View Full Version : LeQuit will be exposed this year as the "Champ Glow" fades

07-13-2014, 10:42 PM
When they teamed up in 2010, Wade was top 3 player in the NBA and a superstar in his own right, underrated VERY underrated due to the Heat not being very good since 2006 because Riley was waiting for 2010 to give Wade help. So LeQuit was getting all the MVP's because the Cavs were winning 60 games, even though Wade should have won at least 1 (2009) MVP.

Wade sacrificed his slice of the pie, and so did Bosh, to allow the Heat, Riley, and Erik Spoelstra to make LeQuit the centerpiece on the team. So LeQuit got another MVP and then the FInals MVP because Wade WILLINGLY stepped aside.

Why did Wade do this? 2011 Finals. Wade was beasting. Where was LeQuit?


So..... Wade stepped aside and let him be the "man".

Now, 2 championships later, LeBronze has this "championship glow" around him because of the Big 3's collective efforts. Yet people are giving the credit to 1 man. Yeah, Wade's knees were hobbled in the Finals... but Wade was spectacular in the previous series vs the Pacers. Lequit didn't carry them to the Finals. The team has been, and ALWAYS WAS, a Big 3 collective effort.

Now that "I miss home" is back on the Cavs, he no longer has one of the GOAT's at SG backing him up letting him take the glory.

That championship glow will fade real soon this year, and you will see what he really is again. A great player, but not "the michael jordan of our era" as that Pacer coach said. Without the Big 3 behind him.... he will go back to losing.

He's being overrated right now

07-13-2014, 10:44 PM
We ll see how Wade and company will do without Lebron and how Lebron will do without them.

07-13-2014, 10:45 PM
Only bran stans "heat fans" thought he was:lol

The Heat actually have a competitive roster, prob finish top 3-4 in the east still..

07-13-2014, 10:45 PM

Orlando Magic
07-13-2014, 10:45 PM
When they teamed up in 2010, Wade was top 3 player in the NBA and a superstar in his own right, underrated VERY underrated due to the Heat not being very good since 2006 because Riley was waiting for 2010 to give Wade help. So LeQuit was getting all the MVP's because the Cavs were winning 60 games, even though Wade should have won at least 1 (2009) MVP.

Wade sacrificed his slice of the pie, and so did Bosh, to allow the Heat, Riley, and Erik Spoelstra to make LeQuit the centerpiece on the team. So LeQuit got another MVP and then the FInals MVP because Wade WILLINGLY stepped aside.

Why did Wade do this? 2011 Finals. Wade was beasting. Where was LeQuit?


So..... Wade stepped aside and let him be the "man".

Now, 2 championships later, LeBronze has this "championship glow" around him because of the Big 3's collective efforts. Yet people are giving the credit to 1 man. Yeah, Wade's knees were hobbled in the Finals... but Wade was spectacular in the previous series vs the Pacers. Lequit didn't carry them to the Finals. The team has been, and ALWAYS WAS, a Big 3 collective effort.

Now that "I miss home" is back on the Cavs, he no longer has one of the GOAT's at SG backing him up letting him take the glory.

That championship glow will fade real soon this year, and you will see what he really is again. A great player, but not "the michael jordan of our era" as that Pacer coach said. Without the Big 3 behind him.... he will go back to losing.

He's being overrated right now

Go back to losing?

The Cavs won 60+ games his last two seasons didn't they? He went to the Finals without a real second option at like 22 or 23 years old didn't he? Wade had a legit albeit on the downward trend Shaq in 06 so GTFO with that before it even starts.

LeBron is significantly better than Dwyane Wade ever was. Significantly.

And the Heat aren't doing shit as Bosh has gotten progressively softer over the years and Wade continues to hobble towards the end of his career. Their stats might go up but their wins will go down.

Zero percent chance the Heat make it to the Finals this year or even the ECF unless the other rosters all suffer massive unexplained deaths.

07-13-2014, 10:46 PM
When they teamed up in 2010, Wade was top 3 player in the NBA and a superstar in his own right, underrated VERY underrated due to the Heat not being very good since 2006 because Riley was waiting for 2010 to give Wade help. So LeQuit was getting all the MVP's because the Cavs were winning 60 games, even though Wade should have won at least 1 (2009) MVP.

Wade sacrificed his slice of the pie, and so did Bosh, to allow the Heat, Riley, and Erik Spoelstra to make LeQuit the centerpiece on the team. So LeQuit got another MVP and then the FInals MVP because Wade WILLINGLY stepped aside.

Why did Wade do this? 2011 Finals. Wade was beasting. Where was LeQuit?


So..... Wade stepped aside and let him be the "man".

Now, 2 championships later, LeBronze has this "championship glow" around him because of the Big 3's collective efforts. Yet people are giving the credit to 1 man. Yeah, Wade's knees were hobbled in the Finals... but Wade was spectacular in the previous series vs the Pacers. Lequit didn't carry them to the Finals. The team has been, and ALWAYS WAS, a Big 3 collective effort.

Now that "I miss home" is back on the Cavs, he no longer has one of the GOAT's at SG backing him up letting him take the glory.

That championship glow will fade real soon this year, and you will see what he really is again. A great player, but not "the michael jordan of our era" as that Pacer coach said. Without the Big 3 behind him.... he will go back to losing.

He's being overrated right now

Look at the numbers from the 2013 playoff run, as well as this years Finals and tell me that Wade & Bosh were truly pulling their weight

07-13-2014, 10:49 PM
Go back to losing?

The Cavs won 60+ games his last two seasons didn't they?

The only type of winning that matters is the Larry O'Brien.

LeQuit can go back to being a regular season champ paper tiger, but get bounced in the playoffs again.

That is what I mean by go back to losing. And I am not even convinced the Cavs can win 60. Kyrie is unproven and injury prone. Young team, no playoff experience. If Wiggins does not turn out to be a beast, then they are 2nd round fodder.

