: A search warrant inventory said the authorities had seized "numerous papers including detailed plans to take over a courthouse and execute public officials."

....This year, in what may have been an attempt to join a revolution, the couple had briefly joined the anti-government militia assembled at the Nevada ranch of Cliven Bundy, who became a symbol of opposition to the government this spring for his refusal to pay grazing fees for his cattle on federal land.

The couple dressed in camouflage and carried coolers full of guns and ammunition, neighbors said, and Amanda Miller left her job at Hobby Lobby. But Bundy's supporters asked them to leave. Bundy's son Ammon told The Associated Press that the couple were "very radical" and did not "align themselves" with the main cause.

06-09-2014, 11:56 PM
They also earned their living in Las Vegas by Dressing as The Joke and Harley Quinn to pose for photos with tourists.

06-10-2014, 12:02 AM
In other news Alex Jones declared this to be a false flag operation.

06-10-2014, 12:14 AM
In other news Alex Jones declared this to be a false flag operation.
That was fast.

06-10-2014, 12:22 AM
OP is a scum-bag. What's this got to do with Alex Jones? As far as I know he endorses neither violence, nor white supremacy. What a partisan dick.

06-10-2014, 12:23 AM
That was fast.

Not only that but he seems to be doubling down on his bullshit. Someone with a sense of decency would pause if two dedicated fan of theirs just murdered three people and would issue some sort of conciliatory statement, but not this jackass.

06-10-2014, 12:27 AM
OP is a scum-bag. What's this got to do with Alex Jones? As far as I know he endorses neither violence, nor white supremacy. What a partisan dick.

This. Shameful, OP should be banned.

06-10-2014, 12:35 AM
Not only that but he seems to be doubling down on his bullshit. Someone with a sense of decency would pause if two dedicated fan of theirs just murdered three people and would issue some sort of conciliatory statement, but not this jackass.

Any decent person who hears that three people just got murdered by crazies wouldn't try and use it as ammunition against a political ideology that they oppose, but like a good little partisan you do.


Kudo's kev, I really think you've got a big future in politics. You're certainly a big enough cretin for it.

Patrick Chewing
06-10-2014, 12:38 AM
I bet they were racist Tea Partiers. Racists! Obama is the best President ever and anyone who disagrees is racist.

Hillary 2016 FTW!!!

06-10-2014, 12:43 AM
I bet they were racist Tea Partiers. Racists! Obama is the best President ever and anyone who disagrees is racist.

Hillary 2016 FTW!!!

Judging by the fact they draped a swastika over the dead cops body, that is probably true.

06-10-2014, 12:46 AM
OP is a scum-bag. What's this got to do with Alex Jones? As far as I know he endorses neither violence, nor white supremacy. What a partisan dick.

I mentioned Alex Jones because the murderer was a fan and used to post on infowars.com (http://planet.infowars.com/offbeat/the-police-to-kill-or-not-to-kill)

06-10-2014, 12:49 AM
I mentioned Alex Jones because the murderer was a fan and used to post on infowars.com (http://planet.infowars.com/offbeat/the-police-to-kill-or-not-to-kill)

Does that make Elliot Rodger a Bodybuilding type? Does this mean we can assume everyone interested in personal fitness is gonna spree kill?

06-10-2014, 12:49 AM
F#cking awful. :(

Patrick Chewing
06-10-2014, 12:50 AM
Judging by the fact they draped a swastika over the dead cops body, that is probably true.

Oh but wait, both cops were white.

06-10-2014, 12:51 AM
Any decent person who hears that three people just got murdered by crazies wouldn't try and use it as ammunition against a political ideology that they oppose, but like a good little partisan you do.


Kudo's kev, I really think you've got a big future in politics. You're certainly a big enough cretin for it.

You're an asshole. Use Google. The killing happened 36 hours ago. These crazies were murdering because of their ideology.

I deliberately didn't say Republican or Conservative because I would hope Republicans or Conservatives are opposed to the murder of law enforcement.

If you're an Alex Jones fan, why don't you take this moment to reflect on where it leads too.

Patrick Chewing
06-10-2014, 12:55 AM
You're an asshole. Use Google. The killing happened 36 hours ago. These crazies were murdering because of their ideology.

I deliberately didn't say Republican or Conservative because I would hope Republicans or Conservatives are opposed to the murder of law enforcement.

If you're an Alex Jones fan, why don't you take this moment to reflect on where it leads too.

Is that even necessary to say?? Anyone who is not opposed to murder or murder of law enforcement is insane.

