View Full Version : Fpliii foretold the wise prophecy...

08-05-2014, 02:31 AM
lol should've kept this thread open longer, Kobe or Hakeem would've won, and the other would make it in at number 10...now the LeBron fans are gonna all vote for their guy at the same time (not that I care either way since it's just for fun) -fpliii

Hakeem was voted in as #10 on the all time lists. Period. End of discussion. We have guys who voted Hakeem as #9, but LeBron as #10 even though Hakeem was still on the board.

The list is, as stands.

1. MJ
2. Kareem
3. Russell
4. Wilt
5. Duncan
6. Bird
7. Magic
8. Shaq
9. Kobe
10. Hakeem

Thank you everyone for participating. It's been fun. :cheers:

08-05-2014, 02:32 AM
Who cares?

08-05-2014, 02:32 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

08-05-2014, 02:34 AM
Why does it bother you so much that more people vosted for LeBron at #10? Like move on already.

08-05-2014, 02:35 AM
nobody cares you loser...
you are the biggest beta in the forum, talking about lebron everywhere.

08-05-2014, 02:35 AM

Hahahahahahaha bitches.

no pun intended
08-05-2014, 02:36 AM
Why does it bother you so much that more people vosted for LeBron at #10? Like move on already.
More like why does it bother you so much to make a redo thread?

08-05-2014, 02:36 AM
Why does it bother you so much

Do I seem bothered? Because I'm doing just fine and am satisfied with the finished product of the list.

I made this thread to give Fpliii credit. He didn't even post this in the original thread, but rather in his rep message to me and I thought it deserved some recognition because he was spot on.

08-05-2014, 02:36 AM
Why does it bother you so much that more people vosted for LeBron at #10? Like move on already.

Ya, everyone sees the truth here. OP isn't fooling anyone.:oldlol:

08-05-2014, 02:37 AM
More like why does it bother you so much to make a redo thread?

It's more because I wanted to and he gave me a reason to do so.

08-05-2014, 02:38 AM
It's more because I wanted to and he gave me a reason to do so.

Yeah, picking Kobe with 21 votes over Hakeem with 9 is certainly a reason to do so....

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:


08-05-2014, 02:39 AM
Yeah, picking Kobe with 21 votes over Hakeem with 9 is certainly a reason to do so....

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:


No because you moved on from #9 too fast. Kobe was probably going to win, and I don't mind that since I voted for Kobe, but you should have stuck by the rules. It almost invalidated your list and started a shit storm tonight lol.

08-05-2014, 02:41 AM
No because you moved on from #9 too fast. Kobe was probably going to win, and I don't mind that since I voted for Kobe, but you should have stuck by the rules. It almost invalidated your list and started a shit storm tonight lol.

The rules state once we have a clear winner with 30 total votes we are able to move on.

People were whining in threads about me taking too long to post the next one. So we reach 30 votes with a clear winner, I post the next thread rather than wait, and all of a sudden we get cries of "rigged" when Kobe was the clear winner with over two times as many votes as Hakeem.

Explain to me what I did wrong here, again.

08-05-2014, 02:44 AM
The rules state once we have a clear winner with 30 total votes we are able to move on.

People were whining in threads about me taking too long to post the next one. So we reach 30 votes with a clear winner, I post the next thread rather than wait, and all of a sudden we get cries of "rigged" when Kobe was the clear winner with over two times as many votes as Hakeem.

Explain to me what I did wrong here, again.

Well the best thing to do is just do it once a day. There's a ton of posters on here and you're going to get more than 30 votes pretty quickly. So what I'm saying is you did it too fast. Don't listen to people who said you took too long. You did it just fine beforehand.

08-05-2014, 02:46 AM
The rules state once we have a clear winner with 30 total votes we are able to move on.

People were whining in threads about me taking too long to post the next one. So we reach 30 votes with a clear winner, I post the next thread rather than wait, and all of a sudden we get cries of "rigged" when Kobe was the clear winner with over two times as many votes as Hakeem.

Explain to me what I did wrong here, again.

You rigged the #10 vote. LeBron clearly won. All your credibility just went out the window. It's a shame your top 10 list project will always be looked as a rigged project.

The funny thing is, this could have easily been avoided. You could have kept the #9 thread going longer and Kobe still would have won, but you panicked like a bitch and moved to #10. And to top it off you rigged the #10 voting which made you look like an even bigger bitch.

