View Full Version : Stephen A Smith to Women on domestic abuse

07-28-2014, 01:59 PM
First video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDzWvHhgTrY

Apology http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWgPh8JlOXs

07-28-2014, 02:02 PM
they got this ni99a tap dancing

07-28-2014, 02:04 PM
they got this ni99a tap dancing


07-28-2014, 02:15 PM
Meh, I prefer Stephen A's earlier work:


07-28-2014, 02:19 PM
dont provoke men especially not by hitting them. ive had bitches yell in my face to hit them before during arguments... damn everybody sensitive nowadays

07-28-2014, 02:22 PM
ESPN made him do it he didn't really say anything wrong.

CJ Mustard
07-28-2014, 02:29 PM
:facepalm He had to apologize for that shit? He's 100% right. Some women think they can get away with anything because society tells them guys aren't "allowed" to hit them, so they do shit that gets them smacked the **** up. Let's not act like there aren't plenty of guys out there being provoked by women.

07-28-2014, 02:30 PM
:facepalm He had to apologize for that shit? He's 100% right. Some women think they can get away with anything because society tells them guys aren't "allowed" to hit them, so they do shit that gets them smacked the **** up. Let's not act like there aren't plenty of guys out there being provoked by women.


07-28-2014, 02:33 PM
dat landlord was a stacked milf doe

07-28-2014, 02:38 PM
Absolutely ridiculous that he had to apologize for that. He has shared similar sentiments before, and never had to apologize. This was all because that c*nt Michelle Beadle made a big stink about it.

07-28-2014, 02:46 PM
I saw the apology earlier. I didn't realize THAT was what it was for before. What a joke. If people can't understand what he was talking about, they're idiots. I remember a few years ago, he said basically the same thing when Chad Johnson got in trouble for hitting his wife, the chick that used to be on basketball wives. No one cared, probably because that's the type of women he was talking about, and since everyone knew of her and how she acted on TV, it was more understandable what he was talking about.

Bottom line is like he said 1000x in the initial video, there's no good reason for hitting a woman, but a woman who is unreasonably constantly confrontational i.e. always yelling and/or even physically attacking her man for no good reason is more then likely going to get hit over a woman that doesn't do that. Its the same thing as saying there's no good reason to cheat on a spouse, but if one is constantly neglected they are understandably more likely to do that. I'll take it even more extreme. If two parents raise their kids like complete shit, they shouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be cold-hearted criminals. Ultimately their kids are still responsible and have no excuse, but the bottom line is they were helped or weren't prevented from getting that way in the first place.

No perpetrator of huge wrongdoings like these aren't influenced negatively by someone else beforehand. In the cases of domestic violence, sometimes that's not the woman, it could be just a result of bad parenting, bad friends, etc. But in some cases it is the woman and that's what SAS was talking about.

07-28-2014, 02:48 PM
Just stay in the effin kitchen and aint nobody gon hit you

07-28-2014, 02:50 PM
:facepalm He had to apologize for that shit? He's 100% right. Some women think they can get away with anything because society tells them guys aren't "allowed" to hit them, so they do shit that gets them smacked the **** up. Let's not act like there aren't plenty of guys out there being provoked by women.

The solution is to simply not date an obnoxious trashbag.

07-28-2014, 02:51 PM
Absolutely ridiculous that he had to apologize for that. He has shared similar sentiments before, and never had to apologize. This was all because that c*nt Michelle Beadle made a big stink about it.

Problem with the coverage of domestic abuse is that whenever it comes up, people have this image in their heads that the dude beat up on some wholesome chick like Mother Teresa or someone like that. What they don't realize is that its usually some loudmouth confrontational bitch like someone from basketball wives, which is like I said why no one cared when SAS said basically the same thing when Chad Johnson got into his trouble.

07-28-2014, 02:51 PM
Laws and the media protect women so much it's disgusting

07-28-2014, 02:55 PM
Problem with the coverage of domestic abuse is that whenever it comes up, people have this image in their heads that the dude beat up on some wholesome chick like Mother Teresa or someone like that. What they don't realize is that its usually some loudmouth confrontational bitch like someone from basketball wives, which is like I said why no one cared when SAS said basically the same thing when Chad Johnson got into his trouble.
Roughly 40% of domestic violence victims are male.

So... There's that.

07-28-2014, 02:55 PM
Laws and the media protect women so much it's disgusting

These days any group that has been historically disadvantaged gets a great big gold bubble built around them which is then placed on a pedestal with a giant "DO NOT TOUCH" sign attached to it. If anyone dares to even accidentally infringe, no matter how mildly, a public witchhunt is immediately initiated. The public loves a witchhunt for those not as righteous as they are.

07-28-2014, 03:01 PM
I think his phrasing was poor but he is right for the most part. Some women feel like being a woman gives them a get out of jail free card from dealing with the repercussions of their actions. It's not some problem of epidemic proportions but I've seem women do some foul shit that deserved an ass whooping if they were a man.

But the really important thing that he should have stressed is that women should be aware of their surroundings and the risks they face. Being around drunk men who are bigger, stronger and sometimes horrible people can be dangerous. Knowing how to avoid physical confrontation in a bad situation is something that is valuable for a woman to know. Domestic abuse is a little bit different because it involves a level of trust and betrayal but the principle still holds.

07-28-2014, 03:12 PM
I don't kind him catching shit for this. This isn't a general discussion, it's
In the Ray Rice case, and he implied by this the victim might be responsible.

I've been attacked by girls, were any of you ( most bigger than me) ever forced to punch a woman into submission? I kind of feel we are talking about the exception like its super common. But maybe your experiencs are different.

07-28-2014, 03:19 PM
Technically its illegal to hit anyone, if you do you can be charged with assault. So I dont know why we would treat this any differently. Assault is assault, and it's not any worse because it happens to a woman.

And again, if you dont want to be nagged and provoked by a woman, dont date an obnoxious trashbag. I dont know why so many guys do that, but then again maybe they arent necessarily the most refined gentlemen themselves.

07-28-2014, 03:21 PM
Just stay in the effin kitchen and aint nobody gon hit you

07-28-2014, 04:04 PM
both WOMEN ........AND .......... BLACK PEOPLE need to STOP making the whole world feal like criminals for having a differing opinion.

