View Full Version : My Experience Today Talking To A Cleveland Fan While At Work...

07-08-2014, 08:55 PM
Ok, so quick background. I live in Indiana and I work for Indiana Medicaid at a call center. Guy calls up today and after I take about 6-7 minutes to assist him with his healthcare, he says "Hey can I ask you something completely unrelated?" I said sure. He said "Are you a big basketball fan?" I said of course, I'm a huge Pacer fan. He just moved here from Cleveland. He said he likes the Pacers but he's a Cavs fan first. First thing he asked me was what I thought of the whole Lebron situation. I told him I thought it would be great if he went back to Cleveland but currently he pretty much has Miami's hand's tied while they wait on him to decide what he will do just like he did Cleveland. That's not word for word what I said but that was my main point. He told me he was still upset about how Lebron left, press conference, etc. but that he would love for Lebron to come back. He said it would be even better if they could get Kevin Love also. He said they were actually trying to get Love, which I was not aware of but maybe they are? :Edit - He also said he had watched Love throughout his entire college career and he never thought he'd develop into the player he is today especially as far as his shooting ability, which I agreed with. Anyway he said he would love to get Kevin Love because in his opinion, he was the only white superstar in the league today.

Now we know Lebron and/or Durant are the only 2 true superstars in this league, some of you may prefer Chris Paul but I didn't get into all the little nuances, I was already on the phone with him too long anyway, lol. I just agreed with him, I said Dirk's still holding on and that was pretty much it about that topic.

Then he asked me if I thought Lance would come back to the Pacers. I honestly told him I do think he will come back but he's waiting for Lebron and Melo to decide and then he hopes some team will pay him over 10 million and he probably hopes the Pacers would match it. He said he just now saw the 30 for 30 Reggie Miller/Knicks episode and he absolutely loved it. Went on to talk about how he missed the Davis boys, Reggie, Derrick, Rik, Mark, and all the guys from the 90's Pacers/Knicks rivalry. Keep in mind, he's not from here, he just moved here from Cleveland.

He went on to say how he thought Houston would be great if they got Bosh and that he doesn't particularly like Kyrie Irving although he said he was a great talent. His reason was that he felt that Kyrie wasn't the most willing passer and that he was not enough of a leader. I just agreed with him to get him off the phone. I enjoyed talking to him but we're supposed to try to get them off the phone in 4:30 or less...I was on the phone with him for about 20 minutes, lol.

I just shared because I thought it was kind of interesting and it was actually the first time in the 4 months I've been there that a caller actually brought up something other than healthcare and how much it sucks, how confusing it is, how expensive it is, etc....

I can't remember exactly how old he was but he was in his 50's...He seemed to be up on some other NBA happenings too but I can't remember everything he said. Hope you enjoy the read about my boring day at work, lol. Thought it was interesting that it proves that at least 1 Cavs fan is still mad about the "decision". Maybe a slight change from the usual trolling threads on the front page.


07-08-2014, 09:03 PM
So is Lebron going back to Cleveland or what? :confusedshrug:

07-08-2014, 09:07 PM
I think most rational people in Ohio would warm up to LeBron coming back, even if you go on realcavsfans.com there's a poll there "Would you welcome LBJ back?" and 50% of almost 900 people said they'd warm up to him coming back, 21% said of course, 29% said not a chance.

Most people just don't like the way he left. It's been talked about over and over, the gentleman you spoke with on the phone only confirms that. It rubbed a ton of people wrong because of mainly the way it went down, the fact that he's from the area and the Cavaliers drafted him and the fact that his presence in downtown Cleveland brought so much business down there.

Going forward I'm just looking at this team as it is now. No hate towards LeBron, but I expect he would resign with the Heat, and if he doesn't and comes back to Cleveland, well...all I have to say then is, "Let's get this shit rolling Blatt."

07-08-2014, 09:07 PM
So is Lebron going back to Cleveland or what? :confusedshrug:
He actually told me he thought he was and that he had heard something on a Cleveland radio station(he said he listens to satellite radio and picks up the station). They were saying something similar to what someone posted earlier about Lebron having talks with Cleveland and seemingly all signs pointing to him signing there......

