View Full Version : If Carmelo cared about winning he would have went to the Bulls with no hesitation.

It's A VC3!!!
07-09-2014, 08:23 PM
My two cents are that if I was Carmelo I would've stayed with the Knicks too because $129 million is just way too much to pass up.

With that said, there is absolutely no way that Carmelo can say that he cares about winning. The Knicks are a mess and resemble nothing close to winning. Had he went to the bulls they would've likely been championship favorites. (If rose is healthy).

In this case it's hard to root against Carmelo not leaving New York because that contract was absurd. The Knicks again proving how shitty of a franchise they are by offering him two times more than he is worth. Dude is a career loser and stalls any and every offense. He's also the highest paid worst closer in the history of this league. Anything more than $10 million a year for him is a highway robbery. Joe Johnson is worth that money more than he is.

Anyways, kudos to Carmelo and his super lucrative contract. Grate Knicks.

07-09-2014, 08:25 PM
Did Shaq care about winning?

Anyway, you're an idiot and your Franchise is garbage.

07-09-2014, 08:26 PM
Career loser.

07-09-2014, 08:28 PM
Not necessarily. He may just have gone all in based on PJ and the triangle.

He knows the triangle works. (The triangle won 6/10 in 90's and 5/10 in 00's).

That's 11/20 possible championships. :eek:

PJ only uses the triangle. Now they have Fisher as HC, and Oden who understands it. They have a good foundation, I think.

It's A VC3!!!
07-09-2014, 08:29 PM
Did Shaq care about winning?

Anyway, you're an idiot and your Franchise is garbage.
He always went to teams that had championship aspirations during his entire career aside from his Orlando days. Heat, Cavs, Suns & Celtics. So yes, he did care about winning.

07-09-2014, 08:29 PM
My two cents are that if I was Carmelo I would've stayed with the Knicks too because $129 million is just way too much to pass up.

With that said, there is absolutely no way that Carmelo can say that he cares about winning. The Knicks are a mess and resemble nothing close to winning. Had he went to the bulls they would've likely been championship favorites. (If rose is healthy).

In this case it's hard to root against Carmelo not leaving New York because that contract was absurd. The Knicks again proving how shitty of a franchise they are by offering him two times more than he is worth. Dude is a career loser and stalls any and every offense. He's also the highest paid worth closer in the history of this league. Anything more than $10 million a year for him is a highway robbery. Joe Johnson is worth that money more than he is.

Anyways, kudos to Carmelo and his super lucrative contract. Grate Knicks.

Goodnight everybody!

He should take a huge paycut on the off chance that he MIGHT have a better chance of winning a title for just one year (next year Knicks have megacap space), with a player who hasn't been healthy in 2 years, for a cheap ass owner who doesn't want to pay luxury tax, and, in the process, has to move his entire family away from a city they love being in, away from a fan base that already loves him, away from a team president who's the winningest guy in NBA history, in the world's most famous arena....

and no guarantee Knicks won't be better than Bulls....

because you say so....

Goodnight everybody!

07-09-2014, 08:35 PM
You forgot one more things Bagel. Jerry also killed Jordan's Bulls.

longtime lurker
07-09-2014, 08:35 PM
My two cents are that if I was Carmelo I would've stayed with the Knicks too because $129 million is just way too much to pass up.

With that said, there is absolutely no way that Carmelo can say that he cares about winning. The Knicks are a mess and resemble nothing close to winning. Had he went to the bulls they would've likely been championship favorites. (If rose is healthy).

In this case it's hard to root against Carmelo not leaving New York because that contract was absurd. The Knicks again proving how shitty of a franchise they are by offering him two times more than he is worth. Dude is a career loser and stalls any and every offense. He's also the highest paid worth closer in the history of this league. Anything more than $10 million a year for him is a highway robbery. Joe Johnson is worth that money more than he is.

Anyways, kudos to Carmelo and his super lucrative contract. Grate Knicks.

Lol Lebron has the whole world thinking you need to take a paycut and stack teams to win :facepalm Yes it makes sense to go to Chicago and play for less money by banking on Rose's health. He has faith that Phil can get something done and in one move Phil's already been a better GM than anyone before him. Lol at a Nets fan talking about winning :oldlol:

07-09-2014, 08:40 PM
VC how are the Knicks a mess when Zen just got on the job. The guy is doing ok so far.

07-09-2014, 08:43 PM
What would someone who wants to win join the Bulls?

07-09-2014, 08:51 PM
Your 2 cents come about a week late...