- freedom of speech
- freedom of thought
- freedom of religion
- freedom of choice

if none of these break the law or hurt anyone physically. then their choices should be respected. agreed with or not. inteligent or not.



07-28-2014, 04:19 PM
Roughly 40% of domestic violence victims are male.

So... There's that.


07-28-2014, 04:26 PM
both WOMEN ........AND .......... BLACK PEOPLE need to STOP making the whole world feal like criminals for having a differing opinion.

- freedom of speech
- freedom of thought
- freedom of religion
- freedom of choice

if none of these break the law or hurt anyone physically. then their choices should be respected. agreed with or not. inteligent or not.



You need to add gays to that list as well.

07-28-2014, 04:30 PM
Problem with the coverage of domestic abuse is that whenever it comes up, people have this image in their heads that the dude beat up on some wholesome chick like Mother Teresa or someone like that. What they don't realize is that its usually some loudmouth confrontational bitch like someone from basketball wives, which is like I said why no one cared when SAS said basically the same thing when Chad Johnson got into his trouble.

Even then, walk away. A real man doesn't hit a women.

07-28-2014, 04:31 PM
I don't get what's wrong with what he said. He said that domestic violence is wrong and that no man should ever attack a woman. He got heat for that? This seems like total bs made up by the media to get more clicks.

07-28-2014, 04:33 PM
Are we seriously going to act like there aren't plenty of women that think they have carte blanche to do whatever they want to a man because they've been told their entire life that "a man can NEVER hit a woman"?

07-28-2014, 04:36 PM
Btw Cari Champion is fine as fk in that apology video.

07-28-2014, 07:30 PM
Are we seriously going to act like there aren't plenty of women that think they have carte blanche to do whatever they want to a man because they've been told their entire life that "a man can NEVER hit a woman"?

Good point:applause:

07-28-2014, 07:33 PM
Even then, walk away. A real man doesn't hit a women.

Of course that's the way to go. But people aren't perfect, especially in the heat of the moment.

07-28-2014, 07:33 PM
These days any group that has been historically disadvantaged gets a great big gold bubble built around them which is then placed on a pedestal with a giant "DO NOT TOUCH" sign attached to it. If anyone dares to even accidentally infringe, no matter how mildly, a public witchhunt is immediately initiated. The public loves a witchhunt for those not as righteous as they are.

The poor disadvantaged white male. Boo frigging hoo.

Andrew Wiggins
07-28-2014, 07:36 PM
while his message came across as idiotic and misinformed victim blaming, provocation can indeed come from the woman in terms of threats and instigating physical violence on their own.

07-28-2014, 07:37 PM
The poor disadvantaged white male. Boo frigging hoo.

Weak bait. Try a different alt.

07-28-2014, 07:46 PM
He was absolutely right. If a woman dosen't want to get her teeth knocked down her throat then she shouldn't assault others. Just because "hurr imma gurl" doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want without consequence. :oldlol: @ people crying "but girls are by nature weaker!"

If they know they are weaker, then they should know their place and not put their hands on someone of provoke somebody that will knock them the **** out. Would it alright if I went up to a 6'8" body builder and assaulted or provoked him? I'm obviously weaker than him, so it's perfectly ok that I assault or provoke him, right?

women that have the nerve to think it's ok to put their hands on other people deserve to have their teeth stomped into the back of their throats just like anyone else.

Bottom line; everyone should keep their hands to themselves. You want to talk shit, then talk shit, but don't ever become physical unless you want a fight with someone.

07-28-2014, 07:58 PM
He was absolutely right. If a woman dosen't want to get her teeth knocked down her throat then she shouldn't assault others. Just because "hurr imma gurl" doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want without consequence. :oldlol: @ people crying "but girls are by nature weaker!"

If they know they are weaker, then they should know their place and not put their hands on someone of provoke somebody that will knock them the **** out. Would it alright if I went up to a 6'8" body builder and assaulted or provoked him? I'm obviously weaker than him, so it's perfectly ok that I assault or provoke him, right?

women that have the nerve to think it's ok to put their hands on other people deserve to have their teeth stomped into the back of their throats just like anyone else.

Bottom line; everyone should keep their hands to themselves. You want to talk shit, then talk shit, but don't ever become physical unless you want a fight with someone.

thats right blue !!

07-28-2014, 08:03 PM
Yes, he had to apologize for that.

ESPN has a strong liberal bias. This isn't news.

07-28-2014, 08:18 PM
There are very few justifiable reasons to beat the living snot out a girl. Having a purse flung at you (for example) isn't good enough.

I once got into a brawl at a pub in Vegas. In the melee, a drunk girl starting sissy- slapping me. I pushed her off, but the thought of beating on her 5'2" inch frame never crossed my mind. Because I'm not a psycho.

Sorry tough guys, you have to pull your punches with the ladies.

07-28-2014, 08:19 PM
There are very few justifiable reasons to beat the living snot out a girl. Having a purse flung at you (for example) isn't good enough.

I once got into a brawl at a pub in Vegas. In the melee, a drunk girl starting sissy- slapping me. I pushed her off, but the thought of beating on her 5'2" inch frame never crossed my mind. Because I'm not a psycho.

Sorry tough guys, you have to pull your punches with the ladies.

What if it was a 5'3" tiny frame guy tho

07-28-2014, 08:26 PM
What if it was a 5'3" tiny frame guy tho

5'3" manlet's natural strength >>>>> 5'3" woman's.

Most 15 year old boys are stronger than your typical adult woman.

07-28-2014, 08:35 PM
There are very few justifiable reasons to beat the living snot out a girl. Having a purse flung at you (for example) isn't good enough.

I once got into a brawl at a pub in Vegas. In the melee, a drunk girl starting sissy- slapping me. I pushed her off, but the thought of beating on her 5'2" inch frame never crossed my mind. Because I'm not a psycho.

Sorry tough guys, you have to pull your punches with the ladies.

no shit man,

its not right to hit a woman.

