View Full Version : Here's the deal with the LeBron situation.

Orlando Magic
07-10-2014, 11:20 PM
I've always defended LeBron and been a fan of his... I will continue to respect his ability as a basketball player regardless, but...

Even if he didn't create it, he knows what's out there with the idea of him going back to Cleveland and he knows how much people are getting their hopes up... if he just stays in Miami, the dude can seriously go **** himself. That is 100% not cool and not ok to **** with people's hearts like that.

Yes, at the end of the day, it's just sports... but come on, it might be the only thing a lot of those people have to look forward to... I'm just saying. He would have to be a total ****ing dickhead if he stays in Miami after all of this.

Either that or he's the most weak minded mother****er imaginable and he let Riley convince him that they'd be going somewhere even though the reality is they won't be because Wade is done and that roster will be worse than his former Cavs teams were.

07-10-2014, 11:21 PM
How would he be a dickhead to stay in Miami?

Thats easily his most respectable option at this point and time.

Orlando Magic
07-10-2014, 11:23 PM
How would he be a dickhead to stay in Miami?

Thats easily his most respectable option at this point and time.

Because if that were the case why would he even put his fans through free agency in such a manner? Attention?

Either an incredible douche or the most weak minded individual ever unless he goes to Cleveland at this point.

07-10-2014, 11:23 PM
So just because the media and people on twitter and people on message boards like us spread around rumors of him going back to Cleveland he is supposed to go back?


If so, I am going to start up rumors of Durant coming to my home town in 2016. If the rumors get big and Durant doesn't choose my city, he's an azzhole and I'll burn his jersey.

J Shuttlesworth
07-10-2014, 11:23 PM
He hasn't even said a word or visited Cleveland this offseason. If Cleveland fans get pissed off just because he doesn't go back there, they are idiots. ESPN is creating the hype far more than LeBron is. All these tweets about "3PM today" or "11pm" are all bullshit and should be taken w/ a grain of salt

07-10-2014, 11:24 PM
He hasn't even said a word or visited Cleveland this offseason. If Cleveland fans get pissed off just because he doesn't go back there, they are idiots. ESPN is creating the hype far more than LeBron is. All these tweets about "3PM today" or "11pm" are all bullshit and should be taken w/ a grain of salt

This. If Cleveland fans want to get pissy at anyone it needs to be at ESPN, the same network who aired "The Decision."

07-10-2014, 11:25 PM
he knows the longer he drags this out the more attention he will get. he doesn't have to do anything but keep his mouth shut and he's doing just that.

07-10-2014, 11:26 PM
I have no problem with him staying with heat but why days of this dog and pony show ? Also let your advisors stop something too media letting Clev fans know he isn't going back but by all the silence and days of waiting and clues the anticipation has build. Some team is gonna be hurt when this does end.

07-10-2014, 11:26 PM
How would he be a dickhead to stay in Miami?

Thats easily his most respectable option at this point and time.

he has completely screwed Miami's chances of signing good players around the big three because his taken to long to make a decision. If he wanted to stay what is there to think about ? The hype is obviously not him but he isnt exactly helping the situation at all, he knows what he is doing.

07-10-2014, 11:27 PM
This. If Cleveland fans want to get pissy at anyone it needs to be at ESPN, the same network who aired "The Decision."

Lol, not only that, they then called him out for doing it

J Shuttlesworth
07-10-2014, 11:30 PM
he has completely screwed Miami's chances of signing good players around the big three because his taken to long to make a decision. If he wanted to stay what is there to think about ? The hype is obviously not him but he isnt exactly helping the situation at all, he knows what he is doing.
Miami didn't have a chance to sign Gortat or Lowry or someone big like that. Bosh wanted like 18 mil a year, and Wade probably wanted something similar to that. There wouldn't have been enough cap space, especially if Bron wants the max...

And don't say LeBron shouldn't take the max, because most of you dudes were calling him beta for not getting paid the max :coleman:

07-10-2014, 11:31 PM
He's a business man, and basketball player. Not a Thundercat.

07-10-2014, 11:34 PM
Sitting around and bitching about another man's time investment...is pathetic.

Go out and find something to do. Live your life.. When LeBron finally decides which team he's gonna play for, you wont be the first to know. I can assure you :oldlol:

07-10-2014, 11:38 PM
He's a business man, and basketball player. Not a Thundercat.


07-10-2014, 11:40 PM
So just because the media and people on twitter and people on message boards like us spread around rumors of him going back to Cleveland he is supposed to go back?


If so, I am going to start up rumors of Durant coming to my home town in 2016. If the rumors get big and Durant doesn't choose my city, he's an azzhole and I'll burn his jersey.

Plenty of athletes have addressed circulating untrue rumors before.

Especially these BS rumors of an announcement comming hours in advance, any athlete that gave a damn about his fans would quickly have his publicist issue a statement that no decision is comming and the rumors of that are untrue.
Instead Lebron has public resources allocated to his house because of rumors about an annoucement for the second day in a row...

Then if all these BS rumors are in fact just made up by the reporters, somebody from the union should put some pressure on ESPN. Especially these made up announcements taking place, it's absurd reporting.

07-10-2014, 11:48 PM
He has an opportunity to finish out his career in Cleveland with a 5 year deal. If he doesn't win a ring there at least we know he made the right choice by taking a sabbatical in Miami. And if he does win a ring with the Cavs it's going to be by mentoring a young team. He has a chance to completely change his legacy here.