View Full Version : New HBO Series "The Leftovers"

06-30-2014, 12:23 PM
Anyone watch last night?

I'm not buying how upset everyone still is three years later, but I'm willing to give it a chance, at least for another episode.

The show takes place three years after a mysterious "rapture" happens. 2% of the population vanished without a trace or explanation.

06-30-2014, 12:28 PM
It sounds interesting but the premise sounds far too unrealistic for me to get on board.

Nick Young
06-30-2014, 12:32 PM
sounds like a show that belongs on ABC

06-30-2014, 12:34 PM
Cool enough premise, horrible name. Will watch atr some point because Christopher Eccleston and Liv Tyler.

06-30-2014, 01:44 PM
I watched it and enjoyed it enough.

I like the people involved. Some of the team from Lost (like Lindlehoff, which is a big piece), and part of the team from Friday Night Lights (Peter Berg, who produced, and that show was superbly produced), so that's a good place to start.

I love when I watch a show with people involved like that and notice crossovers, like FNL's Buddy Garrity last night was playing Congressman Buddy Garrity with a beard.

Anyway, it's an interesting concept. And a little like Lost it's a story they're going to dole out to us to keep us on the tit. I sort of like that approach. Apparently there's a book that's being used as source material, but they're going to be moving beyond that really quickly, and focusing on how the world has been affected by this kooky event. I like these sort of "what if" scenario's on a show's cover page. And the production looked really good. I thought the episode looked great. And the animal stuff was really well done and had a nice effect (I agree that it felt a little odd that no one picked up on this stuff about the dogs over the past three years too). The tone reminded me a bit of Super 8 (another JJ Abrams production that featured Kyle Chandler of FNL fame), probably because of the single father police officer notion.

06-30-2014, 02:04 PM
sounds like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Behind

06-30-2014, 02:24 PM
Watched it. Boring as f*ck. It will need some major twist like the people coming back and being different (Invasion of the Body Snatchers style) for me to be interested.

06-30-2014, 02:31 PM
Might give it a chance now that I know there are Friday Night Lights connections. I just binge watched all 5 seasons of that show over the last few weeks and I've absolutely loved it. The premise is interesting enough for me to give it a chance.

06-30-2014, 05:30 PM
Anyone watch last night?

I'm not buying how upset everyone still is three years later, but I'm willing to give it a chance, at least for another episode.

The show takes place three years after a mysterious "rapture" happens. 2% of the population vanished without a trace or explanation.

I think I would be pretty damn upset/confused if people just started vanishing without a trace.

I thought it was a good start and I'm glad they're dealing with the "rapture" aspect of the disappearances right off the bat. Watching the previews, I was hoping that wouldn't be the end game. Maybe it still will be, but at least it won't be the big surprise.

06-30-2014, 06:00 PM

I think I would be pretty damn upset/confused if people just started vanishing without a trace.

I thought it was a good start and I'm glad they're dealing with the "rapture" aspect of the disappearances right off the bat. Watching the previews, I was hoping that wouldn't be the end game. Maybe it still will be, but at least it won't be the big surprise.
Well yeah I'd be confused and upset... but after three years I think I'd be over it for the most part.

Maybe I'm just a callous asshole. :D

06-30-2014, 07:10 PM
Well yeah I'd be confused and upset... but after three years I think I'd be over it for the most part.

Maybe I'm just a callous asshole. :D
You're just an asshole..

06-30-2014, 07:56 PM
sounds like it'll end up like lost where it just has no real point and never solves anything worth while. A few good seasons that get hyped up then just dribbles out to a poor ending and final few seasons. Hopefully that's not the case but that's my first instinct

Is it very religious?

06-30-2014, 08:05 PM
Well yeah I'd be confused and upset... but after three years I think I'd be over it for the most part.

Maybe I'm just a callous asshole. :D

Obviously. :no:

06-30-2014, 09:50 PM
Is it very religious?

Too early to say if it is trying to send a specific religious message, but religion does seem to be a big part of it. As would happen in real life, many believe it was the rapture and seem to have taken up religion. It even showed high school kids praying in school after the pledge of allegiance.

Bless Mathews
06-30-2014, 10:18 PM
I liked it.

Lots of questions to be answered

Only thing I didn't like is they made it seem it parts like the world is desolate when only 2% of population is missing.