08-05-2014, 02:47 AM
Well the best thing to do is just do it once a day. There's a ton of posters on here and you're going to get more than 30 votes pretty quickly. So what I'm saying is you did it too fast. Don't listen to people who said you took too long. You did it just fine beforehand.

So basically it's a lose/lose situation no matter what :rolleyes:

I wait a day or two on the voting; "Kobe is never going to win jackass! Close the vote already!"

Kobe gets over twice as many votes as the next guy, so I close the thread and move on; "Hey why'd you close the thread so early! Negged! I hope you get banned for corruption!"

It's clear that only morons were complaining about what I did in either scenario as I already outlined the rules in the OP so that everyone would be on page with what I was doing.

And it's also rather clear that Hakeem would have been #10 had a bunch of these morons had not made a big deal about absolutely nothing and tried to ruin the list with troll votes in the next thread. If any vote needed a "RE-DO," it's #10.

08-05-2014, 02:50 AM
So basically it's a lose/lose situation no matter what :rolleyes:

I wait a day or two on the voting; "Kobe is never going to win jackass! Close the vote already!"

Kobe gets over twice as many votes as the next guy, so I close the thread and move on; "Hey why'd you close the thread so early! Negged! I hope you get banned for corruption!"

It's clear that only morons were complaining about what I did in either scenario as I already outlined the rules in the OP so that everyone would be on page with what I was doing.

Yes. It's ISH. People need to be patient. Do it once a day so everyone can get their votes in. It felt very rigged. As soon as Kobe had momentum and got a ton of votes, you moved on from the thread. It probably would have balanced out if you gave it a day. The 30 post thing wasn't a problem before because you waited a day or two anyways.

08-05-2014, 02:52 AM
Yes. It's ISH. People need to be patient. Do it once a day so everyone can get their votes in. It felt very rigged. As soon as Kobe had momentum and got a ton of votes, you moved on from the thread. It probably would have balanced out if you gave it a day. The 30 post thing wasn't a problem before because you waited a day or two anyways.

So Kobe having over twice as many votes as Hakeem at 30 votes was going to change with 30 more?

He had 21 votes to Hakeem's 9 and it was beyond clear that he was going to win. Even after I had made the new thread people were still voting for him. He had 10 straight votes at one point.

You don't seem to be part of the irrational crowd, yet you made a thread for a "RE-DO" voting as if it was needed, yet you created a whole new criteria to even be able to vote in that thread. :rolleyes:

If anyone had been following the previous vote as well, Kobe was the runner up to Shaq. And basically every vote has been able to be predicted by the previous runner up, but regardless; Kobe had a clear lead and I closed the thread and moved on all according to the rules I outlined in the OP and the rules that everyone got on board with early on.

There were no problems at all with the voting aside from a bunch of morons purposely trying to derail the voting for #10.

08-05-2014, 02:55 AM
So Kobe having over twice as many votes as Hakeem at 30 votes was going to change with 30 more?

He had 21 votes to Hakeem's 9 and it was beyond clear that he was going to win. Even after I had made the new thread people were still voting for him. He had 10 straight votes at one point.

You don't seem to be part of the irrational crowd, yet you made a thread for a "RE-DO" voting as if it was needed, yet you created a whole new criteria to even be able to vote :rolleyes:

It doesn't matter. You have to let things play out. You can't just assume it would end in a landslide.

I didn't create any criteria except doing it at a certain time. I asked people on how they wanted to do it. It wasn't my idea to require a certain post count.

In other words, the 30 post count was a bad idea. It just didn't become a problem until today because you waited a day or two for the next one. You never jumped ahead until today. That is all.

08-05-2014, 02:57 AM
I did let things play out according to all rules that ISH had agreed upon early on. And an increasing number of people kept wanting me to close the threads early whenever the winner was clear; so I do just that, and those same people start whining rigged without even taking the time to count the votes out.

If you fail to see how you are in the wrong here then... :facepalm

We've already worked it out though and the problems have all been fixed. Kobe was the clear winner at #9 according to the votes and Hakeem was likewise the winner for #10.

08-05-2014, 02:59 AM

Russwest is like a spoiled 3 year old-"but i WANT it!!! it's not fair!"
And DaSeba is like his jaded father sick of the little monster he has to live with.

08-05-2014, 03:02 AM
I did let things play out according to all rules that we had agreed upon early on. And an increasing number of people kept wanting me to close the threads early whenever the winner was clear; so I do just that, and those same people start whining rigged without even taking the time to count the votes out.

