View Full Version : CNN Poll: Obama is the worst president since WW2.

07-02-2014, 11:18 AM

Obama 33%, 28 % Bush 2, Nixon 13%, 8% Carter.

07-02-2014, 11:29 AM
The temporal aspects messes with this type of poll, greatly.

But more generally, Presidents have been getting more and more shitty over time, as the State grows and grows.

2001 onwards has been extra shitty.

07-02-2014, 11:41 AM
Poll like that is a massive waste of money.

Presidents aren't getting more shitty, it's just the current climate and gridlock in congress.

07-02-2014, 11:45 AM
To be fair....no way Carter should be polled higher than Obama.

07-02-2014, 11:47 AM
I think George W. has to get that title.

Biggest domestic attack on home soil.

He started two super expensive wars that really accomplished nothing.

He kinda f*cked up the republican party by legitimizing fundamental christianity (repubs now seem to be getting back on a more normal track though). Dude used to have weekly conference calls with that gay meth addicted pastor Ted Haggart or whatever his name is.

He allowed the biggest financial collapse since the great depression take place

He wasted tons of time on stupid defense against marriage BS that did nothing

Oversaw the biggest expanse in government with the Dept. of Homeland Security.

The guy did a lot of damage to his country and party.

07-02-2014, 11:59 AM
How can you possibly do worse than launching a war of aggression that kills over 100 000 people... spending trillions of dollars and giving the state quasi totalitarian powers (powers they haven't renounced to this day) for the sole purpose of fighting extremism, only to end up with a group literally worse than Al-Qaeda invading the very country you invaded and proclaiming a Caliphate in the Middle East... helping cause a worldwide recession in the process?

What would you have to do? Commit genocide? Start a nuclear war? If you gave the US presidency to a cartoon villain bent on destroying everything they would struggle ending up with a worse record.

Criticize Jimmy Carter all you want, but I'd much rather have his nonexistent achievements than Bush's all too real record. The Bush presidency was world changing and era shaping. It is going to have a profound influence on planetary events for at least a quarter century... that influence is going to be at least 90% negative.

The only silver lining: the Bush years proved once more how resilient America is as a country.

07-02-2014, 12:01 PM
take this poll again in 8 years and you will get different results. time heals and memories fade. even shitty presidents like Bush will be looked upon more kindly.

07-02-2014, 12:02 PM
Stupid poll is stupid. These polls are all about emotional responses and obviously the current sitting president is going to illicit the strongest response.

Also, Obama came in 4th for best president behind Reagan and Clinton while being tied with JFK.

07-02-2014, 12:27 PM

Do they forget the very last president?


07-02-2014, 12:44 PM
Bush did a helluva lot worse and practically set Obama up for failure. Not to mention Congress is full of Republicans so even if Obama wanted to make a bill that benefited our country it would get voted down out of spite.

07-02-2014, 01:07 PM
Obama worse than Nixon and Bush 2. :rolleyes:

07-02-2014, 01:12 PM
Prediction: Whoever becomes the next president will also be voted the worst president since WW2.

07-02-2014, 01:18 PM
Obama worse than Nixon and Bush 2. :rolleyes:

I think Bush 2 has a case for the bottom rung of presidents (well, maybe a tier above disasters such as Andrew Johnson and Warren G Harding), but I'll always defend Nixon as just being an arrogant man who actually did some pretty good things as president. He did create the EPA, the Clean Air Act, did a lot for Native Americans, and helped make Affirmative Action an official US policy. He was probably a more "liberal" president than Clinton. :lol

07-02-2014, 01:20 PM
Too much debate over politicians, not enough discussion of policies.

07-02-2014, 01:29 PM
Too much debate over politicians, not enough discussion of policies.

Fine. What's your pick for the worst policy since WW2?

07-02-2014, 01:36 PM
Honestly I think it is really surprising that Obama could be viewed as worse than George W on ANY POLL.

07-02-2014, 01:37 PM
the masses have sheep like mentality with little objectivity. The reason why bush and obama were the highest voted because 1 they are the most recent in memory, 2, because bush had to deal with 911 and enter 2 wars, and obama inherited 2 wars and a bad economy. not actually that they are doing a bad job.

07-02-2014, 01:38 PM
lol they also found that ronald fvcking idiot reagan was the best president? were they polling CNN viewers or something?

07-02-2014, 01:39 PM
Honestly I think it is really surprising that Obama could be viewed as worse than George W on ANY POLL.

