View Full Version : The MOST Interesting Thing In The NBA....

06-17-2014, 02:21 AM
Is if Miami's big 3 and New York's big 1 opt in or out.

If Wade opts in, it's over for Miami. There will be no more chips.

If all 3 Miami guys opt out, then it gets interesting.

If Melo opts out, then we have a real show.

06-17-2014, 02:22 AM
The new dream team.

is there anyway we can get chandler or asik?

06-17-2014, 02:24 AM
The new dream team.

is there anyway we can get chandler or asik?
Not a chance. Dude is in the "poison pill" year of his contract.

06-17-2014, 02:25 AM
Not a chance. Dude is in the "poison pill" year of his contract.
what about chandler?

shit even hibbert would be awesome

06-17-2014, 02:25 AM
what about chandler?

shit even hibbert would be awesome
I think Gortat is a FA this offseason.

06-17-2014, 02:26 AM
I think Gortat is a FA this offseason.

06-17-2014, 02:35 AM
I find some of this so funny....
Miami supporters are expecting LeBron/wade/bosh to leave 5-10M on the table each... So they can start to sign some other stars..

Sorry guys to burst that bubble.. but it aint happening.... Wade will take his option.. he knows he hasn't got a lot of time left.. he isn't going to just drop 10M/year.. no chance

Lebron already said this year he wish he could get paid MORE.... no way he is dropping that cash when every other team will throw it at him...

I keep hearing names like Melo, Ariza and Gortat..

The ONLY way you sign any of these guys is if LeBron walks away.. which he might..
You already have a stacked as FK team.. now its like "we need everybody" :wtf: .. hopefully Miami scrubs it next year to teach everyone a lesson

06-17-2014, 02:39 AM
Gortat and Ariza would be great additions.

They would. Also wouldnt hurt to add Stephenson for further depth.

J Shuttlesworth
06-17-2014, 02:40 AM
I want Gortat so bad it's making me jizz thinking about it

I wouldn't mind if he joined my team, either :bowdown:

06-17-2014, 02:42 AM
Lowry is a possible FA as well. Draft is gonna be interesting too. Gonna be a great off-season.

06-17-2014, 02:43 AM
I think Gortat is a FA this offseason.


06-17-2014, 02:44 AM
Lowry is a possible FA as well. Draft is gonna be interesting too. Gonna be a great off-season.

They should def add Lowry too. He balled this year.

06-17-2014, 02:46 AM
Lowry is a possible FA as well. Draft is gonna be interesting too. Gonna be a great off-season.
Good point.

Don't forget that they can even add Hayward, Parsons, Parsons, and Pau Gasol.

Clown. :lol

06-17-2014, 02:46 AM
If Melo opts out, then we have a real show.


06-17-2014, 02:46 AM
Actually if the Heat make a few minor tweaks this offseason and come back next year with Bran, Wade, Bosh, Melo, Gortat, Ariza, Stephenson, and Lowry, I think you definitely have to make them the favorites in the EC again and possibly even like their chances of winning it all.

06-17-2014, 02:53 AM
I don't think Lowry is that much of an upgrade of Chalmers/Cole. He constantly overdribbles and has that napoleon complex.

His hero ball antics cost the Raptors the series over the Nets - with HCA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9j9KfDuigs

he is a huge upgrade over chalmers and cole man

even if he cost them that series i would take that over chalmers turning the ball over every other possesison

J Shuttlesworth
06-17-2014, 02:56 AM
FYI, Gortat is from Miami and attended one of the ECF games there :bowdown:

06-17-2014, 02:57 AM
Good point.

Don't forget that they can even add Hayward, Parsons, Parsons, and Pau Gasol.

Clown. :lol

All of those players except maybe Parsons are worse than Lowry at this point (and none of them really concern my team as much). and Parsons will be back. They're just manipulating the cap in their favor by doing what they did. As a Rockets fan you should know this. :oldlol:

06-17-2014, 03:02 AM
All of those players except maybe Parsons are worse than Lowry at this point (and none of them really concern my team as much). and Parsons will be back. They're just manipulating the cap in their favor by doing what they did. As a Rockets fan you should know this. :oldlol:

Be realistic.

Which was the whole point of my post, goofball.

06-17-2014, 03:04 AM
I don't think Lowry is that much of an upgrade of Chalmers/Cole. He constantly overdribbles and has that napoleon complex.

His hero ball antics cost the Raptors the series over the Nets - with HCA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9j9KfDuigs


First of all, Lowry is a huge upgrade over Chalmers and Cole. This is a guy who lead the league in charges taken and was instrumental in the Raptors turn around after the Gay trade. He can definitely play very well off the ball. He struggles at finishing. True, he's had problems in the past with coaches, but I think he's over that after a meeting with Chauncey Billups Read here for more:


Secondly, Raptors are not even in that position without Kyle. He could have made a better decision on that play, but to pin that we lose the series on that play alone lacks context. Raptors were down the whole game and had a shot. We should have played better defense, something that was talked about after a by ex-coach Butch Carter. Seems they lost their defensive identity.

Finally, Kyle most likely doesn't go to Miami if their offering him less money. Pretty sure he's looking for the right deal and more money. He's probably staying in Toronto, although I wouldn't be totally surprised with him leaving.

06-17-2014, 03:04 AM

Be realistic.

Which was the whole point of my post, goofball.
i misinterpreted, my bad. But I didn't bring up Lowry from a miami should get him perspective I was just listing another good player who is gonna be a FA.

This FA class could be stacked depending on who opts out.

06-17-2014, 03:18 AM
Raptor fans overrate their players to the 10th degree. Exhibit A: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=319942&page=2#18

I don't get involved with that.. I know the type of player Kyle Lowry is, and I most certainly don't need a homer to tell me otherwise. He's a good player on a middle of the pack Eastern Conference team with no championship aspirations. But as a starting championship PG? He's average-below average at best in the same tier as Cole and Chalmers IMO.