However to point out that a hissy "i dont need no man" women who argue and go mental are more likely to piss off an abusive man is not wrong and should not have to apologies for stating the obvious

good work on pushing the woman that slapped you away though

some women are ****en mental, not saying they should be beat but it would be like me dancing around and yelling at a boxer... you wouldn't want to see me beaten to a pulp and almost die.... but im sure you would enjoy seeing a few punches to the head while deep down inside thinking I deserved it

07-28-2014, 08:41 PM
I grew up in a household where my Dad would hit my mother. There are a number of things she could have to done to "provoke" him that didn't include her hitting him. So I guess I can understand women or whoever being sensitive about the wording. But let's be honest, people had to have known what he was trying to say. It's like they heard the word "Provoke" and ignored everything else he said. I think it's unfair to make it seem like he's blaming women when it was very clear that he wasn't.


longtime lurker
07-28-2014, 09:01 PM
Stephen A Smith is an idiot. He should have just said that neither the man or woman has a right to put their hands on each other. Instead he pretty much blamed the victim. I see the ISH keyboard warriors are out in full force. ****ing I'm not surprised the posers on this site would act like tough guys

07-28-2014, 09:02 PM
Stephen A Smith is an idiot. He should have just said that neither the man or woman has a right to put their hands on each other. Instead he pretty much blamed the victim. I see the ISH keyboard warriors are out in full force. ****ing I'm not surprised the posers on this site would act like tough guys

Which posters are acting like tough guys in this thread?

07-28-2014, 09:07 PM
Stephen A. Smith is right on the money. Women are out of control. It all started when they were given rights. Time to put them back in their place.

longtime lurker
07-28-2014, 09:19 PM
Which posters are acting like tough guys in this thread?

You don't have to look that hard.

07-28-2014, 09:23 PM
I would love to domestic abuse stephen a smith

Im so nba'd out
07-28-2014, 09:24 PM
I grew up in a household where my Dad would hit my mother. There are a number of things she could have to done to "provoke" him that didn't include her hitting him. So I guess I can understand women or whoever being sensitive about the wording. But let's be honest, people had to have known what he was trying to say. It's like they heard the word "Provoke" and ignored everything else he said. I think it's unfair to make it seem like he's blaming women when it was very clear that he wasn't.

I've never seen you post before but just from your name im intrigued http://i.imgur.com/eFYug.gif

07-28-2014, 09:30 PM
Stephen A Smith is an idiot. He should have just said that neither the man or woman has a right to put their hands on each other. Instead he pretty much blamed the victim. I see the ISH keyboard warriors are out in full force. ****ing I'm not surprised the posers on this site would act like tough guys

Generally speaking, women are not victims. The majority of women are part of the problem. As children, they are taught it is okay to hit boys. Lots of women continue this into their adult life. Once the boys turned men realize they don't have to take this shit, justice is served.

07-28-2014, 09:41 PM
I've never seen you post before but just from your name im intrigued
Yeah, I don't hang around here that much anymore, but I come back every once in a while to get my ISH fix. :cheers:


07-28-2014, 09:49 PM
Cari Champion nipping in that apology video :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

07-28-2014, 10:03 PM
Stephen A. Smith is right on the money. Women are out of control. It all started when they were given rights. Time to put them back in their place.

^^^^ Probably a right-wing conservative.

They're they only ones who long for the days of 1855.

07-28-2014, 10:33 PM
both WOMEN ........AND .......... BLACK PEOPLE need to STOP making the whole world feal like criminals for having a differing opinion.

- freedom of speech
- freedom of thought
- freedom of religion
- freedom of choice

if none of these break the law or hurt anyone physically. then their choices should be respected. agreed with or not. inteligent or not.



You need to add white people to this list. Oh, and isn't your favorite human being black, dumbass?

07-28-2014, 11:21 PM
As an adult you can't hit other adults, it's called assault. So this thought that domestic abuse is simply because men can't hit women is stupid, because you can't hit men either.

Domestic abuse is basically battering your partner because as a woman she's too attached to you to just leave. It's not 1 time things that occur because she pushes your buttons. Not sure if most of you harping on this are just stupid or insecure.

07-28-2014, 11:21 PM
Stephen A Smith is an idiot. He should have just said that neither the man or woman has a right to put their hands on each other. Instead he pretty much blamed the victim. I see the ISH keyboard warriors are out in full force. ****ing I'm not surprised the posers on this site would act like tough guys
Tough guys who punch women.

07-28-2014, 11:33 PM
:facepalm this PC bullshit needs to die already. You should never hit another person, unless you are defending yourself..if it's an unavoidable case. I had a girl attack me. An ex. She was in the military and she was stronger than some guys. I didn't hit her but I had to immobilized. I had her on the ground and she couldn't do anything.

07-29-2014, 01:24 AM
Don't that dumb-ass know you can get away with murder, tax evasion, theft, and only God knows what else... But your ass better not say anything that can be construed as sexist against women or racist against blacks; or they will nail your ass to the wall... ya know, because of white mail privilege and patriarchy and all that stuff. :rolleyes:

07-29-2014, 01:30 AM
Bill Burr says it best:


07-29-2014, 01:32 AM
If I hit a man bigger than me and get my ass whooped then I have to suffer the consequences.

Yet for some reason women don't have to operate under this mindset. They can be as douchey as they want and not get knocked the fukk out :facepalm

07-29-2014, 01:38 AM
The thing with women is... just get on top of them and overpower them. Hell they may even get off on it submissive twats

07-29-2014, 01:43 AM
You don't have to look that hard.
Hate when people do that shit... just point them out. You are acting so bitchmade

07-29-2014, 02:05 AM
Skip's face is hilarious, he can see Stephen's career diminishing right before his eyes.

What is it with ESPN and dumb people. Last week Whitlock with stupid shit about Canada and now this.

And they thought Olbermann would be the wild card.:oldlol:

07-29-2014, 02:11 AM
He witnessed his sisters picking fights with their husbands. He said what he said. He ain't bothered. Stephen A is still ESPN's most charismatic employee.

07-29-2014, 06:43 AM
I worked as an MP in the Marine Corps for 6 years...

I saw dudes who got their asses wooped by chicks all the time.

07-29-2014, 06:50 AM
5'3" manlet's natural strength >>>>> 5'3" woman's.

Most 15 year old boys are stronger than your typical adult woman.

By that logic, it should be immoral for a typical Russian man to lay hands on a typical Asian man as well :confusedshrug:

07-29-2014, 06:54 AM
I worked as an MP in the Marine Corps for 6 years...

I saw dudes who got their asses wooped by chicks all the time.

Lotta guys don't know how to fight women because they were raised to not lay a hand on them. I can imagine having an uncomfortable time with it. I'm not gonna deck a girl in the face, i'd more have to restrain them which is annoying to do when anyone is trying to fight you.

