View Full Version : One of the greatest threats to mankind is at our doorstep

08-01-2014, 11:57 PM
and no thread on the Ebola outbreak?

watch this first:


Its the deadliest strain of Ebola yet. over 1300 people have already died.

There is no cure for it other than feeding the infected with intravenous fluids and hoping after a few weeks their body fights it off.

it has a 50-90% mortality rate...in other words it kills most people who become infected.

It is HIGHLY contagious. You can get it from any transfer of bodily fluids which apparently includes sneezing, touching, coughing, etc....and i wonder if mosquitos can transfer the disease although there has been no mention of that.

The top Ebola Doctor helping to cure patients in Africa contracted the disease and now has died. 2 American Doctors have contracted the disease and are in serious condition which is getting worse. They are being flown to Emory hospital(Atlantia, GA) in the United States which is one of four unique containment facilities in the country, which will be the first case of Ebola here on our soil apparently.

This is all happening extremely fast. Apparently the decision to send the doctors back home to America was made by a missionary group called Samaritans Purse led by Billy Graham's son, Franklin Graham


Oddly enough there isn't anyone speaking up against it or questioning their decision but media and people that i've seen. You'd think some politicians would have said something by now.

IMO the doctors are downplaying how contagious it is. It does not add up how they are pretending its very controllable and yet over a 1000 people have contracted it, including the head doctor in Liberia, along with 2 American doctors. over 1300 people have died...that is something that sounds much more dangerous than their pretension it can be controlled.

With that said i'm okay with the doctors being flown here, and taking that risk for 2 people....but i do think the doctors are downplaying, borderline lying to the public to prevent hysteria of how easily contagious it is. It just doesn't add up with how the CDC and the missionaries are trying to alleviate the public's concern when you know how many people have caught it, including doctors who are taking precautions.

Its dumbfounding to me this missionary group is able to even make the call to fly them here without higher authorities stepping in, or some politicians voicing some concern there.

I don't blame people for being worried, this shit is as close to the movies of Outbreak, Planet of the Apes virus, etc. type stuff we've ever had....and its coming to our backyard. If it does start jumping around wash your hands, don't touch stuff other people did, and maybe start wearing those masks the chinese are always wearing because this shit is real :coleman:

08-02-2014, 12:01 AM
I don't wish death on people, but the world will find out ways to fight off things that hurt it. That thing being us.

08-02-2014, 12:03 AM
thats ****ing scary wtf

08-02-2014, 12:04 AM
It's actually important that outbreaks like Ebola occur in order to provide a check on rampant overopulation.

The greatest tragedy of modern medicine is that it is so effective it prevents the natural order of the world from functioning.

08-02-2014, 12:06 AM
:biggums: Why take the victims from Africa to America and Europe?

Haven't these people ever played Pandemic? You're supposed to close the ports when this shit happens. Instead they're bringing the deathly plague closer to the rest of us

08-02-2014, 12:30 AM
It's actually important that outbreaks like Ebola occur in order to provide a check on rampant overopulation.

The greatest tragedy of modern medicine is that it is so effective it prevents the natural order of the world from functioning.
Should start with you.

08-02-2014, 01:05 AM
Should start with you.

But I am a beautiful snowflake.

08-02-2014, 01:15 AM
Its a conspiracy I tells ya

08-02-2014, 02:53 AM
:biggums: Why take the victims from Africa to America and Europe?

Haven't these people ever played Pandemic? You're supposed to close the ports when this shit happens. Instead they're bringing the deathly plague closer to the rest of us

I'm bolting for Madagascar before they shut down everything.

Nick Young
08-02-2014, 06:03 AM
some asshole moron refuge from west africa gonna bring it over to UK and USA and kill us all:facepalm

I've been scared of ebola my whole life ever since i learned about it when I was 6. Now it is coming back. I think this will be the next bubonic plague and wipe out a good percentage of the population. Hope I can live through it.

08-02-2014, 06:08 AM
some asshole moron refuge from west africa gonna bring it over to UK and USA and kill us all:facepalm

I've been scared of ebola my whole life ever since i learned about it when I was 6. Now it is coming back. I think this will be the next bubonic plague and wipe out a good percentage of the population. Hope I can live through it.

calm down:lol

08-02-2014, 06:11 AM
Ebola has been around for a long time. Troll thread.