06-10-2014, 12:56 AM
Oh but wait, both cops were white.
Yes, they were racists and yes they were big fans of Gladsen Flag.

They felt the police were Nazis and they were being oppressed. That's the symbology of the swastika to them

06-10-2014, 12:59 AM
You're an asshole. Use Google. The killing happened 36 hours ago. These crazies were murdering because of their ideology.

I'm an asshole? Says the guy who's using three people's deaths to smear an already marginalized political ideology.

I do use google.

I know it happened 36 hours ago.

Correct, their ideology. Not Cliven Bundy's, not Alex Jones', their own.

06-10-2014, 01:00 AM
Is that even necessary to say?? Anyone who is not opposed to murder or murder of law enforcement is insane.

Um, I just got accused of only being upset about this because of a partisan agenda. You yourself jumped to conclusions as well. Quickly disproven ones as well.

And yes, I think Alex Jones is beyond the pale of decency.

06-10-2014, 01:02 AM
Correct, their ideology. Not Cliven Bundy's, not Alex Jones', their own.

Bullshit. This is paranoid ideology that Alex Jones makes his living off. Alex Jones is one of the people who magnify this paranoia

06-10-2014, 01:03 AM
I deliberately didn't say Republican or Conservative because I would hope Republicans or Conservatives are opposed to the murder of law enforcement.

If you're an Alex Jones fan, why don't you take this moment to reflect on where it leads too.

I'm not an Alex Jones fan, but their you go again, trying to paint an entire political ideology as murderous, for your own partisan gain.

You really are just a horrible, horrible, sad, pathetic person

06-10-2014, 01:07 AM
I'm not an Alex Jones fan, but their you go again, trying to paint an entire political ideology as murderous, for your own partisan gain.

You really are just a horrible, horrible, sad, pathetic person

How the **** does saying something about Alex Jones or Cliven Bundy say anything about an entire political ideology? Tell me that. Why do you feel offended?

Jones and Bundy are fringe figures what entire political ideology do they belong to?

06-10-2014, 01:08 AM
Bullshit. This is paranoid ideology that Alex Jones makes his living off. Alex Jones is one of the people who magnify this paranoia

Fvck off. Jones to my knowledge has never espoused violence, nor white supremacy. Statists like you who yearn for a greater police presence and more laws and regulations and who vote for statist politicians are FAR more responsible than Jones.

06-10-2014, 01:08 AM
How the **** does saying something about Alex Jones or Cliven Bundy say anything about an entire political ideology? Tell me that.

Jones and Bundy are fringe figures what entire political ideology do they belong to?

Right-wing anti-fascism.

06-10-2014, 01:21 AM
Right-wing anti-fascism.
Alex Jones wages violent war against reality every day of his life.

I feel sorry for you, if you feel Alex Jones really embodies anti-fascism. Given Bundy's racism, would you say that that is an aspect of right-wing anti fascism?

If you listen to someone who for several hours ever day claim the US government is going to hoard people into concentration camps or stage a biological attack to kill hundreds of thousands, then killing a couple cops at the lunch break begins to make more sense.

06-10-2014, 01:35 AM
Alex Jones wages violent war against reality every day of his life.

I feel sorry for you, if you feel Alex Jones really embodies anti-fascism. Given Bundy's racism, would you say that that is an aspect of right-wing anti fascism?

If you listen to someone who for several hours ever day claim the US government is going to hoard people into concentration camps or stage a biological attack to kill hundreds of thousands, then killing a couple cops at the lunch break begins to make more sense.

Just because Alex Jones believes whacky thing, doesn't mean he's responsible.

I feel sorry for you if you don't know the difference between being part of an ideology and embodying it.

I didn't really follow the "Bundy is racist" story, but from what I remember he said something along the lines of "Many negroes are dependant on welfare." which is a statement of factr however un-palatable. It's quite sad that you think in such collectivist terms. Assuming Bundy is racist (which I do not) saying that racism is a part of the anti fascist movement is like saying being a basketball fan is part of Seinfeld fandom because I watch Basketball and am a Seinfeld fan.

I really think you're a bad person for not only using peoples deaths for personal gain, but for then doubling down on it and getting worse. A really, really bad person.

06-10-2014, 10:19 AM
Any decent person who hears that three people just got murdered by crazies wouldn't try and use it as ammunition against a political ideology that they oppose, but like a good little partisan you do.


Kudo's kev, I really think you've got a big future in politics. You're certainly a big enough cretin for it.

nothing to see. Just KevinNYC with his ad-hominem attacks and looking for a reason to debate about his own political agenda. Inb4 he searches the web for more quotes by senior analysts to promote his claim..