07-29-2014, 07:03 AM
Lotta guys don't know how to fight women because they were raised to not lay a hand on them. I can imagine having an uncomfortable time with it. I'm not gonna deck a girl in the face, i'd more have to restrain them which is annoying to do when anyone is trying to fight you.
Girls can swing pans and bats just like guys can.

But you know we are all trained in hand to hand combat, some more than others if you choose to take advanced classes, and a lot of females would to prove their daddies that they could do it, which is why they joined the marine corps in the first place.

But whenever we showed up, we pretty much blamed the male for whatever issues they had no matter what. Part of the job even if I didn't agree with it.

07-29-2014, 07:18 AM
The problem is violence, wherever it comes from.

Being hit first, or being weaker than the victim, doesn't justify violence. It puts it in perspective, makes it easier to understand (violence in perceived retaliation of wrongs is inherently human), but doesn't justify it.

The problem is that people don't dissociate acts from the people who perform them. Because of this, there's a perception that the lists of actions that are considered "right" and "wrong" should be different if you're a man or a woman, white or black, rich or poor. It starts from innocent enough sentiments but it's also a dangerous mentality when taken to its logical conclusions.

There's a reason why we condemn violence, a very good reason. It has nothing to do with comparatively trivial matters like gender issues, and everything to do with the horrific consequences of letting violence run free in society.

07-29-2014, 08:17 AM
It's not what he said it's how he said it. Steven A. Smith usually is able to articulate his words carefully enough for the American public to correctly understand his point of view. In this case, he wasn't as smooth with it.

When you're on national television or anywhere in the public's eye, it's vital that you're able to properly communicate your ideas, especially, if you're discussing such a touchy subject as domestic violence.

In no way, shape, or form, is Steven A. Smith suggesting women deserve to get abused. As stated, the issue is how he used his words. The whole problem comes when he says the word provoke or provoked. He should have prefaced his comments by saying, "When I say provoked, I'm talking about physical contact."

Of course, by saying this, no one could argue that it's okay for a woman to hit a man and not expect retaliation.

I agree with Steven A. Smith. However, in this case, he didn't speak as articulate as he is cable of doing.

07-29-2014, 08:22 AM
Yeah only watched the original video and it is on point. Maybe Stephen A should stick to social commentary.

07-29-2014, 08:45 AM
You need to add white people to this list. Oh, and isn't your favorite human being black, dumbass?
White people were never historically a victim. Any white person would have no problem using a time machine.

07-29-2014, 09:35 AM
But whenever we showed up, we pretty much blamed the male for whatever issues they had no matter what. Part of the job even if I didn't agree with it.

My boy got the dogshit beat out of him by his wife and when he called the cops, they arrested him.


So even if a woman is domestically abusing you and you snitch, you're just going to mess up your own record. Best to just get your ass beat and keep your mouth shut as a man, I guess.


07-29-2014, 09:40 AM
I'll only consider the 1st video seriously. After this, feminism and PC once again took over, leading to a completely needless apology. :facepalm

I don't know what happened in this situation, so I won't comment on who's right and wrong. But it's not exactly a secret that men are generally treated as the disposable sex in most Western societies. Notice, I said "treated", not "considered", it's too politically incorrect to openly claim such a thing.

Domestic violence is almost equally initiated by men or women and is wrong regardless of gender. Arguments on strength are weak, since women are far more likely to attack on a man by using a weapon or tool, far more likely to ask for help by fellow men (and almost always receive it) and far more likely to try to harm him in subtle ways (e.g, try to poison him), plus, we all know that a man, if needed, would eagerly attack another man, regardless of their strength gap, because, deep inside, we know it's not the difference in strength that prevents men from attacking women, it's the male-to-female sexual attraction and protective instinct.
Protecting yourself is not a matter of comparative strength, it's a matter of human decency. No-one can put their hands on me or my dear ones (men and women) and not expect me to react negatively, if not violently. Male or female.

07-29-2014, 10:41 AM
White people were never historically a victim. Any white person would have no problem using a time machine.
Well, if you're talking about America, then sure. Even then it depends which white people.

You have to remember, America was a British colony, which even it's name is deceptive. It was not really the British empire, it was really the English empire. The Irish are just like any white person in America today, but historically with the British, the Irish were lower than blacks or Jews.

I also doubt any Bosnian would like to go back to 20 years ago.

World history isn't simply a matter of America or the last 200 years.

07-29-2014, 11:28 AM
I'll only consider the 1st video seriously. After this, feminism and PC once again took over, leading to a completely needless apology. :facepalm

I don't know what happened in this situation, so I won't comment on who's right and wrong. But it's not exactly a secret that men are generally treated as the disposable sex in most Western societies. Notice, I said "treated", not "considered", it's too politically incorrect to openly claim such a thing.

Domestic violence is almost equally initiated by men or women and is wrong regardless of gender. Arguments on strength are weak, since women are far more likely to attack on a man by using a weapon or tool, far more likely to ask for help by fellow men (and almost always receive it) and far more likely to try to harm him in subtle ways (e.g, try to poison him), plus, we all know that a man, if needed, would eagerly attack another man, regardless of their strength gap, because, deep inside, we know it's not the difference in strength that prevents men from attacking women, it's the male-to-female sexual attraction and protective instinct.
Protecting yourself is not a matter of comparative strength, it's a matter of human decency. No-one can put their hands on me or my dear ones (men and women) and not expect me to react negatively, if not violently. Male or female.

Ray Rice is a giant dude compared to his wife. They were in an elevator. She didn't have any weapons. Even if she slapped/punched him first...he's an NFL player and could easily grab her and prevent her from hitting him (if it even played out with her doing something first). Instead, he decides to clock her and knock her out cold.

But according to Stephen A, she shouldn't be provoking him. :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

07-29-2014, 11:51 AM
Ray Rice is a giant dude compared to his wife. They were in an elevator. She didn't have any weapons. Even if she slapped/punched him first...he's an NFL player and could easily grab her and prevent her from hitting him (if it even played out with her doing something first). Instead, he decides to clock her and knock her out cold.

But according to Stephen A, she shouldn't be provoking him. :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

Retaliation is wrong. So, it's punishable. It's not self defense.