07-13-2014, 10:50 PM
Look at the numbers from the 2013 playoff run, as well as this years Finals and tell me that Wade & Bosh were truly pulling their weight

Wade was doing 18/4/4 on 50% shooting for the 2014 playoffs. As a second option, that is terrific.

Bosh, as a third option, was doing 15/5/1/1/1 on 50% shooting. How many teams would KILL to have a third option like that?

Just remember, you can't make Lequit the centerpiece of the team and then expect Wade/Bosh to put up 30ppg. The truth is, LeQuit makes his teammates look worse, and then it's always the same storyline. "Lequit doesn't have enough help, he has to carry the team" or "The Miami Cavaliers" or whatever. Always the same. Many teams would kill to have a 2nd/3rd option combo like that.

07-13-2014, 10:55 PM
Wade was doing 18/4/4 on 50% shooting. As a second option, that is terrific.

Just remember, you can't make Lequit the centerpiece of the team and then expect Wade/Bosh to put up 30ppg.

In the 2013 playoffs Wade put up 16, 5, 5, on 46% shooting, hardly anything great, and he was ABYSMAL in the Finals this year.

Even with LeBron on his team, for a supposed "superstar" Bosh's playoff outputs have been pretty pathetic, especially the past couple of playoff runs.

07-13-2014, 10:58 PM
i love this former comrade fighting :applause:

07-13-2014, 10:59 PM
Wade was doing 18/4/4 on 50% shooting for the 2014 playoffs. As a second option, that is terrific.

Bosh, as a third option, was doing 15/5/1/1/1 on 50% shooting. How many teams would KILL to have a third option like that?

Just remember, you can't make Lequit the centerpiece of the team and then expect Wade/Bosh to put up 30ppg. The truth is, LeQuit makes his teammates look worse, and then it's always the same storyline. "Lequit doesn't have enough help, he has to carry the team" or "The Miami Cavaliers" or whatever. Always the same. Many teams would kill to have a 2nd/3rd option combo like that.

what were their stats in the finals? and then, post their salaries for the 2013-2014 season along with Lebron s salary that season.

07-13-2014, 10:59 PM
Hoping for a good season this year for the Cavaliers.

07-13-2014, 11:01 PM
i love this former comrade fighting :applause: watching the battle lines being drawn the last two days has had it's entertainment value :lol

07-13-2014, 11:02 PM
In the 2013 playoffs Wade put up 16, 5, 5, on 46% shooting, hardly anything great, and he was ABYSMAL in the Finals this year.

Even with LeBron on his team, for a supposed "superstar" Bosh's playoff outputs have been pretty pathetic, especially the past couple of playoff runs.

Yes, Wade was hobbled in the Finals this year. Which is why the Heat didn't win.

Get my point? It always was a collective effort of the Big 3. But for some reason, all that is forgotten now, and it's all about lequit and the championship aura that he has now thanks to Miami.

It will fade real quick and he will be exposed this year. As I said, he is a great player, but a championship maker he is not.

07-13-2014, 11:04 PM
Wade was not hobbled this year..i didn't hear about any injury at all..

07-13-2014, 11:04 PM
OP embarrassing meltdown :roll:

07-13-2014, 11:04 PM
Yes, Wade was hobbled in the Finals this year. Which is why the Heat didn't win.

Get my point? It always was a collective effort of the Big 3. But for some reason, all that is forgotten now, and it's all about lequit and the championship aura that he has now thanks to Miami.

It will fade real quick and he will be exposed this year. As I said, he is a great player, but a championship maker he is not.

Didnt he win 2 FMVP along 2 champions for Heat?:facepalm

07-13-2014, 11:06 PM
Didnt he win 2 FMVP along 2 champions for Heat?:facepalm

No, the Big 3 won 2 championships for the Heat.

The FMVP should have been split into 3 pieces.

07-13-2014, 11:08 PM
why cant wade win 50 games without Shaq or LeBron?

LeBron won 50+ games 4 times without a decent cast

twice with larry huges as his best player and twice with mo williams

07-13-2014, 11:08 PM
Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn, Heat fans turning on him after two titles.

Much respect to the OP for truth telling.

07-13-2014, 11:08 PM
OP is salty AF. I can see if you're annoyed that he left, but he led y'all to 2 rings and 4 straight finals. When you consider the fact that they colluded, you're lucky that you even had such a good team. OP just trying to save face, it's not like he didnt win anything and then just fukced off back to cleveland. Enjoy bosh's contract and wade knees :oldlol:

And no I hope he doesn't win anything either, same with the Heat

07-13-2014, 11:09 PM
Wade was not hobbled this year..i didn't hear about any injury at all..

He was hurting again. BUT even if we just ignore that. In 2013 Finals, Manu Ginobili played like DOG SHIT and even Spurs fans were saying he was done.

What did the Spurs do? Did Duncan quit and run? Nope. They focused, came back again, and Manu played a GREAT Finals to redeem himself and they are now champs.

Wade was not given this chance to redeem himself for being hobbled in 2014 Finals because lequit ran.

07-13-2014, 11:09 PM
No, the Big 3 won 2 championships for the Heat.

The FMVP should have been split into 3 pieces.
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

07-13-2014, 11:09 PM
why cant wade win 50 games without Shaq or LeBron?

LeBron won 50+ games 4 times without a decent cast

twice with larry huges as his best player and twice with mo williams

Why can't Lebron win a title without wade while wade can win a title without bran?

07-13-2014, 11:10 PM
No, the Big 3 won 2 championships for the Heat.

The FMVP should have been split into 3 pieces.

LeBron had more points, assists, rebounds, and steals than both Wade or Bosh in their two Finals wins. Please explain to me how Bosh gets a split of Finals MVP in 2013 putting up 12 & 9 on 46% shooting?

