View Full Version : Why Soccer is possibly the worst sport in existence!

Im Still Ballin
07-07-2014, 01:18 PM
I think that this pretty much clears up why this pathetic excuse of a sport is what it is... A snoozefest.

Thanks for your time nerds!

PS- Don't forget to rep me and PM me for advice on anything.

07-07-2014, 01:21 PM
For someone that supposedly hates soccer/football so much, you sure as hell can't stop talking about it or keep it out of your mouth. Much like the d*ck fetish you have.

07-07-2014, 01:24 PM
Most of those I disagree with, but some of them I do agree with

-Why don't they stop the clock instead of tacking on minutes to the end? Just stop the fckin clock, much easier :confusedshrug:

-The lack of scoring IS an issue for me...when watching soccer there are tense moments around the goal, however it pales in comparison to long drawn out back and forths in the mid field...making the goals a few feet wider would solve this issue but the history is too deep for that now. With wider goals you would have game scores commonly like 8-6 and it would make for MORE tense moments.

-No subs?...yes WHY??? what is the upside to that exactly ?? :confusedshrug:

07-07-2014, 01:24 PM
I don't like it at all, but i realize that maybe if i had watched it growing up it could be different because then i would notice things that would make the game interesting.

Like in basketball, anyone on this board can see things that the average person can't and this makes bball more interesting for us.

07-07-2014, 01:25 PM
It is actually a very good sport only at the highest level. The lower tier leagues and teams are quite boring. This is a sport that must be played with maximum talent at every level. In the NBA, you can get away with half your team and starters being scrubs.

In soccer you can't get away with it, therefore, there must be maximum talent across the board.

Also, they don't have stupid timeouts and stoppage. I love basketball but after watching a soccer match and then a NBA game, the commercials are starting to piss me off, if they didn't already.

I can enjoy a soccer match and know I will be done watching at a certain time and be able to plan for other things to do.

Im Still Ballin
07-07-2014, 01:25 PM
For someone that supposedly hates soccer/football so much, you sure as hell can't stop talking about it or keep it out of your mouth. Much like the d*ck fetish you have.
Well you ****in nerd the soccer world cup happens to be on right now and fagzz and gimps can't stop talking about it so you know i got to be setting these gypsys straight.

Oh and for your information bro. There ain't nothing wrong, with a big fat dong.

07-07-2014, 01:38 PM
You stepped over the line here, bruh

Bend over

Booz Vivic
07-07-2014, 01:44 PM
Most of those I disagree with, but some of them I do agree with

-Why don't they stop the clock instead of tacking on minutes to the end? Just stop the fckin clock, much easier :confusedshrug:

-The lack of scoring IS an issue for me...when watching soccer there are tense moments around the goal, however it pales in comparison to long drawn out back and forths in the mid field...making the goals a few feet wider would solve this issue but the history is too deep for that now. With wider goals you would have game scores commonly like 8-6 and it would make for MORE tense moments.

-No subs?...yes WHY??? what is the upside to that exactly ?? :confusedshrug:

This is what makes soccer / football unique. Lack of scoring makes the sport so dynamic. One goal and you go nuts. While in basketball one basket and it doesn't really change things drastically.

07-07-2014, 02:21 PM
Negged and reported.

07-07-2014, 02:28 PM
Well you ****in nerd the soccer world cup happens to be on right now and fagzz and gimps can't stop talking about it so you know i got to be setting these gypsys straight.

Oh and for your information bro. There ain't nothing wrong, with a big fat dong.

At least you're honest.

07-07-2014, 02:28 PM
I enjoy watching it. It's not my favourite sport but it's definitely not boring. It's also a lot more inclusive as it doesn't rely on genetics. I love Basketball but unless you're tall you won't get far playing this game. That's it's biggest downside.

07-07-2014, 02:36 PM

07-07-2014, 02:41 PM
I enjoy watching it. It's not my favourite sport but it's definitely not boring. It's also a lot more inclusive as it doesn't rely on genetics. I love Basketball but unless you're tall you won't get far playing this game. That's it's biggest downside.

Muggsy Bogues tends to differ. :oldlol: But yeah, you're right for the most part.

I've enjoyed this World Cup more than any soccer I've ever watched. Still not something I would watch on the regular, but I must say it's done a pretty good job keeping my attention.