07-08-2014, 09:08 PM
So is Lebron going back to Cleveland or what? :confusedshrug:
We might know by end of day tomorrow possibly. I don't follow Chris Sheridan a lot, but he says the announcement will be made on lebronjames.com and that he has a plugged in source saying 90% Cleveland.

07-08-2014, 09:10 PM
I think most rational people in Ohio would warm up to LeBron coming back, even if you go on realcavsfans.com there's a poll there "Would you welcome LBJ back?" and 50% of almost 900 people said they'd warm up to him coming back, 21% said of course, 29% said not a chance.

Most people just don't like the way he left. It's been talked about over and over, the gentleman you spoke with on the phone only confirms that. It rubbed a ton of people wrong because of mainly the way it went down, the fact that he's from the area and the Cavaliers drafted him and the fact that his presence in downtown Cleveland brought so much business down there.

Going forward I'm just looking at this team as it is not. No hate towards LeBron, but I expect he would resign with the Heat, and if he doesn't and comes back to Cleveland, well...all I have to say then is, "Let's get this shit rolling Blatt."

Thank you for bringing up this point because it reminded me that he did comment on that. He said he worked downtown before he moved here and that actually contributed to him moving here because the downtown economy in Cleveland noticeably decreased shortly after Lebron left. He mentioned working downtown for a long time so he was able to see the difference before Lebron came and after he left. He said he saw his job laying people off and he just moved and found a job here before they could lay him off.....

07-08-2014, 09:14 PM
Thank you for bringing up this point because it reminded me that he did comment on that. He said he worked downtown before he moved here and that actually contributed to him moving here because the downtown economy in Cleveland noticeably decreased shortly after Lebron left. He mentioned working downtown for a long time so he was able to see the difference before Lebron came and after he left. He said he saw his job laying people off and he just moved and found a job here before they could lay him off.....
It's a snowball effect. In a city where there's not as much to do in other bigger cities and the main attraction is LeBron winning on the Cavs, it's going to trickle down to the little man unfortunately.

The day LeBron announced he was playing for the Heat, one of the first things I thought of in those following minutes is all those lost jobs downtown. We're already in a recession and that city is struggling to begin with.

07-08-2014, 09:21 PM
He actually told me he thought he was and that he had heard something on a Cleveland radio station(he said he listens to satellite radio and picks up the station). They were saying something similar to what someone posted earlier about Lebron having talks with Cleveland and seemingly all signs pointing to him signing there......

We might know by end of day tomorrow possibly. I don't follow Chris Sheridan a lot, but he says the announcement will be made on lebronjames.com and that he has a plugged in source saying 90% Cleveland.
This is GREAT!!! I'm looking forward to being a Lebron James fan again. :cheers:

07-08-2014, 09:21 PM
Ok, so quick background. I live in Indiana and I work for Indiana Medicaid at a call center. Guy calls up today and after I take about 6-7 minutes to assist him with his healthcare, he says "Hey can I ask you something completely unrelated?" I said sure. He said "Are you a big basketball fan?" I said of course, I'm a huge Pacer fan. He just moved here from Cleveland. He said he likes the Pacers but he's a Cavs fan first. First thing he asked me was what I thought of the whole Lebron situation. I told him I thought it would be great if he went back to Cleveland but currently he pretty much has Miami's hand's tied while they wait on him to decide what he will do just like he did Cleveland. That's not word for word what I said but that was my main point. He told me he was still upset about how Lebron left, press conference, etc. but that he would love for Lebron to come back. He said it would be even better if they could get Kevin Love also. He said they were actually trying to get Love, which I was not aware of but maybe they are? :Edit - He also said he had watched Love throughout his entire college career and he never thought he'd develop into the player he is today especially as far as his shooting ability, which I agreed with. Anyway he said he would love to get Kevin Love because in his opinion, he was the only white superstar in the league today.