If you fail to see how you are in the wrong here then... :facepalm

We've already worked it out though and the problems have all been fixed. Kobe was the clear winner at #9 according to the votes and Hakeem was likewise the winner for #10.

You're missing my point. The 30 post count didn't become a problem until today because you waited. If you jumped ahead at other times because the number of votes then people wouldn't have cared so much that they felt cheated to vote on these lists. I know people agreed upon this criteria. I'm not even saying you're wrong. IJS the 30 post count is a bad idea and only became a problem until today because you jumped ahead for the first time today.

The only thing we're really disagreeing on is that LeBron actually got more votes for #10. In hindsight, I should have started at #12 and not redone #9.

08-05-2014, 03:02 AM

Russwest is like a spoiled 3 year old-"but i WANT it!!! it's not fair!"
And DaSeba is like his jaded father sick of the little monster he has to live with.

Posts like this don't add to the debate or discussion at all and are childish.

DeSeba was doing what he thought was right, but I don't think he realized at the time just how big of a disparity the votes actually were at whenever I closed it, nor the repercussions of only promoting the behavior of calling my actions "rigged." The repercussions I'm referring to were outlined ahead of time by highly respected poster Fpliii in the OP of this post if you were curious as to what they were.

08-05-2014, 03:03 AM
The funniest part of this situation is why the hell were people on board with this project with a poster with a bunch of red bars and a known troll controlling it? You knew something like this was bond to happen.:oldlol:

08-05-2014, 03:03 AM
Didn't fpliii vote KG over Kobe on realgm?
Not a peep heard from you on that one though.

08-05-2014, 03:05 AM
Didn't fpliii vote KG over Kobe on realgm?
Not a peep heard from you on that one though.

Why do I care on who he votes for?

I don't have a problem who anyone votes for as long as it isn't a collective attempt to derail the list :confusedshrug:

08-05-2014, 03:07 AM
Why do I care on who he votes for?

I don't have a problem who anyone votes for as long as it isn't a collective attempt to derail the list :confusedshrug:
You can't honestly expect anyone to believe the bullshit you type. I mean, seriously, if you do.....


08-05-2014, 03:08 AM
It would have also been nice to be backed by a mod so the threads could be closed after we moved on so it doesn't look like another player got more votes. That's why I wanted to do it at a certain time every day. I want my #9 redo closed because it's pointless.

08-05-2014, 03:08 AM
The funniest part of this situation is why the hell were people on board with this project with a poster with a bunch of red bars and a known troll controlling it? You knew something like this was bond to happen.:oldlol:

I was actually going to post about that, and how DeSeba would have been a better candidiate to run the list strictly because the weak minded posters on here would have "trusted" him more and thus not cried "RIGGED!" whenever he closed a thread that had one man with 21 votes and another man with 9 after multiple posters were wanting the threads to be closed faster.

I was actually about to be in the green a while back with just one red bar and a bunch of reps on my recent history but decided I liked the color red better so I made a thread called "Official rep russwest0 thread" knowing what would happen and it dropped me down to like 4 or 5 red bars which is where I remain today because I don't care. :confusedshrug:

Only idiots would base their view of someone strictly off of a meaningless rep system, and my mindset has always been one that doesn't take those same idiots into consideration.

08-05-2014, 03:09 AM
Didn't fpliii vote KG over Kobe on realgm?
Not a peep heard from you on that one though.

He also voted for LeBron over Magic in the run-off for #7...

Sorry I haven't participated much in this thread, been pretty busy the last couple of days. My vote would be for Hakeem here, but I don't want to repost the same reasoning. Next thread, assuming I have more time, I'll try and put together some nice quotes and data (no guarantee I'll have it done in time, though :) ).

As a preemptive runoff vote, my pick is LeBron James over Magic Johnson (note that I'm not sure about how I feel about either being in the conversation at the moment, when KG and Hakeem are still on the board). There are a couple of reasons for this (I'll try and give both sides, IMO):

1) Longevity isn't an advantage for Magic. He game into the league as a great player, but from ElGee's breakdown a few pages ago, it becomes clear that he wasn't a superior player to Bird (possibly not in his class as a player, though I don't feel comfortable going that far without watching a lot more tape first) their first few years in the league.

Now, LeBron didn't come into the league a finished product either, let me make that clear. I do think that LeBron turned in 5 seasons (possibly 6, not sure how I feel about 11 still, go back in forth), better than Magic's best season. As such, it's tough for me to make much of Magic's pre-prime seasons.