I will continue to wAtch.

07-01-2014, 12:07 AM
sounds like it'll end up like lost where it just has no real point and never solves anything worth while. A few good seasons that get hyped up then just dribbles out to a poor ending and final few seasons. Hopefully that's not the case but that's my first instinct

Is it very religious?
This is actually a prequel to Lost. The people being raptured are sent to purgatory (the island).

07-01-2014, 01:07 AM
Watched it. Boring as f*ck. It will need some major twist like the people coming back and being different (Invasion of the Body Snatchers style) for me to be interested.

Have you seen the show "The 4400"? It has a similar premise but with the twist that you mention.

07-01-2014, 01:12 AM
Have you seen the show "The 4400"? It has a similar premise but with the twist that you mention.

I heard of it, but never watched. Is it good quality? Or is it one of the cheap "The Event" style network shows? Also, did they finish the series or was it cancelled before completed?

07-01-2014, 01:39 AM
On my DVR. Yes or no?

Also on the HBO topic, Silicon Valley worth a look?

07-01-2014, 02:18 AM
On my DVR. Yes or no?

Also on the HBO topic, Silicon Valley worth a look?

Absolutely. Best new comedy in quite some time.

07-01-2014, 04:45 AM
On my DVR. Yes or no?

Also on the HBO topic, Silicon Valley worth a look?
I quite enjoyed Silicon Valley. If you dig Mike Judge stuff at all, you'll love it.

07-01-2014, 08:11 AM
I'm not the biggest Mike Judge fan, and I still really enjoyed Silicon Valley. And it's a good sign that I liked it more the further it got into it.

It's also not a huge commitment. It's a short season of half hour episodes.

07-07-2014, 10:30 PM
i don't know what it is about this show that makes me watch it because it makes no sense.

people in white who won't talk to some people but will others.

vicious dogs chasing deer, hunters hunting dogs, dead dogs showing up in trunks.

just people acting strange in general...

i'm pissed half the time watching this since it feels like they're purposely just doing crap that makes no sense to make me think there is some big puzzle i'm supposed to put together... then i realize its all random shit with no rhyme or reason :mad:

i like the premise of a Rapture. I dig Revelations movies. But this.....i want to hate it. I just don't know yet. its got me confused :confusedshrug:

07-08-2014, 07:40 AM
i don't know what it is about this show that makes me watch it because it makes no sense.

people in white who won't talk to some people but will others.

vicious dogs chasing deer, hunters hunting dogs, dead dogs showing up in trunks.

just people acting strange in general...

i'm pissed half the time watching this since it feels like they're purposely just doing crap that makes no sense to make me think there is some big puzzle i'm supposed to put together... then i realize its all random shit with no rhyme or reason :mad:

i like the premise of a Rapture. I dig Revelations movies. But this.....i want to hate it. I just don't know yet. its got me confused :confusedshrug:

I felt the same way after the second episode. I was playing with my phone as I was watching, which is not a good sign. But it's so goddamned weird I'm not sure it matters. And it feels like I'm just watching to know what the hell is going on. Not because I'm particularly interested.

Disappearing Bagels became a real issue for much of this episode.

07-08-2014, 08:32 AM
I couldn't read half of what that stupid cult bitch was writing. She needs to get a legal pad and a sharpie like the fat chick.

07-08-2014, 08:45 AM
Disappearing Bagels became a real issue for much of this episode.

Whoa whoa, back up a second...disappearing what? WHAT WAS DISAPPEARING?! THAT IS NOT A JOKE!!!

F-ck you, Damen Lindenof!

07-08-2014, 11:24 AM
Yeah. That second episode was pretty disconcerting. If ep3 doesn't do something to wake me up I'm done.

Oh well.

07-08-2014, 11:51 AM
Whoa whoa, back up a second...disappearing what? WHAT WAS DISAPPEARING?! THAT IS NOT A JOKE!!!

F-ck you, Damen Lindenof!

Be Carefull!

07-08-2014, 01:18 PM
so is the dog hunter real? It seems so now, but then the stuff his dad said was pretty confusing

07-08-2014, 01:37 PM
so is the dog hunter real? It seems so now, but then the stuff his dad said was pretty confusing

I didn't think so at first but then his daughter saw him.