I can't believe you bitches are still ragging on this. Melo will do what's best for Melo. Maybe as a pro ball player he saw more cons than pros concerning said Bulls situation. Just sayin... :rolleyes:

07-09-2014, 08:53 PM
Winning is secondary, He's all about the cash. He did exactly what he set out to do, went out and pretended like he was testing the market and drove the price up until he got the max he could get. It worked beautifully.

07-09-2014, 08:54 PM
OP massively overrating Carmelos value.

07-09-2014, 08:55 PM
and no guarantee Knicks won't be better than Bulls....

Next year ?

Looks like it will be a guarantee that the Bulls will be better than the Knicks.

07-09-2014, 08:56 PM
yeah coz chicago has proven they can win since jordan. Meanwhile jackson has won 11 rings

07-09-2014, 08:56 PM
My two cents are that if I was Carmelo I would've stayed with the Knicks too because $129 million is just way too much to pass up.

With that said, there is absolutely no way that Carmelo can say that he cares about winning. The Knicks are a mess and resemble nothing close to winning. Had he went to the bulls they would've likely been championship favorites. (If rose is healthy).

In this case it's hard to root against Carmelo not leaving New York because that contract was absurd. The Knicks again proving how shitty of a franchise they are by offering him two times more than he is worth. Dude is a career loser and stalls any and every offense. He's also the highest paid worth closer in the history of this league. Anything more than $10 million a year for him is a highway robbery. Joe Johnson is worth that money more than he is.

Anyways, kudos to Carmelo and his super lucrative contract. Grate Knicks.

melo? care about winning? :oldlol:

comeon...he made it very clear 4 years ago that he doesnt. he wants to get paid the max first.

Hey Yo
07-09-2014, 08:57 PM
My two cents are that if I was Carmelo I would've stayed with the Knicks too because $129 million is just way too much to pass up.

With that said, there is absolutely no way that Carmelo can say that he cares about winning. The Knicks are a mess and resemble nothing close to winning. Had he went to the bulls they would've likely been championship favorites. (If rose is healthy).

In this case it's hard to root against Carmelo not leaving New York because that contract was absurd. The Knicks again proving how shitty of a franchise they are by offering him two times more than he is worth. Dude is a career loser and stalls any and every offense. He's also the highest paid worth closer in the history of this league. Anything more than $10 million a year for him is a highway robbery. Joe Johnson is worth that money more than he is.

Anyways, kudos to Carmelo and his super lucrative contract. Grate Knicks.

weak troll, mayne

07-09-2014, 08:59 PM
If winning is all that matters, then every All Star player should just sign for vet minimum contracts, and form a few super teams.

longtime lurker
07-09-2014, 09:00 PM
Next year ?

Looks like it will be a guarantee that the Bulls will be better than the Knicks.

Is there a guarantee that the Bulls will win next year?

07-09-2014, 09:00 PM
melo? care about winning? :oldlol:

comeon...he made it very clear 4 years ago that he doesnt. he wants to get paid the max first.

Would he have won a title if he stayed in Denver ?

Hey Yo
07-09-2014, 09:00 PM
Winning is secondary, He's all about the cash. He did exactly what he set out to do, went out and pretended like he was testing the market and drove the price up until he got the max he could get. It worked beautifully.

The 5yr max offer from the Knicks has been the table for quite a while. How could he drive up the offer?

07-09-2014, 09:03 PM
Is there a guarantee that the Bulls will win next year?

No, but it's more of a guarantee that they finish ahead of the Knicks than winning a title. It's likely neither team will win a title next year.

Did the Knicks get that much better even by retaining Melo ? Probably not. There's a bunch of teams that finished ahead of them last year and the East will be stronger ? Are the Knicks the best team in their division ? Where do you have them ranked in their conference ?

07-09-2014, 09:06 PM
Would he have won a title if he stayed in Denver ?

of course not but he would have won more than he did in NY. he left for the money and fame of a big city. thats it.

07-09-2014, 09:08 PM
Can't leave Legacy to your family when you die. You can leave money though.

07-09-2014, 09:08 PM
Next year ?

Looks like it will be a guarantee that the Bulls will be better than the Knicks.
What a dumb thing to say:facepalm

07-09-2014, 09:09 PM
Would he have won a title if he stayed in Denver ?
Hell no.

07-09-2014, 09:10 PM
I guess kidd did the right thing by leaving the nets right? Nets aint winning shit anytime soon salty pal.

Hey Yo
07-09-2014, 09:11 PM
of course not but he would have won more than he did in NY. he left for the money and fame of a big city. thats it.
He left $83 million on the table to leave Denver.

The $18 million he was due to be paid for the 2011-12 season, plus the nearly $65 million in additional money from the three-year contract extension he refused to sign.