Especially considering that Bush damaged his party so badly and his name was so toxic to voters that they completely erased him from the RNC and didn't even mention him when McCain was running. People have short memories, but fvck...I remember all that shit going down. I had never been so certain of an election in my life.

07-02-2014, 01:50 PM
lol they also found that ronald fvcking idiot reagan was the best president? were they polling CNN viewers or something?
It was conducted by Quinnipiac University (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news-and-events/quinnipiac-university-poll/) :confusedshrug:

Feels very republican biased...I don't think CNN leans right or left but perhaps Quinnipiac does

07-02-2014, 01:56 PM
It was conducted by Quinnipiac University (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news-and-events/quinnipiac-university-poll/) :confusedshrug:

Feels very republican biased...I don't think CNN leans right or left but perhaps Quinnipiac does

i think cnn leans right a bit, because they want to make their senior citizen viewers happy

07-02-2014, 02:28 PM
the masses have sheep like mentality with little objectivity. The reason why bush and obama were the highest voted because 1 they are the most recent in memory, 2, because bush had to deal with 911 and enter 2 wars, and obama inherited 2 wars and a bad economy. not actually that they are doing a bad job.

bush didn't have to enter into two wars.

Al-Qaeda didn't support Saddam and vice versa because Saddam believed in a secular arab world. After Saddam's regime was toppled the extremists started crawling through the woodwork w/ AQ support, much like Mubarak and Egypt.

07-02-2014, 02:41 PM
i think cnn leans right a bit, because they want to make their senior citizen viewers happy
I'm not sure about the CNN TV Channel, but CNN.com doesn't lean right at all IMO...I go there just about every day...just yesterday I watched a video on CNN which was hyping legality of pot.

here it is:

07-02-2014, 03:08 PM
Agreed that Bush was worse than Obama (and still have no idea why Bush was re-elected) but Obama really isn't much better. I personally felt that Obama did next to nothing positive to deserve a re-election. I wanted to see Romney get a chance out of him and Obama. Romney impressed me in his debates and with his track record paired up against Obama. Of course the media absolutely destroyed Romney any chance they got though.

07-02-2014, 03:12 PM
I'm not sure about the CNN TV Channel, but CNN.com doesn't lean right at all IMO...I go there just about every day...just yesterday I watched a video on CNN which was hyping legality of pot.

here it is:

Even their TV channel leans left. This video is one of the worst examples of media bias that I have ever seen


I'm pretty sure that Fox is the only non-left leaning network on TV

07-02-2014, 03:14 PM

07-02-2014, 03:14 PM
Fine. What's your pick for the worst policy since WW2?

What a silly question to ask someone who wasnt even born until the 80s, and what an irrelevent question anyway.

Our biggest CURRENT issue is our budget, which is an unbrella issue under which many smaller challenges confront us.

Rising depression, prescription abuse, obesity, gang violence, immigration, teen birth rates, government intrusion... These are all problems infesting pretty much every area of the country in some capacity, and in many areas in a very high degree.

Lack of values. Liberals wanna destroy religion but dont say anything about young black kids being raised by BET or midwestern kids molding themselves after insane clown posse. Go figure. Kids today have absolutely no guidance and mindless sheep libs are focused on destroying the one saving grace many of them have. In case they havent noticed, throwing more handouts at them doesnt work. They just buy chains and cigarettes and jordans and rims and tattoos. They end up having more kids, gettin more handouts, goin to prison, but you know what? GOOD. Because the bible isnt 100% scientifically accurate so lets show the whole world how smart we are and burst the balloons of people for whom it provides a little comfort and stability! Yeah! Oh, but if THOSE people dare criticize the lifestyle and habits of ghetto hoodlums and welfare abusers, lets call them angry redneck bigots!!!

Yeah, were so smart!!!!

07-02-2014, 03:18 PM
Just because Bush was a shitty president doesn't mean Obama doesn't suck.

07-02-2014, 03:20 PM
The American left is a bunch of overly sensitive, confused, insecure children who are DESPERATE to look smart. Fact. They were never popular, never good at sports, never good with girls, have esteem issues, and basically can ONLY make their mark by whining and playing the pretend hero for everyone else. Oh, but not with their own time, not with their own money. With someone elses!!!

Makes them feel important while not actually doing anything. And not solving ANY of the actual problems. There is a reason liberalism is rising and so is depression. These people are confused and insecure and they want successful people to pay the price. It is also known as "haterism." These folks arent smart enough to make themselves happy within their means. They need to belong to a group, and liberlaism accepts outcasts so they cling to it and beat their chests for it and waive the flag. Bunch of group thinkers, shit is annoying AF.