08-02-2014, 06:31 AM
Ebola poses little threat to the United States


Dr. Thomas Frieden Director of the CDC


08-02-2014, 08:40 AM
You guys probably thought swine flu would kill us all too huh? :lol

08-02-2014, 09:05 AM
i think humans are taking an L this time. it will spread greatly. mostly africa and some parts of europe. we will even see it in a isolated portion of the east coast.

08-02-2014, 09:15 AM
Ebola poses little threat to the United States


Dr. Thomas Frieden Director of the CDC

"“It is not a potential of Ebola spreading widely in the U.S. That is not in the cards,”

As for Ebola coming to the U.S., Frieden is not overly worried.

“We have quarantine stations at all the major ports of entry,” he said. People cannot transmit Ebola to others unless they are sick, and Ebola makes you so sick that it’s pretty obvious pretty quickly, Frieden said. A traveler will be flagged by the flight crew and if someone gets sick after arrival in the U.S. they will almost certainly seek medical care.

“Ebola poses little risk to the U.S. general population,” Frieden said. “Ebola is spread as people get sicker and sicker. They have fever and may develop serious symptoms.” Ebola doesn’t spread through the air like measles. People who get sick are family members or healthcare workers in prolonged and close contact with victims."

i don't really believe the CDC 100%. its in their best interest to downplay the contagion to prevent mass hysteria. it makes a lot of sense they would. I'm sure that is their protocol when something like this occurs.

If you watch that CNN interview the way he acts confident of being able to contain it and take proper precautions does not go hand in hand with the spread of it, and 3 doctors who were taking precautions infected. At least i don't think his tone and what he said lines up with recalling aid workers, it being out of control over there, and mostly 3 doctors who were very aware of how it is spread since one was the head doctor in Liberia catching it. It just doesn't add up to me. I need more specificity in terms of "working closely" vs "exchange of bodily fluids"...oddly enough i can't find anything on how they caught it. Maybe they're not even sure yet...i don't know :confusedshrug:

i mean i'm okay with just 2 doctors coming back with it and being quarantined, i'm not panicking too much yet, a bit worried but thats as far as it goes right now. I am skeptical of everything the CDC is saying. i think they're very courageous doctors who do that stuff without getting paid, and to go treat Ebola of all things for free knowing there is no cure is some crazy shit i can't fathom. so i'm okay with that for them 2...just worried like i said since the CDC's reassurances don't add up IMO. Sanjay Gupta seems rather worried as well and he's like our surgeon general isn't he?

08-02-2014, 09:20 AM
You guys probably thought swine flu would kill us all too huh? :lol


08-02-2014, 09:24 AM
It's actually important that outbreaks like Ebola occur in order to provide a check on rampant overopulation.

The greatest tragedy of modern medicine is that it is so effective it prevents the natural order of the world from functioning.

if it's not ebola, some worse shit will come up in the next decade

it has been long overdue

08-02-2014, 09:38 AM
Ebola doesn't spread like that. Part of the reason it spreads in africa is it's poor, it's dirty, people are malnutritioned. That's not the case here.

08-02-2014, 09:45 AM
Atlanta (CNN) -- Ebola is brutal. Those afflicted often bleed uncontrollably, vomit profusely, lose function of their kidneys and other organs, and -- in over half the cases recently in West Africa -- die.

So faced with the prospect of coming face-to-face with this terrible illness at their Atlanta hospital, where its first documented Ebola cases ever are soon set to arrive, what did two nurses do?

They canceled their vacation.

"They said, 'We have been training for this,'" Dr. Bruce Ribner, who heads the Emory University Hospital unit where the two Americans with Ebola will be treated, told CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta -- himself a neurosurgery professor at Emory. "'We are not going to miss this opportunity to care for this patient."
Ebola patients to be treated in the U.S.
CDC: Ebola is not a huge risk for U.S.
Why no cure or prevention for Ebola?

Online and on street corners, in homes and in businesses, the idea of purposefully bringing Ebola into the United States has rattled the nerves of many.

Ebola coming to U.S. for first time

There is lots of evidence of this sentiment on Twitter, where some opined that "we're being very foolish" -- and that's one of the kinder remarks.