07-09-2014, 09:11 PM
of course not but he would have won more than he did in NY.

Would you say Nugget fans considered themselves a treadmill team during his time there ?

Hey Yo
07-09-2014, 09:13 PM
Can't leave Legacy to your family when you die. You can leave money though.
:applause: :applause:

07-09-2014, 09:13 PM
People are overrating the Rose health issue regarding this. Even if Rose retired tomorrow, with Carmelo the Bulls would be legitimate championship contenders and either the best or second best team in the East, depending on what LeBron does. If Rose played well, or even was 70% of his previous self, that would only be icing on the Carmelo Chicago cake.

07-09-2014, 09:13 PM
Knicks have a lot more upside than Chicago and they have Rose taking up 18m a year for years to come, NY has a lot more flexibility.

07-09-2014, 09:15 PM
People are overrating the Rose health issue regarding this. Even if Rose retired tomorrow, with Carmelo the Bulls would be legitimate championship contenders and either the best or second best team in the East, depending on what LeBron does. If Rose played well, or even was 70% of his previous self, that would only be icing on the Carmelo Chicago cake.
:biggums: :wtf: :facepalm

07-09-2014, 09:16 PM
Knicks have a lot more upside than Chicago and they have Rose taking up 18m a year for years to come, NY has a lot more flexibility.

Upside = Cap space for next season ?

07-09-2014, 09:17 PM
What a dumb thing to say:facepalm

bulls being better than new york next year is a dumb thing to say? :oldlol:

you just keep sinking lower...im 90% sure this is just some troll act you are trying to put on because no one is this retarded. but its the internet so...

07-09-2014, 09:17 PM
He left $83 million on the table to leave Denver.

The $18 million he was due to be paid for the 2011-12 season, plus the nearly $65 million in additional money from the three-year contract extension he refused to sign.

ah yes...he played for free in new york! forgot about that!

07-09-2014, 09:18 PM
:biggums: :wtf: :facepalm
What a ****ing idiot.

You don't think adding Carmelo to a 48 win team with the 2nd best defense in the NBA would make them contenders? And even without Rose, they'd be adding Mirotic and McDermott as well.

07-09-2014, 09:19 PM
Would you say Nugget fans considered themselves a treadmill team during his time there ?

of course. but spin it all you want. he doesnt care about winning. he left a winning franchise and has won less in new york since. winning is NOT his top priority.

but hell, titles in the last 4 years: denver = 0, new york = 0 so i guess its a tie, right? :oldlol:

07-09-2014, 09:19 PM
Upside = Cap space for next season ?

and thj, shump, early and Larkin all have good upsides.

07-09-2014, 09:20 PM
What a ****ing idiot.

You don't think adding Carmelo to a 48 win team with the 2nd best defense in the NBA would make them contenders? And even without Rose, they'd be adding Mirotic and McDermott as well.

agreed. he wanted to get paid. he can try to force another trade in about a year. :lol

07-09-2014, 09:20 PM
Knicks are gonna be in the worst possible situation for the next 4-5 years. They're not gonna suck enough to get high lottery picks, and they're sure as hell not gonna be good enough to win anything worthwhile. They're gonna be the Atlanta Hawks of the large markets, consistently being 1st or 2nd round fodder at best.

It's A VC3!!!
07-09-2014, 09:22 PM
VC how are the Knicks a mess when Zen just got on the job. The guy is doing ok so far.
Their well being has yet to be determined but a roster with bargnani and amare is putrid. If he can get rid of amare he deserves a lot of props. Bargnani is not that bad.

07-09-2014, 09:22 PM
of course. but spin it all you want. he doesnt care about winning. he left a winning franchise and has won less in new york since. winning is NOT his top priority.

but hell, titles in the last 4 years: denver = 0, new york = 0 so i guess its a tie, right? :oldlol:

I'm more inclined to agree with you that he's thinking about getting paid first.

Also, I wasn't trying to spin anything, I just asked a question about what your fanbase felt at the time.

07-09-2014, 09:24 PM
Knicks are gonna be in the worst possible situation for the next 4-5 years. They're not gonna suck enough to get high lottery picks, and they're sure as hell not gonna be good enough to win anything worthwhile. They're gonna be the Atlanta Hawks of the large markets, consistently being 1st or 2nd round fodder at best.

THJ/JR Smith

That team is ECF worst case scenario, with youngn's improving could easily win a ship.

07-09-2014, 09:24 PM
and thj, shump, early and Larkin all have good upsides.

I agree with THJ, not the other 2. New York is better off trying to get FA's.

If Aldridge is available, I'm sure New York will try to lure him next year. Who else is available.