07-08-2014, 02:29 PM
my interest in this show is fleeting. the 2nd episode was almost background noise to me. but ill keep watching due to the lack of sunday night shows right now.

Ray donovon (showtime) comes back in a couple weeks, i think. Nothing spectacular, but its something to watch.

07-14-2014, 11:20 AM
Yup, it's over.

Made it about 20 minutes into episode three before I turned it off. I'm out. Too boring.

07-14-2014, 12:46 PM
i'm not going to even bother with ep 3.

too much shit on Netflix now, it'll take me awhile to get thru their new stuff i haven't seen.

07-14-2014, 04:18 PM
Last night's episode was ****ing awesome. I love it when they focus on just one character for an entire episode. Anyway, the upcoming episodes look insane. Shits about to go down.

No titties yet tho. Come on HBO :coleman:

07-14-2014, 10:24 PM
Couldn't make it through episode 2. The big mystery that this show is based on doesn't hook my interest. It feels too forced. Nothing about the show feels mysterious tbh, its like the writer went off his adderall and began writing random sh1t.

This show is literally leftovers...its like 3 day old pizza thats been sitting in the fridge uncovered

07-21-2014, 12:28 AM
I'm not in love with the show but I thought I'd keep watching. Then i read the book. Decided I'd rather do that and see if the show felt like something that would keep my attention.

As non spoilerish as I can put it, I find the tone of the series (and how it's presented ) a bit misleading. If anyone wants a more spoilerish thing see below...

(It's a character study, they don't tell you what happened. Very little of anyone's stories are resolved in ways that are satisfying or to be honest, even that interesting...if part of your interest in the story is what happened, then it's the wrong story you are watching..unless HBO REALLY changes things and so far they have not...)

07-21-2014, 01:21 AM
I gave it a chance just nothing of substance but the premise seemed interesting initially.

Bless Mathews
07-21-2014, 02:04 AM
Something better happen fast. This shit is trying my last dam nerve. Having faith that hbo will pull it out.

07-21-2014, 08:30 AM
Lindelhoff has come out and said that they won't be explaining what happened. That that just isn't what they want to do in this story. I'm fine with that. But who knows how long I'll be fine with it, because eventually the effect will have to wear on the characters.

I liked last night. The finding Jesus thing was a little heavy handed. But it was a cool concept all episode. And so far I'd say what's saving it is that the performances have been great. The scene between the cop and his ex wife last night was awesome. He's been great in general. The daughter is really excellent, especially considering that character could fall into the rebelling teenage trope with just a missed inflection or two. Most of the kids have been really good. And the priest, who I just realized runs the military faction at the end of 28 Days Later, is really good, and so far I'm intrigued by his sister who looks like she'll be getting mixed up with the cop, and these big cast ensemble shows seem to work best when the characters start to overlap.

But the character stuff will only last so long. Something is going to have to happen.

07-22-2014, 02:15 AM
I can't say that I haven't enjoyed the show so far, but there's no doubt in my mind it will go the way of John from Cincinnati. I'd be stunned if there was a second season.

07-22-2014, 02:20 AM
Pretty good summary of how this show sucks.


07-22-2014, 04:41 PM
I love the show and will be dejected when its cancelled. I love the blind way that we feel watching something that is quasi mysterious and ambiguous. I also love the bleak despondency that it delivers. Plus, most scenes are like vibrant visual non sequiturs that are curiously interesting to me. I completely understand why most of you guys hate it. Most people now a days don't want to wait for mysteries to be solved, they don't want constant downer narratives without comedic moments, and may still suffering from LOSTitis.. Im going to try enjoying this first season since social reception and ratings are low, making a second season a remote possibility.

07-22-2014, 04:47 PM
I love the show and will be dejected when its cancelled. I love the blind way that we feel watching something that is quasi mysterious and ambiguous. I also love the bleak despondency that it delivers. Plus, most scenes are like vibrant visual non sequiturs that are curiously interesting to me. I completely understand why most of you guys hate it. Most people now a days don't want to wait for mysteries to be solved, they don't want constant downer narratives without comedic moments, and may still suffering from LOSTitis.. Im going to try enjoying this first season since social reception and ratings are low, making a second season a remote possibility.