"Why willingly bring infected ebola victims to this country?" wrote one woman. "Why purposely spread the infection?"

But you won't hear that kind of thing at Emory University Hospital. According to Ribner, it's been just the opposite.

"As I came in this morning, I had people congratulating us for accepting these patients."

They know how the virus spreads

Yes, Ebola in the United States is unprecedented. But that doesn't mean experts don't know anything about it.

Talking to reporters Friday, Ribner said that Ebola spreads much like HIV, Hepatitis B or C -- through the transmission of bodily fluids, not by simply being in the same room as someone infected.

It's not like someone is contagious the second they are infected. The virus doesn't spread until that person shows symptoms, which typically takes two to 21 days, according to the World Health Organization.

Those working at Emory also can take comfort in that they have a unique place -- one of only four such facilities in the United States, according to Ribner -- to treat such a contagious disease.

What you need to know

The isolation unit was created 12 years ago in conjunction with experts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is based down the street. It features "special air handling," strict protocols on everything and everyone who goes in and out of a patient's room, and other measures to ensure that any potential dangers are contained.
Tracking Ebola patient's journey to U.S.
Son of American battling Ebola speaks out

Everything is thought out, right down to how visitors can interact with patients. They can be within 1 to 2 inches of each other, looking through a plate-glass window and talking through an intercom.

It's a unique facility that's rarely used.

Ribner said it was last activated a couple of years ago, when someone came from Angola amid a Marburg virus outbreak.

"It's kind of like an insurance policy," the Emory physician said. "You can complain about the fact that you didn't collect on your ... policy or you can say -- as in this case -- 'Boy, we're lucky we've been supporting you all these years because now we really need you.' And it would be really challenging to develop this on the fly."

Giving the body a chance to fight back

The renowned hospital's wide variety of tools will be put to ample use given how Ebola -- without the existence of any FDA-approved treatments -- will be addressed at Emory: using what Ribner calls "supportive care." That means carefully tracking a patient's symptoms, vital signs and organ function and taking measures, such as blood transfusions and dialysis, to keep him or her as stable as possible.

"We just have to keep the patient alive long enough in order for the body to control this infection," Ribner explained.

What the Emory doctor doesn't have, as American patients Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly arrive for treatment at his hospital, is hesitation or trepidation. Ribner told reporters he has "no concerns" about his health or that of his colleagues.

Another person who also didn't express any worry was Ribner's wife.

"My wife knew when she was getting into when she married an infectious disease doctor... It went fine," he said of his conversation with his wife. "She said, 'Great, that's what you've been dreaming for 12 years.'"


08-02-2014, 09:50 AM
You guys probably thought swine flu would kill us all too huh? :lol


Godzuki is nothing more than a propagandist. You have to be an idiot to fall for this sh*t over and over again. I'll take it seriously when the kid down my street gets it, as is, the media has a tendency to over blow sh*t like this. Godzuki falling for it hook, line, and sinker like the tool he is.

08-02-2014, 09:52 AM
Whoa Rambo being right? :eek: :eek: :eek:

08-02-2014, 09:53 AM
Atlanta (CNN) -- Ebola is brutal. Those afflicted often bleed uncontrollably, vomit profusely, lose function of their kidneys and other organs, and -- in over half the cases recently in West Africa -- die.

So faced with the prospect of coming face-to-face with this terrible illness at their Atlanta hospital, where its first documented Ebola cases ever are soon set to arrive, what did two nurses do?

They canceled their vacation.

"They said, 'We have been training for this,'" Dr. Bruce Ribner, who heads the Emory University Hospital unit where the two Americans with Ebola will be treated, told CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta -- himself a neurosurgery professor at Emory. "'We are not going to miss this opportunity to care for this patient."
Ebola patients to be treated in the U.S.
CDC: Ebola is not a huge risk for U.S.
Why no cure or prevention for Ebola?

Online and on street corners, in homes and in businesses, the idea of purposefully bringing Ebola into the United States has rattled the nerves of many.

Ebola coming to U.S. for first time

There is lots of evidence of this sentiment on Twitter, where some opined that "we're being very foolish" -- and that's one of the kinder remarks.

"Why willingly bring infected ebola victims to this country?" wrote one woman. "Why purposely spread the infection?"

But you won't hear that kind of thing at Emory University Hospital. According to Ribner, it's been just the opposite.

