View Full Version : Losing respect for Rose.

07-01-2014, 10:44 PM
With his comments about how it's not his job to recruit. Really? You've gone down with two major knee injuries, you should be begging superstars to come help you try and win a championship.

Now he says he's unsure if he'll play in the minicamp for Team USA in late July. Seriously? Get your ass back out on that court already! He needs this. He needs to play against some of the elite players and it will help him get ready for preseason and regular season.

Rose is just sounding like an ass. Losing respect for him. How can anyone defend this?

07-02-2014, 09:05 AM

07-02-2014, 06:47 PM
I saw that he did participate in everything yesterday, including a private workout for 'Melo to show him where he's at.

Still, from his comments recently it seems like he had to be talked into this by teammates (Noah mostly) and probably Thibs and Bulls management.

I hope he plays with Team USA this summer.

07-02-2014, 08:24 PM
Rose gained my respect by how he performed on the court when he was healthy, how he is with his coaches and how he is with his teammates. How active or inactive he is with recruiting is a secondary issue to me not a primary one. It's not in his personality to open up and put himself out there. He's quiet and reserved even on Team USA and All-Star games he's like that. I'm almost positive he wouldn't decline helping in a recruiting process like he did yesterday. If anyone in management or on coaching staff or if any of his teammates asked him to help he would oblige like he did yesterday. He's just not going to volunteer himself and do it on his own.

Hopefully he can stay healthy. Doesn't deserve all the hate he's gotten the last two years.