Alex Jones is nutty but fail to see how these murders have anything to do with him. Should we blame gang killings(or any murder) on rapers since they rap about gangs, violence, drugs, etc?

06-10-2014, 10:38 AM
nothing to see. Just KevinNYC with his ad-hominem attacks and looking for a reason to debate about his own political agenda. Inb4 he searches the web for more quotes by senior analysts to promote his claim..

Alex Jones is nutty but fail to see how these murders have anything to do with him. Should we blame gang killings(or any murder) on rapers since they rap about gangs, violence, drugs, etc?

This. Dude is clamouring for Jay Carney's job.

06-10-2014, 11:48 AM
Fvck off. Jones to my knowledge has never espoused violence, nor white supremacy. Statists like you who yearn for a greater police presence and more laws and regulations and who vote for statist politicians are FAR more responsible than Jones.

You do remember what Alex Jones screamed in his Piers Morgan interview, right?


Hmmmm....a violent revolution spawned by general distrust of overseers (granted the revolution really began a year prior, but expecting Jones to be factual is a bit of a reach, anyway)

What where these anti-government clowns saying when they killed the two police officers?


Seems like you'd have to have a bit of tunnel vision to not see the similarities. To my knowledge, Jones has never told his listeners to grab their arms and attack the nearest representative of government control...but his fierce anti-government rhetoric fueled by outlandish conspiracy theories that only serve to instill unnecessary fear into his viewers combine to make the audience feel oppressed or cornered. It's much easier to do something like shoot police officers if you think they are part of a vast conspiracy to control and exterminate you, I think. Consider his obsession with "FEMA camps" and other wildly nutty ideas. Some people actually believe the government is trying to enslave us and take away everything we have...when you believe that sorta bullshit, desperation is bound to set in and actions that follow, however illogical and evil, will be easier to make sense of in the mind of the person committing said acts.

06-10-2014, 12:09 PM
You do remember what Alex Jones screamed in his Piers Morgan interview, right?


Hmmmm....a violent revolution spawned by general distrust of overseers (granted the revolution really began a year prior, but expecting Jones to be factual is a bit of a reach, anyway)

What where these anti-government clowns saying when they killed the two police officers?


Seems like you'd have to have a bit of tunnel vision to not see the similarities. To my knowledge, Jones has never told his listeners to grab their arms and attack the nearest representative of government control...but his fierce anti-government rhetoric fueled by outlandish conspiracy theories that only serve to instill unnecessary fear into his viewers combine to make the audience feel oppressed or cornered. It's much easier to do something like shoot police officers if you think they are part of a vast conspiracy to control and exterminate you, I think. Consider his obsession with "FEMA camps" and other wildly nutty ideas. Some people actually believe the government is trying to enslave us and take away everything we have...when you believe that sorta bullshit, desperation is bound to set in and actions that follow, however illogical and evil, will be easier to make sense of in the mind of the person committing said acts.

Boom, you hit the nail right on the head. The rest is all bullshit.

Alex Jones is no more a cause of this than GW Bush, or Obama or any other statist that has done the kind of things that are bound to make paranoiacs paranoid.

It's a lot easier to kill a cop when you see stories like these every day:



06-10-2014, 12:31 PM
Boom, you hit the nail right on the head. The rest is all bullshit.

Alex Jones is no more a cause of this than GW Bush, or Obama or any other statist that has done the kind of things that are bound to make paranoiacs paranoid.

Like I said: tunnel vision.

Butbutbutbutbutbutbut he never said people should kill other people!

Give me a goddamn break.

Making false claims about the government trying to enslave every last American citizen and how it's controlled by a shadow government that is infiltrated with reptilian beings and shit like that drives these politically schizo people to do rash things. Claiming that anything Bush or Obama did is going to give these delusional half-wits the same sort of paranoia they would receive from Infowars is just completely bonkers. If anything, it's Jones's spin on every little action taken by the two administrations that motivates these people to do something. Also, it is certainly more motivating to act to an extremist such as these two when you feel that a whole army is ready to kick down your door and drag you to a labor camp rather than getting upset over a couple of sporadic cop-shoots-innocent-bystander stories. With the former, especially with the advent of the NSA revelations, they can certainly believe the gov't is watching their every move just before they enslave the populace.

06-10-2014, 12:48 PM
Seems like you'd have to have a bit of tunnel vision to not see the similarities.

My point was not about similarities with Alex Jones. I didn't put in the first posts, but this guy and his wife were dedicated Alex Jones fans. He constantly was posting Alex Jones stuff on his facebook page. Not stuff similar to Alex Jones, stuff he found from Alex Jones's postings.