07-13-2014, 11:11 PM
Why can't Lebron win a title without wade while wade can win a title without bran?

why cant kobe get out of the 2nd round without fisher, but fisher can make the finals without kobe :roll:

07-13-2014, 11:11 PM
3liftHeatCurse dropping that strong ether.

Remember, dude, these fanbois absolutely HATE facts. :oldlol:

07-13-2014, 11:13 PM
LeBron had more points, assists, rebounds,

He should. Wade and Bosh willingly allowed Lequit to be the centerpiece.

Did he has the most points, assists, rebounds, in 2011, when Wade did not allow him to be the centerpiece?

07-13-2014, 11:13 PM
why cant kobe get out of the 2nd round without fisher, but fisher can make the finals without kobe :roll:
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

07-13-2014, 11:14 PM
He should. Wade and Bosh willingly allowed Lequit to be the centerpiece.

Did he has the most points, assists, rebounds, in 2011, when Wade did not allow him to be the centerpiece?

So LeBron willing allowed Wade to be the centerpiece in 2011? :cheers:

07-13-2014, 11:17 PM
So LeBron willing allowed Wade to be the centerpiece in 2011? :cheers:

No. In 2011, there was no centerpiece. It was a "team" concept. Lequit sucked at it.

The Heat had to make him the center of everything for him to be good.

07-13-2014, 11:18 PM
If Bron wins with Cavs and young cast will the heat Stans sayin he won't win shit get on there knees and take their bitch slaps to the face like men, or will they back peddle and say, "oh, well wade and bosh were playing bad" so we figured Bron would win with a younger cast."

I can't wait to dig up this thread when it's all said and done. We will see what happens.

07-13-2014, 11:19 PM
If Bron wins with Cavs and young cast will the heat Stans sayin he won't win shit get on there knees and take their bitch slaps to the face like men, or will they back peddle and say, "oh, well wade and bosh were playing bad" so we figured Bron would win with a younger cast."

I can't wait to dig up this thread when it's all said and done. We will see what happens.

Don't get your hopes up. He won't even get out of the East with that roster.

No more Big 3 and a stacked roster behind him. The Big 3 won the 2 championships, not 1 person alone.

07-13-2014, 11:24 PM
Don't get your hopes up. He won't even get out of the East with that roster.

No more Big 3 and a stacked roster behind him. The Big 3 won the 2 championships, not 1 person alone.

Wades a scrub deal with it OP, Heat are going to be irrelevant for the next decade, keep crying

07-13-2014, 11:26 PM

This is so much fun, thank you Lebron for bringing us so much entertainment.

Imagine what will happen next year when he opts out?

07-13-2014, 11:28 PM
Don't get your hopes up. He won't even get out of the East with that roster.

No more Big 3 and a stacked roster behind him. The Big 3 won the 2 championships, not 1 person alone.

And they didn't win this year so the big 3 was done after 2013.

07-13-2014, 11:32 PM
I'm going to ask this and it applies to so much of this board but WHY DO YOU ****ING CARE? LeBron is a player we've never seen but people spend so much ****ing time trying to bring him down or put him in a negative light that it's hard for anyone who actually likes basketball to enjoy this forum since half (and this is being optimistic) the threads are completely horrid. This is some obsessed level shit that goes on here and it is so tiresome. I didn't read the actual post but the title is enough to not give a shit and consider this an entirely useless endeavor.

07-13-2014, 11:37 PM
I'm going to ask this and it applies to so much of this board but WHY DO YOU ****ING CARE? LeBron is a player we've never seen but people spend so much ****ing time trying to bring him down or put him in a negative light that it's hard for anyone who actually likes basketball to enjoy this forum since half (and this is being optimistic) the threads are completely horrid. This is some obsessed level shit that goes on here and it is so tiresome. I didn't read the actual post but the title is enough to not give a shit and consider this an entirely useless endeavor.

07-13-2014, 11:37 PM
Clown branstans vs. actual Heat Fans with integrity.

I love it.

07-14-2014, 12:08 AM
And they didn't win this year so the big 3 was done after 2013.
Were the Spurs done after they lost in 2013?

Was Manu done after playing terribly in 2013?

You have lequit's mentality. Even his fans are losers.

07-14-2014, 12:10 AM
Only bran stans "heat fans" thought he was:lol

The Heat actually have a competitive roster, prob finish top 3-4 in the east still..

If we could only have Prime Wade back.... the Heat + Prime Wade right now as constructed would stomp on the Cavs and the bum.

We have to wait and see what type of Wade we have next year. He's on a new diet plan and is going to shed a lot of weight to help his knees.

07-14-2014, 12:12 AM
I am seriously shocked that Heat fans have this much integrity.

Time for some major rep for the OP.

07-14-2014, 12:29 AM
We ll see how Wade and company will do without Lebron and how Lebron will do without them.

No shit. Any other mind-blowing insights you'd like to offer?

07-14-2014, 12:31 AM
i love this former comrade fighting :applause:

Beat me to it. :oldlol:

07-14-2014, 12:34 AM
If we could only have Prime Wade back.... the Heat + Prime Wade right now as constructed would stomp on the Cavs and the bum.

We have to wait and see what type of Wade we have next year. He's on a new diet plan and is going to shed a lot of weight to help his knees.

Prime Wade was a 1st round loser just like Prime Kobe :oldlol:

07-14-2014, 12:37 AM
Prime Wade was a 1st round loser just like Prime Kobe :oldlol:
Rookie Wade led the Heat to 2nd round.
Wade won championship and Finals MVP in 2006.

Kobe has 5 rings
Kobe won championships with 2 different squads, just like Wade.


07-14-2014, 01:09 AM
Clown branstans vs. actual Heat Fans with integrity.