07-09-2014, 09:24 PM
No shit.

07-09-2014, 09:26 PM
Knicks are gonna be in the worst possible situation for the next 4-5 years. They're not gonna suck enough to get high lottery picks, and they're sure as hell not gonna be good enough to win anything worthwhile. They're gonna be the Atlanta Hawks of the large markets, consistently being 1st or 2nd round fodder at best.

dont forget they lose their 2016 pick to denver or toronto.

07-09-2014, 09:26 PM
I agree with THJ, not the other 2. New York is better off trying to get FA's.

If Aldridge is available, I'm sure New York will try to lure him next year. Who else is available.

Before last season ended no one woulda thought THJ would be one of the top 5 players in that draft but he was, Early is an older prospect and will come in NBA ready.

07-09-2014, 09:27 PM
I'm more inclined to agree with you that he's thinking about getting paid first.

Also, I wasn't trying to spin anything, I just asked a question about what your fanbase felt at the time.

oh at the time? IIRC most of us liked it...some loved it. of course all the melo fans were pissed but they moved onto rooting for the knicks.

but looking back i like it a lot more than i did then (i thought it was a decent haul at the time...now i cant believe how much we got out of them). too bad gallo got hurt though.

07-09-2014, 09:28 PM
THJ/JR Smith

That team is ECF worst case scenario, with youngn's improving could easily win a ship.

where the hell did this roster come from? :wtf:

07-09-2014, 09:28 PM
where the hell did this roster come from? :wtf:

? That's the roster I predict them to have next season.

It's A VC3!!!
07-09-2014, 09:29 PM
Are the Knicks the best team in their division ? Where do you have them ranked in their conference ?

The Knicks will be fourth or fifth in the division next season. Although the Nets won't get off to a 10-21 start again they will probably finish second but I wouldn't be surprised if they won the division next year. I really really like the addition of Jack. Although Livingston was a fan favorite and a terrific player a lot of defenses always sagged off of him. They won't be able to do that with Jack. Still, Raptors retained everyone and are year better and still very young. they will probably finish number one in the division.

Knicks might make the playoffs though.

07-09-2014, 09:31 PM
? That's the roster I predict them to have next season.

oh. :oldlol:

07-09-2014, 09:34 PM
dont forget they lose their 2016 pick to denver or toronto.

Ah yes, who will ultimately get this pick ?

07-09-2014, 09:36 PM
Ah yes, who will ultimately get this pick ?

depends on who has the better record that season - denver or new york.

very similar to what orlando got this year.

Hey Yo
07-09-2014, 09:37 PM
ah yes...he played for free in new york! forgot about that!
over 20mil per year for 4yrs offered by Denver, but he left cause he wanted paid.


07-09-2014, 09:40 PM
The Knicks will be fourth or fifth in the division next season. Although the Nets won't get off to a 10-21 start again they will probably finish second but I wouldn't be surprised if they won the division next year. I really really like the addition of Jack. Although Livingston was a fan favorite and a terrific player a lot of defenses always sagged off of him. They won't be able to do that with Jack. Still, Raptors retained everyone and are year better and still very young. they will probably finish number one in the division.

Knicks might make the playoffs though.

For now, I have the division if Melo comes back:

1. Raptors
2. Nets
3. Knicks
4. Celtics
5. Sixers

I don't know if the C's make any moves and want to win now. They still have a very young team and I don't think they will make try to compete for a playoff spot for now.

It'll probably be the Raptors and Nets contending for the division again.

Hey Yo
07-09-2014, 09:40 PM
of course. but spin it all you want. he doesnt care about winning. he left a winning franchise and has won less in new york since. winning is NOT his top priority.

but hell, titles in the last 4 years: denver = 0, new york = 0 so i guess its a tie, right? :oldlol:
Melo got NY to the 2nd round since leaving. Denver can't say the same.

07-09-2014, 09:40 PM
over 20mil per year for 4yrs offered by Denver, but he left cause he wanted paid.


he got the max from new york that he could. the guy doesnt care about winning. hes made that very clear time and time again. im not sure what else you are even trying to argue?

i guess you could say the number one reason he left was because of lala and wanting to be a "star" in the big city. :oldlol: glad him and his wife are outta denver.

07-09-2014, 09:42 PM
Melo got NY to the 2nd round since leaving. Denver can't say the same.

hes plays out east. we play in the west. not even close to comparable.

nice try tho. :applause:

07-09-2014, 09:43 PM
depends on who has the better record that season - denver or new york.

very similar to what orlando got this year.

Hmm, sounds good.