I don't disagree with any of this. And patience has always been a virtue of mine. I think the problem is that it's not an issue of patience, so much as there's just no answers coming. And if we get them, it'll probably be because the show has bent it's vision to the criticism, and then who knows what it'll be.

I also wouldn't put it past HBO to give it a second season as a loss leader just to stay connected to Lindlehoff. They sort of did that with Treme' as a means to maintain their relationship with David Simon just in case he has another Wire tucked away in his brain somewhere.

07-22-2014, 05:05 PM
I don't disagree with any of this. And patience has always been a virtue of mine. I think the problem is that it's not an issue of patience, so much as there's just no answers coming. And if we get them, it'll probably be because the show has bent it's vision to the criticism, and then who knows what it'll be.

I also wouldn't put it past HBO to give it a second season as a loss leader just to stay connected to Lindlehoff. They sort of did that with Treme' as a means to maintain their relationship with David Simon just in case he has another Wire tucked away in his brain somewhere.
Yeah you have a point about the second season. They also have done it with The Newsroom allowing it an extra two seasons despite poor ratings. Daniels winning an Emmy may have something to do with it but I doubt it factored much.

I think there is a clear intention in the narrative to reveal something world building. It doesn't feel right as an aftermath only show. They have been sprinkling in too many eccentric things like the dogs not being the same, the peanut butter eating dads comments, and the white people leader saying that their is no more family. Also, in episode 4 the guy telling the Asian chick that she walks upon the dead and their all wearing white. They are clearly dropping hints relating to a supernatural or unidentifiable behind the scenes concept. I have no doubt that reveals are coming. I only fear what they will be, if they will be absurd, and the length of time it will take them to address the hidden things. Also, the beginning credits gives credence to a theme yet explored. It seems like the whole thing has a dissociative disconnect to the story. Maybe it feels that way because its associated with that part of the show that is being kept secret. Andy Greenwald stated in Hollywood Prospectus that episode 5 will explain a lot about the black hugging guy story. I don't know if its a big show real or just a reveal to what's happening in Vegas.

07-22-2014, 05:07 PM
I know the show runner said that they are not explaining what the event was. However maybe the event cause other changes apart from the disappearances. So what they will reveal is what those alterations were and how it's affecting society or humanity.

07-22-2014, 06:36 PM
I've been watching and enjoying it, but I still don't get WTF the people wearing all white are all about.

Why don't they talk?

In any case, I'll continue to watch because Liv Tyler.

07-22-2014, 06:52 PM
worth watching, or no?

07-22-2014, 07:36 PM
so good, i don't understand how anyone is finding it boring.


Agreed person I use to dislike!

07-22-2014, 08:19 PM
why did u dislike me

Negative vibes brah... But really i was going for our usual Fake BTE Beef..lol

08-04-2014, 07:54 AM
I'd say the show has definitely gotten better. The last three episodes (If I'm remembering the sequence right), have been the best in my opinion. Although I think there's something to the fact about how they ran. Two of them were one offs on a particular character. The Priest in the one with the casino. And the his sister in last nights. And the one in between featured the biggest "something happened" moment the show has had so far, namely the women being stoned to death.

The things the show has going for it are that the performance's are superb. Mr. Annistan is spectacular as Kevin Garvey. The kids are really good. Both the priest and his sister are great (she was great last night).

Because of the way the thing is put together, it definitely takes some patience to mete your way through. It's hard to be invested in people you know little about. But they drop you in this world and give you little point of reference right off the bat. You know how people react to certain characters, but it's not spelled out why until your into it a bit. So it takes some time. But in exchange the world building has been awesome. To see The Dirty Remnant as just one group of many protesting outside the Sudden Departure conference last night was just a nice touch of world building that you don't necessarily see in most shows.

08-04-2014, 09:47 AM
I know the show runner said that they are not explaining what the event was. However maybe the event cause other changes apart from the disappearances. So what they will reveal is what those alterations were and how it's affecting society or humanity.

I have something to say about that semi spoilerish below (no specific character points revealed)

Unless they deviate from the story in the book more, they don't. It's all very character specific what happens, very little of it is big picture. Character A relationship with Character B, etc. Development of the characters.

08-04-2014, 09:51 AM
I think the show's a bit dishonest in it's presentation. They hint (by what happens in the show) they are going to do reveals about things, supernatural things seem to be occuring, etc. But they've clearly said (and said again) they are not going to reveal what happened.