But the provocation was wrong, as well. Just him being much bigger than her doesn't grant her any right to put her hands on him. Steven wasn't wrong on the provocation matter. Violence can escalate either with or without retaliation. If a weak person sees she/he is not able to cause much damage to a much bigger person, there is no guarantee at all that this fact alone will cause it to stop and start behaving reasonably.

07-29-2014, 12:06 PM
Retaliation is wrong. So, it's punishable. It's not self defense.

But the provocation was wrong, as well. Just him being much bigger than her doesn't grant her any right to put her hands on him. Steven wasn't wrong on the provocation matter. Violence can escalate either with or without retaliation. If a weak person sees she/he is not able to cause much damage to a much bigger person, there is no guarantee at all that this fact alone will cause it to stop and start behaving reasonably.
The problem here is that Stephen A has no knowledge of her actually provoking him or hitting him first. Very few people have seen the actual tape.

Regardless, it's not okay for a man to knock a woman out cold if she instigates it. That's just me though.

07-29-2014, 12:18 PM
I saw the comments many days ago and I thought he gave very solid advice. And that's that it's always best to try to defuse the situation, because by the time the cops, or his boys find out it would be too late and they won't be there to protect you. They would have already gotten beaten by the guy. It's the same type of advice that lets say the Gracie would give to someone who found themselves in a road rage type of confrontation with a strangers. Forget about your ego, or that the person said this or that, and just let it go.

If the woman has any sense after that, she would leave the guy.

He wasn't talking provoking saying things like, "If a woman wears a mini skirt (mini skirt) then it's her fault that she got raped." Which is how many in the public who doesn't know him took it. Miscommunication is horrifying.

07-29-2014, 12:44 PM
Regardless, it's not okay for a man to knock a woman out cold if she instigates it. That's just me though.
But muh equality! Why does gender make a difference?

07-29-2014, 02:52 PM
But muh equality! Why does gender make a difference?

Because no matter what men are stronger, taller, and faster than women. There will always be that difference. Of course there are cases where a woman is bigger or stronger but those cases are outliers. Let's not sit here and try to act like most men couldn't beat up most women. We know this to be true. That DOES NOT mean that you should do so if said woman is attacking you. Unless she's going to kill you, walk the f*ck away. If you can't be man enough to walk away, then call the police or have a friend come over and call. We as men have the power to do something physically but we have to be mentally strong enough not to hit back. That's real strength.

07-29-2014, 03:12 PM
Ray Rice is a giant dude compared to his wife. They were in an elevator. She didn't have any weapons. Even if she slapped/punched him first...he's an NFL player and could easily grab her and prevent her from hitting him (if it even played out with her doing something first). Instead, he decides to clock her and knock her out cold.

But according to Stephen A, she shouldn't be provoking him. :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

she SHOULDNT be provoking him.. for the exact same reasons you just mentioned beforehand :facepalm

"let me go ahead and hit my husband who is a brolic ass nfl player and trust that he wont just knock me the fck out"

07-29-2014, 03:14 PM
dont hit a bitch unless she the same size as you

07-29-2014, 03:51 PM
Because no matter what men are stronger, taller, and faster than women. There will always be that difference. Of course there are cases where a woman is bigger or stronger but those cases are outliers. Let's not sit here and try to act like most men couldn't beat up most women. We know this to be true. That DOES NOT mean that you should do so if said woman is attacking you. Unless she's going to kill you, walk the f*ck away. If you can't be man enough to walk away, then call the police or have a friend come over and call. We as men have the power to do something physically but we have to be mentally strong enough not to hit back. That's real strength.

So physical attributes like size/strength/speed are the reasons why men shouldn't hit women? Why even bring in gender then? If it is solely about physical attributes.

07-29-2014, 04:10 PM
dont hit a bitch unless she the same size as you

Even at similar sizes, the man will almost always be much stronger. Testosterone people, testosterone.

07-29-2014, 04:18 PM
Because no matter what men are stronger, taller, and faster than women. There will always be that difference. Of course there are cases where a woman is bigger or stronger but those cases are outliers. Let's not sit here and try to act like most men couldn't beat up most women. We know this to be true. That DOES NOT mean that you should do so if said woman is attacking you. Unless she's going to kill you, walk the f*ck away. If you can't be man enough to walk away, then call the police or have a friend come over and call. We as men have the power to do something physically but we have to be mentally strong enough not to hit back. That's real strength.

We, as humans, should be able to be mentally strong. Maybe you don't mean this, but implying a completely healthy group of people is mentally inferior and therefore irresponsible (ironically, doing so based on the other group's physical superiority), let alone a group as large as half the humanity, means to ask for trouble, sexism and confusion. Not to mention, women may not be physically as strong as men, but they are more than capable of dealing equally serious damage through the use of tools and weapons. We should not retaliate, not because "they are women", but because retaliation is usually a bad way of dealing with problems in general.
If you're not "able" to retaliate against a woman, but you happily do so against a man, even if he may not even be more dangerous, is not being mentally strong, it's being sexist.

Given the chance, since you mentioned "unless she's going to kill you": Someone who's going to kill another person is usually someone whose parents, friends and possibly society gave way too many chances of acting irresponsibly and dangerously, without ever facing any consequences. Teaching people, regardless of crap like gender and strength, how to act responsibly from a very young age, should be paid much more attention on, so as to limit the use of this "unless she's going to kill you", as if a human trying to kill others is only some kind of behavioral regression that we can do nothing to change.

07-29-2014, 05:13 PM
We, as humans, should be able to be mentally strong. Maybe you don't mean this, but implying a completely healthy group of people is mentally inferior and therefore irresponsible (ironically, doing so based on the other group's physical superiority), let alone a group as large as half the humanity, means to ask for trouble, sexism and confusion. Not to mention, women may not be physically as strong as men, but they are more than capable of dealing equally serious damage through the use of tools and weapons. We should not retaliate, not because "they are women", but because retaliation is usually a bad way of dealing with problems in general.
If you're not "able" to retaliate against a woman, but you happily do so against a man, even if he may not even be more dangerous, is not being mentally strong, it's being sexist.

Given the chance, since you mentioned "unless she's going to kill you": Someone who's going to kill another person is usually someone whose parents, friends and possibly society gave way too many chances of acting irresponsibly and dangerously, without ever facing any consequences. Teaching people, regardless of crap like gender and strength, how to act responsibly from a very young age, should be paid much more attention on, so as to limit the use of this "unless she's going to kill you", as if a human trying to kill others is only some kind of behavioral regression that we can do nothing to change.

