View Full Version : Do you care about PED use?

08-05-2014, 11:32 PM
First, let me start off by saying that PED's can be dangerous. Buying them from third parties or off the black market, there's no telling what kind of side affects that continued use can cause. High school students should not be using them.

However, if an athlete wants to use them to better their game, I don't have a problem with it. Not only does PED use help extend a player's career, it can lead to higher pay checks and faster recovery time from injuries.

Not only that, if you were to make a PED legal version of all our professional sports leagues, we all know which one (PED legal vs PED illegal) people would tune in to watch. Look at baseball as an example. PED use was rampant back in the days of Mcgwire, Sosa, Bonds, and Griffey, and fans tuned in by the millions. People wanted to watch the home run races. It made the game exciting. It made it watchable. Now that PED's have been cracked down on, baseball viewership has dwindled to next to nothing. It has nothing to do with fans not wanting to watch because the game has been 'tainted', and has everything to do with the game being boring.

Imagine a PED legal NBA, where super athletic dudes were flying up and down the court, skying and slamming on each other at every opportunity. Guys would be pulling up from longer, sprinting faster, staying in the games longer (barring fouls of course). Imagine a PED legal NFL, where roided out freaks were breaking tackles and laying punishing hits on players. That's what people want to see.

College PED use is iffy, but you are old enough to join the military at that point, and you are an adult, so you should be able to make your own choices. Yeah, it may cause some players to lose out by not using, but in the workplace if you choose not to work 50 hours a week, then someone will take your spot. High schoolers are still too young and not legally adults, but at the same time, drugs are illegal and people still use them.

What are the thoughts on this? Are you for or against PED use.

*I wonder if I can fit the acronym PED in there one more time?*

08-05-2014, 11:41 PM
I care if only some are doing it, simply because that makes it unfair for those that succeed without it.

If they all did it, I wouldn't care.

08-05-2014, 11:51 PM
I have a problem with it because its illegal and has a lot of negative side effects. If it was legal and available to everyone, as mentioned above, for fair use.

08-05-2014, 11:57 PM
Technology and rules already have made most major sports easier..taken PEDs is bullshit imo

08-06-2014, 12:05 AM
I care if only some are doing it, simply because that makes it unfair for those that succeed without it.

If they all did it, I wouldn't care.

Do you think its unfair that some people succeed by working harder at their jobs? Or is it unfair that some go to better schools than others? You have a choice of whether or not to take out student loans to better yourself at a place of higher learning. Some choose not to, and aren't as successful because of it. Is that the fault of those who do?

It is illegal, but only because someone in DC says it is. Alcohol was illegal at one point. Gay marriage, marijuana use. Illegal because someone said so.

Point being, if someone chooses to take PED's to increase their edge over the competition, why is that a bad thing when you can choose to spend longer hours at the gym or you can sit at home? Nobody is forcing anyone to take PED's just like nobody is forcing anyone to put up extra shots after practice.

If it's the legal issue you're only looking at, I get that. But because it gives some people an edge is a lame excuse. Lots of choices give people an advantage.

08-06-2014, 12:08 AM
Better than illegal german procedures.

08-06-2014, 02:24 AM
I think players should be able to do whatever it takes though to get back to the game though via injury... but once they are back, no mas.

08-06-2014, 02:29 AM
I think players should be able to do whatever it takes though to get back to the game though via injury... but once they are back, no mas.


08-06-2014, 02:31 AM
In combat sports - yes, otherwise not really..

08-06-2014, 02:57 AM
i don't really care, the world is a corrupt ****ing place and sportsmen using ped's to reach their goals is no big deal at the end of the day. People need to be realistic and understand that PED's are rampant in basically every professional sporting league worth a dam. Nothing will ever change that.

08-06-2014, 04:20 AM
Better than illegal german procedures.


08-06-2014, 04:47 AM
I think players should be able to do whatever it takes though to get back to the game though via injury... but once they are back, no mas.


For example; Paul George should be able to take what is necessary to heal and get strong again.

08-06-2014, 04:51 AM
if performance enhancing drugs like steroids are illegal then every performance enhancing drug should be illegal. drugs like caffeine should be illegal. anybody who has a prescription drug that improves their performance in any way should be illegal.

i'm for making ped's legal though. especially in football, not like they are any more dangerous then concussions.

08-06-2014, 05:09 AM
Look at baseball as an example. PED use was rampant back in the days of Mcgwire, Sosa, Bonds, and Griffey, and fans tuned in by the millions. People wanted to watch the home run races. It made the game exciting. It made it watchable. Now that PED's have been cracked down on, baseball viewership has dwindled to next to nothing. It has nothing to do with fans not wanting to watch because the game has been 'tainted', and has everything to do with the game being boring.

