View Full Version : Who else is loving the Fakers out of contention?

07-01-2014, 09:27 PM
I love seeing Laker fans depressed. Years and years of bought championships and fake hollywood crap has come to an end... All the fake wannabes who show up to the Staples center to feel like they're famous and glamorous can find something else. Not true fans, there is maybe like 30% real laker fans out of the whole supposed group.

God socal sucks for sports

07-01-2014, 09:28 PM
I love seeing Laker fans depressed. Years and years of bought championships and fake hollywood crap has come to an end... All the fake wannabes who show up to the Staples center to feel like they're famous and glamorous can find something else. Not true fans, there is maybe like 30% real laker fans out of the whole supposed group.

God socal sucks for sports

Lol, out of hiding after 5 years

07-01-2014, 09:28 PM
As much as Laker fans hate the Heat, I don't care about the Lakers.... at all.

07-01-2014, 09:29 PM
Must have a sad life to be happy about a sports team "not contending". :oldlol:

07-01-2014, 09:34 PM
We'll be back on top soon enough, they aways are enjoy them being down while you can

BTW how depressed were Lakers fans during the worst season on Lakers history you ask

[I]Holy cow, the Lakers! They end up with that huge profit despite contributing a league-high $49 million to revenue sharing. The league

07-01-2014, 09:34 PM
As much as Laker fans hate the Heat, I don't care about the Lakers.... at all.
This x100000
Usually the ones that care are the Kobe/LeBron fanboys that participate in silly arguments

07-01-2014, 09:50 PM
Must have a sad life to be happy about a sports team "not contending". :oldlol:

I'm enjoying the Lakers losing. Pretty spoiled fanbase. Things really don't look bright right now either, there years away from being relevant most likely. People swing and miss with FA every year. The next Gasol or Shaq for them might not work out. They could end up signing a dud. Kobe's on the backend. I'm sure they'll eventually get another legendary player, certainly isn't looking like something that'll happen anytime soon tho.

Has nothing to do with life. Hardly affects my day to day activities. I'm a diehard sports fan tho, I spend alot of my time following/watching the NBA. It's like a hobby. Be pretty weird not to get happiness out of a hobby. The day I stop caring about what teams win or lose is probably the day I stop caring about the NBA. It's entertainment. I'm entertained when teams I hate lose and even more entertained when my favorite team wins :confusedshrug:

07-01-2014, 09:57 PM
I'm enjoying the Lakers losing. Pretty spoiled fanbase. Things really don't look bright right now either, there years away from being relevant most likely. People swing and miss with FA every year. The next Gasol or Shaq for them might not work out. They could end up signing a dud. Kobe's on the backend. I'm sure they'll eventually get another legendary player, certainly isn't looking like something that'll happen anytime soon tho.

Has nothing to do with life. Hardly affects my day to day activities. I'm a diehard sports fan tho, I spend alot of my time following/watching the NBA. It's like a hobby. Be pretty weird not to get happiness out of a hobby. The day I stop caring about what teams win or lose is probably the day I stop caring about the NBA. It's entertainment. I'm entertained when teams I hate lose and even more entertained when my favorite team wins :confusedshrug:

That's the story of the Nuggets franchise in a nutshell. Things have never looked bright. Sorry but this idea that we must "suffer" because we were "spoiled" is only a loser script for self comfort.

We will be back. Even when we're not back, we are still the center of the league and by default, this forum.

07-01-2014, 10:01 PM
I'm enjoying the Lakers losing. Pretty spoiled fanbase. Things really don't look bright right now either, there years away from being relevant most likely. People swing and miss with FA every year. The next Gasol or Shaq for them might not work out. They could end up signing a dud. Kobe's on the backend. I'm sure they'll eventually get another legendary player, certainly isn't looking like something that'll happen anytime soon tho.

Has nothing to do with life. Hardly affects my day to day activities. I'm a diehard sports fan tho, I spend alot of my time following/watching the NBA. It's like a hobby. Be pretty weird not to get happiness out of a hobby. The day I stop caring about what teams win or lose is probably the day I stop caring about the NBA. It's entertainment. I'm entertained when teams I hate lose and even more entertained when my favorite team wins :confusedshrug:

Was only referring to the OP for making this kind of thread.

07-01-2014, 10:06 PM
I love seeing Laker fans depressed. Years and years of bought championships and fake hollywood crap has come to an end... All the fake wannabes who show up to the Staples center to feel like they're famous and glamorous can find something else. Not true fans, there is maybe like 30% real laker fans out of the whole supposed group.

God socal sucks for sports
A guy from Los Angeles who hates the Lakers? Are you a Clippers, Warriors or Kings fan?