Hey Yo
07-09-2014, 09:47 PM
he got the max from new york that he could. the guy doesnt care about winning. hes made that very clear time and time again. im not sure what else you are even trying to argue?

i guess you could say the number one reason he left was because of lala and wanting to be a "star" in the big city. :oldlol: glad him and his wife are outta denver.
Cause you said he left Denver because of money. He had a chance to make over 20mil per season over 4yrs with them

It had more to do with getting out of Denver than it did getting paid.

Maybe if Denver had offered the 5yr max instead of a 3yr deal, he'd till be there.

07-09-2014, 09:47 PM
i hate how "caring about winning" in today's sports fans minds is stacking superstars colluding to go to the same team to have it EZ with the rest of the league :facepalm

Melo belongs in New York. If any NBA player ever fit a city its Melo in NY. Phil is trying to turn stuff around, and New York has a lot of attraction to get players and pay them a ton of money. its ridiculous to pretend NY can't eventually turn things around.

07-09-2014, 09:51 PM
Cause you said he left Denver because of money. He had a chance to make over 20mil per season over 4yrs with them

It had more to do with getting out of Denver than it did getting paid.

Maybe if Denver had offered the 5yr max instead of a 3yr deal, he'd till be there.

haha no way. as you said, he wanted out of denver no matter what. he wanted to goto NY for the fame and for his wife. winning meant nothing to him. still clearly doesnt.

im just glad we got a ton of value for him. and the deal is still giving (one more pick coming up - potentially great pick)

07-09-2014, 09:55 PM
bulls being better than new york next year is a dumb thing to say? :oldlol:

you just keep sinking lower...im 90% sure this is just some troll act you are trying to put on because no one is this retarded. but its the internet so...
Last year was a fluke bro. 2013 knicks were 2nd seed with multiple injuries and no phil. Woodson and felton is gone so that means we are straight salty nuggets fan.

07-09-2014, 09:57 PM
Last year was a fluke bro. 2013 knicks were 2nd seed with multiple injuries and no phil. Woodson and felton is gone so that means we are straight salty nuggets fan.

*sigh*...what the hell would i be salty about?

you are just another shady, jameer, cf86...no substance. pure homer. trolling it up non stop.

longtime lurker
07-09-2014, 09:58 PM
No, but it's more of a guarantee that they finish ahead of the Knicks than winning a title. It's likely neither team will win a title next year.

Did the Knicks get that much better even by retaining Melo ? Probably not. There's a bunch of teams that finished ahead of them last year and the East will be stronger ? Are the Knicks the best team in their division ? Where do you have them ranked in their conference ?

Well who cares about where they finish in the conference? It's all about titles and signing with Chicago means banking on Derek Rose's health at a discount. Chicago showed they weren't serious when they didn't bother to offer Melo 20 million. Besides Reisendorf is notorious for being a cheap owner, is he willing to spend into the luxury tax?

As for the Knicks they'll probably have a lottery pick next year not sure if they've given that away and they'll have capspace for some free agents. I'm not big on the 2015 free agents, but Knicks will be able to make some moves. Make no mistake this isn't the same dumbasses that were running the Knicks before. I'm guessing Phil sold him on a vision :confusedshrug: can't fault Melo for sticking around instead of bailing the first chance he gets.

07-09-2014, 09:58 PM
Knicks are gonna be in the worst possible situation for the next 4-5 years. They're not gonna suck enough to get high lottery picks, and they're sure as hell not gonna be good enough to win anything worthwhile. They're gonna be the Atlanta Hawks of the large markets, consistently being 1st or 2nd round fodder at best.
Why even talk shit especially since you are talkin about untrue bullshit talk shit about the knicks when your team ain't gonna do a damn thing but be a lottery pick with empty seats for next couple seasons???:biggums: Is Giannis playin this season for the phucks?

07-09-2014, 09:59 PM
haha no way. as you said, he wanted out of denver no matter what. he wanted to goto NY for the fame and for his wife. winning meant nothing to him. still clearly doesnt.

im just glad we got a ton of value for him. and the deal is still giving (one more pick coming up - potentially great pick)

You got nothing good in that deal, Chandler is good backup sf, Gallo is always injured probably won't come back as good, and wasn't all that to begin with you traded the pick you got from NY in this years draft, Felton is a bust Mozgov is a decent backup center and Knicks will have a better record than Denver in the 15-16 draft guaranteed so nothing there.

07-09-2014, 10:03 PM
Well who cares about where they finish in the conference? It's all about titles and signing with Chicago means banking on Derek Rose's health at a discount. Chicago showed they weren't serious when they didn't bother to offer Melo 20 million. Besides Reisendorf is notorious for being a cheap owner, is he willing to spend into the luxury tax?