One thing that bugs me is the lack of timeouts/commercials. When are we supposed to pee and get another beer? :confusedshrug:

07-07-2014, 02:47 PM
I enjoy watching it. It's not my favourite sport but it's definitely not boring. It's also a lot more inclusive as it doesn't rely on genetics. I love Basketball but unless you're tall you won't get far playing this game. That's it's biggest downside.

Agreed. This WC actually made me appreciate soccer more.

The fact scoring comes at a premium makes the game really enjoyable.

07-07-2014, 03:09 PM
i think mostly older people have the patience to enjoy it but i can see a ton of teenagers hating it because the build up is so slow. Its not instant gratification basketball.

problem with soccer is at most lower levels they don't have the touch so its more kick and run, or head down dribble.....those 1 touch passes and just chaining them is a lot harder than it looks in terms of consistency. first touch is always drilled into every player and the pro's are on a completely different level where if you played it you probably do appreciate the weaving passes they're able to do.

07-07-2014, 03:16 PM
This is what makes soccer / football unique. Lack of scoring makes the sport so dynamic. One goal and you go nuts. While in basketball one basket and it doesn't really change things drastically.
I get that one goal is "HOLY SHIT!!!!"

but you're exchanging that for 80 minutes of "meh"

07-07-2014, 03:47 PM
Would you rather watch curling? Or swimming?

07-07-2014, 03:48 PM
I get that one goal is "HOLY SHIT!!!!"

but you're exchanging that for 80 minutes of "meh"

I think if you're a soccer fan though, you would know the significance of certain things on the field though.

So many plays can be exciting, even if they don't end up changing the actual score of the game.

For example, if you see that your teams players are all aligned in a way that makes scoring a goal have like a 20% chance or above, you'll probably go just as crazy as if you're favorite basketball team made a jump shot in the 2nd quarter of a bball game.

07-07-2014, 03:58 PM
I think if you're a soccer fan though, you would know the significance of certain things on the field though.

So many plays can be exciting, even if they don't end up changing the actual score of the game.

For example, if you see that your teams players are all aligned in a way that makes scoring a goal have like a 20% chance or above, you'll probably go just as crazy as if you're favorite basketball team made a jump shot in the 2nd quarter of a bball game.
It is "exciting" whenever the soccer ball is in shooting range, it just seems like those moments are few and far between.

Shoot outs at the end are also exciting, but that is only in knock out soccer, the majority of the time that would be a "tie" which leaves you with a "meh" feeling after the game.

IMO if the soccer goals were a few feet wider it would make for a more entertaining game to watch, there would be more goals, and more exciting moments. What I am saying has been talked about in the NHL a lot too which has a similar problem. When it is common to see a score of 1-0, or 1-1, or even 0-0, that is a problem imo, but of coarse that is just my opinion.

07-07-2014, 04:00 PM
I find the international tournaments to be pretty enthralling, actually. MLS is eh, and we here in New England get Liverpool games every week on NESN that are pretty good.

The extreme degree that people go to with regard to worshipping/attacking sports they do/don't personally like eludes me. OK, you don't like soccer...and the guy next to you can't shut up about it. There really a need to personally start attacking each other because you don't like the same games? Is that what we've come to now? F*cking dweebs, the lot of them.

07-07-2014, 04:03 PM
I find the international tournaments to be pretty enthralling, actually. MLS is eh, and we here in New England get Liverpool games every week on NESN that are pretty good.

The extreme degree that people go to with regard to worshipping/attacking sports they do/don't personally like eludes me. OK, you don't like soccer...and the guy next to you can't shut up about it. There really a need to personally start attacking each other because you don't like the same games? Is that what we've come to now? F*cking dweebs, the lot of them.

Have fun watching Liverpool next season, Suarez is virtually gone

07-07-2014, 04:06 PM
Hard to argue with a website that replaces the 's' in sports with a 'z'.

07-07-2014, 04:22 PM
Have fun watching Liverpool next season, Suarez is virtually gone
Suarez and Gerrard were the only names I knew on that team, so I'd hardly call myself a fan. Its EPL football on American television, so I watch it; all you hear here in the USA is that EPL football is the best club football going, so I figured why not?

07-07-2014, 04:28 PM

Point #2 is nonsense--there's TONS of time-wasting in soccer, especially at the end of matches when one team is trying to preserve a lead (keeper holds the ball forever, late-game substitutions with minutes to go, players faking injuries). If you stopped the clock it would eliminate most of that.