I love it.
he's a wade stan..there is no difference between the 2

07-14-2014, 08:24 AM
he's a wade stan..there is no difference between the 2

I back Wade because he truly deserves it and he's a Heat lifer.

If Wade ever plays for another team, I will stop talking about him.

07-14-2014, 08:31 AM
Jesus Christ! The SALT!!

:lol :lol :lol

07-14-2014, 08:43 AM
Would love to see Cavs vs Heat in the playoffs!

07-14-2014, 08:59 AM
3liftHeatCurse didnt took Lebrons departure so very well i guess....

07-14-2014, 09:02 AM
OP has gone insane:lol

Go rub it off to Wade's corpse and chill out a bit

LeBron = the best player in the Heat's history and the centerpiece of their most successful era - deal with it

07-14-2014, 09:03 AM
Your arguments are just delusional. Who's saying that Bran's won 2 chips by himself? :wtf: Ofc he needed help, as Kobe did, as Wade did in 2006 as MJ did.

And why was Lebron the centerpiece of the team? Just because Bosh and Wade liked sucking his balls? Nope, because you build a team around your best player and that's a no brainer if you've got Lebron on your team.

Just chill out man. They've given your team 4 straight finals runs and 2 championships Lebron being the man. And I understand his decision. He probably needs a new motivation and returning home and winning a chip for cleveland is a BIG ONE, altough I don't know what would have happened if they 3-peat. We will never know. That's just how sports are. No need to hate.

07-14-2014, 09:05 AM
3liftHeatCurse dropping that strong ether.

Remember, dude, these fanbois absolutely HATE facts. :oldlol:

:biggums: :biggums: :biggums:

Don't tell me you think this is "facts" ? Cmon bruh, you better than that..

Everyone in here defending a big ass meltdown :lol

07-14-2014, 09:08 AM
If Miami won the title in 2011 it would have been because LeBron was their best player. Wade simply couldn't get the team over the hump in 2011. good thing Bron took over the team so they could start winning titles

07-14-2014, 09:17 AM
If Miami won the title in 2011 it would have been because LeBron was their best player. Wade simply couldn't get the team over the hump in 2011. good thing Bron took over the team so they could start winning titles


07-14-2014, 09:21 AM
Would love to see Cavs vs Heat in the playoffs!

Why? Cavs would absolutely blow their ****ing doors off. Did no one else watch Miami last season? LeBron dragged that team to the Finals.

07-14-2014, 09:22 AM
If Miami won the title in 2011 it would have been because LeBron was their best player. Wade simply couldn't get the team over the hump in 2011. good thing Bron took over the team so they could start winning titles

If LeBron could score more than 8 points in game 4, the Heat would've had a 3-1 choke hold on the Mavs.

LePassive gave the Mavs life. Let's not revise history here Bron stans. The tale is in the tape.

07-14-2014, 09:28 AM
If LeBron didn't score 8 points in game 4, the Heat would've had a 3-1 choke hold on the Mavs.

LePassive gave the Mavs life. Let's not revise history here Bron stans. The tale is in the tape.

Miami wasn't winning that series with Wade as their best player. As we all clearly saw in 2011. In year's past, Wade disappeared a ton in Miami playoff games. Things is, LeBron was actually able to make up for it with his clutch play in 12,13, and most of 14. Wade was terrible in the clutch in 2011. And he wasn't even defended the same way LeBron was by Dallas. Dallas flat out told the world they were going to make Wade beat us (single coverage all series) and he couldn't get the job done. Team didn't start winning titles until LeBron took the team away from Wade. You can hold to 2011 all you want. But we saw how hard LeBron had to carry Wade in parts of 12, 13, and 14 postseason. Especially recently where Wade had the impact of Mo Williams.

"Miami Cavaliers" - Reggie Miller :oldlol:

07-14-2014, 09:29 AM
The first game between the Heat and the Cavs should make an entertaining thread...

07-14-2014, 09:33 AM
When they teamed up in 2010, Wade was top 3 player in the NBA and a superstar in his own right, underrated VERY underrated due to the Heat not being very good since 2006 because Riley was waiting for 2010 to give Wade help. So LeQuit was getting all the MVP's because the Cavs were winning 60 games, even though Wade should have won at least 1 (2009) MVP.

Wade sacrificed his slice of the pie, and so did Bosh, to allow the Heat, Riley, and Erik Spoelstra to make LeQuit the centerpiece on the team. So LeQuit got another MVP and then the FInals MVP because Wade WILLINGLY stepped aside.

Why did Wade do this? 2011 Finals. Wade was beasting. Where was LeQuit?


So..... Wade stepped aside and let him be the "man".

Now, 2 championships later, LeBronze has this "championship glow" around him because of the Big 3's collective efforts. Yet people are giving the credit to 1 man. Yeah, Wade's knees were hobbled in the Finals... but Wade was spectacular in the previous series vs the Pacers. Lequit didn't carry them to the Finals. The team has been, and ALWAYS WAS, a Big 3 collective effort.

Now that "I miss home" is back on the Cavs, he no longer has one of the GOAT's at SG backing him up letting him take the glory.

That championship glow will fade real soon this year, and you will see what he really is again. A great player, but not "the michael jordan of our era" as that Pacer coach said. Without the Big 3 behind him.... he will go back to losing.

He's being overrated right now

1. He didn't sacrifice it. LeBron flat out took the team from him and made him the #2. It worked because the Heat won titles after it.

2. :oldlol: Bosh and Wade both underachieved in the playoffs. Bosh was absolutely terrible in the last two rounds of the 13 playoffs, and Wade would disappear in series, and just played an AWFUL Finals series.

3. Yea, he is going to miss Wade playing half the season, playing no defense, and doing nothing to space the floor or work on his game :hammerhead:

07-14-2014, 09:36 AM
3liftHeatCurse dropping that strong ether.