He posted about killing cops on infowars two years ago. (http://planet.infowars.com/offbeat/the-police-to-kill-or-not-to-kill) He was upset that he couldn't own guns. Rather than the other Jones posters pointing out that as a felon on parole, you give up certain rights in exchange for not being in prison, they fed his victimization and paranoia*

[QUOTE]You are not a “felon” but an innocent dissident victim of an evil terrorist regime.


My suggestion is for you to sell up, marry your fianc

06-10-2014, 01:04 PM
My point was not about similarities with Alex Jones. I didn't put in the first posts, but this guy and his wife were dedicated Alex Jones fans. He constantly was posting Alex Jones stuff on his facebook page. Not stuff similar to Alex Jones, stuff he found from Alex Jones's postings.

He posted about killing cops on infowars two years ago. (http://planet.infowars.com/offbeat/the-police-to-kill-or-not-to-kill) He was upset that he couldn't own guns. Rather than the other Jones posters pointing out that as a felon on parole, you give up certain rights in exchange for not being in prison, they fed his victimization and paranoia*

The murders he and his wife committed were political acts of terrorists wishing to start a revolution. This isn't a case of someone clearly mentally ill going on a rampage. Alex Jones world fed their politics and their murderous fantasies.

*He got one reasonable response of

I was simply pointing out the eery similarities in rhetoric. Really, like you noted, the couple was deeply entrenched in Jones's paranoia-driven propaganda, which is what I was to a degree suspicious of.

06-10-2014, 01:17 PM
Like I said: tunnel vision.

Butbutbutbutbutbutbut he never said people should kill other people!

Give me a goddamn break.

Making false claims about the government trying to enslave every last American citizen and how it's controlled by a shadow government that is infiltrated with reptilian beings and shit like that drives these politically schizo people to do rash things. Claiming that anything Bush or Obama did is going to give these delusional half-wits the same sort of paranoia they would receive from Infowars is just completely bonkers. If anything, it's Jones's spin on every little action taken by the two administrations that motivates these people to do something. Also, it is certainly more motivating to act to an extremist such as these two when you feel that a whole army is ready to kick down your door and drag you to a labor camp rather than getting upset over a couple of sporadic cop-shoots-innocent-bystander stories. With the former, especially with the advent of the NSA revelations, they can certainly believe the gov't is watching their every move just before they enslave the populace.

You're just as bad as the other partisan hack. You don't like Jones? Cool... Just don't try and say he incites people to murder, because then you're just as big a conspiracy nut as him.

06-10-2014, 01:21 PM
My point was not about similarities with Alex Jones. I didn't put in the first posts, but this guy and his wife were dedicated Alex Jones fans. He constantly was posting Alex Jones stuff on his facebook page. Not stuff similar to Alex Jones, stuff he found from Alex Jones's postings.

He posted about killing cops on infowars two years ago. (http://planet.infowars.com/offbeat/the-police-to-kill-or-not-to-kill) He was upset that he couldn't own guns. Rather than the other Jones posters pointing out that as a felon on parole, you give up certain rights in exchange for not being in prison, they fed his victimization and paranoia*

The murders he and his wife committed were political acts of terrorists wishing to start a revolution. This isn't a case of someone clearly mentally ill going on a rampage. Alex Jones world fed their politics and their murderous fantasies.

*He got one reasonable response of

:rolleyes: @ bolded.

How the fvck do you sleep at night you fvcking scumbag? Have some goddamn common decency and stop trying to use peoples deaths to your advantage, you piece of fvcking shit.

06-10-2014, 01:30 PM
:rolleyes: @ bolded.

How the fvck do you sleep at night you fvcking scumbag? Have some goddamn common decency and stop trying to use peoples deaths to your advantage, you piece of fvcking shit.
How in your mind does condemning extremism equal not decent? What advantage do I get out of that?

Why does my condemnation of extremism upset you so greatly?

06-10-2014, 01:41 PM
April 2014 thinking he's clever.

06-10-2014, 01:45 PM
alex jones is responsible for this shooting about as much as violent video games are responsible for columbine

06-10-2014, 01:48 PM
April 2014 thinking he's clever.

Re-joiner you dumb fvck.

alex jones is responsible for this shooting about as much as violent video games are responsible for columbine

See, Kev? You can be a committed dem without trying to use peoples deaths for political gain.