You're going way beyond the scope of this argument. The fact of the matter is you should not hit back when someone of smaller stature is using PHYSICAL force. Weapons are another story. Gender is brought into the equation because women and men ARE different and always will be physically. Yes, we as humans should teach our children to act more responsibly in stressful situations but that goes without saying.

07-29-2014, 05:16 PM
Just ask yourself, if a man punched your wife/girlfriend/mother instead of your brother/father (in terms of domestic abuse for the women, and maybe a bar fight for the men), wouldn't it be different?

People always talk about what being a man is about. Well, **** being a man is about walking away and being the bigger person rather than knocking out your spouse cold.

07-29-2014, 05:30 PM
they got this ni99a tap dancing


07-29-2014, 05:33 PM
The problem here is that Stephen A has no knowledge of her actually provoking him or hitting him first. Very few people have seen the actual tape.

Regardless, it's not okay for a man to knock a woman out cold if she instigates it. That's just me though.
Legally it's not. There's a limit to the amount of force you can use when defending yourself. If someone half your size slaps you, you can't turn around and beat them to death. That's excessive force.

What Ray Rice did was excessive and that's why this is such a big deal

07-29-2014, 05:34 PM
Legally it's not. There's a limit to the amount of force you can use when defending yourself. If someone half your size slaps you, you can't turn around and beat them to death. That's excessive force.

What Ray Rice did was excessive and that's why this is such a big deal

But we don't know what she did to him in the elevator, do we? Has that video been released?

07-29-2014, 05:48 PM
But we don't know what she did to him in the elevator, do we? Has that video been released?
If she was pulling that Solange shit on him, I see nothing wrong with giving her a punch. If it happens to knock her out, that's unfortunate but ultimately her own fault. The idea that you should be able to physically attack somebody and that their hands should be tied to get you to fcuk off is something only an idiot would subscribe to.

If a woman just slaps you, ok. But if shes going in and just swinging with no sign that it will stop, then you gotta get her off of you. I'd slap her in the face to send her a message that I'm not just gonna stand here and be attacked. I actually wouldn't push her because if you push a woman ESPECIALLY if she's wearing high heels, she can easily fall over and could really get hurt. She could hit her head or fall on her back wrong. I'd rather just smack her than risk actually hurting her.

Remember too. Women don't hit men that they think there is any possibility of getting hit back. Women need to stop being told that they can NEVER be hit by a man. If a woman is attacking a man, he doesn't want to hit her. Don't put him in the situation where he has to hit you to get you off of him.

All that being said. We don't know what happened. Maybe she attacked him, maybe she did nothing at all. We don't know.

07-29-2014, 06:48 PM
Stephen A suspended for a week. What a joke. :facepalm

07-29-2014, 06:54 PM

07-29-2014, 06:56 PM
I wish Michelle Beadle would 'provoke' AJ Lee again.

07-29-2014, 06:59 PM
I wish Michelle Beadle would 'provoke' AJ Lee again.

I just told her stupid a$$ on twitter to GET OVER IT

07-29-2014, 07:04 PM
There's a lot of immature idiots on this board, full of false machismo and blathering right wing nonsense. If you were raised properly, you were told never to hit a woman. There would be exceptions to the rule, such as she actually poses a danger. But just being provoked? No, you don't do it. Restrain her if you have to go that far. Or walk away. But you don't hit a woman.

07-29-2014, 07:06 PM
There's a lot of immature idiots on this board, full of false machismo and blathering right wing nonsense. If you were raised properly, you were told never to hit a woman. There would be exceptions to the rule, such as she actually poses a danger. But just being provoked? No, you don't do it. Restrain her if you have to go that far. Or walk away. But you don't hit a woman.

I see a guy punch a woman in the mouth because she hit him in the head with a bottle

And yes she deserved it

07-29-2014, 07:09 PM
There's a lot of immature idiots on this board, full of false machismo and blathering right wing nonsense. If you were raised properly, you were told never to hit a woman. There would be exceptions to the rule, such as she actually poses a danger. But just being provoked? No, you don't do it. Restrain her if you have to go that far. Or walk away. But you don't hit a woman.
Of course you don't just hit a woman because she's "mouthing off" or something.

Hey Yo
07-29-2014, 07:15 PM
I just told her stupid a$$ on twitter to GET OVER IT
I'm sure she'll now have trouble sleeping tonight.

07-29-2014, 07:22 PM
Stephen A suspended for a week. What a joke. :facepalm
He did nothing wrong. It was obvious what he meant and he even apologized for people taking his statements the wrong way. :facepalm

07-29-2014, 07:26 PM
Because no matter what men are stronger, taller, and faster than women. There will always be that difference. Of course there are cases where a woman is bigger or stronger but those cases are outliers. Let's not sit here and try to act like most men couldn't beat up most women.

So a 6'3" bodybuilder should not swing back at a 5'5" skinnyfat dude ever by this logic, even if the small dude is calling him a giant roiding c0cksucking fakit with a small d.

"Those cases are outliers" uh 12% of men (in the US) are below 5'5", the average female height. That's about 39.6 million men who are shorter than the average women. Yeah, I understand your basic premise but ~40 million people is not insignificant.

And flipping the tables, does that mean a weak, unathletic guy under 6'2" has the right to swing at Maria Sharapova or Venus Williams? They are 6'2"/6'1" and professional athletes, and tennis players do incorporate strength training into their regimen. So a skinny 130lb 5'6" nerd who struggles to open a glass jar should have the right to hit 6'1", 165lb Venus Williams according to this logic, and the women should not retaliate?

And yes, Venus is stronger than a 130lb nerd.

07-29-2014, 07:30 PM

Whoppi Goldberg keepin it real. Mad respect. :applause:

07-29-2014, 07:31 PM
Lol ESPN is such a joke.

The media is liberal as hell.

07-29-2014, 07:32 PM
Men should not hit women.

Women should not hit men because things like this can happen. You get knocked out.

Lets not act like us men go around beating our significant other.