Remember, dude, these fanbois absolutely HATE facts. :oldlol:

Still waiting for him to drop some "facts". The guy said the FMVP should have been split between all 3. When LeBron was absolutely better than both of them in 3 of the 4 Finals they played in. :oldlol:

07-14-2014, 09:36 AM
OP dropping facts left and right.

Branstans embarrassing themselves. They have no shame.

07-14-2014, 09:37 AM
Miami wasn't winning that series with Wade as their best player. As we all clearly saw in 2011. In year's past, Wade disappeared a ton in Miami playoff games. Things is, LeBron was actually able to make up for it with his clutch play in 12,13, and most of 14. Wade was terrible in the clutch in 2011. And he wasn't even defended the same way LeBron was by Dallas. Dallas flat out told the world they were going to make Wade beat us (single coverage all series) and he couldn't get the job done. Team didn't start winning titles until LeBron took the team away from Wade. You can hold to 2011 all you want. But we saw how hard LeBron had to carry Wade in parts of 12, 13, and 14 postseason. Especially recently where Wade had the impact of Mo Williams.

"Miami Cavaliers" - Reggie Miller :oldlol:

Like they weren't winning against Boston in 5 with him as their best player (difference: Lebron actually showed up in this series). They were a couple of Lebron-ballstopping fourth quarters away from sweeping the Mavs with Wade as the best player. Miami were better with Lebron sitting and Wade as the focus of the offense that entire series. Stop talking utter bollocks.

07-14-2014, 09:41 AM

Like they weren't winning against Boston in 5 with him as their best player (difference: Lebron actually showed up in this series). They were a couple of Lebron-ballstopping fourth quarters away from sweeping the Mavs with Wade as the best player. Miami were better with Lebron sitting and Wade as the focus of the offense that entire series. Stop talking utter bollocks.

Miami fans talking about LeBron not showing up when Wade didn't show up for half the postseason games in Miami.

"Miami Cavaliers" - Reggie Miller


07-14-2014, 09:44 AM
Miami wasn't winning that series with Wade as their best player.

But yet, they had a 2-1 lead with Wade as the primary scoring option.

And in game 4, a game where Wade scored 32 and Bosh had 24,

LeBron had 8 points on 3-11 shooting. And mind you, that game was a one or two possession game. And considering how top heavy Miami was in 2011, LeBron playing THAT bad, and Miami still being in it, was a testament to how awful LeBron's performance was in retrospect.

And no, The Heat didn't need LeBron to be "The best player" to win that series.

They simply needed him to out score Jason Terry :oldlol: , and make a couple of timely plays. He couldn't do it.

Find me a playoff game against the quality opponents the Heat faced during Big Three era, where Wade had a single digit scoring output in a game ( like LeBron did in game 4 of the 2011 Finals), and LeBron was able to overcome it.

I got news for you, you can't.

07-14-2014, 10:42 AM
3liftHeatCurse didnt took Lebrons departure so very well i guess....


07-14-2014, 10:46 AM
Lebron > Wade

Deal with it

07-14-2014, 11:02 AM
So ungrateful.:oldlol:

Heat fans didn't deserve Lebron. That's becoming more and more evident.

Knoe Itawl
07-14-2014, 11:19 AM
So ungrateful.:oldlol:

Heat fans didn't deserve Lebron. That's becoming more and more evident.

Seriously. A guy's the main catalyst for 4 Finals in a row (not done since the 60s) resulting in 2 titles, and people have the nerve to write garbage like this. The classy thing to do is to thank him for his service and wish him well in his future endeavors. It's like bytch ass Laker fans turning on Shaq. NO class, no appreciation and a disgusting sense of entitlement.

07-14-2014, 11:43 AM
It's one thing to be grateful, but it's another to ride his dick(we'll leave that to the many LeBron stans to do).

The Heat won a title before LeBron. LeBron had a donut before the Heat. Miss me with all that.

He also didn't have the most graceful of exits, stringing out his free agency, when he knew he was leaving. He's more than entitled to return to Cleveland. You want to go back "home"? Cool. More power to ya.

But at the very least show Pat Riley, whom had his back from day 1, the courtesy in letting him know you're bolting. This was the same guy who released a statement to the AP, telling Danny Ainge to "STFU" when he criticized you. And you won't even grant him a 1-1? He's has to be filtered thru one of your cronies just to have a talk with you? C'mon. Had Riley flying cross country when he already knew he was gone. I'm still a fan of his personally, but definitely lost a little respect.

07-14-2014, 11:56 AM
Bosh and Wade have a perfect opportunity to get it done without LeBron. Riley gave them that opportunity by finding an all-star caliber SF to replace LeBron. So it is the same crew back except a weakening at the SF position--but they added some depth to the bench. If Bosh and Wade indeed are superstars the Heat, the only team in the East with two superstars, should be very strong next year. If they were overrated in recent years then the Heat will be mired in the middle of the pack. How the Heat fare is one of the many interesting story lines for next year.

Hey Yo
07-14-2014, 12:00 PM
Don't get your hopes up. He won't even get out of the East with that roster.

No more Big 3 and a stacked roster behind him. The Big 3 won the 2 championships, not 1 person alone.
Both postseasons in those 2 title years, LeBron led the team in points, rebounds assists and steals.

Hey Yo
07-14-2014, 12:02 PM
It's one thing to be grateful, but it's another to ride his dick(we'll leave that to the many LeBron stans to do).

The Heat won a title before LeBron. LeBron had a donut before the Heat. Miss me with all that.

He also didn't have the most graceful of exits, stringing out his free agency, when he knew he was leaving. He's more than entitled to return to Cleveland. You want to go back "home"? Cool. More power to ya.