06-10-2014, 01:51 PM
I used think KevinNYC was just a misguided, but well intentioned progressive, but now I realize he is just a troll

06-10-2014, 02:43 PM
Cactus-Hack is right. Anyone trying to find the root cause of this couple's rampage is only doing it out of arrogant self-promotion. The real role models in this situation are the ones who don't do anything and refuse to get to the core issue. Also nice to see how he has conveniently disregarded every connection made between the Millers and the Infowars community. It probably doesn't mean anything, that would make too much sense.

Burgz V2
06-10-2014, 03:11 PM
the discussion in here is absolutely shocking. Some people need to just turn their TVs, computers and phones off and go outside.

06-10-2014, 03:20 PM
alex jones is responsible for this shooting about as much as violent video games are responsible for columbine

The guy expressed a lot of fear about going to FEMA camps, which I can see as a strong motivation for him to go kill the cops.

He's not crazy; if you read his postings, he sounds quite rational; but he is fearful based on these conspiracies, and if it is the fear that's driving him to kill, then yes, there is a correlation with Alex Jones since he is the biggest fear mongerer in America.

Burgz V2
06-10-2014, 03:40 PM
The guy expressed a lot of fear about going to FEMA camps, which I can see as a strong motivation for him to go kill the cops.

He's not crazy; if you read his postings, he sounds quite rational; but he is fearful based on these conspiracies, and if it is the fear that's driving him to kill, then yes, there is a correlation with Alex Jones since he is the biggest fear mongerer in America.

I see what you mean but I don't think you can point to one source as the biggest. He definitely is not crazy, but he very often understates the affect of his words. He is actually extremely wily in that regard, because he never explicitly promotes violence, only a reversion to a set of founding principles that allows Americans to defend themselves in the case of overpowering government control over society. That absolves him of the responsibility of being tied to people like the shooters in LV.

I don't agree or disagree with anything he says, I'm not an American so it is not my place to say what principles another country should follow or not, but I do think there is a degree of responsibility that is necessary for instances like this where the shooters' motivations are directly linked to his work. He calls it a false-flag operation but he says that everytime something like this happens. With no way of confirming or refuting his claims definitively, how do we know this is not just some way of him excluding himself from any sort of culpability? I wonder how long until even his own followers begin to question him? :confusedshrug:

06-10-2014, 03:53 PM
The guy expressed a lot of fear about going to FEMA camps, which I can see as a strong motivation for him to go kill the cops.

He's not crazy; if you read his postings, he sounds quite rational; but he is fearful based on these conspiracies, and if it is the fear that's driving him to kill, then yes, there is a correlation with Alex Jones since he is the biggest fear mongerer in America.

what a bunch of nonsense. fox news and the rest of the mainstream news media would be offended to hear you call a fringe lunatic like alex jones get called the "biggest fear mongerer in america"

anyway the men who shot these cops did it because they were ****ed up in the head, not because alex jones told them to. this alex jones bullshit is identical to the violent video game bullshit or marilyn manson bullshit that comes up every time there is a school shooting.

06-10-2014, 04:00 PM
oh god let the "this is amerika give us our guns" debate begin

06-10-2014, 04:08 PM
In other news Alex Jones declared this to be a false flag operation.

what a ****ing douche

06-10-2014, 04:14 PM
what a bunch of nonsense. fox news and the rest of the mainstream news media would be offended to hear you call a fringe lunatic like alex jones get called the "biggest fear mongerer in america"

anyway the men who shot these cops did it because they were ****ed up in the head, not because alex jones told them to. this alex jones bullshit is identical to the violent video game bullshit or marilyn manson bullshit that comes up every time there is a school shooting.

It's not the same thing as video games. Violence in videogames is passive, while an ideology from Alex Jones (arm yourself, fight against the authorities, they're going to put you away in concentration camps, this is going to be another nazi Germany, etc.) has the possibility of making a person fearful of the government. This is an active influence on the way people think. In fact, the killer mention many times about how America is turning into Nazi Germany and if the cops were to ever arrest him for his pot conviction, he'll secretly be transported to a fema camp and executed.

My logic is this:

1. The man has a fear of authorities through listening to Alex Jones.

2. From this fear, he strikes back thinking he is doing a service against the "enslavement" of America.

3. Since Alex Jones is feeding him these thoughts and creating the fear (had he not listened to him he would not manifest these fears, and yes, there is evidence to suggest Jones is a source), there is a direct connection since his actions correlate with the speech Jones advocate.

06-10-2014, 04:21 PM
what a ****ing douche
Your naive if you think they don't exist..