2) Defense. It's really, really tough to ignore this, especially when I'm not convinced Magic was on another level offensively when compared to James. Even though LeBron has "coasted" on that ended more or less the past couple of regular seasons, he's amped his defense up in the playoffs (and still during the last two years, likely superior to Magic at his best).

I do think Magic's defensive shortcomings are somewhat overstated though (that is to say, I don't think he was a sieve). He was actually utilized pretty well under Dunleavy in his last year from what I've seen. They played a good deal of zone from what I've seen, and this actually fit Magic well (since, from what I've seen, he liked to sag off his man, and play the passing lanes or collapse into the paint). I don't think it's fundamentally sound, and it presents a matchup problem as he ages, and loses his lateral quickness. You basically need to have a smaller or quicker guy in the lineup to cover PGs (especially a triple threat type guy) with Magic playing the lanes and guarding a bigger guy (which, from the tape, wasn't a problem for him...Magic seemed strong enough to guard big forwards who weren't extremely quick from what I've seen), which hurts his portability.


Speaking of portability in general, both guys are pretty ball-dominant, but both produced extremely efficient offenses (I believe with Magic's teams setting ORtg records, and LeBron's teams setting EFG% records). Both guys also demonstrated the ability to play off-ball (Magic early in his career, by accounts in this thread and from watching the paint, was a playmaker in the post, or slashed, or grabbed offensive rebounds; LeBron this season in particular was among the leaders in posting up and spotting up scoring efficiencies, and played off-ball a ton throughout the season with the guards feeding him in the post...though Miami went away from that at times in the playoffs, in particular against the Spurs, which was a monstrous jumpshooting series from LeBron).

I'm not going to use RAPM against Magic since it doesn't exist pre-96-97, though there is no guarantee he'd place as highly as LeBron did in J.E.'s 14-year study (LeBron and KG were in a class of their own, though it didn't include some of Shaq's peak years and a few of Duncan's earlier seasons, so it's possible either or both join the two of them). It's entirely possible though, Magic posted very good WOWY numbers in his prime according to ElGee's research in this thread: http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=344&t=1333570

08-05-2014, 03:11 AM
Didn't fpliii vote KG over Kobe on realgm?
Not a peep heard from you on that one though.
So? I've made my logic clear. I prefer big men over wings. I voted:


until KG made it in...I also posted in the threads there that I'm not convinced Magic/Bird should've made it over Kobe, because of the longevity concerns.

As I've said 1000x on here and there, it's about the conversation, not the results.

08-05-2014, 03:11 AM
Lebron # 8 in my eyes. dont give a **** what russwest ranks him :lol

08-05-2014, 03:11 AM
He also voted for LeBron over Magic in the run-off for #7...
Yep. I'm not very high on Magic since I've read more about Kareem. I have Oscar as the GOAT PG over him.

08-05-2014, 03:12 AM
In hindsight, it would have also been cool to require at least a brief explanation for why people voted for that player, but that wouldn't go well.

08-05-2014, 03:12 AM
Damn. Russwest, please explain why "respected poster" fpliii (probably one of the best posters on ISH tbqh) is voting for LeBron so early, when LeBron is the guy you "refused to believe" could "legitimately" bear Hakeem for 10th?

08-05-2014, 03:12 AM
dont think anyone was taking these rankings seriously anyways, didnt seem official at all

08-05-2014, 03:12 AM
Damn. Russwest, please explain why "respected poster" fpliii (probably one of the best posters on ISH tbqh) is voting for LeBron so early, when LeBron is the guy you "refused to believe" could "legitimately" bear Hakeem for 10th?
I voted for him in a runoff over Magic...

But again, it's about the conversation, not the results. I'd cast the same vote again now.

08-05-2014, 03:13 AM
So? I've made my logic clear. I prefer big men over wings. I voted:


until KG made it in...I also posted in the threads there that I'm not convinced Magic/Bird should've made it over Kobe, because of the longevity concerns.

As I've said 1000x on here and there, it's about the conversation, not the results.
Dude I think you're helluva poster (you know waaay more than I ever will). I was just pointing out you didn't necessarily share ops views, when he's trying to use you to make himself look better.