But at the very least show Pat Riley, whom had his back from day 1, the courtesy in letting him know you're bolting. This was the same guy who released a statement to the AP, telling Danny Ainge to "STFU" when he criticized you. And you won't even grant him a 1-1? He's has to be filtered thru one of your cronies just to have a talk with you? C'mon. Had Riley flying cross country when he already knew he was gone. I'm still a fan of his personally, but definitely lost a little respect.
Didn't help Riley questioning if Lebron "had the guts" to comeback.

07-14-2014, 12:07 PM
Didn't help Riley questioning if Lebron "had the guts" to comeback.

Riley was a bit surly during that conference, because LeBron refused to sit down with him. Stephen A confirmed that.

Conduct business professionally with someone who genuinely had your back. That's all I'm saying. :confusedshrug:

07-14-2014, 12:09 PM
Lebron stans and Miami fans fighting now :roll:

Knoe Itawl
07-14-2014, 12:11 PM
It's one thing to be grateful, but it's another to ride his dick(we'll leave that to the many LeBron stans to do).

The Heat won a title before LeBron. LeBron had a donut before the Heat. Miss me with all that.

He also didn't have the most graceful of exits, stringing out his free agency, when he knew he was leaving. He's more than entitled to return to Cleveland. You want to go back "home"? Cool. More power to ya.

But at the very least show Pat Riley, whom had his back from day 1, the courtesy in letting him know you're bolting. This was the same guy who released a statement to the AP, telling Danny Ainge to "STFU" when he criticized you. And you won't even grant him a 1-1? He's has to be filtered thru one of your cronies just to have a talk with you? C'mon. Had Riley flying cross country when he already knew he was gone. I'm still a fan of his personally, but definitely lost a little respect.

Look, I'm not saying I don't get that there's going to be a sting there, and a little resentment. It's natural. I'm saying there's a difference between that and savaging the dude's name because he left (not saying you, but in general).

Hey Yo
07-14-2014, 12:12 PM
Riley was a bit surly during that conference, because LeBron refused to sit down with him. Stephen A confirmed that.

Conduct business professionally with someone who genuinely had your back. That's all I'm saying. :confusedshrug:
Riley said that back on June 20th at his annual end-of-the-season news conference. The season was barely over.

07-14-2014, 02:44 PM
LeBron had more points, assists, rebounds, and steals than both Wade or Bosh in their two Finals wins. Please explain to me how Bosh gets a split of Finals MVP in 2013 putting up 12 & 9 on 46% shooting?

Because Bosh was the Heat's best defender in the Finals and also got the series-saving offensive rebound that led to the Allen three. You only look at the point total but disregard the game itself. Who made the big plays of what series?

2012 was for the most part a total team effort. Wade in that Pacers series was vintage and he looked decent in the Finals, Heat were struggling against Boston with Bosh out and Lebron did have the game of his career and they barely won Game 7 with Bosh back. The Finals was all about the team, you had Wade going off, Chalmers went off, Cole even went off, Mike Miller & Battier went off

2013 the road to the Finals was pretty tough thanks to the ECF and once again team effort prevailed, Finals obviously you can't say Lebron deserves the most when he was garbage in the first half of the series and needed huge plays from his teammates to even get a chance to win the series.

2014 the team got weaker and Lebron was forced to do more - he couldn't, just like he couldn't in Cleveland. He needs a superstar-caliber player on his side.

And before you get to Kobe, Pau was never a superstar and never was as good as he was with Kobe, he wasn't even an all-star when he got traded to the Lakers in 08 and it's funny how his PER went from 20 to 24 when he got traded here and how his fg% rose by 8 percent, just by playing next to Kobe while Wade's and Bosh's stats got worse by the year. What does that tell you?

07-14-2014, 03:11 PM
Because Bosh was the Heat's best defender in the Finals and also got the series-saving offensive rebound that led to the Allen three. You only look at the point total but disregard the game itself. Who made the big plays of what series?

2012 was for the most part a total team effort. Wade in that Pacers series was vintage and he looked decent in the Finals, Heat were struggling against Boston with Bosh out and Lebron did have the game of his career and they barely won Game 7 with Bosh back. The Finals was all about the team, you had Wade going off, Chalmers went off, Cole even went off, Mike Miller & Battier went off

2013 the road to the Finals was pretty tough thanks to the ECF and once again team effort prevailed, Finals obviously you can't say Lebron deserves the most when he was garbage in the first half of the series and needed huge plays from his teammates to even get a chance to win the series.

2014 the team got weaker and Lebron was forced to do more - he couldn't, just like he couldn't in Cleveland. He needs a superstar-caliber player on his side.

And before you get to Kobe, Pau was never a superstar and never was as good as he was with Kobe, he wasn't even an all-star when he got traded to the Lakers in 08 and it's funny how his PER went from 20 to 24 when he got traded here and how his fg% rose by 8 percent, just by playing next to Kobe while Wade's and Bosh's stats got worse by the year. What does that tell you?

Holy shit, are you mentally retarded? Bosh got absolutely smoked on defense that Finals series. He had two huge plays in game 6, but was a ghost the rest of the series. He almost gave TD the Finals MVP on a silver platter and scored ZERO points in the 7th game. Learn the game, fool.

07-14-2014, 03:14 PM
Holy shit, are you mentally retarded? Bosh got absolutely smoked on defense that Finals series. He had two huge plays in game 6, but was a ghost the rest of the series. He almost gave TD the Finals MVP on a silver platter and scored ZERO points in the 7th game. Learn the game, fool.

its ok its just a kobe stan, what do u expect :roll:

07-14-2014, 03:15 PM
I have nothing against Lebron right now.

But, god damn I feel good that I dont care anymore whenever trolls try to make fun of him or argue that he is a loser.
Lebron > Kobe though

07-14-2014, 04:41 PM
Because Bosh was the Heat's best defender in the Finals and also got the series-saving offensive rebound that led to the Allen three. You only look at the point total but disregard the game itself. Who made the big plays of what series?