08-04-2014, 11:40 AM
I think the show's a bit dishonest in it's presentation. They hint (by what happens in the show) they are going to do reveals about things, supernatural things seem to be occuring, etc. But they've clearly said (and said again) they are not going to reveal what happened.
In this story where they dont explain the cause only the effects, its not unreasonable that they would reveal more effects besides the disappearances. They can explain all of the strange occurs by stating that they were also caused by the initial event. In doing so, they would still not be explaining the cause, only expanding on the effects or consequential aftermath.

08-04-2014, 12:55 PM
In this story where they dont explain the cause only the effects, its not unreasonable that they would reveal more effects besides the disappearances. They can explain all of the strange occurs by stating that they were also caused by the initial event. In doing so, they would still not be explaining the cause, only expanding on the effects or consequential aftermath.
They are adding things that the book did not have giving the "cause" more of a supernatural feel. Which if they aren't going to explain as an endgame doesn't seem right to me. Just my opinion.

08-04-2014, 01:03 PM
Didn't watch last night's but I'm into it. I like the opening theme music for some reason.

Can't really tell if they are pushing the religious thing, I guess they are but those have never bothered me in the past anyway.

08-04-2014, 01:16 PM
Last night's was great. Keeps getting better. Wayne for the win!

08-04-2014, 02:03 PM
Last night's was great. Keeps getting better. Wayne for the win!

Yeah, tieing Wayne in was a huge help too.

They seemed to butcher the math on her what are the odds answer about losing three people. She said one in 128 thousand or something.

If it's two percent of the world's population, roughly 7 billion people, then that's 140 million people missing. So the odds of losing three people should be like 1 in 140 million cubed. It wasn't even something I was thinking about, but the number she said, or at least what I heard, didn't even seem like it was in the ballpark.

08-04-2014, 02:13 PM
Yeah, tieing Wayne in was a huge help too.

They seemed to butcher the math on her what are the odds answer about losing three people. She said one in 128 thousand or something.

If it's two percent of the world's population, roughly 7 billion people, then that's 140 million people missing. So the odds of losing three people should be like 1 in 140 million cubed. It wasn't even something I was thinking about, but the number she said, or at least what I heard, didn't even seem like it was in the ballpark.

I thought she just said that she got $128,000? Maybe I didn't listen right.

Anyway, the show is very, very intriguing. That woman who was pretending to be Nora said a lot of interesting things. Going back to the AFTEC, the guy on the phone that told Kevin he could have all of the GR killed, and now the agency Nora works for. I think there's a lot of corruption going around.

08-04-2014, 02:35 PM
I could've sworn she said one in 128 Thousand. Someone pointed out that if you consider each event as a 2% probability, you get 1/50 cubed, which is 1 in 125 Thousand, which I suppose is close enough.

But it's a good indication of just how numbers can be manipulated. I think my numbers are far more indicative of the likelyhood.

08-14-2014, 07:44 PM
This show is reaching new levels of WTF.

08-14-2014, 08:00 PM
They seemed to butcher the math on her what are the odds answer about losing three people. She said one in 128 thousand or something.

Nope, they got the math exactly right.

She lost all 3 of her family members. So the question is "What are the odds of that?"

Well, they said 2% of the population departed, right? So the odds of any one person disappearing is 2/100 or 1/50.

So the odds of ALL THREE people disappearing are 1/50 times 1/50 times 1/50.

Do the math and that's 1/125,000 or 1 in 125,000. So considering it probably wasn't exactly 2%, she is basically right when she said 128,000 to 1.

08-25-2014, 07:37 AM
So I thought last night was a really nice pay off to what had been at times a somewhat frustrating season of TV. I know there's one episode left, but we at least finally got some rounding out on the stories we were dropped into.

08-25-2014, 09:04 AM
So I thought last night was a really nice pay off to what had been at times a somewhat frustrating season of TV. I know there's one episode left, but we at least finally got some rounding out on the stories we were dropped into.
As frustrating as it sometimes is.. I've been enjoying it a lot. I'm glad it got renewed for a second season. Can't wait to see the latest episode some time today.

08-25-2014, 09:50 AM
As frustrating as it sometimes is.. I've been enjoying it a lot. I'm glad it got renewed for a second season. Can't wait to see the latest episode some time today.