07-02-2014, 03:27 PM
That CNN video is hilarious. They went to a protest that was about wanting to end the federal reserve and as soon as they a sign saying something bad about Obama they just labeled it as "Anti-American" and a bunch of other shit and took it off air :oldlol: :oldlol:

God I hate the media so damn much.

07-02-2014, 03:29 PM
The American left is a bunch of overly sensitive, confused, insecure children who are DESPERATE to look smart. Fact. They were never popular, never good at sports, never good with girls, have esteem issues, and basically can ONLY make their mark by whining and playing the pretend hero for everyone else. Oh, but not with their own time, not with their own money. With someone elses!!!

Makes them feel important while not actually doing anything. And not solving ANY of the actual problems. There is a reason liberalism is rising and so is depression. These people are confused and insecure and they want successful people to pay the price. It is also known as "haterism." These folks arent smart enough to make themselves happy within their means. They need to belong to a group, and liberlaism accepts outcasts so they cling to it and beat their chests for it and waive the flag. Bunch of group thinkers, shit is annoying AF.

What pisses me off about the left is how much they try to look like good people and how they **** around with emotions in logical debates. Like god forbid you can watch a debate on gun control without a liberal on TV always pulling the "so you don't care about the kids in these school shootings!" card.

But I don't think the right is much better because they are so far behind on social issues.

Most intelligent people I know are either independent or support the libertarian party.

07-02-2014, 04:02 PM
when someone asks me if I am "left or right" I say neither

there are some issues where I take a conservative stance, and some issues were I take a typically liberal stance...I really hate how we have this split in the country with seemingly no room for grey area

07-02-2014, 04:14 PM
when someone asks me if I am "left or right" I say neither

there are some issues where I take a conservative stance, and some issues were I take a typically liberal stance...I really hate how we have this split in the country with seemingly no room for grey area

Same as me. The political discourse in this country isn't worth engaging anymore because both sides are downright out of their f*cking minds. "Drink the conservative/liberal Kool-Aid or you're a traitor" is what they tell you. Meanwhile, nine out of ten idiots on my Facebook feed who try to tell me that Obama is a dictator couldn't tell you the name of their Congressman or woman if you had the barrell of a .44 pressed to their temple. These people get to vote while the power class laughs all the way to the bank.

07-02-2014, 04:17 PM
American politics is corrupt. The President is irrelevant.

07-02-2014, 04:17 PM
Honestly I think it is really surprising that Obama could be viewed as worse than George W on ANY POLL.

People are prisoners of the moment and lack perspective generally. It's all about right now.

And like others have pointed out, no way in hell is Barry worse than Bush 2 or Tricky Dick.

07-02-2014, 04:23 PM
when someone asks me if I am "left or right" I say neither

there are some issues where I take a conservative stance, and some issues were I take a typically liberal stance...I really hate how we have this split in the country with seemingly no room for grey area

Only real reason to align with a party is so that you can vote in primaries depending on your state's voting laws. Otherwise it is a meaningless label.

07-02-2014, 04:25 PM
American politics is corrupt. The President is irrelevant.

The whole franchise is irrelevant. This country was bought and paid for a long time ago. The circus performance they put on every four years is to preserve the illusion of choice.

07-02-2014, 04:27 PM
The whole franchise is irrelevant. This country was bought and paid for a long time ago. The circus performance they put on every four years is to preserve the illusion of choice.

It is a disgrace. Britain gave democracy to the world and America has made it a pantomine.

07-02-2014, 04:29 PM
It is a disgrace. Britain gave democracy to the world and America has made it a pantomine.
As long as people have their pick-up trucks and iPhones, Americans are happy to be quiet.

07-02-2014, 04:29 PM
It is a disgrace. Britain gave democracy to the world and America has made it a pantomine.

History wasn't your strongest subject in school, was it? :coleman:

07-02-2014, 04:36 PM
The whole franchise is irrelevant. This country was bought and paid for a long time ago. The circus performance they put on every four years is to preserve the illusion of choice.





Lakers Legend#32
07-02-2014, 05:08 PM
So let's see.

The stock market is booming.
All the jobs lost during the Bush depression have returned.
The deficit has been cut in half.

If this were a Republican president, the right-wingers would be treating him as a god. What could be the difference? Hmmmm?