08-05-2014, 03:14 AM
Dude I think you're helluva poster (you know waaay more than I ever will). I was just pointing out you didn't necessarily share ops views, when he's trying to use you to make himself look better.
Thanks, but russwest0 is my guy. Even if you guys don't agree with him 100%, he's a passionate dude and one of the funniest posters here.

08-05-2014, 03:15 AM
I voted for him in a runoff over Magic...

Lol this, apparently this moron doesn't know what a runoff vote is yet is trying to somehow use it against me :oldlol:

And regardless, why do I care about who votes for who as long as there is no collective attempt to derail the list?

08-05-2014, 03:15 AM
I'm not even a respected poster. A lot of people have called me irrelevant like I care that I'm popular on a internet forum. I'm just objective because I root for a team and don't spend my time on here trying to force some agenda. When people troll me, I don't troll back so I'm boring. People like fpliii are for more knowledgeable than me on the game and are probably the best people to be running these things.

08-05-2014, 03:15 AM
Didn't Lebron have more votes than Hakeem?

08-05-2014, 03:16 AM
Yep. I'm not very high on Magic since I've read more about Kareem. I have Oscar as the GOAT PG over him.



08-05-2014, 03:17 AM
Can we please skip to 12 by the way? Yall already fvcked up the list.

08-05-2014, 03:17 AM
He also voted for Dirk over Kobe for #13...yet somehow voting for LeBron over Hakeem/Kobe is unthinkable?

08-05-2014, 03:17 AM
Didn't Lebron have more votes than Hakeem?

Only after everyone tried to rebel because they (without even counting the votes or looking at the OP and verifying the rules we had all agreed on) wanted to derail the list after they thought that Kobe getting selected with 21 votes over Hakeem with 9 votes was "rigged."

#9 came down to Kobe and Hakeem and anyone who has been actually following this list knows that whoever didn't win was a lock for #10, or in other words, Hakeem.

08-05-2014, 03:18 AM
In hindsight, it would have also been cool to require at least a brief explanation for why people voted for that player, but that wouldn't go well.

Yeah that's what I've been saying for the past week. Unfortunately there are lot of people that probably aren't even capable of doing that :lol this whole list thing has become a shitstorm :facepalm

08-05-2014, 03:18 AM
Only after everyone tried to rebel because they (without even counting the votes or looking at the OP and verifying the rules we had all agreed on) wanted to derail the list after they thought that Kobe getting selected with 21 votes over Hakeem with 9 votes was "rigged."

#9 came down to Kobe and Hakeem and anyone who has been actually following this list knows that whoever didn't win was a lock for #10, or in other words, Hakeem.
so what youre saying is lebron was voted #10? :cheers:

08-05-2014, 03:19 AM
Oscar was a ridiculous scorer, and improved in terms of volume and efficiency against top defenses. By relative ORtg, he stands in the top tier with Magic and Nash in terms of leading his teams to top offenses.

The Bucks got better with him, and he was almost as important to the team as Kareem. Quote from Kareem's autobiography:

[QUOTE]If my personal life was at a standstill, my professional life was taking the great leap forward. Tired of playing on a losing ball club and willing to go to court to establish his right to become a free agent at the expiration of his contract, Oscar Robertson forced the team owners

08-05-2014, 03:20 AM
Only after everyone tried to rebel because they (without even counting the votes or looking at the OP and verifying the rules we had all agreed on) wanted to derail the list after they thought that Kobe getting selected with 21 votes over Hakeem with 9 votes was "rigged."

#9 came down to Kobe and Hakeem and anyone who has been actually following this list knows that whoever didn't win was a lock for #10, or in other words, Hakeem.

We counted the votes. LeBron won. I will do the list from 11-20. 11 will be won by Hakeem, but I'll wait until tomorrow at midnight to move on just because I would be a hypocrite if I jumped ahead. I think things will go smooth from here now. We got past all the stans.

08-05-2014, 03:20 AM
Only after everyone tried to rebel because they (without even counting the votes or looking at the OP and verifying the rules we had all agreed on) wanted to derail the list after they thought that Kobe getting selected with 21 votes over Hakeem with 9 votes was "rigged."

#9 came down to Kobe and Hakeem and anyone who has been actually following this list knows that whoever didn't win was a lock for #10, or in other words, Hakeem.
So the only reason LeBron's votes didn't count is cause you don't like him? Got it.s

08-05-2014, 03:20 AM
Only after everyone tried to rebel because they (without even counting the votes or looking at the OP and verifying the rules we had all agreed on) wanted to derail the list after they thought that Kobe getting selected with 21 votes over Hakeem with 9 votes was "rigged."