07-01-2014, 10:09 PM
That's the story of the Nuggets franchise in a nutshell. Things have never looked bright. Sorry but this idea that we must "suffer" because we were "spoiled" is only a loser script for self comfort.

We will be back. Even when we're not back, we are still the center of the league and by default, this forum.

I never said you have to "suffer". L.A has tons of bandwagon fans, fans that have been loud and annoying when they've enjoyed success. Like most fans. They've enjoyed alot of success, and they've took it to the Nuggets over the years. So yeah it's pretty entertaining to watch them be irrelevant in terms of winning basketball games.

I don't really care if the Lakers are always popular. There the Lakers that's a given. Doesn't take away from the fact that there not winning and as it stands right now nothing in sight. People talking about them on the internet or sports center doesn't change that for me, maybe it does for you as a fan tho? As long as there relevant in terms of popularity?

Not a script or self comfort :oldlol: Just enjoying the Lakers sucking. Even posts like yours right now sums it up. Laker fans usually don't have to grasp for straws because for the past decade they've been at or near the top for the majority of it and when they weren't they had Kobe going crazy dropping massive games.

07-01-2014, 10:11 PM
What a sad tool. Joined the forum right when Bynum got injured... I bet he figured the Lakers would suck the rest of the season.


07-01-2014, 10:12 PM
What a sad tool. Joined the forum right when Bynum got injured... I bet he figured the Lakers would suck the rest of the season.



07-01-2014, 10:19 PM
I never said you have to "suffer". L.A has tons of bandwagon fans, fans that have been loud and annoying when they've enjoyed success. Like most fans. They've enjoyed alot of success, and they've took it to the Nuggets over the years. So yeah it's pretty entertaining to watch them be irrelevant in terms of winning basketball games.

I don't really care if the Lakers are always popular. There the Lakers that's a given. Doesn't take away from the fact that there not winning and as it stands right now nothing in sight. People talking about them on the internet or sports center doesn't change that for me, maybe it does for you as a fan tho? As long as there relevant in terms of popularity?

Not a script or self comfort :oldlol: Just enjoying the Lakers sucking. Even posts like yours right now sums it up. Laker fans usually don't have to grasp for straws because for the past decade they've been at or near the top for the majority of it and when they weren't they had Kobe going crazy dropping massive games.
There were a lot of bandwagon Laker fans during the Magic days. Still happening with Kobe on the team. There were a lot of bandwagon Bulls fans when Jordan was playing. Every Laker and Bulls games I seen on TV with them playing outside of LA and Chicago, there are Jordan, Magic and Kobe jerseys being worn. Opposing fans stand up and loudly cheer for them. Funny thing is I don't see much LeBron jerseys. And the only bandwagon Heat fans are in Florida.

Lord Bean
07-01-2014, 10:20 PM
Is this poster what people call internet trolls?

6 for 24
07-01-2014, 10:22 PM
To the OP:

Here in Mozambique, the Maasai warriors have a saying. I cannot quote it directly because it is a series of clicks & clacks, but, roughly translated, it is "Better to fear a rabid weasel than a tame lion".

It should be self-explanatory, but that applies very well to Kobe Bryant and his Lakers of Los Angeles. Do we not remember what happened the last time the "great weasel" was underestimated? Let me refresh things for you: It happened in 2012, when pre-season experts had the Lakers finishing in last place in the conference due to their horrible supporting cast of journeymen (Pau Gasol, Steve Nash, Dwight Howard, and Metta World Peace). Yet Kobe single-handedly carried this team on his back to pull them into a remarkable 7th place finish in the conference!

So I'd be surprised if the so-called experts bet against Kobe a second time.

Warmest regards,

Ayotunde Ndiaye

07-01-2014, 10:25 PM
To the OP:

Here is Mozambique, the Maasai warriors have a saying. I cannot quote it directly because it is a series of clicks & clacks, but, roughly translated, it is "Better to fear a rabid weasel than a tame lion".

It should be self-explanatory, but that applies very well to Kobe Bryant and his Lakers of Los Angeles. Do we not remember what happened the last time the "great weasel" was underestimated? Let me refresh things for you: It happened in 2012, when pre-season experts had the Lakers finishing in last place in the conference due to their horrible supporting cast of journeymen (Pau Gasol, Steve Nash, Dwight Howard, and Metta World Peace). Yet Kobe single-handedly carried this team on his back to pull them into a remarkable 7th place finished in the conference!

So I'd be surprised if the so-called experts bet against Kobe a second time.

Warmest regards,

Ayotunde Ndiaye
GOAT :roll:

07-01-2014, 11:07 PM
Laker haters unite!

07-02-2014, 04:34 AM
Nah. They are necessary for the league as a competitive arrogant primadonna club that everyone wants to beat and get a tremendous satisfaction from doing so. Them being trash is meaningless.