2012 was for the most part a total team effort. Wade in that Pacers series was vintage and he looked decent in the Finals, Heat were struggling against Boston with Bosh out and Lebron did have the game of his career and they barely won Game 7 with Bosh back. The Finals was all about the team, you had Wade going off, Chalmers went off, Cole even went off, Mike Miller & Battier went off

2013 the road to the Finals was pretty tough thanks to the ECF and once again team effort prevailed, Finals obviously you can't say Lebron deserves the most when he was garbage in the first half of the series and needed huge plays from his teammates to even get a chance to win the series.

2014 the team got weaker and Lebron was forced to do more - he couldn't, just like he couldn't in Cleveland. He needs a superstar-caliber player on his side.

And before you get to Kobe, Pau was never a superstar and never was as good as he was with Kobe, he wasn't even an all-star when he got traded to the Lakers in 08 and it's funny how his PER went from 20 to 24 when he got traded here and how his fg% rose by 8 percent, just by playing next to Kobe while Wade's and Bosh's stats got worse by the year. What does that tell you?

So one play, Bosh getting a rebound over someone 6 inches shorter than him, equals Finals MVP? Got it. By that logic, Ray Allen should have gotten a split of Finals MVP as well, same goes for Jon Paxton, hell Horry should have as many as Jordan if that's the case.

People are having a serious revisionist history here. Wade and Bosh were borderline useless for most of the 2013 playoffs, although I will give credit to Wade for playing well in games 4-7 of the Finals. And they both were complete non factors in the Finals this year.

And I'm not sure which series you were watching, but Bosh was helpless in guarding Duncan in the 2013 Finals, just like he was guarding Hibbert in the ECF the series before.

07-14-2014, 04:50 PM
Kobe > LeQuit

5 > 2*

* Big 3 collective rings.

I have a newfound respect and admiration for Kobe Bean Bryant now, after witnessing the biggest bum in sports.

07-14-2014, 04:53 PM
Holy shit, are you mentally retarded? Bosh got absolutely smoked on defense that Finals series. He had two huge plays in game 6, but was a ghost the rest of the series. He almost gave TD the Finals MVP on a silver platter and scored ZERO points in the 7th game. Learn the game, fool.


you were saying?

INB4 not even opening the link and saying LOL SBNATION and disregarding all that footage provided in the article to support it's claims. I watched the series and Bosh was critical in shutting down Parker & Manu.

Finals MVP on a silver platter? FOH former Bran stan.

07-14-2014, 04:54 PM

you were saying?
Don't even bother. Silk and dubeta and the rest of those garbage bandwagoners are too pathetic to do anything other than laugh at.

07-14-2014, 04:57 PM
I have nothing against Lebron right now.

But, god damn I feel good that I dont care anymore whenever trolls try to make fun of him or argue that he is a loser.
Lebron > Kobe though

5 rings
regarded as the greatest Laker of all-time

You know it's funny when some random fans try to argue against what Magic Johnson, Jerry West and Shaquille O'Neal have to say.

07-14-2014, 04:57 PM
Yo Ph^ggot silk this is how you judge your worth? By convincing yourself that people on the internet are mad at some trolling you did? That's the best you can offer the world? None of these people are mad; they are laughing at you. That is quite literally the only value you have on these boards: something for us to laugh at.

07-14-2014, 04:58 PM
Yo Ph^ggot silk this is how you judge your worth? By convincing yourself that people on the internet are mad at some trolling you did? That's the best you can offer the world? None of these people are mad; they are laughing at you. That is quite literally the only value you have on these boards: something for us to laugh at.


07-14-2014, 05:01 PM
I back Wade because he truly deserves it and he's a Heat lifer.

If Wade ever plays for another team, I will stop talking about him.
if wade plays for another team then every true heat fan should thank him.
in a couple of years, every true heat fan would be crying about bosh's and wade's contracts.
wade opted out to get a longer contract. even if he takes 10 mil an year for 5 years, those 10 mil will be pretty much wasted for 3 years at least. he would not be able to play 15 mins a game after 2016, may be even earlier.

07-14-2014, 05:02 PM

you were saying?

INB4 not even opening the link and saying LOL SBNATION and disregarding all that footage provided in the article to support it's claims. I watched the series and Bosh was critical in shutting down Parker & Manu.

Finals MVP on a silver platter? FOH former Bran stan.

Those were highlights from one game of the series, a game you failed to mention Duncan still put up 24 & 12, albeit on subpar shooting

07-14-2014, 05:03 PM
Look at this thread very good cavs fans, bran dickridders are going to do the same to you once he bails out :oldlol:

07-14-2014, 05:05 PM
if wade plays for another team then every true heat fan should thank him.
in a couple of years, every true heat fan would be crying about bosh's and wade's contracts.
wade opted out to get a longer contract. even if he takes 10 mil an year for 5 years, those 10 mil will be pretty much wasted for 3 years at least. he would not be able to play 15 mins a game after 2016, may be even earlier.
Bron stan still masquerading as Heat fan :rolleyes:

Hey Yo
07-14-2014, 05:08 PM
5 rings
regarded as the greatest Laker of all-time

You know it's funny when some random fans try to argue against what Magic Johnson, Jerry West and Shaquille O'Neal have to say.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-14-2014, 05:12 PM
Those were highlights from one game of the series, a game you failed to mention Duncan still put up 24 & 12, albeit on subpar shooting

The most important game of that series, where he didn't need to score a single point to make an impact on the team. Game 6 was also huge for him because of the rebound and the pass to Allen + the block on Danny Green in OT

Bosh was valuable in that series, had an epic Game 6 and played really good defense in Game 7. That's all I'm saying. There's nothing to argue about here really.