Oh yeah, this president is black.

07-02-2014, 05:09 PM
So let's see.

The stock market is booming.
All the jobs lost during the Bush depression have returned.
The deficit has been cut in half.

If this were a Republican president, the right-wingers would be treating him as a god. What could be the difference? Hmmmm?

Oh yeah, this president is black.

Oh god, here we go with the "If you hate Obama it's cause you're a racist" bullshit :roll:

Lakers Legend#32
07-02-2014, 05:11 PM
Southerners only like blacks when they are shinning shoes.

07-02-2014, 05:13 PM
So let's see.

The stock market is booming.
All the jobs lost during the Bush depression have returned.
The deficit has been cut in half.

If this were a Republican president, the right-wingers would be treating him as a god. What could be the difference? Hmmmm?

Oh yeah, this president is black.

:biggums: GTFOH

07-02-2014, 05:18 PM
Americas presidents arent deciding shit for more than 100 years. they are all puppets of the industry and military.
if one tries to break that he

07-02-2014, 05:31 PM
[QUOTE=Marlo_Stanfield]Americas presidents arent deciding shit for more than 100 years. they are all puppets of the industry and military.
if one tries to break that he

07-02-2014, 05:32 PM
It was conducted by Quinnipiac University (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news-and-events/quinnipiac-university-poll/) :confusedshrug:

Feels very republican biased...I don't think CNN leans right or left but perhaps Quinnipiac does

They are legitimate pollster and I don't think they have any intentional bias. I think it was a landline poll which may skew the results. Nope. just checked not just a landline poll, but 53% of the folks in the poll (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/images/polling/us/us07022014_demos_U73jabn.pdf) were over age 50, that is the type of skewing that might have an effect. Older voters go younger voters.

I think the immediacy issue is the bigger factor.

But this is the second year of Obama's second term. They asked the same question 8 years in Bush's second year of his second term.

July 2006
George W. Bush (34 percent)
Richard Nixon (17 percent)
Bill Clinton (16 percent)
Jimmy Carter (13 percent)

July 2014
Barack Obama (33 percent)
George W. Bush (28 percent)
Richard Nixon (13 percent)
Jimmy Carter (8 percent)

07-02-2014, 05:33 PM
The Washington Post has a good breakdown on age differences with a lot of charts


07-02-2014, 05:40 PM
Just because Bush was a shitty president doesn't mean Obama doesn't suck.

Can you make it fit on a bumper sticker?

Lakers Legend#32
07-02-2014, 05:42 PM
The Quininpiac Poll is weighted by racist Southern whites by 37%. Also, the Gallup Poll shows significant dips in the popularity from super-elites. They are mad because Obama raised their taxes and blocked their wars.

07-02-2014, 06:06 PM
The Quininpiac Poll is weighted by racist Southern whites by 37%. Also, the Gallup Poll shows significant dips in the popularity from super-elites. They are mad because Obama raised their taxes and blocked their wars.
Go away.

07-02-2014, 06:06 PM
The Quininpiac Poll is weighted by racist Southern whites by 37%. Also, the Gallup Poll shows significant dips in the popularity from super-elites. They are mad because Obama raised their taxes and blocked their wars.

Weak and obvious bait, log onto a different gimmick bro. Or better yet just go get a life.

07-02-2014, 06:07 PM
The Quininpiac Poll is weighted by racist Southern whites by 37%. Also, the Gallup Poll shows significant dips in the popularity from super-elites. They are mad because Obama raised their taxes and blocked their wars.


07-02-2014, 07:02 PM
Well duhhhh

07-02-2014, 08:49 PM
I think Obama does his best and has good intent.
But I don't agree with a lot of his views and I don't think he has done a great job.
The President can't please every body.

Patrick Chewing
07-03-2014, 12:01 AM
Bush did a helluva lot worse and practically set Obama up for failure. Not to mention Congress is full of Republicans so even if Obama wanted to make a bill that benefited our country it would get voted down out of spite.

You are an idiot.

07-03-2014, 01:28 AM
theres been such a cluster**** of issues popping up from all over this year, its hard to keep a decent tally. i'd say he's done a decent job given what he inherited, along with the GOP doing anything they can to make him fail or block him. i've never seen the GOP this much against any Prez from the get go.

the way i see it is what Obama represents is the antithesis of what the GOP does. he's a bigger threat than any Prez before him to the GOP because Obama represents and pushes for the poor and reducing the wealth gaps. GOP are the polar opposite. it doesn't help that he is black and seen by the GOP as a champion for black people as well but i tend to think thats the REAL reason they despise him so much. especially those racist small towner hard core Republicans that Sarah Palin calls 'Real Americans'.