06-10-2014, 04:26 PM
I see what you mean but I don't think you can point to one source as the biggest. He definitely is not crazy, but he very often understates the affect of his words. He is actually extremely wily in that regard, because he never explicitly promotes violence, only a reversion to a set of founding principles that allows Americans to defend themselves in the case of overpowering government control over society. That absolves him of the responsibility of being tied to people like the shooters in LV.

When he talks about revolutions and fighting back that is advocating violence against the government. He is not directly saying people should arm themselves and shoot up the government, but he is suggesting they should, and then he justifies through the fear of Fema camps, a camp much like Nazis where people will be rounded up and gased to death.

The shooter had a small drug charge and he was already talking about how he was going to die (out of fear he might be in a fema camp) than to be arrested and taken to prison.

Do you think he would of killed those cops and fought back if he didn't have that fear? Any sane person would go to court, pay the fine, do their probation and move on, but because of the fear of the fema camps, he couldn't reason to himself to go through that process.

06-10-2014, 04:28 PM
I don't know how much of it is sensationalist bs but the whole fema and increased US surveillance thing is hard to explain

06-10-2014, 04:29 PM
Your naive if you think they don't exist..



no shit?

point is **** that asshole for immedietly jumping on it like he knows what the **** he is talking about.

Kev is right.

Jones is a POS who enriches himself by praying on weak minded, bitter ass, conspiracy junkies.

06-10-2014, 04:37 PM
I don't know how much of it is sensationalist bs but the whole fema and increased US surveillance thing is hard to explain

It is mostly sensationalized by Alex Jones. He does it for the money. This is not the same thing as videogames or music. This is direct speech that makes the listener fearful of the government. If he tells his listeners they are going to rounded up and killed in fema camps, that is very diferent from playing a fantasy violent game or listening to a rap music that doesn't talk to you directly.

Sad news is he's only sensationalizing it to make money without caring much for the consequences.

06-10-2014, 04:37 PM
Your naive if you think they don't exist..


Most people agree that false flag operations have occurred, but Alex Jones takes advantage of a few legitimate instances of false flag operations by then claiming that every mass shooting or large incident is somehow a false flag or conspiracy. What was the last shooting that caught the public's eye that Alex Jones DIDN'T claim was a false flag op?

06-10-2014, 06:47 PM
Jones is a POS who enriches himself by praying on weak minded, bitter ass, conspiracy junkies.

I just found out the company that distributes his show actually makes it money selling overpriced gold and silver coins.

Not that they just advertise on his show, they give him his national distribution.

Their price for a bunch of silver dimes was $700 higher than the first place that showed up in Google.

06-10-2014, 08:40 PM
Read the title and knew what this thread would be about. Sure enough, no surprise here. Kevin not even trying to hide his agenda anymore lol

06-10-2014, 10:39 PM
Alex Jones is a media personality not a militia type ya diipshiite :rolleyes:

Tell me something...do you look the other way when the popo beat an innocent girl to death and get away scott free or with just "paid leave"? Or do you have something to say about it? How about police shooting a poor little baby in the chest with a teargas canister, sending her into a coma? Or how about the goons with badges telling a poor homeless man in California they're getting ready to beat his ass and then procede to beat his ass to the grave? Answer me you libtard

06-10-2014, 11:05 PM
Alex Jones is a media personality not a militia type ya diipshiite :rolleyes:


A. That's not true.

B. I also mentioned Cliven Bundy and this terrorist showed up to be part of his militia.

06-10-2014, 11:38 PM
Alex Jones is a media personality not a militia type ya diipshiite :rolleyes:

Tell me something...do you look the other way when the popo beat an innocent girl to death and get away scott free or with just "paid leave"? Or do you have something to say about it? How about police shooting a poor little baby in the chest with a teargas canister, sending her into a coma? Or how about the goons with badges telling a poor homeless man in California they're getting ready to beat his ass and then procede to beat his ass to the grave? Answer me you cursed libtard

I understand Kev has absolutely no credibility on this subject matter, but I'm going to have to agree with him. If you can affect a person's ideology, then you can affect their actions. Again, unlike passive influences like videogames, music, and movies, a person's fear mongering can lead to a direct influence on someone else's actions. We've seen this in churches, fanaticism, countries, etc. Telling his listeners to start a revolution or they will end up in fema camps does not get anymore direct than that.

His listeners truly believe his words, but what they don't know is he is sensationalizing it; there is some truth to what he is saying (the government wanted to put black leaders in fema camps back in the 60s), but it is being sensationalized to gain publicity and draw in listeners, thus the fear is being overblown and has created a monster out of 2 of his listeners.

I'm calling it like I see it, and this is coming from the biggest conspiracy theorist in here.