#9 came down to Kobe and Hakeem and anyone who has been actually following this list knows that whoever didn't win was a lock for #10, or in other words, Hakeem.

You can twist it all you want, but it is universally agreed upon that you didnt allow adequate voting time for 9. Nice job tainting a win Kobe was gonna get anyways.

08-05-2014, 03:21 AM
He also voted for Dirk over Kobe for #13...yet somehow voting for LeBron over Hakeem/Kobe is unthinkable?
I supported Kobe in the runoff there over Malone:

I'm not sure if I'll be voting in the runoff, but I don't know how I feel about Malone as a candidate. I would lean Kobe here, but I haven't thought too much about this particular comparison.

Kobe has great longevity, but it's an advantage for Malone. Malone is a big man, but the two things I most like to see from a big--anchoring your defense and shot creation from the low post--aren't things he exhibited as much as I'd like (the two big men I was considering for my vote, Dirk who I ultimately settled on and Robinson, both were terrific in at least one of the two). While I shouldn't weight stylistic considerations too much, I think both are vital in assembling a strong team, and if you're not getting one from one of your bigs, it becomes more difficult to find those parts on your roster, since they're traditional big man traits. So if you go with a specialist, you're probably going to congest the paint, when you really don't want much more than one player without some semblance of 3pt range on the floor in today's league. So while portability isn't one of Kobe's extreme strengths, it isn't for Malone either IMO. Just my thinking at the moment.

Here was my post on Dirk:

Going with Dirk here, though I don't have an issue with the Kobe vote at this point.

His ability to score on a great volume efficiently really sells this for me. Ever since developing his killer post game, he's been essentially unguardable (shutupandjam's research a few threads ago really illustrates how dominant he's been in the post). The type of coverage he gets creates unbelievable opportunities for his teammates. One of the craziest mismatches we've seen. Some great posts by Chuck, Q, and others in here so far, hoping to see more in the next couple of threads.

I was looking at the Admiral here as well, but I don't feel comfortable voting for him at this point in time. drza and a few others had some solid posts, but in order to justify voting for him, I need to feel extremely confident that he was having a monstrous impact after the injury. RAPM paints him as a legitimate force while playing along side Duncan, but I'd still like to see this period of his career fleshed out. I also still need to watch more tape of him during his first three years, since I wasn't watching at the time. lorak raised some concerns about his playoff defense that I'd like to read more about in the next thread or two.

Dr. J and West are interesting. I've seen very little tape of either guy in their primes, so it's hard for me to gauge where they stand defensively. Both were physical freaks and tremendous athletes who exerted plenty of effort on that end, but in order to vote for them at this point, I'd need to feel very confident about them defensively. Since I don't at the moment, I can't place them ahead of Kobe, who is a superior scorer (though probably worse than both on D, by how much I can't tell...he could be superior on that end), and did his damage in today's league. With the other two, there are questions about how they'd translate that I'm not presently capable of answering.

I'm not sure why you guys are trying to turn me and russ on each other...I've been consistent with my stances on players. :confusedshrug:

08-05-2014, 03:22 AM
Only after everyone tried to rebel because they (without even counting the votes or looking at the OP and verifying the rules we had all agreed on) wanted to derail the list after they thought that Kobe getting selected with 21 votes over Hakeem with 9 votes was "rigged."

#9 came down to Kobe and Hakeem and anyone who has been actually following this list knows that whoever didn't win was a lock for #10, or in other words, Hakeem.

I love how you say "#9 came down to Kobe and Hakeem" like it was a close vote yet at the same time say it wasn't even close and that Kobe would've won in a landslide...

And no just because somebody finished 2nd in one vote doesn't mean they'd win the next one...Kobe finished 2nd on like the #5 vote but didn't get in til #9

08-05-2014, 03:24 AM
I supported Kobe in the runoff there over Malone:

Here was my post on Dirk:

I'm not sure why you guys are trying to turn me and russ on each other...I've been consistent with my stances on players. :confusedshrug:

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with taking Dirk over Kobe...Based on ability to play I think he has a strong case..

But to not count votes voting LeBron over Hakeem because he personally disagrees with it is just wrong

08-05-2014, 03:25 AM
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with taking Dirk over Kobe...