07-03-2014, 04:19 AM
I think Bush 2 has a case for the bottom rung of presidents (well, maybe a tier above disasters such as Andrew Johnson and Warren G Harding), but I'll always defend Nixon as just being an arrogant man who actually did some pretty good things as president. He did create the EPA, the Clean Air Act, did a lot for Native Americans, and helped make Affirmative Action an official US policy. He was probably a more "liberal" president than Clinton. :lol

None of those are god things. Horrible president. Less horrible than Bush 1, 2 and Barry S though.

07-03-2014, 04:21 AM
i think cnn leans right a bit, because they want to make their senior citizen viewers happy

They lean towards statism in general. Fox right wing statism, MSNBC left-wing statism. Not much difference really.

07-03-2014, 04:22 AM
Wow. Such great insight. Ive never heard this before!
you are welcome.
everyone has to wake up at some point:applause:

Nick Young
07-03-2014, 05:39 AM
Obama is basically George W Bush x2. Can't believe some people still clinging to the lie he has done a good job.

07-03-2014, 06:39 AM
Obama is basically George W Bush x2. Can't believe some people still clinging to the lie he has done a good job.
the only American president who tried to do a good job got his head blown off

Real Men Wear Green
07-03-2014, 07:00 AM
A third of the population is Republican. Republicans hate Obama. Not hard to figure out.

07-03-2014, 07:30 AM
bush didn't have to enter into two wars.

Al-Qaeda didn't support Saddam and vice versa because Saddam believed in a secular arab world. After Saddam's regime was toppled the extremists started crawling through the woodwork w/ AQ support, much like Mubarak and Egypt.
This rubbish.

Combined with this:

I think George W. has to get that title.

Biggest domestic attack on home soil.

He started two super expensive wars that really accomplished nothing.

He kinda f*cked up the republican party by legitimizing fundamental christianity (repubs now seem to be getting back on a more normal track though). Dude used to have weekly conference calls with that gay meth addicted pastor Ted Haggart or whatever his name is.

He allowed the biggest financial collapse since the great depression take place

He wasted tons of time on stupid defense against marriage BS that did nothing

Oversaw the biggest expanse in government with the Dept. of Homeland Security.

The guy did a lot of damage to his country and party.

Really show you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Saddam believed in a secular Arab world? Then why did he add 'Allahu Akbar' to the Iraqi flag? Why did he pay tithes (large ones) to the families of palestinian suicide bombers (to encourage them)? Why did he have a Koran written in his own blood?

And Bush worse than Nixon? :roll:

You must know nothing about him if you think those few lines of rubbish compare to the things Nixon did. So many bad things can be traced back to his Presidency; it is quite remarkable. The man was actually so deluded and crazy that they deactivated the red button he held in fear he would use it (he frequently threatened the use of nukes), all while he illegally (without the approval of congress) bombed the hell out of Cambodia and Laos, killing millions. Not to mention he (through Kissinger) derailed LBJ's peace talks in Paris 68 to win himself the election, and so all those deaths could have been avoided in the first place if not for his grotesque power lust.

People like you really need to realise that events which happened in your time aren't the only ones that actually happened, or that have any meaning.

07-03-2014, 07:51 AM
So let's see.

The stock market is booming.
All the jobs lost during the Bush depression have returned.
The deficit has been cut in half.

If this were a Republican president, the right-wingers would be treating him as a god. What could be the difference? Hmmmm?

Oh yeah, this president is black.
The stock market is booming because it has been flooded with printed money; that is a bubble, nothing more, and it is not sustainable.

Your mind is really too set on just looking at figures and aggregations and taking them as gospel, when they are often little more than propaganda tools. The state controls just about every aspect the economy, and can easily manipulate things through policy to get the figures they want (they usually look better around election time). Just like in the UK now, with an election forthcoming, the economy is growing again!!! Well, if a bunch of guys were paid with printed money to dig up holes and fill them in again, that would contribute to economic growth by its contemporary definition. I personally don't see this as 'growth'

Remember, the figures were looking pretty dandy before 2007 too, most economists were predicting house prices to keep going up etc. The US economy is still ****ed, and it is still in need of a drastic (and painful) restructuring, make no mistake. Obama hasn't solved anything: he's just pushed the problem onto the next President.