I totally agree. And I was as vague as possible in my post because I assumed a lot of people didn't watch yet. But I'm guessing you'll really dig it. And it does have me more excited for a second season as the story sort of starts wrapping around itself.

08-25-2014, 05:34 PM
I totally agree. And I was as vague as possible in my post because I assumed a lot of people didn't watch yet. But I'm guessing you'll really dig it. And it does have me more excited for a second season as the story sort of starts wrapping around itself.
I really liked this current episode. I feel like it was really needed. The situational convergence was needed, along with an episode that wasn't rampant with despondency. I like the character reveals and the clearer picture that it gave to the community.. or at least a different angle of it.

The only thing I dislike is that the season is only 10 episodes long. With episode 9 being a fleshout episode.. it will leave little time in the last episode to address most of what I would have liked to see wrapped up. I guess nearly everything will simply be a cliffhanger of sorts, for season 2. My frustration with the show is that we arent getting more of it.

09-07-2014, 09:49 PM
Anyone still watching this series?

10-05-2015, 01:49 PM
Anyone still watching this series?

I am. Last night's episode was very good. :bowdown: :bowdown:

10-05-2015, 02:45 PM
I watched last night, and it felt like something of a reboot, or soft reboot if nothing else.

I'm alright with it. I liked it last year, but that small town had run it's course. I sort of like this approach to a sci-fi scenario that I really like. I mentioned it for a sequel to The Last of Us video game, just give me another look at the same world. I like Fear The Walking Dead for much the same reason. And it's one of the things I like so much about the World War Z novel, because they bounce chapter to chapter to sort of unique settings within this general world they've created.

I'm not at all opposed to seeing how this new community with a twist on the circumstances approaches the scenario.

10-05-2015, 09:59 PM
I am. Last night's episode was very good. :bowdown: :bowdown:
I loves the first season. Haven't seen the latest episode yet. Hopefully I can get to it tomorrow.

10-06-2015, 09:58 AM
I really liked this episode. It had so much bizarre shit going on. SPOILERS IN WHITE

The caveman woman at the beginning, the chick watering her lawn wearing a wedding dress, the dude at the top of the tower, the dude that slaughters a goat in a crowded diner and no one thinks it's that unusual. Jesus, you'd think this was a David Lynch project.

10-06-2015, 12:08 PM
I really liked this episode. It had so much bizarre shit going on. SPOILERS IN WHITE

When they killed dumbledorf.

Yeah, it feels like this whole season is now going to be people pointing the finger now that they've experienced this, and a lot of people have obviously attributed their own habitual ritualistic behavior to why this town remained untouched. And of course some of it is going to be attributed to the arrival of our already known immigrants.

10-07-2015, 05:25 AM
Loved the primitive humans intro, the rest was interesting, but they forced the mystery a bit too much. Did they forget that it's season two? :lol I'm guessing towns people will attribute the disappearing to new arrivals, John tries his gimmick with Garvey and gets a reality check. Can't wait for Garvey to go crazy again.

10-07-2015, 09:13 AM
Loved the primitive humans intro, the rest was interesting, but they forced the mystery a bit too much. Did they forget that it's season two? :lol I'm guessing towns people will attribute the disappearing to new arrivals, John tries his gimmick with Garvey and gets a reality check. Can't wait for Garvey to go crazy again.

I was thinking that too. Like there's an equilibrium that has to be maintained: 3 people arrive so 3 people have to go.

10-15-2015, 01:24 PM
Poor Mr.Garvey can't catch a break :oldlol:

11-09-2015, 11:30 AM
The last 15 mins of last night's episode was Emmy winning worthy stuff. So intense... :bowdown: :bowdown:

11-09-2015, 12:55 PM
The last 15 mins of last night's episode was Emmy winning worthy stuff. So intense... :bowdown: :bowdown:

I agree. I've enjoyed a lot about this season. Last year really started to grind on me. I like that they're exploring a little about what the hell happened, like with this "lens thing". Part of the reason last night was so good though was because it had a ton of Nora. Carrie Coon is ****ing awesome. The performances buoy the show because the plot is a little all over. And she's the best on a show filled with solid work.

The only other thing I've seen her in was as Ben Affleck's sister Go in Gone Girl, and I thought she was great in that too.