Now we know Lebron and/or Durant are the only 2 true superstars in this league, some of you may prefer Chris Paul but I didn't get into all the little nuances, I was already on the phone with him too long anyway, lol. I just agreed with him, I said Dirk's still holding on and that was pretty much it about that topic.

Then he asked me if I thought Lance would come back to the Pacers. I honestly told him I do think he will come back but he's waiting for Lebron and Melo to decide and then he hopes some team will pay him over 10 million and he probably hopes the Pacers would match it. He said he just now saw the 30 for 30 Reggie Miller/Knicks episode and he absolutely loved it. Went on to talk about how he missed the Davis boys, Reggie, Derrick, Rik, Mark, and all the guys from the 90's Pacers/Knicks rivalry. Keep in mind, he's not from here, he just moved here from Cleveland.

He went on to say how he thought Houston would be great if they got Bosh and that he doesn't particularly like Kyrie Irving although he said he was a great talent. His reason was that he felt that Kyrie wasn't the most willing passer and that he was not enough of a leader. I just agreed with him to get him off the phone. I enjoyed talking to him but we're supposed to try to get them off the phone in 4:30 or less...I was on the phone with him for about 20 minutes, lol.

I just shared because I thought it was kind of interesting and it was actually the first time in the 4 months I've been there that a caller actually brought up something other than healthcare and how much it sucks, how confusing it is, how expensive it is, etc....

I can't remember exactly how old he was but he was in his 50's...He seemed to be up on some other NBA happenings too but I can't remember everything he said. Hope you enjoy

the read about my boring day at work, lol. Thought it was interesting that it proves that at least 1 Cavs fan is still mad about the "decision". Maybe a slight change from the usual trolling threads on the front page.

JK, I agree with whatever that guy said:cheers:

07-08-2014, 09:21 PM
. Anyway he said he would love to get Kevin Love because in his opinion, he was the only white superstar in the league today.

Cool story about a convo with a racist

Black and White
07-08-2014, 09:26 PM
Great read Dro :cheers: the guy was on point, deep down most Cleveland fans should be able to put the past behind them if LeBron was willing to come back in his prime.

07-08-2014, 09:30 PM
[QUOTE=WeGetRing2012]Cool story about a convo with a racist

07-08-2014, 09:32 PM
Great read Dro :cheers: the guy was on point, deep down most Cleveland fans should be able to put the past behind them if LeBron was willing to come back in his prime.
Yeah, I'd probably have gotten over it but like the caller said, its kind of rare when one player effects a cities' economy SO MUCH. Where him leaving actually brings down the economy. I mean, Peyton helped this city a ton but there's been virtually no effect on the economy because he's not here....

07-08-2014, 09:37 PM
Nah, I don't think he was racist or anything. You had to hear it the context and flow of the conversation. When he said it, I didn't think anything wrong about what he said. He actually kind of laughed a little, you know how a person laughs before they say something because they think it may sound silly, like they're hesitating to say it, that's how he said it. He was a pleasant caller, probably could tell I'm black and probably why he asked me about b-ball in the first place, lol or it could have been that he expected a woman to answer the phone. There are actually only about 4-5 guys where I work and the rest are women. I guess that is kind of racist if you want to go there but we all do that, it wasn't a big deal to me at all.:confusedshrug:
Is your name Dro because you smoke dro?

Black and White
07-08-2014, 09:39 PM
Yeah, I'd probably have gotten over it but like the caller said, its kind of rare when one player effects a cities' economy SO MUCH. Where him leaving actually brings down the economy. I mean, Peyton helped this city a ton but there's been virtually no effect on the economy because he's not here....

Thats why the effect of the decision was so huge, he had the weight of that city on his shoudlers, a marketing icon, if he goes back, after building his brand so high, it would be great for the city of Cleveland.