"As I came in this morning, I had people congratulating us for accepting these patients."

They know how the virus spreads

Yes, Ebola in the United States is unprecedented. But that doesn't mean experts don't know anything about it.

Talking to reporters Friday, Ribner said that Ebola spreads much like HIV, Hepatitis B or C -- through the transmission of bodily fluids, not by simply being in the same room as someone infected.

It's not like someone is contagious the second they are infected. The virus doesn't spread until that person shows symptoms, which typically takes two to 21 days, according to the World Health Organization.

Those working at Emory also can take comfort in that they have a unique place -- one of only four such facilities in the United States, according to Ribner -- to treat such a contagious disease.

What you need to know

The isolation unit was created 12 years ago in conjunction with experts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is based down the street. It features "special air handling," strict protocols on everything and everyone who goes in and out of a patient's room, and other measures to ensure that any potential dangers are contained.
Tracking Ebola patient's journey to U.S.
Son of American battling Ebola speaks out

Everything is thought out, right down to how visitors can interact with patients. They can be within 1 to 2 inches of each other, looking through a plate-glass window and talking through an intercom.

It's a unique facility that's rarely used.

Ribner said it was last activated a couple of years ago, when someone came from Angola amid a Marburg virus outbreak.

"It's kind of like an insurance policy," the Emory physician said. "You can complain about the fact that you didn't collect on your ... policy or you can say -- as in this case -- 'Boy, we're lucky we've been supporting you all these years because now we really need you.' And it would be really challenging to develop this on the fly."

Giving the body a chance to fight back

The renowned hospital's wide variety of tools will be put to ample use given how Ebola -- without the existence of any FDA-approved treatments -- will be addressed at Emory: using what Ribner calls "supportive care." That means carefully tracking a patient's symptoms, vital signs and organ function and taking measures, such as blood transfusions and dialysis, to keep him or her as stable as possible.

"We just have to keep the patient alive long enough in order for the body to control this infection," Ribner explained.

What the Emory doctor doesn't have, as American patients Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly arrive for treatment at his hospital, is hesitation or trepidation. Ribner told reporters he has "no concerns" about his health or that of his colleagues.

Another person who also didn't express any worry was Ribner's wife.

"My wife knew when she was getting into when she married an infectious disease doctor... It went fine," he said of his conversation with his wife. "She said, 'Great, that's what you've been dreaming for 12 years.'"


Well don't f*ckin go to Africa. Problem solve. A few people already sick doesn't mean it's an epidemic. This sh*t has been going on for years, so why all of a sudden are we freakin out over it now?

08-02-2014, 09:55 AM
Whoa Rambo being right? :eek: :eek: :eek:

The f*ck are you talking about? I'm always right. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm not right.

Name a time I've been wrong. This way I can bomb the thread and talk about something else.

08-02-2014, 09:57 AM
Sorry brother, I ain't taking the bait. Good luck though.

08-02-2014, 09:59 AM
You guys probably thought swine flu would kill us all too huh? :lol

And bird flu and SARS and west nile

08-02-2014, 10:00 AM
Whoa Rambo being right? :eek: :eek: :eek:


kind of like Republicans being right when/if the U.S. collapses and gold becomes the exchange...in the next 10000 years~

meanwhile they're wrong 99.9% of the time

08-02-2014, 10:03 AM
The f*ck are you talking about? I'm always right. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm not right.

Name a time I've been wrong. This way I can bomb the thread and talk about something else.

u make me laff so much, its hilarious how much u believe you're right too, and everyone just isn't as aware or smart as you...that mindset is what makes me laff the most about you, especially with some of the most ridiculous shit :roll: :roll: :roll:

i mean i've seen plenty of internet conspiracy theorists but you're at the top of the tippy tippy top, i'm not even hating its funny at this poinnt :applause:

08-02-2014, 10:05 AM
And bird flu and SARS and west nile

i'd be more worried about infectious diseases than the next world war personally....

and this Ebola is no joke. also they adapt, and there are different strains..this ebola strain being the deadlieest yet. so its not all the same.

