View Full Version : Calling all Jordan and Wilt fans

06-26-2014, 06:02 PM

Direct comparisons of stats just don't work, especially since they played different positions.... This wont prove who was the better of the two nor is that the point of the thread, I just thought I'd compile some stats together to show how well they did per stat VS their peers at the position they played.....But before starting I wanted to ask stans/fans which seasons would be best to get this information from? I want to get at least 5 seasons for each. Or, if you know of information like this that has already been gathered please send it my way


06-26-2014, 06:03 PM
Jordan > Wilt

06-26-2014, 06:04 PM
Did he steal Michael Jackson's red jacket and put 23 on it?

06-26-2014, 06:23 PM
Looks like a father-son talk.

For Wilt: 60-61, 61-62, 65-66, 66-67, 67-68

Would be nice if you could get a block estimate based on games of where there were unofficial counts.

06-26-2014, 06:24 PM
I'd go with MJ because i'm a diehard biased stan (I admit it atleast lol) but you can't knock how dominant Wilt was during his era. I wish we had time machines n shit to compare players from different eras, teams, etc.

06-26-2014, 06:32 PM
Looks like a father-son talk.

For Wilt: 60-61, 61-62, 65-66, 66-67, 67-68

Would be nice if you could get a block estimate based on games of where there were unofficial counts.

Those Wilt years vs Jordan 87, 88, 89, 90, & 91.

06-26-2014, 06:45 PM
I'd go with MJ because i'm a diehard biased stan (I admit it atleast lol) but you can't knock how dominant Wilt was during his era. I wish we had time machines n shit to compare players from different eras, teams, etc.
The first step is acceptance :applause:

Check out this if you have the time, don't know how much older footage you've seen but I really enjoy that game....Assuming you were Born in 91 like myself, it's crazy to think how much our generation and up disrespect the older guys....But if you were to subtract our age from the year we were born it's a few years before this game even took place....:eek:


06-27-2014, 11:38 AM

06-27-2014, 11:43 AM
The first step is acceptance :applause:

Check out this if you have the time, don't know how much older footage you've seen but I really enjoy that game....Assuming you were Born in 91 like myself, it's crazy to think how much our generation and up disrespect the older guys....But if you were to subtract our age from the year we were born it's a few years before this game even took place....:eek:


looks like a divisional 3 college game, the skill differential between then and now is staggering

06-27-2014, 11:47 AM
looks like a divisional 3 college game, the skill differential between then and now is staggering

06-27-2014, 11:51 AM
looks like a divisional 3 college game, the skill differential between then and now is staggering

06-27-2014, 11:54 AM
lol how much of a retard do you have to be to believe players are less skilled now with more financial investment in the game, modern training and medicinal methods, and more organized youth level player development.

06-27-2014, 12:33 PM
lol how much of a retard do you have to be to believe players are less skilled now with more financial investment in the game, modern training and medicinal methods, and more organized youth level player development.
How little about the game would one need to understand to watch a '73 ASG and buy into your troll post with sincerity that "division 3 college" is just as good. Prime Nate Archibald out who as an old fart no Celtic guard could stay in front of in the 80's is out there dishing blind passes between the legs, then a 300+lb Wilt in the middle swatting shots 12 and a half feet into the air? Yeah that is what is on display in division 3 college these days folks. :facepalm :oldlol:

The '73 game line up would compete with any NBA ASG line up today, they are the most physically and mentally gifted players with the hardest work ethic that mastered the game of their time. College athletes of any level from any era would get molested. The only skill differences '73 to now are a result of rule changes which changed what players developed to take advantage of the game's rules of their own time, there is not any measurable "increase" in level of skill, just a variance of what skills were needed to play at the highest level.

06-27-2014, 12:54 PM
How little about the game would one need to understand to watch a '73 ASG and buy into your troll post with sincerity that "division 3 college" is just as good. Prime Nate Archibald out who as an old fart no Celtic guard could stay in front of in the 80's is out there dishing blind passes between the legs, then a 300+lb Wilt in the middle swatting shots 12 and a half feet into the air? Yeah that is what is on display in division 3 college these days folks. :facepalm :oldlol:

The '73 game line up would compete with any NBA ASG line up today, they are the most physically and mentally gifted players with the hardest work ethic that mastered the game of their time. College athletes of any level from any era would get molested. The only skill differences '73 to now are a result of rule changes which changed what players developed to take advantage of the game's rules of their own time, there is not any measurable "increase" in level of skill, just a variance of what skills were needed to play at the highest level.

the bold is the only non bloviating and truthful statement in what you said. They were the best of their time. but their era is characterized by fragmented sport pre ABA/NBA merger, lack access by international players, players that needed to take offseason jobs because of financial constraint and thus dedicate less time to training (that's just fact, year round training was not common in the 70s), lack of institutionalized youth player development program like the AAU that would reach inner cities and underpreviliged children that otherwise wouldn't have ability to showcse their skills, teams with worse training facilities and lack of modern nutrition knowledge. All that lead to a lesser product featuring fewer exceptional players because of the smaller talent pool and less value added by training

And that's just the institutional disadvantages experienced by those players. This is not even including the actual accumulation and innovation to the tactics of basketball that has occurred over the past 4 decades.

and if you believe the players, despite all those disadvantages, were somehow just as skilled and excellent at the game of basketball as players now then you must believe in mountain lions :D

06-27-2014, 01:11 PM
looks like a divisional 3 college game, the skill differential between then and now is staggering

Why don't you go troll somewhere else, seriously? :confusedshrug: :facepalm If you're serious, I just pity you :facepalm

06-27-2014, 01:37 PM
lol how much of a retard do you have to be to believe players are less skilled now with more financial investment in the game, modern training and medicinal methods, and more organized youth level player development. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OZ40fPvhjk)

How much of a retard do you have to be to put up an argument and attack it that I didn't even make?

06-27-2014, 01:42 PM
How much of a retard do you have to be to put up an argument and attack it that I didn't even make?
sorry, anytime i see a mouthbreathing pre-80s basketball worshipping herb I will say what I need to say

06-27-2014, 01:52 PM
Today's players are "better" at dribbling because of rules not being called as tight, and from what I can tell overall a lot better at long range shots.
Because of individual defense being hindered with no hand checking some teams play better team defense than a lot of teams from back then. Otherwise, players from back in the day overall seem better with their back to the basket, and seem to be better mid range shooters despite their fast pace and it being the least efficient shot. Note I like that they slowed down the pace for the most part and are a little more picky with their shots


The league must be rigged if someone from that pathetic era could have any clue on how to coach todays super duper athletes. It's like I'm watching a bunch of geniuses make flawless decisions time after time