07-29-2014, 07:36 PM
If she was pulling that Solange shit on him, I see nothing wrong with giving her a punch. If it happens to knock her out, that's unfortunate but ultimately her own fault. The idea that you should be able to physically attack somebody and that their hands should be tied to get you to fcuk off is something only an idiot would subscribe to.

If a woman just slaps you, ok. But if shes going in and just swinging with no sign that it will stop, then you gotta get her off of you. I'd slap her in the face to send her a message that I'm not just gonna stand here and be attacked. I actually wouldn't push her because if you push a woman ESPECIALLY if she's wearing high heels, she can easily fall over and could really get hurt. She could hit her head or fall on her back wrong. I'd rather just smack her than risk actually hurting her.

Remember too. Women don't hit men that they think there is any possibility of getting hit back. Women need to stop being told that they can NEVER be hit by a man. If a woman is attacking a man, he doesn't want to hit her. Don't put him in the situation where he has to hit you to get you off of him.

All that being said. We don't know what happened. Maybe she attacked him, maybe she did nothing at all. We don't know.

well said

07-29-2014, 07:36 PM

Whoppi Goldberg keepin it real. Mad respect. :applause:

Jesus christ, the women surrounding her on that show sounded like such cvnts..... All interrupting Whoopi and saying stupid shit like...

"Unless your life is in jeopardy, you can NEVER hit a woman..."

"I've tried a lot of domestic violence cases and men cannot hit women period! Ever!"

That shit actually made me rage.

07-29-2014, 07:37 PM
I'm sure she'll now have trouble sleeping tonight.

I would still f*ck her though, real rap :roll: :roll:

07-29-2014, 07:47 PM
Somewhere, Sean Connery is smiling (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo0d1zTAFKA)

Da Hammer
07-29-2014, 07:47 PM
What's that quote of that one bus driver that hit that black girl riding the bus because she was mouthing off/hitting him I believe. Forgot the exact scenario but he told her "act like a man, get treated like a man". And it's true. Now I don't condone a guy hitting a girl for cussing him out but if the girl start to use physical violence well then all bets are off.

07-29-2014, 07:51 PM

Whoppi Goldberg keepin it real. Mad respect. :applause:
"That's blaming the victim"
Lol she ain't the victim if the bitch is the aggressor you dumb cvnt

07-29-2014, 07:56 PM
So a 6'3" bodybuilder should not swing back at a 5'5" skinnyfat dude ever by this logic, even if the small dude is calling him a giant roiding c0cksucking fakit with a small d.

"Those cases are outliers" uh 12% of men (in the US) are below 5'5", the average female height. That's about 39.6 million men who are shorter than the average women. Yeah, I understand your basic premise but ~40 million people is not insignificant.

And flipping the tables, does that mean a weak, unathletic guy under 6'2" has the right to swing at Maria Sharapova or Venus Williams? They are 6'2"/6'1" and professional athletes, and tennis players do incorporate strength training into their regimen. So a skinny 130lb 5'6" nerd who struggles to open a glass jar should have the right to hit 6'1", 165lb Venus Williams according to this logic, and the women should not retaliate?

And yes, Venus is stronger than a 130lb nerd.

biology class fail right here.

Being taller and weighing more =/= automatically stronger, especially if we're comparing men vs women.

Funny, I just saw a skinny dude bench 60 lbs dumbells. I doubt Venus could do that.

07-29-2014, 08:02 PM

Whoppi Goldberg keepin it real. Mad respect. :applause:

:applause: Dumb bitch on the far right was so annoying.

07-29-2014, 08:17 PM
If a girl yelling at you can make you beat her up you are probably a weak mother****er. If she is hitting you etc then she's probably got it coming.

Reading this thread you would think every case of domestic violence in the history of the world was the girls fault. There are plenty of shit men out there who do it regardless of provocation, don't ****en kid yourselves.

The Genius
07-29-2014, 08:21 PM
Whoopi Goldberg made excuses for Polanski raping that kid. Her opinion on anything should be disregarded immediately.

longtime lurker
07-29-2014, 08:38 PM
There's a lot of immature idiots on this board, full of false machismo and blathering right wing nonsense. If you were raised properly, you were told never to hit a woman. There would be exceptions to the rule, such as she actually poses a danger. But just being provoked? No, you don't do it. Restrain her if you have to go that far. Or walk away. But you don't hit a woman.

This board is full of socially awkward repressed individuals. They say the garbage on here that they're too weak to say in real life. It's remarkable that they can't distinguish between knocking the fvck out of a woman like Ray Rice did and restraining a woman when you're attacked. Jay-z pretty much showed the reaction when to take when attacked and he ended up coming out respectable while Solange looked like a crazed looney.

07-29-2014, 08:53 PM
I won't hit a woman but I'll slap a bitch

07-29-2014, 08:57 PM
This board is full of socially awkward repressed individuals. They say the garbage on here that they're too weak to say in real life. It's remarkable that they can't distinguish between knocking the fvck out of a woman like Ray Rice did and restraining a woman when you're attacked. Jay-z pretty much showed the reaction when to take when attacked and he ended up coming out respectable while Solange looked like a crazed looney.

Not only that but the bothersome thing to me is that the general consensus here is that most guys are just minding their own business while the woman is "provoking" them.

07-29-2014, 09:07 PM
This board is full of socially awkward repressed individuals. They say the garbage on here that they're too weak to say in real life. It's remarkable that they can't distinguish between knocking the fvck out of a woman like Ray Rice did and restraining a woman when you're attacked. Jay-z pretty much showed the reaction when to take when attacked and he ended up coming out respectable while Solange looked like a crazed looney.

People on this board are just a bunch of *******. They are arguing for the right to defend themselves when woman are beating them up. They want to be allowed to beat up women. And for it to be understood, that they are too weak to hold a women back, they need to PUNCH her.

I don't get it.

07-29-2014, 09:24 PM
This board is full of socially awkward repressed individuals. They say the garbage on here that they're too weak to say in real life. It's remarkable that they can't distinguish between knocking the fvck out of a woman like Ray Rice did and restraining a woman when you're attacked. Jay-z pretty much showed the reaction when to take when attacked and he ended up coming out respectable while Solange looked like a crazed looney.
Jay Z came out as a bitch ass ***** :roll:

07-29-2014, 09:27 PM
This board is full of socially awkward repressed individuals. They say the garbage on here that they're too weak to say in real life. It's remarkable that they can't distinguish between knocking the fvck out of a woman like Ray Rice did and restraining a woman when you're attacked. Jay-z pretty much showed the reaction when to take when attacked and he ended up coming out respectable while Solange looked like a crazed looney.
you're a moron if you think Jay-Z did the right thing. I would have knocked that stupid bitch unconscious.

longtime lurker
07-29-2014, 09:38 PM
you're a moron if you think Jay-Z did the right thing. I would have knocked that stupid bitch unconscious.