11-09-2015, 01:55 PM
Poor Mr.Garvey can't catch a break :oldlol:
His plight continues... :lol

11-09-2015, 06:43 PM
Started the series today. Through one episode so far, there's just something really interesting about the concept.

11-09-2015, 07:20 PM
Started the series today. Through one episode so far, there's just something really interesting about the concept.
If you end up liking season one, you will definitely love season two.

11-10-2015, 11:47 AM
On the last episode of season one now. Looking forward to season two.

11-10-2015, 11:50 AM
I agree. I've enjoyed a lot about this season. Last year really started to grind on me. I like that they're exploring a little about what the hell happened, like with this "lens thing". Part of the reason last night was so good though was because it had a ton of Nora. Carrie Coon is ****ing awesome. The performances buoy the show because the plot is a little all over. And she's the best on a show filled with solid work.

The only other thing I've seen her in was as Ben Affleck's sister Go in Gone Girl, and I thought she was great in that too.

Watched this episode after Walking Dead and it blew TWD away.

11-15-2015, 11:29 PM
We're not worthy to watch this greatness. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Kevin isn't really dead. He will wake up outta of the box on 3rd day. You see Michael in woods saying WTF?

11-16-2015, 07:43 PM
If he is or isn't...it will make or break the season..

11-16-2015, 07:44 PM
I just started to watch the previous episode yesterday. What's the story? And Kevin's daughter is kinda hot.

11-17-2015, 12:13 PM
Man, what an episode, best episodes are mostly when it concerns Kevin :applause: he is not dead though, hopefully we have seen the last of Patty's ugly mug.

11-17-2015, 12:52 PM
Man, what an episode, best episodes are mostly when it concerns Kevin :applause: he is not dead though, hopefully we have seen the last of Patty's ugly mug.

:oldlol: She says some of the funniest shit though.

Fantastic episode. This is probably my fave TV series atm.

11-17-2015, 01:17 PM
Are those demon possession scientists for real? Cause that's similar to what Michael's grandfather suggested, this going to be HBO's Supernatural :lol

11-17-2015, 04:23 PM
Are those demon possession scientists for real? Cause that's similar to what Michael's grandfather suggested, this going to be HBO's Supernatural :lol
Reminded me of how there's a statue of the Hindu Godess Shiva outside of the Large Hadron Collider.

11-23-2015, 04:14 PM
Um...What the **** did I just watch?

11-23-2015, 04:29 PM
I have to say, this is the only show on TV where I have literally no ****ing idea what's going to happen. Sometimes that's great and sometimes it's frustrating. But at least it's not boring.

A little frustrating in that both of the last two episodes have been 100% Kevin bottle episodes. It's not like the Morgan Walking Dead bottle that came at a terrible moment, but to do two in a row feels a little dragged out. But now we'll get all this reaction as to where he's been the last three days, because I have to presume he's been in the ground for three days.

11-24-2015, 04:07 PM
Latest episode was great. I hope HBO gifts them a third season like theyve done with other low rated shows.

12-01-2015, 10:54 PM
The latest latest episode was solid as well.. Next week's final episode is going to be straight up explosive with the Gary/GR stuff going down.

12-02-2015, 01:11 PM
I really liked this episode. It's definitely starting to feel like Lost in the format, where we get these one off episodes about a single character who's backgrounds get opened up.

I like the notion of the GR continuing to serve as a villain, especially now that they're talking, that was a nice gimmick in theory, but just wasn't practical. Angry Live Tyler is a nice foil to replace Patty.

How big you reckon the time jump was? If felt like Evie aged a lot from the time she met Live Tyler and gave her the baby carrot, to where we are now. She went from having braces to not. It feels like Liv has been working on Evie for a while now.

12-02-2015, 01:41 PM
I like the notion of the GR continuing to serve as a villain, especially now that they're talking, that was a nice gimmick in theory, but just wasn't practical. Angry Live Tyler is a nice foil to replace Patty.

"Stone him." Damn, so cold.

12-02-2015, 02:45 PM
I really liked this episode. It's definitely starting to feel like Lost in the format, where we get these one off episodes about a single character who's backgrounds get opened up.

I like the notion of the GR continuing to serve as a villain, especially now that they're talking, that was a nice gimmick in theory, but just wasn't practical. Angry Live Tyler is a nice foil to replace Patty.