08-02-2014, 10:07 AM
u make me laff so much, its hilarious how much u believe you're right too, and everyone just isn't as aware or smart as you...that mindset is what makes me laff the most about you, especially with some of the most ridiculous shit :roll: :roll: :roll:

i mean i've seen plenty of internet conspiracy theorists but you're at the top of the tippy tippy top, i'm not even hating its funny at this poinnt :applause:

You are a tool. This thread is evident of it. I bet you were one of those idiots hiding in a bomb shelter during Y2K. I believe absolutely nothing the media says. It is agenda driven; it's sole purpose is to manipulate your perception to be fearful, hateful, and warlike. Call me a conspiracy nut all you want, at least I'm not the one dumb enough to fall for this sh*t.

08-02-2014, 10:08 AM
You are a tool. This thread is evident of it. I bet you were one of those idiots hiding in a bomb shelter during Y2K. I believe absolutely nothing the media says. It is agenda driven; it's sole purpose is to manipulate your perception to be fearful, hateful, and warlike. Call me a conspiracy nut all you want, at least I'm not the one dumb enough to fall for this sh*t.

i know man, you watch youtubes :cheers:

08-02-2014, 10:10 AM

kind of like Republicans being right when/if the U.S. collapses and gold becomes the exchange...in the next 10000 years~

meanwhile they're wrong 99.9% of the time

You're probably the dumbest person on ish.

Ebola isn't going to spread in the US.

Republicans are just as heavily invested in the federal reserve system as democrats.

You are wrong 100% of the time.

08-02-2014, 10:13 AM
You're probably the dumbest person on ish.

Ebola isn't going to spread in the US.

Republicans are just as heavily invested in the federal reserve system as democrats.

You are wrong 100% of the time.

u should learn to make arguments instead of constant 2 cent replies because you're insecure of your ability to explain yourself, like most people who post like you...amirite, or amirite? i'm all up in your shallow head :oldlol:

trust me 2 cent troll, i'm way smarter than u. i think what i've dropped here regularly proves that. keep being obscure, its how insecure people who don't know much pretend they're smart :cheers:

08-02-2014, 10:13 AM
i know man, you watch youtubes :cheers:

No. I read books, mainly, from the greatest minds of all time. When there is a truth I want to know about, I will seek out the evidence and deduce it to a logical conclusion. If I have my logic and evidence, then I have my truth; this is why I am willing to exercise ideas not in the mainstream and can reach higher truths than your dumba*s.

All you do is watch your stupid 30 minute news program and you think you know everything there is to know.

08-02-2014, 10:16 AM
u should learn to make arguments instead of constant 2 cent replies because you're insecure of your ability to explain yourself, like most people who post like you...amirite, or amirite? i'm all up in your shallow head :oldlol:

trust me 2 cent troll, i'm way smarter than u. i think what i've dropped here regularly proves that. keep being obscure, its how insecure people who don't know much pretend they're smart :cheers:

How the f*ck can you claim to be smart when you can't even capitalize the beginning of a sentence?

Trust me, you're dumb as sh*t. I have never read one seminal idea you thought of yourself from your peasized brain ever since I started reading your post. You just regurgitate the same ole boring sh*t I can read on the newspaper. That's it. That's how deep you can get. You're nothing more than a Kevnyc reject.

08-02-2014, 10:20 AM
No. I read books, mainly, from the greatest minds of all time. When there is a truth I want to know about, I will seek out the evidence and deduce it to a logical conclusion. If I have my logic and evidence, then I have my truth; this is why I am willing to exercise ideas not in the mainstream and can reach higher truths than your dumba*s.

All you do is watch your stupid 30 minute news program and you think you know everything there is to know.

why are u always linking youtubes then?

what history book is relevant to current event issues, that are happening now? how does that explain current situations? current reality? no wonder u live in the past so much with all of your arguments just like the other conspiracy theorists all over the internet. like so many people here who can only talk history with zero knowledge of whats occurring now...

even your conspiracies based in/around books doesn't make them right i hope u know. they are man written to sell...John Dean makes a living talking about the Watergate Conspiracy and he's been doing it for the last decades, adding to it just to get more time in the sun. Anyone can write a book fyi :pimp:

08-02-2014, 10:20 AM
u should learn to make arguments instead of constant 2 cent replies because you're insecure of your ability to explain yourself, like most people who post like you...amirite, or amirite? i'm all up in your shallow head :oldlol:

trust me 2 cent troll, i'm way smarter than u. i think what i've dropped here regularly proves that. keep being obscure, its how insecure people who don't know much pretend they're smart :cheers:

I don't need to expand on small sentences, nor do you warrant me doing it.