Chicago's case is unlucky to begin with since they didn't know Rose was going to have these knew issues. Also, I think he can retain his all-star form, I don't think he's just going to be a bum when he comes back. But to be honest, their not really a lock either if they have Rose or have both Rose and Melo. It probably vaults them in the conversation, but I don't think they ultimately winning title(s) is the goal.

As for the Knicks they'll probably have a lottery pick next year not sure if they've given that away and they'll have capspace for some free agents. I'm not big on the 2015 free agents, but Knicks will be able to make some moves. Make no mistake this isn't the same dumbasses that were running the Knicks before. I'm guessing Phil sold him on a vision :confusedshrug: can't fault Melo for sticking around instead of bailing the first chance he gets.

Perhaps, but they also have to sell the idea too. Who are they going to being over ? Is there a FA class out for 2015 ? I know Aldridge is one guy, he's probably going to be a big name like Amare was in 2010. Aldridge doesn't seem to have any nagging injuries from stopping him from breaking down quick like Amare did.

07-09-2014, 10:03 PM
You got nothing good in that deal, Chandler is good backup sf, Gallo is always injured probably won't come back as good, and wasn't all that to begin with you traded the pick you got from NY in this years draft, Felton is a bust Mozgov is a decent backup center

huh? 3 quality rotation players plus two picks is nothing? and we are still owed more from that deal!

plus more wins than new york despite playing in a much tougher conference? not sure what else you can ask for when a superstar is demanding a trade. look at what other teams have gotten when they trade their star players. masai raped the knicks and for that, i am still grateful eventhough he has moved on to toronto.

Knicks will have a better record than Denver in the 15-16 draft guaranteed so nothing there.

guaranteed? oh, ok. thanks. :oldlol:

knick fans....

Hey Yo
07-09-2014, 10:06 PM
haha no way. as you said, he wanted out of denver no matter what. he wanted to goto NY for the fame and for his wife. winning meant nothing to him. still clearly doesnt.

im just glad we got a ton of value for him. and the deal is still giving (one more pick coming up - potentially great pick)
Doesn't sound like Gallinari is coming back anytime soon. Says he may not be ready for opening day, unfortunately.

07-09-2014, 10:06 PM
*sigh*...what the hell would i be salty about?

you are just another shady, jameer, cf86...no substance. pure homer. trolling it up non stop.
Like I said in my other thread where I ethered your hating ass, facts are facts itz not trolling. Accept it.

07-09-2014, 10:06 PM
Why even talk shit especially since you are talkin about untrue bullshit talk shit about the knicks when your team ain't gonna do a damn thing but be a lottery pick with empty seats for next couple seasons???:biggums: Is Giannis playin this season for the phucks?
Jabari and Giannis = infinitely brighter future than the bum ass Knicks with Melo eating up 25 mil/yr into his 30s, Stat, and JR.

Can't wait for the playoffs. The Bulls, Cavs/Heat (wherever Lebron goes), Wizards, Raptors, Pacers, and even the Hawks will wipe their asses with your garbage franchise.

07-09-2014, 10:07 PM
Doesn't sound like Gallinari is coming back anytime soon. Says he may not be ready for opening day, unfortunately.
He don't wanna admit dat tho:oldlol:

07-09-2014, 10:11 PM
Jabari and Giannis = infinitely brighter future than the bum ass Knicks with Melo eating up 25 mil/yr into his 30s, Stat, and JR.

Can't wait for the playoffs. The Bulls, Cavs/Heat (wherever Lebron goes), Wizards, Raptors, Pacers, and even the Hawks will wipe their asses with your garbage franchise.
You do know that phil iz not finish building this team yet right?:lol This team will look so much better once the regular season and everybody knows that shit its just haters like you that want to live in y'all own world staying in denial. Knicks are back man! Get over it.

07-09-2014, 10:15 PM
Jabari and Giannis = infinitely brighter future than the bum ass Knicks with Melo eating up 25 mil/yr into his 30s, Stat, and JR.

Can't wait for the playoffs. The Bulls, Cavs/Heat (wherever Lebron goes), Wizards, Raptors, Pacers, and even the Hawks will wipe their asses with your garbage franchise.

THJ > Giannis

Jabari hasn't done anything yet, might not even be better than Early

JR will opt out next year and Amare/Bargs will be gone. Knicks will have 30 mil to go out and build a ship around Melo if this years team doesn't get it done.

07-09-2014, 10:17 PM
You got nothing good in that deal, Chandler is good backup sf, Gallo is always injured probably won't come back as good, and wasn't all that to begin with you traded the pick you got from NY in this years draft, Felton is a bust Mozgov is a decent backup center and Knicks will have a better record than Denver in the 15-16 draft guaranteed so nothing there.