06-10-2014, 11:55 PM
This is ISH not FOX News. :no:

06-11-2014, 12:19 AM
I understand Kev has absolutely no credibility on this subject matter, but I'm going to have to agree with him. If you can affect a person's ideology, then you can affect their actions. Again, unlike passive influences like videogames, music, and movies, a person's fear mongering can lead to a direct influence on someone else's actions. We've seen this in churches, fanaticism, countries, etc. Telling his listeners to start a revolution or they will end up in fema camps does not get anymore direct than that.

His listeners truly believe his words, but what they don't know is he is sensationalizing it; there is some truth to what he is saying (the government wanted to put black leaders in fema camps back in the 60s), but it is being sensationalized to gain publicity and draw in listeners, thus the fear is being overblown and has created a monster out of 2 of his listeners.

I'm calling it like I see it, and this is coming from the biggest conspiracy theorist in here.
Dude you don't think black ops could've flipped them over those drug charges? Open yur eyes man


06-11-2014, 12:24 AM
I got an idea...let's make a new post every time a cop abuses or kills someone in America serving and protecting the fcuk out of us. How do you think OTC page 1 will look every day?

06-11-2014, 01:04 AM
Dude you don't think black ops could've flipped them over those drug charges? Open yur eyes man


Maybe you are opening your eyes too much. There is a difference between conspiracy theories and conspiracy facts. Jones can say whatever he wants carte blanche because listeners like you will never question the evidence. Fact of the matter is a lot of what he is saying holds very little weight. He is the foxnews of the conspiracy world.

06-11-2014, 01:33 AM
He is a smart guy but I don't buy into everything he says. Staged killings setup to influence public opinion, or more important...legislation, are a REALITY in America. If you can't see that yur blind, son. See Osama bin Laden (umm where'd the body go?), Boston Marathon, et al. Plus it all fits in with the rapid escalation in military equipment, tactics and violence used by civilian police against ordinary citizens EVERY SINGLE DAY

I like how you ISHiots completely ignore that part. Real convenient for you huh :rolleyes: Police in America have killed MANY more American citizens (and also soldiers for that matter!) since 9/11 than terrorists have, for goodness sake! Say something about that, azzh0l10s.

The TSA has violated the Constitutional rights of hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans and continue to do so. Terrorists caught by the TSA since 9/11? ZERO! It's actually not surprising that some Americans will react to this new police state by fighting back against their oppressors. duhhh :rolleyes:

06-11-2014, 03:26 AM
what a bunch of nonsense. fox news and the rest of the mainstream news media would be offended to hear you call a fringe lunatic like alex jones get called the "biggest fear mongerer in america"

anyway the men who shot these cops did it because they were ****ed up in the head, not because alex jones told them to. this alex jones bullshit is identical to the violent video game bullshit or marilyn manson bullshit that comes up every time there is a school shooting.


Listening to a radio show cannot turn one into a sociopath indifferent to human suffering.

Sociopath (like the shooters and KevinNYC) are born, not made.

06-12-2014, 12:32 AM
/thread :pimp:

06-14-2014, 07:33 PM

Listening to a radio show cannot turn one into a sociopath indifferent to human suffering.

Sociopath (like the shooters and KevinNYC) are born, not made.

If listening to Hitlers propaganda can turn some people into sociopaths, then listening to Alex Jones can make a person resent the government just as much.

The killer truely believes the propaganda Alex Jones was spouting, thus he carried out acts of violence against the authorities. He put a Nazi swastika on his victims indicating that the authorities are Nazis and referred to himself as a "freedom fighter." That's 100% Alex Jones. So the idea that speech does not affect actions is incredibly ludicrous.

06-15-2014, 03:50 AM
Great. Now it's 1,000,000 to 2 on the "Who's killed more innocent people doing nothing" Meter

06-15-2014, 01:47 PM
Any decent person who hears that three people just got murdered by crazies wouldn't try and use it as ammunition against a political ideology that they oppose, but like a good little partisan you do.


Kudo's kev, I really think you've got a big future in politics. You're certainly a big enough cretin for it.
Yeh, what a pathetic human being, seriously.

It's like those deluded feminists who used the Eliot Rodgers affair to blame it on a dominant culture of woman hate and sexism, even going so far as to call it 'sexist terrorism' and the like. As if some people on message boards had the slightest to do with the actions of a deranged psychopath. They blame societies hatred of women for his actions, when his isolation from society was the actual cause - he lived in his own world.

People who use personal tragedies to plug their own petty little agendas are truly deplorable. GTFO with that shit.