You post false information, I correct it. It's a public service.

08-02-2014, 10:21 AM
How the f*ck can you claim to be smart when you can't even capitalize the beginning of a sentence?

Trust me, you're dumb as sh*t. I have never read one seminal idea you thought of yourself from your peasized brain ever since I started reading your post. You just regurgitate the same ole boring sh*t I can read on the newspaper. That's it. That's how deep you can get. You're nothing more than a Kevnyc reject.

lol "thats it"...yep i keep up on current reality, thats it :oldlol:

08-02-2014, 10:22 AM
I don't need to expand on small sentences, nor do you warrant me doing it.

You post false information, I correct it. It's a public service.

damn i swear i size people up so well :oldlol:

08-02-2014, 10:29 AM
why are u always linking youtubes then?

what history book is relevant to current event issues, that are happening now? how does that explain current situations? current reality? no wonder u live in the past so much with all of your arguments just like the other conspiracy theorists all over the internet. like so many people here who can only talk history with zero knowledge of whats occurring now...

even your conspiracies based in/around books doesn't make them right i hope u know. they are man written to sell...John Dean makes a living talking about the Watergate Conspiracy and he's been doing it for the last decade, adding to it just to get more time in the sun. Anyone can write a book fyi :pimp:


I read books in logic, math, and philosophy. Those 3 areas are the best for mental developement. With a structure on truth and how to arrive at it, I don't need to wait like a mindless sheep for someone to tell me what is real or what is not. I do my research, look for the evidences, and fit it into the structure of my logic to formulate the truth.

Of course you are going to hate all things out of the ordinary. The media is against it, so it goes to reason you would hate it too. You don't rely on logic, research, nor evidence for your fact finding. The only thing you read is the f*ckin newspaper. I read a book a week. I investigate all avenues of thinking; I'm not a generic idiot who thinks he knows everything there is to know just because he read an article on Time magazine.

08-02-2014, 10:42 AM

I read books in logic, math, and philosophy. Those 3 areas are the best for mental developement. With a structure on truth and how to arrive at it, I don't need to wait like a mindless sheep for someone to tell me what is real or what is not. I do my research, look for the evidences, and fit it into the structure of my logic to formulate the truth.

Of course you are going to hate all things out of the ordinary. The media is against it, so it goes to reason you would hate it too. You don't rely on logic, research, nor evidence for your fact finding. The only thing you read is the f*ckin newspaper. I read a book a week. I investigate all avenues of thinking; I'm not a generic idiot who thinks he knows everything there is to know just because he read an article on Time magazine.

u should read more books on practical thinking because you're really out there, and probably a little less philosophy reading. it could be psychological since i've never seen someone as into the internet conspiracy thing as you....and u should know there is a lot of value in reading current events/media. it makes you aware of the now..understanding world events/issues....u know relevant stuff. i like math, i'm good at it...but i know it does nothing for my practical thinking abilities. its logical number crunching.

In my psyche opinion you have issues with applying realism to what you think, on top of that complex others discussed here about conspiracy theorists who use it as a means of self assured intelligence over the masses. It gives you a 'i'm smarter than them' assurance in yourself to think these outlandish things and swear you're right that most people don't know.

its not everyone else its you tho. but i swear i know a few people like you where its impossible to get thru to them with reason, and you'll always swear you're smarter than everyone :lol

but again its funny to me at this point so keep doing u...pls post more Sirius's being serious :cheers:

08-02-2014, 10:51 AM
u should read more books on practical thinking because you're really out there, and probably a little less philosophy reading. it could be psychological since i've never seen someone as into the internet conspiracy thing as you....and u should know there is a lot of value in reading current events/media. it makes you aware of the now..understanding world events/issues....u know relevant stuff. i like math, i'm good at it...but i know it does nothing for my practical thinking abilities. its logical number crunching.