Felton was flipped into J-Ham & Andre Miller and a 2nd round pick. Gallo has been one of our best players when healthy. Mozzy has been solid as has Chandler. Only downside so far has been health. Without NY's pick we don't have have are pick in this years draft because we would have just had our own to get Iggy. Therefore Garry Harris and Nurkic probably aren't on the Nuggets without that trade.

Maybe the Knicks are better come '16. Heard the same thing when the trade went down too. Maybe Melo forces himself out after this season, or maybe NY doesn't build anything and they aren't better :confusedshrug:

Doesn't even matter anymore but having your superstar force himself out and still making the playoffs a few years after including winning 57 games? Denver might out like bandits. Melo always wanted NY. He helped Denver hold them hostage so he could sign his extension + go to the team he wanted. I think people forget he was coming up on FA that season.

07-09-2014, 10:18 PM
Jabari hasn't done anything yet, might not even be better than Early

I feel really stupid responding to you now after reading this :oldlol:

07-09-2014, 10:20 PM
You do know that phil iz not finish building this team yet right?:lol This team will look so much better once the regular season and everybody knows that shit its just haters like you that want to live in y'all own world staying in denial. Knicks are back man! Get over it.
Knicks are back? Back to what? Sucking ass? At least when we sucked we got two great prospects the past couple years. You guys are gonna be shat on consistently in the 1st or 2nd round for the next 5 years. 1 ECF appearance if you're lucky.

THJ > Giannis

Jabari hasn't done anything yet, might not even be better than Early
:roll: ****ing Knicks fans :roll: :roll:

Yes, Cleanthony Early will be better than Jabari Parker. :applause:

07-09-2014, 10:21 PM
Jabari and Giannis = infinitely brighter future than the bum ass Knicks with Melo eating up 25 mil/yr into his 30s, Stat, and JR.

Can't wait for the playoffs. The Bulls, Cavs/Heat (wherever Lebron goes), Wizards, Raptors, Pacers, and even the Hawks will wipe their asses with your garbage franchise.

The Hawks were a lot better when they didn't lose Horford, as they were a Top 3-4 team in the East. I wouldn't really say "even the", they probably do. But again, that depends on health. A lot of the East teams last year, save Toronto and Indiana.

07-09-2014, 10:25 PM
Knicks are back? Back to what? Sucking ass? At least when we sucked we got two great prospects the past couple years. You guys are gonna be shat on consistently in the 1st or 2nd round for the next 5 years. 1 ECF appearance if you're lucky.

:roll: ****ing Knicks fans :roll: :roll:

Yes, Cleanthony Early will be better than Jabari Parker. :applause:

11m/yr for Sanders
8/yr for Mayo
8/yr for Illyasova

AND you think the Knicks made a mistake offering 25/yr for Melo??


07-09-2014, 10:26 PM
THJ > Giannis

Jabari hasn't done anything yet, might not even be better than Early

JR will opt out next year and Amare/Bargs will be gone. Knicks will have 30 mil to go out and build a ship around Melo if this years team doesn't get it done.

Dude, Parker is the favourite to win Rookie of the Year. He's the most NBA ready player from this draft.

We'll see what happens in the off season. It seems that's what the Knicks front office is aiming for.

07-09-2014, 10:29 PM
You do know that phil iz not finish building this team yet right?:lol This team will look so much better once the regular season and everybody knows that shit its just haters like you that want to live in y'all own world staying in denial. Knicks are back man! Get over it.
right. of course they are.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

07-09-2014, 10:31 PM
Knicks fans showing off their stupidity.

07-09-2014, 10:33 PM
The Hawks were a lot better when they didn't lose Horford, as they were a Top 3-4 team in the East. I wouldn't really say "even the", the probably do. But again, that depends on health. A lot of the East teams last year, save Toronto and Indiana.
Yeah, shouldn't have been hesitant with the Hawks. Healthy Horford would've had that team at 45-48 wins or so. Next year they could very well be a 50 win team if everyone stays healthy and Teague takes another step forward, which he could considering he's still only 26. Only adds to the list of teams that would destroy the Knicks in a playoff series.

11m/yr for Sanders
8/yr for Mayo
8/yr for Illyasova

AND you think the Knicks made a mistake offering 25/yr for Melo??

Uh, yeah. Ilyasova can definitely be traded to a team desperate for a stretch 4. Sanders when healthy could be worth that money, and he's still improving at 25 years old. That leaves OJ's contract as the only one that truly sucks...and it's only 8mil. Either way, we don't plan on winning in the next couple seasons. You guys are actually "planning on" winning, which is why your deal for Melo sucks.