06-15-2014, 07:06 PM
Great. Now it's 1,000,000 to 2 on the "Who's killed more innocent people doing nothing" Meter

06-15-2014, 07:18 PM
Yeh, what a pathetic human being, seriously.

It's like those deluded feminists who used the Eliot Rodgers affair to blame it on a dominant culture of woman hate and sexism, even going so far as to call it 'sexist terrorism' and the like. As if some people on message boards had the slightest to do with the actions of a deranged psychopath. They blame societies hatred of women for his actions, when his isolation from society was the actual cause - he lived in his own world.

People who use personal tragedies to plug their own petty little agendas are truly deplorable. GTFO with that shit.

Where do you draw the line? That's just a bad example. Calling it sexist terrorism probably has nothing to do with that dude killing people, but I think the anti-government speech of Alex Jones has directly influence the actions of those couple. The evidence is there: he laid a Nazi swatiska on the police officers, he was chanting "Freedom from tyranny" in the walmart, he has posted about his fear of fema camps and that he would "rather die than to go to prison." I mean that's on a simple drug charge.

06-18-2014, 11:35 PM
And so the truth comes out...they were police informants. :eek:


Excerpt: "According to police, the Millers had cooperated with Nevada law enforcement twice this year to provide witness testimony, but detectives did not receive any indication that the couple had anti-police sentiments."

They were even kicked out of the Bundy ranch for being way overboard in their alleged anti-police behavior, almost as if it was an act.

I think they were turned by black ops and sent in by the ObommaLlama camp to murder just as a political ploy to discredit true patriots and responsible gun owners.

oh the horror
06-18-2014, 11:41 PM

Listening to a radio show cannot turn one into a sociopath indifferent to human suffering.

Sociopath (like the shooters and KevinNYC) are born, not made.

Maybe not. But someone already teetering on the edge may perhaps begin to believe in a "revolution" as they see fit. You're speaking as if people like that are of sound mind to begin with.

06-18-2014, 11:43 PM

06-19-2014, 12:55 AM
If listening to Hitlers propaganda can turn some people into sociopaths, then listening to Alex Jones can make a person resent the government just as much.

The killer truely believes the propaganda Alex Jones was spouting, thus he carried out acts of violence against the authorities. He put a Nazi swastika on his victims indicating that the authorities are Nazis and referred to himself as a "freedom fighter." That's 100% Alex Jones. So the idea that speech does not affect actions is incredibly ludicrous.

It didn't. Don't be one of those people who thinks every German from the 1940's was some evil caricature. The holocaust was able to happen because of dissociation.

The killers were meth-head snitches, lets not pretend that this was a well-thought out attack designed to provoke wide-scale revolt... It was two meth-head hicks... come on now..

06-19-2014, 01:30 AM
It didn't. Don't be one of those people who thinks every German from the 1940's was some evil caricature. The holocaust was able to happen because of dissociation.

The killers were meth-head snitches, lets not pretend that this was a well-thought out attack designed to provoke wide-scale revolt... It was two meth-head hicks... come on now..

So you don't think any ideology affects a person's action? Of course it does. Again, I point to the evidence that those two "hicks" were completely brainwashed by Alex Jones. The fear of going to a fema camp was what drove that guy to kill the cops. He said it in his posts. He carried out the acts based on the fear of government, and he was an avid listener of Jones who created the fear by exaggerating the consequences of the fema camps if the american people don't stand up and fight back.

06-19-2014, 01:33 AM
Maybe not. But someone already teetering on the edge may perhaps begin to believe in a "revolution" as they see fit. You're speaking as if people like that are of sound mind to begin with.

Every living person has the capabilities of being a sociopath. All it takes is the trigger.

06-19-2014, 01:40 AM
So you don't think any ideology affects a person's action? Of course it does. Again, I point to the evidence that those two "hicks" were completely brainwashed by Alex Jones. The fear of going to a fema camp was what drove that guy to kill the cops. He said it in his posts. He carried out the acts based on the fear of government, and he was an avid listener of Jones who created the fear by exaggerating the consequences of the fema camps if the american people don't stand up and fight back.

You are mistaking correlation for causation. It is known that Methylamine amphetamine causes paranoia. Alex Jones' listener's are typically paranoiacs, but there is no proof of causation.

06-19-2014, 02:06 AM
You are mistaking correlation for causation. It is known that Methylamine amphetamine causes paranoia. Alex Jones' listener's are typically paranoiacs, but there is no proof of causation.

A good comparison is terrorism. People choose terrorism when they are trying to right what they perceive to be a social or political or historical wrong

06-19-2014, 09:29 PM