In my psyche opinion you have issues with applying realism to what you think, on top of that complex others discussed here about conspiracy theorists who use it as a means of self assured intelligence over the masses. It gives you a 'i'm smarter than them' assurance in yourself to think these outlandish things and swear you're right that most people don't know.

its not everyone else its you tho. but i swear i know a few people like you where its impossible to get thru to them with reason, and you'll always swear you're smarter than everyone :lol

but again its funny to me at this point so keep doing u...pls post more Sirius's being serious :cheers:

The act of reporting is subjective; the media can pick and choose what they want to report and this in turn can cultivate your perception of reality if you take it at face value.

I prefer to keep my mind clear from hate, fear, and war mongering. What is typically reported in the media is actually very far from the truth. The world isn't as bad and hateful - hate to break it to you. Idiots like you probably get a hard on over the chaos.

This is why I use logic, reason, and evidence. I don't care how bizarre the idea is, if it fits with the known facts and best ideas of the time, then I will accept it.

This kind of thinking is "alien" to you (no pun intended) and I'm sure you think I'm out there, but then again, I doubt anyone in here has read as many books as I have. At least you can say I am out there (the best ideas are out there), but I can't say the same about you.

08-02-2014, 01:10 PM
Op is naive and uneducated. Ebola virus has been around for decades, it kills fast so it can be contained through quarantine.

-The average life span in 1900 was 50. Now its 70.
-Virus/diseases as a whole are on a steep decline due to better sanitation/anti biotics, vaccines. That includes hiv/aids. Small pox has been eradicated completely.

08-02-2014, 01:20 PM

I read books in logic, math, and philosophy. Those 3 areas are the best for mental developement. With a structure on truth and how to arrive at it, I don't need to wait like a mindless sheep for someone to tell me what is real or what is not. I do my research, look for the evidences, and fit it into the structure of my logic to formulate the truth.

Of course you are going to hate all things out of the ordinary. The media is against it, so it goes to reason you would hate it too. You don't rely on logic, research, nor evidence for your fact finding. The only thing you read is the f*ckin newspaper. I read a book a week. I investigate all avenues of thinking; I'm not a generic idiot who thinks he knows everything there is to know just because he read an article on Time magazine.

Dude just stop loll

you deliberately pick on people you know you'll win against in a debate on a basketball forum on the internet lol. That wont work in the real world with people in the professional world. You lack self-awareness to see how insecure you are. You seek attention.

If you had great reasoning skills you wouldn't be spending your Saturday night doing something as un-constructive like debating on a bball forum notorious for trolling about the truths of life. I think you need to read some more books on math and logic :roll:.

08-02-2014, 01:23 PM

Man, STFU and stop scaring people. "Greatest threats to mankind at our doorstep," FOH.

08-02-2014, 02:18 PM
And here am I thinking it was the Jehovah Witnesses.

08-02-2014, 02:56 PM
Man, Godzuki, don't get in to these ISH-fights, not worth wasting your time on it.

08-02-2014, 03:56 PM
I'm bolting for Madagascar before they shut down everything.
I second that. If that's not available, Greenland is an option.

08-02-2014, 03:58 PM
The act of reporting is subjective; the media can pick and choose what they want to report and this in turn can cultivate your perception of reality if you take it at face value.

I prefer to keep my mind clear from hate, fear, and war mongering. What is typically reported in the media is actually very far from the truth. The world isn't as bad and hateful - hate to break it to you. Idiots like you probably get a hard on over the chaos.

This is why I use logic, reason, and evidence. I don't care how bizarre the idea is, if it fits with the known facts and best ideas of the time, then I will accept it.

This kind of thinking is "alien" to you (no pun intended) and I'm sure you think I'm out there, but then again, I doubt anyone in here has read as many books as I have. At least you can say I am out there (the best ideas are out there), but I can't say the same about you.

Your last topic was on a youtube video you watched and your proof was no one debunked it yet (the main reason being everyone is laughing too much to try). Are you kidding?

Booz Vivic
08-02-2014, 04:04 PM
You could survive in those countries. Ebola doesn't transmit through air.

08-02-2014, 04:14 PM
People love spreading hysteria about this sort of thing. I'm not worried.

08-02-2014, 07:57 PM

08-02-2014, 08:05 PM

3 doctors who i'd presume didn't have bodily fluid contact contracted the disease....including the head doctor. so are we assuming they did then? and how?

they know more than anyone how awful getting infected is so i'd think they took all precautions without carelessness.