Melo is 30 years old and by the end of that contract you're gonna be paying 25 mil/yr for a 23-25ppg scorer who does nothing else. I've defended Melo plenty on here, but I can't defend this contract. It's okay if he wants the money, but ****ing LOL at him saying all he cares about winning, when he intentionally chooses the shittiest situation for him basketball-wise because of the money.

It's A VC3!!!
07-09-2014, 10:41 PM
At Milbuck - I'm confident but worried that Kidd will recruit a big name free agent in 2015 to Milwaukee. He tried and failed to give the bucks Lopez and Mirza for irsan and sanders.:lol

Kidd has a lot of friends in the league and top point guards would love to play for him. He personally reached out to Alan Anderson and Livingston and was able to put them in the situation to succeed. He can do that for the bucks as well.

07-09-2014, 10:43 PM
The Hawks were a lot better when they didn't lose Horford, as they were a Top 3-4 team in the East. I wouldn't really say "even the", they probably do. But again, that depends on health. A lot of the East teams last year, save Toronto and Indiana.
Phuck the hawks. People are hypocrites especially when they don't wanna include how many injuries the knicks had last season too:lol. Those teams like raptors and bulls will not be as good as last year. WATCH.

07-09-2014, 10:44 PM
Knicks fans showing off their stupidity.
You showing your stupidity by still being an Orlando tragic fan talkin shit.

07-09-2014, 10:45 PM
11m/yr for Sanders
8/yr for Mayo
8/yr for Illyasova

AND you think the Knicks made a mistake offering 25/yr for Melo??

What a bunch of Milwaukee phucks:oldlol:

el gringos
07-09-2014, 10:57 PM
Next year ?

Looks like it will be a guarantee that the Bulls will be better than the Knicks.
There are a ridiculous amount of really dumb posts in this thread

07-09-2014, 10:59 PM
There are a ridiculous amount of really dumb posts in this thread
Tell me about it. Knicks haters are in great denial right now. Its really sickening man. I guess my thread really got to them too.

07-09-2014, 11:04 PM
Knicks are back? Back to what? Sucking ass? At least when we sucked we got two great prospects the past couple years. You guys are gonna be shat on consistently in the 1st or 2nd round for the next 5 years. 1 ECF appearance if you're lucky.

:roll: ****ing Knicks fans :roll: :roll:

Yes, Cleanthony Early will be better than Jabari Parker. :applause:

Two prospects yall got that will still make yall miss tha damn playoffs:lol You obviously ignoring th fact that we have Melo back, Phil and 2015 on the way. Its possible that Early can have better season than parker just look at t hardaway jr last season. Who expected that?:confusedshrug: So stop hating or go drown phucking with them bath salts you butthurt salty muthaphucker:oldlol:

07-09-2014, 11:10 PM
You showing your stupidity by still being an Orlando tragic fan talkin shit.
What did your ghetto ass say to me boy?

07-09-2014, 11:24 PM
What did your ghetto ass say to me boy?
Don't talk to grown folks like dat kid:coleman:

07-09-2014, 11:27 PM
There are a ridiculous amount of really dumb posts in this thread

1) Show me how the Knicks are going to be better than the Bulls. Go ahead.

2) Show me how the Knicks are the best team in their division. Go ahead.

3) Show me how the Knicks are going to be a top team in their conference. Go ahead.

Until you can do all that, don't touch my posts and try to assume it's dumb with the garbage you spew with your threads and posts about the Knicks.

07-09-2014, 11:28 PM
People are hypocrites especially when they don't wanna include how many injuries the knicks had last season too

Try reading my post next time.

07-09-2014, 11:28 PM
The Bulls would be no different than NY. Not making the finals with either team, may as well cash out.

07-10-2014, 12:05 AM
1) Show me how the Knicks are going to be better than the Bulls. Go ahead.

2) Show me how the Knicks are the best team in their division. Go ahead.

3) Show me how the Knicks are going to be a top team in their conference. Go ahead.

Until you can do all that, don't touch my posts and try to assume it's dumb with the garbage you spew with your threads and posts about the Knicks.
Is the offseason over yet? Do you think phil jackson is finished making moves? Come on man.

07-10-2014, 12:09 AM
Is the offseason over yet? Do you think phil jackson is finished making moves? Come on man.

Obviously not, but neither is Chicago. Bulls were a better team last year even with the injuries (they were supposed to tank when they traded Deng), so it's only fair to give them the edge for now. They haven't gotten worse and they could bring back Deng in the off season.