Deal with it.

You're a moron.

06-17-2014, 03:30 AM
Raptor fans overrate their players to the 10th degree. Exhibit A: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=319942&page=2#18

If you can show me how that's overrating DeMar's skills, news to me. And I bumped the thread too, showing that picking Leonard isn't the wrong choice either. Infact, i said:

"I think Leonard is a "safe" pick for a team that needs a player to follow a structure like San Antonio. I have no idea what he would do on a team that needs for him to be the high scorer, but I'm assuming he would be pretty decent. Leonard already has a way better team from cast, coach, and management. I don't think for a second that DeRozan wouldn't excel in that system and have similar success, similar to Leonard having similar success/numbers in Toronto.

In conclusion, I would take DeRozan but it is very close."

It's like you didn't even read the post.

I don't get involved with that.. I know the type of player Kyle Lowry is, and I most certainly don't need a homer to tell me otherwise.

No, you clearly don't. Otherwise you wouldn't conclude that we lost because of the reasoning of a single shot in Game 7. It's clear you didn't even watch the game either.

And Homer ? Farthest from it, kid. Calling Kyle Lowry Cole and Chalmers level is a ****ing insult, on championship team or not. He's tiers above Cole and Chalmers. Cole and Chalmers are in the league because their playing alongside the best player in the game and 2 other all-stars. No way are they even seeing playing time on any other team, let alone them starting.

The rest of that trash of a post doesn't warrant a response.

06-17-2014, 03:32 AM
The most interesting thing in the NBA is 2/5...

06-17-2014, 03:38 AM
Kyle Lowry is an undersized Point Guard? I always thought he was one of the more bigger, stronger PG's in the league.

And so what if he's 28? Guy upped his game this year, especially in the playoffs. He's just ENTERING his prime.

And if you think he isn't much of an upgrade over Chalmers or Cole then you're a fukking idiot. :oldlol:

06-17-2014, 03:40 AM
If Bron leaves, I hope Bosh does too in that case. I don't want to be a 7th or 8th seed for another 2 or 3 years. May as well get rid of everyone and try and build through the draft in the upcoming years.

Saying that though, we can keep Bosh, use the money to sign Melo, and see how far we get with Melo, Bosh and Wade.

06-17-2014, 03:45 AM
Glad you got that out of your system. Now get back and fix my sink.

Such a moron that you can't even use a sink properly.

06-17-2014, 03:56 AM
Fair enough. The age, durability, contract years make sense, mostly the durability and contract part. I've actually brought it up a couple of times too that this could be the Bosh situation all over (Bosh had a worse team in 09/10), but then again... if he went to all that work, he's probably going to get a pay day. So I don't see the chances of him going to Miami to play for less.

I'm pretty sure he wants to gets paid. If it's not Toronto, someone like the Lakers for example could easily try and out bid for him. Even some rebuilding team or insane management could try and over spend for him to do a fast rebuild to go "win now" mode and Kyle follows the money.

On another note, I don't think he's the best thing since sliced bread. I often feel he gets overrated by other Rap fans and they underrate his supporting cast. They don't bring up how much guys like DeMar, Ross, and Jonas stepped up when he missed a couple of games in the regular season. Guys like Patterson and Vasquez did admirable jobs off the bench, after that the rest of the bench sucked. Amir was the glue guy but he plays hurt too much and should really come off the bench for a better post up big man.

06-17-2014, 04:19 AM
23,124 posts.. Zero substance. Talk about bball and get off dese nuts.

So you've read all of my posts? Talk about obsessed.

06-17-2014, 04:21 AM
All ProfMurder posts about on the NBA board is Bron. Dude is literally obsessed. :oldlol:

06-17-2014, 04:21 AM
I think it's perfectly fine and fitting if Miami's big 3 would all take a pay cut in order for the team to help recruit other players and compete.

Not so sure about the whole Melo situation. And even if he were to join forces with the big 3, the Heat has shown they aren't indestructable.

but even if this were to happen, I don't see how it explains how/why they couldn't 3peat this year. And how adding Melo would help them to 3peat in the future.


06-17-2014, 04:22 AM
Agreed for the most part.

Remember Mike James? Dude put up 20/6/3 on decent percentage from 2 & from 3. Former Rocket as well.. then gets a 4year 25mil contract: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2517655

I'd be a bit worried if I were a Raptors fan.

Also, it's too bad that Amir got injured in game 7.. dude played on one leg, yet was surprisingly effective. :biggums:

Yeah, I can't forget about the situations. Both played for a contract year, but Kyle's year overall is better because it was for a winning team and he was positive on the defensive end. Mike was all offense and better overall shooting, but terrible defensively and it was on a bad team. The 06 Raps team had no one outside of a 3rd year Bosh and a veteran Mo Pete, who was better suited off the bench and not starting. The rest compromised of over the hill players and 3 rookies.

On Amir... yeah, I didn't expect them to keep going to him because I knew he was hurt. I also cringed every time he over dribbled because the Nets were really good at forcing turnovers. That type of performance was well needed for that game, but he can't keep consistently doing it which sucks.

06-17-2014, 04:35 AM
All ProfMurder posts about on the NBA board is Bron. Dude is literally obsessed. :oldlol:

That must be why I posted about the Kings, Diaw, Lowry and a prospect in my last handful of posts...

La Frescobaldi
06-17-2014, 04:37 AM
So you've read all of my posts? Talk about obsessed.
That was a cool song in the avi

06-17-2014, 04:38 AM
All ProfMurder posts about on the NBA board is Bron. Dude is literally obsessed. :oldlol:
You're far too worried about what people post on here. :lol