07-14-2014, 05:13 PM
Arison could have given Riley the greenlight to pull out all the stops to improve the team instead of winding up overpaying Bosh. The Heat had Bird rights on everyone and were 55M under the cap. They could have offered both Gortat and Lowry more than 12M per year. Resigning Bosh/Wade/LBJ would have put them into the luxury tax, but why should anyone feel bad for Arison? He got a bargain when those 3 guys all took paycuts 4 years ago and his franchise got gifted 2 titles they otherwise wouldn't have won.

If Prokhorov were the Heat's owner, they'd have signed at least both Lowry and Gortat before resigning the Big 3.

But hey, it's a lot easier to blame Lebron. He is a bit of a douche for demanding the max considering his 2 buds were taking pay cuts, but ultimately the Heat were doomed to fail the FA lottery because of a cheap owner.

All in all I'd say it's a pretty healthy sign that there's only 1 butthurt Heat fan here. The rest appreciate that Lebron has given them 4 Finals runs and 2 titles.

07-14-2014, 05:14 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:


07-14-2014, 05:14 PM
Bron stan still masquerading as Heat fan :rolleyes:

everyone calls heat fans bandwagoner so you have to show how much you love wade.
If parker somehow leaves then i am not going to keep posting that manu was better than him every year. That would make me look like an idiot.
Unless you are kobe, lebron or jordan tier marketable player, there is no sense in giving long term contracts to injured/old players. Wade didn't deserve his money last year.
How will he deserve any money 2 years from now ? unless he plays only 40 games an year in the next 2 years, his career would pretty much end in a couple of years. He would be like nash on the lakers. he would not be able to even give quality mins off the bench in 2 years.
Bump this in 2 years.

07-14-2014, 05:16 PM
The most important game of that series, where he didn't need to score a single point to make an impact on the team. Game 6 was also huge for him because of the rebound and the pass to Allen + the block on Danny Green in OT

Bosh was valuable in that series, had an epic Game 6 and played really good defense in Game 7. That's all I'm saying. There's nothing to argue about here really.

10 & 11 on 42% shooting while getting TORCHED by Duncan who put up 30 & 17 on 62% is an "epic game"?. Dude grabbed a big rebound, albeit with Duncan off the court and had a big blocked shot, that's fair to say, but outside of literally two plays he was very unimpressive, as he was for the majority of the 2013 playoff run

07-14-2014, 05:17 PM
Kobe > LeQuit

5 > 2*

* Big 3 collective rings.

I have a newfound respect and admiration for Kobe Bean Bryant now, after witnessing the biggest bum in sports.
Wow, what flip-flopping bitch you are.


LeBron nailing the dagger shot to put the Heat out of reach.
In an NBA Finals game.
In a Game 7.
With 31 seconds left.

Let that sink in.


37 points, 12-23 FG's. 12 rebounds, 4 assits, 2 steals.

Now add onto that, LeBron's Game 6 three pointer that was the first part of the miracle that led to the second part of the miracle - the Ray Allen shot.

You just witnessed All-Time Legendary moments. Let it sink in guys. You don't see this often. This is a moment talked about in future generations when they think of Alltime GOAT's career moments.

Just simply amazing what LeBron has turned into. Going to the Miami Heat organization was the best thing for his career, as it helped him grow into a man both on the court and off the court.

What a series. wow.

07-14-2014, 05:18 PM
Wow, what flip-flopping bitch you are.


Insanely unappreciative

07-14-2014, 05:26 PM
Wow, what flip-flopping bitch you are.


Cavs fans can't talk though. :coleman:

07-14-2014, 05:26 PM

Argue with whatever you wish about how Nate Silver applies his metrics, but this guy is a genius when it comes to predicting outcomes. He pretty much called every single "battleground" state's direction in the 2012 presidential election.

Heat won 54 games in a weak conference and were only going to win even fewer next season since they didn't do squat in the FA market.

07-14-2014, 05:28 PM

Cavs fans can't talk though. :coleman:
I can.

07-14-2014, 05:29 PM
Wow, what flip-flopping bitch you are.


07-14-2014, 05:32 PM
More flip-flopping from 3LiftHeatCurse...


As a long time Heat fan, if he doesn't come out in the 2nd half and put up a big show and go out gunning, I'm done with defending this guy.

Literally the same thread after the game ended...

Ok. LBJ showed up.

Thread no longer required. LeBron showed up.

07-14-2014, 05:57 PM
I defend players who are on my team. That shouldn't be a shock to you.

Wear a Heat jersey, I rep you. Even if I have to exaggerate a bit with the repping, I will do it cause it's fun and I have that players back since the player is on my team.

Do my team dirty, I now take off the team goggles and say the truth.

07-14-2014, 06:04 PM
I defend players who are on my team. That shouldn't be a shock to you.

Wear a Heat jersey, I rep you. Even if I have to exaggerate a bit with the repping, I will do it cause it's fun and I have that players back since the player is on my team.

Do my team dirty, I now take off the team goggles and say the truth.

So you're basically admitting you have absolutely no objectivity when it comes to judging or rating players

07-14-2014, 06:18 PM
So you're basically admitting you have absolutely no objectivity when it comes to judging or rating players
Pretty much what I thought.

07-14-2014, 06:19 PM
So you're basically admitting you have absolutely no objectivity when it comes to judging or rating players

Is LeQuit a heat player right now? No,

So I am free of bias on that bum.

07-14-2014, 06:33 PM
Is LeQuit a heat player right now? No,

So I am free of bias on that bum.
good to know that you accept that your opinions about lebron are wrong.

07-14-2014, 06:34 PM
Is LeQuit a heat player right now? No,

So I am free of bias on that bum.

So you'll overrate everyone on the Heat, and sell short every other player in the league? Are you truly that one-dimensional?

11-09-2014, 02:08 PM
bump, oh how right OP was