The late-game dramatics of a closely contested basketball game blow soccer clean out of the water. Soccer is the only sport that can bore you with a tied game in overtime.

07-07-2014, 05:38 PM
Didn't read, OP is a flaming homo.

Im Still Ballin
07-07-2014, 05:41 PM
Didn't read, OP is a flaming homo.
Rep me you little bitch. I own you. Down on your knees bae.

TheReal Kendall
07-07-2014, 05:43 PM
Soccer >>>>>>>> Golf

07-07-2014, 06:05 PM
I like soccer but the lack of accurate timekeeping is absurd. Even if the ref adds exactly the right amount of time at the end, the team thats ahead starts taking half a minute to throw the ball in in extra time. Either stop the clock or have a 10 second rule: if the ball is not in play after 10 seconds it belongs to the other team.

07-07-2014, 06:10 PM
Yes could someone explain why the clock doesn't stop? What is the thought process behind the current system in place?

07-07-2014, 06:39 PM
Stoppages ruin the flow of the game IMO. Having the clock running at all times maintains the urgency. Taking long is gamesmanship, though time wasting is a bookable offence.

07-07-2014, 06:41 PM

07-07-2014, 06:42 PM
Let me explain it like this to you.

In a good football game, you will be on the edge of your seat.

Do you know in the NBA, when it is tied in the last 20 seconds and one your player attempt a buzzer winning shot and all of you stand up !! This is football for you when it comes to scoring goals. You don't score much, but every attempt you take, every counter attack, every possibility of a goal is as exciting as 20 game winning shots being attempted in an NBA game.

Furthermore, the outstanding defense sometimes, the great midfielders, the great keeper saves is what also keeps football interesting and I would classify it as the most entertaining sport ever.

There is a reason football is the most popular sport by a wide margin.

07-07-2014, 07:04 PM
Let me explain it like this to you.

In a good football game, you will be on the edge of your seat.

Do you know in the NBA, when it is tied in the last 20 seconds and one your player attempt a buzzer winning shot and all of you stand up !! This is football for you when it comes to scoring goals. You don't score much, but every attempt you take, every counter attack, every possibility of a goal is as exciting as 20 game winning shots being attempted in an NBA game.

Furthermore, the outstanding defense sometimes, the great midfielders, the great keeper saves is what also keeps football interesting and I would classify it as the most entertaining sport ever.

There is a reason football is the most popular sport by a wide margin.


Oly BC
07-07-2014, 07:06 PM
Most of those I disagree with, but some of them I do agree with

-Why don't they stop the clock instead of tacking on minutes to the end? Just stop the fckin clock, much easier :confusedshrug:

-The lack of scoring IS an issue for me...when watching soccer there are tense moments around the goal, however it pales in comparison to long drawn out back and forths in the mid field...making the goals a few feet wider would solve this issue but the history is too deep for that now. With wider goals you would have game scores commonly like 8-6 and it would make for MORE tense moments.

-No subs?...yes WHY??? what is the upside to that exactly ?? :confusedshrug:
That's such an american thing to say. I hope you were joking.

07-07-2014, 08:30 PM
There is a reason football is the most popular sport by a wide margin.
It's because it's the only sport most countries offer, poverty stricken countries in particular are limited to soccer because all you need is a ball.

Basketball requires a hoop

Baseball requires a field

Football requires expensive pads

Hockey requires expensive pads and ice

Soccer requires a ball and a couple sticks to signify the goal...anyone and everyone can play it, and that is why it's the most popular, and NOT because everyone choose it over the rest.

07-07-2014, 08:34 PM
It's because it's the only sport most countries offer, poverty stricken countries in particular are limited to soccer because all you need is a ball.

Basketball requires a hoop

Baseball requires a field

Football requires expensive pads

Hockey requires expensive pads and ice

Soccer requires a ball and a couple sticks to signify the goal...anyone and everyone can play it, and that is why it's the most popular, and NOT because everyone choose it over the rest.

Football requires a goal.Poor countries can just as easy make a hoop out of a long stick and some wire Cmon son:coleman:

+ plenty of rich countries who have all play football and is their favorite sport.

All that you have listed is at a pro level.