With your girlish figure and weakling arms she'd have the upper hand

07-29-2014, 09:41 PM
With your girlish figure and weakling arms she'd have the upper hand
Nah bruh. I'd knock a bitch out.

07-29-2014, 09:42 PM
F*ck women who do that and f*ck ESPN for making Stephen A apologize.

"You don't ever hit a woman" is bullshit.

07-29-2014, 09:57 PM
F*ck women who do that and f*ck ESPN for making Stephen A apologize.

"You don't ever hit a woman" is bullshit.
Seriously, you act like a man, you get treated as one

07-29-2014, 10:28 PM
What's that quote of that one bus driver that hit that black girl riding the bus because she was mouthing off/hitting him I believe. Forgot the exact scenario but he told her "act like a man, get treated like a man". And it's true. Now I don't condone a guy hitting a girl for cussing him out but if the girl start to use physical violence well then all bets are off.
Yup and that video with the bus driver, you gotta love how people just start screaming DATS A FEMALE!! How come nobody no was screaming DATS A MALE! when she was assaulting him?

As I said, if a woman dosen't want to get her teeth knocked down her throat then she shouldn't assault others. Just because "hurr imma gurl" doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want without consequence.

07-29-2014, 10:33 PM
Lol @ all the beta male comments. You all look so edgy an tough, fantasizing about beating on girls.

07-29-2014, 10:40 PM
What makes it any less okay to hit a woman over a man? If you say that a woman is physically inferior, you're being sexist. What if a bodybuilder woman came up to an obese, nonathletic male and assaulted him? Would the situation still be worse if the genders were reversed? I thought people wanted equal rights, not a matriarchy. I thought that's what feminism was all about. Society has to give up these stone age ideas Women are NOT children, they are adults and should be treated in the same way as men are, in every way. Adults should understand that for actions there are consequences, if they strike another another adult they should be struck back, regardless of gender, that is only fair. Physical strength does not come into it, it comes down to right and wrong. Is it okay for me to assault a UFC fighter and say "you can't hit me back because I'm weaker than you?" I am not saying that a man should use all his force, it is unlikely the women did and he should not lose control. Lethal or severe attack is not justified by non-lethal, non-severe attack. If the man is mortally wounded then yes, lethal attack on the women is justified or if she points a gun at him with the intent to kill or threaten he should have every right to kill her. This all can be reversed and applies to all adults regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation, bottom line is ones actions lead to consequences and women, just like men are adults who need to be responsible for their own actions.

longtime lurker
07-29-2014, 10:43 PM
Lol @ all the beta male comments. You all look so edgy an tough, fantasizing about beating on girls.

This. Anytime their masculinity is threatened their only response is to beat on a woman.

07-29-2014, 10:46 PM
Lol @ all the beta male comments. You all look so edgy an tough, fantasizing about beating on girls.
http://m.quickmeme.com/img/ab/abb5225a0cbea0c1bc370168574dea4f9be8a30b9b3d9ee34e 58cf35a3583cdc.jpg

07-29-2014, 10:52 PM
Lol @ all the beta male comments. You all look so edgy an tough, fantasizing about beating on girls.
And your being a white knight

Omega bitch :oldlol:

07-29-2014, 11:18 PM
http://m.quickmeme.com/img/ab/abb5225a0cbea0c1bc370168574dea4f9be8a30b9b3d9ee34e 58cf35a3583cdc.jpg

And you'll "kick their teeth in".

Me > you

07-29-2014, 11:25 PM
As I said, if a woman dosen't want to get her teeth knocked down her throat then she shouldn't assault others. Just because "hurr imma gurl" doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want without consequence.
these retarded white knights dont understand this. there shouldnt be any physical altercation initiated by neither men nor women. but dont cry when you get put to sleep for starting shit

07-29-2014, 11:54 PM
There's a lot of immature idiots on this board, full of false machismo and blathering right wing nonsense. If you were raised properly, you were told never to hit a woman. There would be exceptions to the rule, such as she actually poses a danger. But just being provoked? No, you don't do it. Restrain her if you have to go that far. Or walk away. But you don't hit a woman.

1) You realize restraining her can leave bruises and scratches right? You also realize that some women aren't "little tiny princesses" Right? Some of them are surprisingly strong, especially when the their blood is boiling. A evil female will say you attacked her if you "restrain" her.

2) If you walk or run away she blocks the door and starts hitting you and won't move. What do you do? How are you not going to not leave a mark? Is it ok to push her? Would you call this being "provoked"?

Bottomline is women play a part in domestic violence too. They can provoke. They can start things by being physical first. And they can be evil. All Stephen A was saying was that women need to be accountable for the part they play and don't do things that will get them socked up.

07-29-2014, 11:56 PM
http://m.quickmeme.com/img/ab/abb5225a0cbea0c1bc370168574dea4f9be8a30b9b3d9ee34e 58cf35a3583cdc.jpg


07-30-2014, 03:31 AM
Nah bruh. I'd knock a bitch out.
LOL your parents wont even let you out the house.... :roll: didnt you say your 5"9" 135lbs? You skinny midget

07-30-2014, 03:32 AM
http://m.quickmeme.com/img/ab/abb5225a0cbea0c1bc370168574dea4f9be8a30b9b3d9ee34e 58cf35a3583cdc.jpg

07-30-2014, 03:41 AM
not sure if this was posted.

#ViolenceIsViolence: Domestic abuse advert Mankind


Bill Burr: "There is NO reason to hit a woman!" :oldlol:

07-30-2014, 05:49 AM
And you'll "kick their teeth in". http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/120/f/2/here_he_comes_to_save_the_day____mighty_mouse_by_c olorfulartist86-d63lgzs.png

07-30-2014, 08:09 AM

07-30-2014, 08:23 AM
I think all men should unite, stop fighting each other........and direct all our anger and hate towards women........99% of the time they are the reason for the anger anyway..........let