07-02-2014, 04:40 AM
Them being trash is meaningless.

This, it's like the Cowboys sucking. It's funny and humorous for a little while, and then you can't bring yourself to care anymore. And then you realize the truth. You need teams like the Yankees, Heat, Lakers, Raiders for all those annoying people to bandwagon so you can pour your hate into them, and then gain all that satisfaction when they get beat. 2014 and 2004 NBA finals were very satisfying. Come to think of it, so was this past SB.

OG LeeTSkeeT
07-02-2014, 06:27 AM
Until Durant comes to LA in 16.

07-02-2014, 07:23 AM
This, it's like the Cowboys sucking. It's funny and humorous for a little while, and then you can't bring yourself to care anymore. And then you realize the truth. You need teams like the Yankees, Heat, Lakers, Raiders for all those annoying people to bandwagon so you can pour your hate into them, and then gain all that satisfaction when they get beat. 2014 and 2004 NBA finals were very satisfying. Come to think of it, so was this past SB.
Yes but for now we have journeyman Lebron James to take that throne. A lot of people hate him just because hes there. :lol

07-02-2014, 07:36 AM
please shut these f@gs up this season lakers

07-02-2014, 08:44 AM
Kinda was but they're pretty irrelevant and okc has taken the number one spot for team with the golden boy and refs save they're asses , last season lakers really sukd so became an afterthought but the previous year it was pretty annoying watching refs drag them to the playoffs at the end of the season, nba is kinda a joke sometimes

07-02-2014, 09:05 AM
Is this poster what people call internet trolls?

nah i think they are called real life virgins

07-02-2014, 01:45 PM
I have a feeling the Lakers are the new NY Knicks. With Jerry Buss no longer with us and the divide between his 2 kids, it isn't looking so great for this franchise.

Kobe knew this so he signed that huge contract. He knows he cannot win so he might as well cash in on his way out.

07-02-2014, 01:54 PM
Has anyone said 2/5 already or am I the first one? :confusedshrug:

07-02-2014, 01:56 PM
Has anyone said 2/5 already or am I the first one? :confusedshrug:
Say hello to the 2nd red bar :applause:

07-02-2014, 01:56 PM
There were a lot of bandwagon Laker fans during the Magic days. Still happening with Kobe on the team. There were a lot of bandwagon Bulls fans when Jordan was playing. Every Laker and Bulls games I seen on TV with them playing outside of LA and Chicago, there are Jordan, Magic and Kobe jerseys being worn. Opposing fans stand up and loudly cheer for them. Funny thing is I don't see much LeBron jerseys. And the only bandwagon Heat fans are in Florida.

I've seen some Lebron and Wade jerseys in SoCal, but funny enough, it's mainly on kids. The last adult I saw wearing a Heat jersey was a dude wearing a Shaq jersey.

07-02-2014, 01:57 PM
Only non California team jersey I've seen lately is some 10 year old wearing a Durant one.

Your Mileage May Vary

07-02-2014, 01:59 PM
What a sad tool. Joined the forum right when Bynum got injured... I bet he figured the Lakers would suck the rest of the season.



07-02-2014, 02:00 PM
Say hello to the 2nd red bar :applause:

What does it do? Because I can still post :confusedshrug:

07-02-2014, 02:17 PM
What does it do? Because I can still post :confusedshrug:
If you get 3, you're banned for 6 months.

07-03-2014, 01:27 AM
Good people are loving it my friend.

07-03-2014, 01:50 AM
Everyone who isn't a Lakers fan is loving it.

07-03-2014, 01:59 AM
Everyone who isn't a Lakers fan is loving it.
Neither of our teams are in contention :cheers: non-contender club right here

07-03-2014, 02:19 AM
Apparently this is the best thing to ever happen to the OP. Congratulations!

07-03-2014, 02:39 AM
Lakers living rent in yo head :applause:

no pun intended
07-03-2014, 02:41 AM
To the OP:

Here in Mozambique, the Maasai warriors have a saying. I cannot quote it directly because it is a series of clicks & clacks, but, roughly translated, it is "Better to fear a rabid weasel than a tame lion".

It should be self-explanatory, but that applies very well to Kobe Bryant and his Lakers of Los Angeles. Do we not remember what happened the last time the "great weasel" was underestimated? Let me refresh things for you: It happened in 2012, when pre-season experts had the Lakers finishing in last place in the conference due to their horrible supporting cast of journeymen (Pau Gasol, Steve Nash, Dwight Howard, and Metta World Peace). Yet Kobe single-handedly carried this team on his back to pull them into a remarkable 7th place finish in the conference!

So I'd be surprised if the so-called experts bet against Kobe a second time.

Warmest regards,

Ayotunde Ndiaye

Xiao Yao You
07-03-2014, 04:08 AM