07-08-2014, 09:50 PM
Is your name Dro because you smoke dro?
Of course :pimp:

I should also add, we were already having good conversation even while I was helping him with his healthcare so that's the main reason I'm sure he brought it up. We're in Indy, he had just moved here and he had actually called a few times already so he got a woman every time I'm sure. Once he got me, he took the opportunity to get the opinion of a true Pacer/NBA fan while he had me on the phone. He didn't live in Indianapolis if I remember but he wasn't too far away.

07-08-2014, 09:58 PM
Of course :pimp:

I just got some Lamb's breath from Colorado, that shit is bomb. Put that on your list if you haven't tried it already. :pimp:

King Jane
07-08-2014, 10:06 PM
nobodys gonna read all that crap OP waste of time

PS cLeaveland is trash

07-08-2014, 10:09 PM
I just got some Lamb's breath from Colorado, that shit is bomb. Put that on your list if you haven't tried it already. :pimp:

07-08-2014, 10:31 PM
Ok, so quick background. I live in Indiana and I work for Indiana Medicaid at a call center. Guy calls up today and after I take about 6-7 minutes to assist him with his healthcare, he says "Hey can I ask you something completely unrelated?" I said sure. He said "Are you a big basketball fan?" I said of course, I'm a huge Pacer fan. He just moved here from Cleveland. He said he likes the Pacers but he's a Cavs fan first. First thing he asked me was what I thought of the whole Lebron situation. I told him I thought it would be great if he went back to Cleveland but currently he pretty much has Miami's hand's tied while they wait on him to decide what he will do just like he did Cleveland. That's not word for word what I said but that was my main point. He told me he was still upset about how Lebron left, press conference, etc. but that he would love for Lebron to come back. He said it would be even better if they could get Kevin Love also. He said they were actually trying to get Love, which I was not aware of but maybe they are? :Edit - He also said he had watched Love throughout his entire college career and he never thought he'd develop into the player he is today especially as far as his shooting ability, which I agreed with. Anyway he said he would love to get Kevin Love because in his opinion, he was the only white superstar in the league today.

Now we know Lebron and/or Durant are the only 2 true superstars in this league, some of you may prefer Chris Paul but I didn't get into all the little nuances, I was already on the phone with him too long anyway, lol. I just agreed with him, I said Dirk's still holding on and that was pretty much it about that topic.

Then he asked me if I thought Lance would come back to the Pacers. I honestly told him I do think he will come back but he's waiting for Lebron and Melo to decide and then he hopes some team will pay him over 10 million and he probably hopes the Pacers would match it. He said he just now saw the 30 for 30 Reggie Miller/Knicks episode and he absolutely loved it. Went on to talk about how he missed the Davis boys, Reggie, Derrick, Rik, Mark, and all the guys from the 90's Pacers/Knicks rivalry. Keep in mind, he's not from here, he just moved here from Cleveland.

He went on to say how he thought Houston would be great if they got Bosh and that he doesn't particularly like Kyrie Irving although he said he was a great talent. His reason was that he felt that Kyrie wasn't the most willing passer and that he was not enough of a leader. I just agreed with him to get him off the phone. I enjoyed talking to him but we're supposed to try to get them off the phone in 4:30 or less...I was on the phone with him for about 20 minutes, lol.

I just shared because I thought it was kind of interesting and it was actually the first time in the 4 months I've been there that a caller actually brought up something other than healthcare and how much it sucks, how confusing it is, how expensive it is, etc....

I can't remember exactly how old he was but he was in his 50's...He seemed to be up on some other NBA happenings too but I can't remember everything he said. Hope you enjoy the read about my boring day at work, lol. Thought it was interesting that it proves that at least 1 Cavs fan is still mad about the "decision". Maybe a slight change from the usual trolling threads on the front page.


You work in a call center?

Poor barstard :oldlol: :lol

07-08-2014, 10:41 PM
You work in a call center?

Poor barstard :oldlol: :lol
:lol I can't complain. Its mostly females there, we can do pretty much what we want, eat at our desk, surf the net, dress code isn't crazy, just no jeans/tshirts, cept jean day, all my bosses are cool(so far) decent wage and although I answer a ton of calls, I find time to get on ish, lol.