View Full Version : Dwayne wade Out Of shape Becuase Of "Debbie cakes"

06-21-2014, 03:29 PM
MIAMI (CBSMiami) — When it comes to keeping superstar basketball player Dwyane Wade at the top of his game, personal Chef Richard Ingraham feels his job is most important.
He’s responsible for the Miami Heat star’s diet that keeps him fit both on and off the court.
“I look at him and I don’t look at the game, I look at how he’s doing how, he’s performing” said Ingraham. “I remember one incident, he caught a Charlie horse in the 4th quarter and I was thinking what is it I’m not doing on my end that he’s catching a cramp. So, we added more bananas into his smoothies things like that for potassium.”
Miami born and raised Chef Richard wasn’t a big basketball fan when 10-years ago someone called and asked if he would cook for Dwyane Wade. He didn’t know who he was.
“They said smarty, you go ahead and you google him and tell me if you want to cook for him and I did. The next thing I know, I was cooking for him,” he said while laughing.
These days Chef cooks almost every meal for the star athlete and his family.
At a recent afternoon at The Culinary Institute at Miami Dade College, Chef Richard showed CBS4′s Lisa Petrillo a playoff dish he planned to make for Wade.
“It’s a pan roasted sea bass with pickled jumbo lump crab with tomato relish . Sea bass is the “only” fish Dwyane will eat.
Something tells me Wade is a picky eater,” asked Petrillo.
“Oh, he is,” said Richard.
“It’s been maybe the last three years we’ve gotten him to eat vegetables. It was all meat and potatoes. I would have to sneak them in. Actually, I would tell him, but if he didn’t see them, he was good with it,” he said.
Now, aside from a few bad habits, like Wade’s hidden passion for “Debbie’s Cakes”, Chef Richard has shown the all-star athlete the advantages of how a healthy diet does a body good.
“He’s really becoming a lot more health conscious and I’m happy for it,” said Chef Richard.



06-21-2014, 03:33 PM


06-21-2014, 03:36 PM

06-21-2014, 03:48 PM
Wow so the second best teammate doesn't even eat properly? No wonder lebron carried this team every time

06-21-2014, 03:55 PM
I threw up when I read the thread title... he's got to do that shit on purpose to make us members mad.

06-21-2014, 04:22 PM
The article doesn't say that at all. The chef said it was just one of his few bad habits. But people will just focus on the title.

Do you think NBA players just strictly eat the healthiest foods out there?

In 2013 Kobe talked about how he recently stopped eating pizza and other bad foods, since he's getting older.

06-21-2014, 04:24 PM
Wow so the second best teammate doesn't even eat properly? No wonder lebron carried this team every time

Entire Heat organization has depended on LeBron since 2011.

06-21-2014, 04:53 PM
Took Wade 11 years, of playing pro ball, to figure out it's good to eat healthy.

If I'm Lebron, I'm leaving.

Only half joking. But, seriously, eat healthy Wade!
Dude when you're an athlete of that level, you burn those calories quickly as hell. In fact, most athletes can afford to eat terrible.

Chuck used to eat multiple McDonalds Filet O Fish before games. MJ would eat McDs too before he got his trainer.

LeBron was eatching fried chicken fingers, with fries before games. Hell, having kid's fries during games. Kobe was eatting greasy peperoni pizza before games when he was dropping 35 ppg in 2006.

As you age you have to account for what you fuel your body with. Personally, it's not Debbie Cakes for me ... these get me:


06-21-2014, 04:54 PM
They are all nasty.

06-21-2014, 05:00 PM
Since when is this:


out of shape?

Wade's not out of shape, its just that his knees are finished

06-21-2014, 05:05 PM
he also posted a pic today of him eating goldfish for breakfast.

dude straight up dont care

06-21-2014, 05:21 PM
Wade has a better body than anyone here no homo. OP, Wade would dunk on you and than steal your prostitute.

Eric Cartman
06-21-2014, 05:23 PM
he also posted a pic today of him eating goldfish for breakfast.

dude straight up dont care


06-21-2014, 05:37 PM
Wade has a better body than anyone here no homo. OP, Wade would dunk on you and than steal your prostitute.


06-21-2014, 05:41 PM

06-21-2014, 05:48 PM
Wade has a better body than anyone here no homo.
He would probably trade knees with almost anyone on this forum. :D