View Full Version : Allowing teams to sign their players to bigger contracts was a mistake

08-04-2014, 04:31 PM
The NBA made it so teams could give their players bigger contracts than other teams could give in hopes that it gives teams a greater chance of retaining their players. This plan has backfired. Instead, what it has done is makes it so players bully their way to teams they want to sign with 1 year early so they can be on the team they want to be on and then sign their huge contracts. We are currently seeing it with Kevin Love who is seemingly forcing his way to the Cavs. We have also seen this with Carmelo. Dwight even did it, which really backfired because he actually signed a 1 year extension with Orlando knowing he wanted traded, and then forced his way to LA before changing his mind.

Does anybody else agree that the NBA should get rid of this contract rule since it is not doing what it originally intended?

Real Men Wear Green
08-04-2014, 04:37 PM
It doesn't always work but that's the price you pay if you're going to have free agency. It does work some of the time though. I doubt NY keeps Melo, for example, if Chicago can offer him the same money. Taking that advantage away from the home team would make even more guys leave as free agents and if that's something you care about then you have to give the home team some kind of advantage.

08-08-2014, 04:09 PM
It doesn't always work but that's the price you pay if you're going to have free agency. It does work some of the time though. I doubt NY keeps Melo, for example, if Chicago can offer him the same money. Taking that advantage away from the home team would make even more guys leave as free agents and if that's something you care about then you have to give the home team some kind of advantage.

The player's union wouldn't go for it, but I wish restricted free agency was at the end of contracts more frequently.

08-08-2014, 04:18 PM
The player's union wouldn't go for it, but I wish restricted free agency was at the end of contracts more frequently.
Restricted free agency is the biggest mistake of all and the source of some of the worst contracts in the league

08-08-2014, 05:10 PM
The NBA made it so teams could give their players bigger contracts than other teams could give in hopes that it gives teams a greater chance of retaining their players. This plan has backfired. Instead, what it has done is makes it so players bully their way to teams they want to sign with 1 year early so they can be on the team they want to be on and then sign their huge contracts. We are currently seeing it with Kevin Love who is seemingly forcing his way to the Cavs. We have also seen this with Carmelo. Dwight even did it, which really backfired because he actually signed a 1 year extension with Orlando knowing he wanted traded, and then forced his way to LA before changing his mind.

Does anybody else agree that the NBA should get rid of this contract rule since it is not doing what it originally intended?

Why should crappy franchises be able to force players to play for them? I swear some of you have never had lousy jobs before.

What they SHOULD be able to do is sign extensions a year earlier.

IMO, lousy teams get far more than they should for alienating their talent. You want to lowball Love halfway through his time with you and tell him he isn't a cornerstone? Well when his contract is up he can find an emplyer that believes he is. Its the TEAMS making out in these last second deals. They are turning an asset with a shelf life of 8 months into assets with a decade left to them.