How big you reckon the time jump was? If felt like Evie aged a lot from the time she met Live Tyler and gave her the baby carrot, to where we are now. She went from having braces to not. It feels like Liv has been working on Evie for a while now.
The time jump is at least a couple of years. When she went to see the psychic it had been two years since the event , then in season one where she joins GR is 3 years. So present time I'm guessing it's 4-5 years after the event. Evie was a teenager so the image change is understandable due to growth spurts and personality changes.

12-02-2015, 02:47 PM
"Stone him." Damn, so cold.
I would definitely be okay with Tommy getting stoned. There's a lot on this show that we want more of. emo garvy isn't one of em.

12-03-2015, 12:59 PM
I really liked this episode. It's definitely starting to feel like Lost in the format, where we get these one off episodes about a single character who's backgrounds get opened up.

I like the notion of the GR continuing to serve as a villain, especially now that they're talking, that was a nice gimmick in theory, but just wasn't practical. Angry Live Tyler is a nice foil to replace Patty.

How big you reckon the time jump was? If felt like Evie aged a lot from the time she met Live Tyler and gave her the baby carrot, to where we are now. She went from having braces to not. It feels like Liv has been working on Evie for a while now.
I'm guessing it's about the same time as the rest of the episodes? 4 years after the incident, we had the 3rd anniversary last season, and the upcoming one is the 4th? So yeah, two years, nothing out of ordinary unless I missed something.

12-03-2015, 01:05 PM
I would definitely be okay with Tommy getting stoned. There's a lot on this show that we want more of. emo garvy isn't one of em.
What I wanna know is a bit more about Wayne and the other psychic dude, was Wayne for real? What purpose did he serve other than impregnating misguided girls? It looks to me that the show just cherry picks mysterious material and shows it to us, as Thorp said it reminds me of Lost too so I don't like where it's going.

12-03-2015, 06:19 PM
I haven't watched this one since season 1 ... wondering if it's good enough to try and get back into (I've mostly avoided this thread and spoilers elsewhere).

12-07-2015, 12:59 AM

12-07-2015, 10:58 AM
I thought it was a great close to the season. I understand that it stepped away a bit from what I expect from the show. Namely, something actually happened. There was a thing, the GR taking the town, as opposed to our usual just people's reaction (I suppose the girls going missing at the beginning of the season was also a thing).

But man did they hit on everyone here. Mary waking up and us actually getting to see it this time was a revelation. Nora's stuff with Lilly out in the camp was some of the most brutal stuff to watch I can recall, and it came out of nowhere, it's not as if Lilly being in any danger was something that had ever really been considered all season. In fact she's often conveniently forgotten about, and Nora's response was something I don't feel like I'd been primed for, but in the moment made complete sense seeing as all she's lost.

And Kevin's plot here was awesome. I will say, I really thought for a second he was actually dead. And I'm not sure it wouldn't have been better that way. At least more affecting. Especially after the sort of tease of his mortality the last few weeks, having him end after all that would've been ballsy for a writer / showrunner on a level beyond even the ballsiest I can think of. But that would've felt like more of series ender. Either way it was still one of the bigger whoa moments of the year. And it was a perfect setup for John to have pulled the trigger, only to immediately find out everything Kevin was saying was true.

12-07-2015, 10:59 AM
Part of me doesn't even want a third season, that ending was more than enough.

12-07-2015, 11:50 AM
Creepiest version of a Simon and Garfunkel song ever.

12-07-2015, 01:55 PM
Wow she changed everything...**** this show, never gonna deliver anything other than vague shit like "I dont understand!" "You understand" "What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?" Now let's going to start singing some song they sing in the church to deflect any doubt of my useless act.
This whole season was setup for nothing, it ended in nothing, GR opened the gate to the city and made another riot? WOW like we didn't know they liked stirring up riots in towns.
Garvey dies to get rid of his schizophrenia and comes back, alright, Garvey gets shot and dies but returns because of love?LMAO! Apparently this is supposed to be compelling and mysterious writing.
Ah, and yep, earthquakes...

12-10-2015, 06:59 PM
Leftovers Renewed for Third and Final Season (http://io9.com/the-leftovers-was-just-renewed-for-a-third-and-final-1747385679)