But, baseball does not require a field at a lower level, plenty of kids can acquire a single bat, go out to a country field and play, American Football does not require expensive pads at lower level.

All in all, football is the most popular because it is the best and most entertaining sport out there. Basketball is second and tennis is third. The rest is shit.

07-07-2014, 09:18 PM
If you think all the kids in the world outside the US hand picked soccer to play from list of other sports you're wrong.

Many kids are primarily offered soccer...they don't have many other options

07-07-2014, 09:41 PM
It's because it's the only sport most countries offer, poverty stricken countries in particular are limited to soccer because all you need is a ball.

Basketball requires a hoop

Baseball requires a field

Football requires expensive pads

Hockey requires expensive pads and ice

Soccer requires a ball and a couple sticks to signify the goal...anyone and everyone can play it, and that is why it's the most popular, and NOT because everyone choose it over the rest.
It also requires free space which is why basketball surpassed it in China

07-08-2014, 12:00 AM
Basketball is easily more entertaining than soccer, who are you people kidding?

07-08-2014, 12:08 AM
People can like whatever the hell they want. There's things in American football that I notice more than most people, and other hardcore NFL fans as well, that make it more enjoyable for us. Same thing with soccer for soccer fans. Same for basketball fans. When you grow up around it, you appreciate it more and love it more. People say American football is boring and stops too much, I say it's exciting and keeps me extremely interested.

07-08-2014, 12:10 AM
Football requires a goal.Poor countries can just as easy make a hoop out of a long stick and some wire Cmon son:coleman:

+ plenty of rich countries who have all play football and is their favorite sport.

All that you have listed is at a pro level.

But, baseball does not require a field at a lower level, plenty of kids can acquire a single bat, go out to a country field and play, American Football does not require expensive pads at lower level.

All in all, football is the most popular because it is the best and most entertaining sport out there. Basketball is second and tennis is third. The rest is shit.

The plenty of rich countries part is true. And you are certainly entitled to believing soccer is the best, most exciting sport.

But to suggest that the universality of soccer (due to not requiring any equipment besides the ball) isn't a massive contributor to its popularity is fcuking unbelievable ignorance or stupidity.

07-08-2014, 12:15 AM
American football is also popular to play here in the US because all you need is a ball and some friends to tackle.

deja vu
07-08-2014, 12:43 AM
Well if we score 6 points for every goal just like in gridiron, more Americans would like football. :roll:

Guy Dudebro
07-08-2014, 01:39 AM
I think that this pretty much clears up why this pathetic excuse of a sport is what it is... A snoozefest.

Thanks for your time nerds!

PS- Don't forget to rep me and PM me for advice on anything.

nice, you seem highly intelligent.

Im Still Ballin
07-08-2014, 01:42 AM
nice, you seem highly intelligent.
Yeah I'm a ****ing genius. Bend over rookie. I'm taking over.

07-08-2014, 01:43 AM
Well if we score 6 points for every goal just like in gridiron, more Americans would like football. :roll:

Even if you adjust the value system, American football has much higher score lines, with each game being 30 minutes shorter.

Here's how the scorelines for the quarter finals would have looked like with American football's point system:


07-08-2014, 04:43 AM
It's football, bruh.

07-08-2014, 04:50 AM
Even if you adjust the value system, American football has much higher score lines, with each game being 30 minutes shorter.

Here's how the scorelines for the quarter finals would have looked like with American football's point system:


Actually an American football game is about 80 minutes shorter. The actually playing time is only +- 10 minutes. The rest is commercials and capri-sun time for the players.

Im Still Ballin
07-08-2014, 04:51 AM
It's football, bruh.

07-08-2014, 05:01 AM

07-08-2014, 05:08 AM
It's because it's the only sport most countries offer, poverty stricken countries in particular are limited to soccer because all you need is a ball.

Basketball requires a hoop

Baseball requires a field

Football requires expensive pads

Hockey requires expensive pads and ice

Soccer requires a ball and a couple sticks to signify the goal...anyone and everyone can play it, and that is why it's the most popular, and NOT because everyone choose it over the rest.

Oooh all these sports are sooooooo expensive to take part in!

Which is why baseball is the most popular sport in Venezuela, cricket in India, basketball in the Philippines, muay hai in Thailand (requires expensive pads, right?). All dirt poor countries.