But to not count votes voting LeBron over Hakeem because he personally disagrees with it is just wrong
I get that, but what's the harm? The voting is complete, and the thread's still up. It just seems to me like russ was having fun with it, since all 10 threads were finished. :confusedshrug:

08-05-2014, 03:25 AM
I love how you say "#9 came down to Kobe and Hakeem" like it was a close vote yet at the same time say it wasn't even close and that Kobe would've won in a landslide...

And no just because somebody finished 2nd in one vote doesn't mean they'd win the next one...Kobe finished 2nd on like the #5 vote but didn't get in til #9

08-05-2014, 03:26 AM
I get that, but what's the harm? The voting is complete, and the thread's still up. It just seems to me like russ was having fun with it, since all 10 threads were finished. :confusedshrug:
Voting isn't complete...it wasn't supposed to stop at #10...

08-05-2014, 03:28 AM
I get that, but what's the harm? The voting is complete, and the thread's still up. It just seems to me like russ was having fun with it, since all 10 threads were finished. :confusedshrug:

I'm going to take over now and start from the LeBron #10 thread. We're at #11, which will probably be won by Hakeem. Then we can smoothly transition to these great debates.


08-05-2014, 03:28 AM
Oscar was a ridiculous scorer, and improved in terms of volume and efficiency against top defenses. By relative ORtg, he stands in the top tier with Magic and Nash in terms of leading his teams to top offenses.

The Bucks got better with him, and he was almost as important to the team as Kareem. Quote from Kareem's autobiography:

Magic was great, but he played in a weaker conference to stack up win numbers, and while he was an underrated scorer (particularly cutting and in the post), he wasn't on Oscar's level in that regard from what I can tell. Oscar was also a solid defender, Magic was neutral at best.

"He is the all-time NBA leader in assists and free throws made, and third in all-time scoring."

High praise, but was before Magics time. Anything more recent or about Magic said by Kareem?

08-05-2014, 03:28 AM
Voting isn't complete...it wasn't supposed to stop at #10...
He said that from the beginning though:

I will be hosting our ISH Top 10 all time
source: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=348939

08-05-2014, 03:31 AM
And also it generally seems to me that the more intelligent online posters have a disregard for someones reputation and care more about the thoughts/posts/views of that poster and instead use that to judge that poster.

For example, I used to post on a football forum where I was good friends with the admin, but he was forced to ban me because I had developed a "reputation" with a few posters on there, and then they would derail whatever threads they saw me in with unrelated garbage, and like clockwork, other sheep followed and did the same.

Some of the Mods there had taken a liking to me (these were the smart ones)
And others (these are the sheep) hadn't taken a liking to me.

Long story short, it was dividing the forum into two and the Admin was forced to act which he did.

08-05-2014, 03:31 AM
"He is the all-time NBA leader in assists and free throws made, and third in all-time scoring."

High praise, but was before Magics time. Anything more recent or about Magic said by Kareem?
He's said a good deal about Magic, but that was just a quote from his autobiography from the early/mid 80s:


He has a second book from his final season, though I haven't read it yet. I heard it's pretty good (it's more of a journal of his final season in the league, game-by-game, with flashbacks and insights into his playing days). When I have a chance I'll let you guys know if there's anything useful. :cheers:

08-05-2014, 03:32 AM
He said that from the beginning though:

source: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=348939
Didn't know that...It was Da5eba who started the #11 thread that had me confused...

Still how is it "fun" to pretend the list is different from what it actually is?

08-05-2014, 03:33 AM
Didn't know that...It was Da5eba who started the #11 thread that had me confused...

Still how is it "fun" to pretend the list is different from what it actually is?
He was just messing around after the fact. :confusedshrug:

I mean, the thread is still up, anyone could count the votes up.

08-05-2014, 03:33 AM
And also it generally seems to me that the more intelligent online posters have a disregard for someones reputation and care more about the thoughts/posts/views of that poster and instead use that to judge that poster.

For example, I used to post on a football forum where I was good friends with the admin, but he was forced to ban me because I had developed a "reputation" with a few posters on there, and then they would derail whatever threads they saw me in with unrelated garbage, and like clockwork, other sheep followed and did the same.

Some of the Mods there had taken a liking to me (these were the smart ones)
And others (these are the sheep) hadn't taken a liking to me.

Long story short, it was dividing the forum into two and the Admin was forced to act which he did.
good you should leave now before the inevitable

08-05-2014, 03:34 AM
Didn't know that...It was Da5eba who started the #11 thread that had me confused...

Still how is it "fun" to pretend the list is different from what it actually is?