(Just to show American Football isn't exactly expensive to play a kid's variant either)




I swear primetime. Sometimes you just come across as simple. Like you don't have the faintest idea about the world outside of Texas.

07-08-2014, 05:23 AM

07-08-2014, 10:01 AM
Oooh all these sports are sooooooo expensive to take part in!

Which is why baseball is the most popular sport in Venezuela, cricket in India, basketball in the Philippines, muay hai in Thailand (requires expensive pads, right?). All dirt poor countries.

(Just to show American Football isn't exactly expensive to play a kid's variant either)




I swear primetime. Sometimes you just come across as simple. Like you don't have the faintest idea about the world outside of Texas.
You're the one trying to simplify all these sports and you're calling me simple?

LOL at that basketball pic...do you think you could have a good game on that? Be honest.

I've played plenty of backyard football (Texas ya know)... It doesn't play like tackle football complete with linemen. You're being the simple minded one here.

I've played plenty of backyard baseball too... It's very difficult to get a complete game running in comparison to soccer.

There is truth in what I'm saying I don't need to have lived in Africa to know it... Just own up, get out of this fictional world where everyone choose soccer over those others.

07-08-2014, 10:09 AM
Point is, there are poor as shit countries where baseball/basketball/cricket etc is the most popular sport and is all the kids play on the streets. None of these sports are more expensive or more difficult to facilitate than football.

The only outlier is American Football, but the reason nobody is into that outside of Merica is because AF is lame as shit.

07-08-2014, 10:11 AM
Even if you adjust the value system, American football has much higher score lines, with each game being 30 minutes shorter.

Here's how the scorelines for the quarter finals would have looked like with American football's point system:


It doesn't matter one bit that you get proportionally more scores because of the official game time being shorter when the actual time you have to spend watching an NFL game is almost twice that of normal football games.

07-08-2014, 10:18 AM
People who find Handegg exciting need to re-evaluate their life. That stuff is boring as hell, even though the coaching and tactics element is somewhat interesting. Far too much specialization, stoppages, and, most of all, ads.

07-08-2014, 10:21 AM
The only really big downside for me with soccer is that officiating plays such an enormous factor in the game. No replays and limited scoring opportunities leaves the game susceptible to impactful mistakes by officials. Other than that I think soccer is a pretty great sport. The possibility for individual creativity on almost every play is pretty spectacular.

07-08-2014, 10:24 AM
You're the one trying to simplify all these sports and you're calling me simple?

LOL at that basketball pic...do you think you could have a good game on that? Be honest.

I've played plenty of backyard football (Texas ya know)... It doesn't play like tackle football complete with linemen. You're being the simple minded one here.

I've played plenty of backyard baseball too... It's very difficult to get a complete game running in comparison to soccer.

There is truth in what I'm saying I don't need to have lived in Africa to know it... Just own up, get out of this fictional world where everyone choose soccer over those others.

Yeah and 3 on 3 football in the park without real goals, lines, refs and tactics is close to world cup football, right?

07-08-2014, 10:33 AM
I like soccer but American football is king. The sport of the Gods (USA)

07-08-2014, 10:52 AM
Yeah and 3 on 3 football in the park without real goals, lines, refs and tactics is close to world cup football, right?
It's much closer than 3 on 3 American Football

Soccer is the easiest of all those sports to play unorganized UNLESS you have a basketball court available.

07-08-2014, 10:55 AM
The only outlier is American Football, but the reason nobody is into that outside of Merica is because AF is lame as shit.
You do realize that this is simple minded nonsense right?

You honestly think that no one else plays American football because they determined that it's lame?

07-08-2014, 11:02 AM
As a spectator, my fave sports to watch in order of preference: NBA, College Basketball, College Football, NFL

MLB, Tennis, Soccer are sports I'll occasionally check out but don't follow on a regular basis.

07-08-2014, 11:20 AM
Didn't get into soccer until HS and Soccer > American Football. This is coming from a person who played AF his whole life and used to follow the sport religiously.

AF is a garbage and barbaric sport compared to the beautiful game

07-08-2014, 11:32 AM
The only really big downside for me with soccer is that officiating plays such an enormous factor in the game. No replays and limited scoring opportunities leaves the game susceptible to impactful mistakes by officials. Other than that I think soccer is a pretty great sport. The possibility for individual creativity on almost every play is pretty spectacular.
Agreed, especially with this sentence.

07-08-2014, 12:09 PM
Didn't get into soccer until HS and Soccer > American Football. This is coming from a person who played AF his whole life and used to follow the sport religiously.

AF is a garbage and barbaric sport compared to the beautiful game

American Football is violent, no doubt. But there is beauty in the sport, and a strategy that makes some games like a competitive chess match. There is violence plus finesse, unlike rugby which is like a pub brawl that spilled out onto a field. Plus college football has the added excitement of pulling for your school against traditional rivals.

07-08-2014, 12:54 PM
You do realize that this is simple minded nonsense right?

You honestly think that no one else plays American football because they determined that it's lame?

I don't think it, I know it. American Football is not an unknown quantity outside the US. American pop culture has spread across the globe, everybody knows what American Football is.

We've seen the Hollywood movies about the sport. The Super Bowl gets broadcast every year. We even had the professional NFL Europe league (you could pretty much get in for free). It simply doesn't catch on. It's one of those things that is incredibly boring and impossible to like if you aren't indoctrinated with it from an early age. Like test cricket.

07-08-2014, 01:06 PM
I don't think it, I know it. American Football is not an unknown quantity outside the US. American pop culture has spread across the globe, everybody knows what American Football is.

We've seen the Hollywood movies about the sport. The Super Bowl gets broadcast every year. We even had the professional NFL Europe league (you could pretty much get in for free). It simply doesn't catch on. It's one of those things that is incredibly boring and impossible to like if you aren't indoctrinated with it from an early age. Like test cricket.
It's not offered to you as a child like it is in the US, like I was saying.

Growing up in the US, I played soccer, football, basketball, and baseball ALL at an organized level. That isn't the situation for most kids outside of the US.

BTW, gridiron is #2 in Canada behind only hockey...it has surpassed soccer

07-08-2014, 01:23 PM
It's not offered to you as a child like it is in the US, like I was saying.

Growing up in the US, I played soccer, football, basketball, and baseball ALL at an organized level. That isn't the situation for most kids outside of the US.

BTW, gridiron is #2 in Canada behind only hockey...it has surpassed soccer

Every child here is exposed to all of those sports from an early age, except AF.

Baseball and basketball are both great for gym class. Baseball is great for schools because even the unathletic, fat kids get to have a go (as you can see when you watch the MLB), and everybody has a chance to be the hero. Basketball is perfect during winter when gym class is inside.

Most kids just don't choose to do it in their free time. It's a fringe thing, there are clubs to join in or near every town.

Im Still Ballin
07-08-2014, 01:27 PM
Christ i could make a soccer hate thread every night and it will always go 50+ replies.

07-08-2014, 02:33 PM
The only really big downside for me with soccer is that officiating plays such an enormous factor in the game. No replays and limited scoring opportunities leaves the game susceptible to impactful mistakes by officials. Other than that I think soccer is a pretty great sport. The possibility for individual creativity on almost every play is pretty spectacular.

agree......the ref can have too much of an impact

07-08-2014, 04:29 PM
Even if you adjust the value system, American football has much higher score lines, with each game being 30 minutes shorter.

Here's how the scorelines for the quarter finals would have looked like with American football's point system:



07-08-2014, 04:31 PM
You guys wanted goals right?

07-08-2014, 04:33 PM
Germany about to put up more goals than LeBron did points in the '11 Finals

07-08-2014, 04:41 PM
Germany about to put up more goals than LeBron did points in the '11 Finals


Future rep

07-08-2014, 06:00 PM
Germany about to put up more goals than LeBron did points in the '11 Finals

future rep baby


FOOTBALL is the greatest game on earth

07-08-2014, 06:11 PM
Germany about to put up more goals than LeBron did points in the '11 Finals

07-08-2014, 06:16 PM
Germany about to put up more goals than LeBron did points in the '11 Finals

:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-08-2014, 06:23 PM
Germany about to put up more goals than LeBron did points in the '11 Finals

07-08-2014, 07:14 PM
People who find Handegg exciting need to re-evaluate their life. That stuff is boring as hell, even though the coaching and tactics element is somewhat interesting. Far too much specialization, stoppages, and, most of all, ads.

Considering how much chanting and dancing takes place in the stands during the course of your typical 0-0 snoozefest soccer match, more commercials would probably be welcome. Anything that resembles entertainment!