Sorry man. Going by his criteria, LeBron and Hakeem had a lot of votes (with LeBron winning) so it was time to move on to #11. Redoing #9 was a mistake. I'm going to stick to a strict time schedule now.

08-05-2014, 03:35 AM
good you should leave now before the inevitable

It's funny you say that actually, because I've recently became friends with Steve (an admin here) and me and him have exchanged a few PM's talking about some different things.

He seems like a cool guy if you ever get a chance to know him

08-05-2014, 03:35 AM
He's said a good deal about Magic, but that was just a quote from his autobiography from the early/mid 80s:


He has a second book from his final season, though I haven't read it yet. I heard it's pretty good (it's more of a journal of his final season in the league, game-by-game, with flashbacks and insights into his playing days). When I have a chance I'll let you guys know if there's anything useful. :cheers:
Kinda Off topic, but I heard that Kareem had to beg to get a Lakers statue. You read anything about that?

08-05-2014, 03:37 AM
It's funny you say that actually, because I've recently became friends with Steve (an admin here) and me and him have exchanged a few PM's talking about some different things.

He seems like a cool guy if you ever get a chance to know him
nah dont care about the mods here :lol

they dont seem to be doing their jobs

08-05-2014, 03:40 AM
Kinda Off topic, but I heard that Kareem had to beg to get a Lakers statue. You read anything about that?
Yeah, horrible PR event.

In their defense, I believe the Magic statue went up in 04, and West's in 11. Both guys were lifelong Lakers, and Kareem's was gonna go up sooner than later. So it's not a *huge* deal.

08-05-2014, 03:46 AM
Yeah, horrible PR event.

In their defense, I believe the Magic statue went up in 04, and West's in 11. Both guys were lifelong Lakers, and Kareem's was gonna go up sooner than later. So it's not a *huge* deal.
Reading through some of the bio and it does appear that Kareem has an ego.....

Also none of these guys seem to have a problem leaving their teams to greener pastures. I wonder when that became a bad stigma

More reading for me. Thanks for the link. :cheers:

08-05-2014, 03:48 AM
Reading through some of the bio and it does appear that Kareem has an ego.....

Also none of these guys seem to have a problem leaving their teams to greener pastures. I wonder when that became a bad stigma

More reading for me. Thanks for the link. :cheers:

08-05-2014, 06:01 AM
Please, where does my count go wrong?


After that we had FIVE more LeBron votes and 1 more Hakeem vote...

42 for LeBron, 32 for Hakeem... OP should be banned... dude is incapable.

Orlando Magic
08-05-2014, 06:39 AM
Oh for ****s sake this isn't really that big of a deal.

I read the first few pages and I realized how incredibly ridiculous this voting is and how incredibly ridiculous most of us are being.

Who cares? Who really cares? Who is going to lose sleep whether russwest or some other moron thinks Kobe or LeBron or Kareem or whoever is #1 or #30?

If you do, check your life priorities. **** this.

08-05-2014, 06:41 AM
You ruined the threads by closing 9.

08-05-2014, 08:12 AM
Not a bad list tbh. Lebron will surpass kobe and hakeem easily anyway.

08-05-2014, 08:14 AM
Russ is hilarious

08-05-2014, 10:12 AM
Russ is hilarious

yet I can't get a rep to save my life. and when I do the mods delete the thread :facepalm

"oh look russwest0 got repped! time to delete the thread!"

shit, it's my 21st birthday today and I'll still get negged :cry:

08-05-2014, 10:24 AM
yet I can't get a rep to save my life. and when I do the mods delete the thread :facepalm

"oh look russwest0 got repped! time to delete the thread!"

shit, it's my 21st birthday today and I'll still get negged :cry:
future negged

08-05-2014, 10:27 AM
future negged

you are living proof that the rep system is a failure.

good day sir.

08-05-2014, 10:29 AM
you are living proof that the rep system is a failure.

good day sir.
future negged

08-05-2014, 10:38 AM
You rigged the #10 vote. LeBron clearly won. All your credibility just went out the window. It's a shame your top 10 list project will always be looked as a rigged project.

The funny thing is, this could have easily been avoided. You could have kept the #9 thread going longer and Kobe still would have won, but you panicked like a bitch and moved to #10. And to top it off you rigged the #10 voting which made you look like an even bigger bitch.


Such brazen BS doesn't stand with me. You destroyed a community event being such a stan. So I will never read another Russ post again.