So Mcqwire, Bonds, Sosa and Griffey wouldn't have been in the home run race without PEDs? Or is it just that they wouldn't be chasing down cherished records? If that's the only thing that will keep baseball from being boring to millions of people, then it sounds like baseball has other problems. What you're saying is that people only cared about home run records falling, and not the game itself.

That would be sort of like people only caring about the NBA if there was a Wilt-like figure smashing scoring records. It's interesting how neither the NBA nor the NFL need records to be broken to do well. What, are there not still great baseball players to watch?

08-06-2014, 05:16 AM
So Mcqwire, Bonds, Sosa and Griffey wouldn't have been in the home run race without PEDs? Or is it just that they wouldn't be chasing down cherished records? If that's the only thing that will keep baseball from being boring to millions of people, then it sounds like baseball has other problems. What you're saying is that people only cared about home run records falling, and not the game itself.

That would be sort of like people only caring about the NBA if there was a Wilt-like figure smashing scoring records. It's interesting how neither the NBA nor the NFL need records to be broken to do well. What, are there not still great baseball players to watch?

People like to see records broken. Nobody will ever score 100 in a game, but the idea that someone breaking the home run record, and those the Sosa/McGwire/Griffey 'chase' was exciting, made the fans tune in. They dont need records to be broken, but it makes for good entertainment.

People didnt only care about the record falling, they tuned in to see physical works of art excelling at their jobs.

Just like people tuned into the Heat when they were on their win streak, or Durant's scoring burst this season, or Lin's time in NY. People like to see excitement. People like to see people excel in their given sport. Its not about the record being broken, it was about the achievements.

08-06-2014, 05:29 AM
Better than illegal german procedures.

08-06-2014, 05:59 AM
We are few years away from genetic manipulation and use of advanced bionics and people still care about PEDs?:lol

08-06-2014, 06:57 AM
First, let me start off by saying that PED's can be dangerous. Buying them from third parties or off the black market, there's no telling what kind of side affects that continued use can cause. High school students should not be using them.

However, if an athlete wants to use them to better their game, I don't have a problem with it. Not only does PED use help extend a player's career, it can lead to higher pay checks and faster recovery time from injuries.

Not only that, if you were to make a PED legal version of all our professional sports leagues, we all know which one (PED legal vs PED illegal) people would tune in to watch. Look at baseball as an example. PED use was rampant back in the days of Mcgwire, Sosa, Bonds, and Griffey, and fans tuned in by the millions. People wanted to watch the home run races. It made the game exciting. It made it watchable. Now that PED's have been cracked down on, baseball viewership has dwindled to next to nothing. It has nothing to do with fans not wanting to watch because the game has been 'tainted', and has everything to do with the game being boring.

Imagine a PED legal NBA, where super athletic dudes were flying up and down the court, skying and slamming on each other at every opportunity. Guys would be pulling up from longer, sprinting faster, staying in the games longer (barring fouls of course). Imagine a PED legal NFL, where roided out freaks were breaking tackles and laying punishing hits on players. That's what people want to see.

College PED use is iffy, but you are old enough to join the military at that point, and you are an adult, so you should be able to make your own choices. Yeah, it may cause some players to lose out by not using, but in the workplace if you choose not to work 50 hours a week, then someone will take your spot. High schoolers are still too young and not legally adults, but at the same time, drugs are illegal and people still use them.

What are the thoughts on this? Are you for or against PED use.

*I wonder if I can fit the acronym PED in there one more time?*

You mean like the current NBA?

Magic 32
08-06-2014, 07:48 AM
Better than illegal german procedures.

So fixing a knee is wrong, but continues blood doping for improvement of strength, endurance and muscles is ok?

Lebron fans are the worst.

08-06-2014, 08:48 AM
So fixing a knee is wrong, but continues blood doping for improvement of strength, endurance and muscles is ok?

Lebron fans are the worst.
Lebron does neither.:confusedshrug:

08-06-2014, 09:41 AM
Tony Bosch just surrendered to the DEA and Lebron has recently started a slim-down program. Nothing odd about that at all.

08-06-2014, 09:51 AM
Wouldn't care if everyone was allowed to use it. As it would be fair for everything.

Not a fan if only certain players are using it, while others follow the rules.

Oly BC
08-06-2014, 10:15 AM
People cared about sports even before penicillin, this obsession with records and numbers and "vertical jump" is just a way for sponsors to push their product.

I don't think anyone's health should be at risk for that. If someone wants to trade his long term health for another million or two when he already has plenty, I question his judgement.

code green
08-06-2014, 10:21 AM
Sure. At this point, there are drugs that have extremely minimal side effects (Long term use, I don't know. I'm not a doctor) that can help players recover faster, play longer/harder, and without the fear of nagging injuries? Allow it. Every sport, not just basketball.

Every league is turning a blind eye to it anyway, except for Major League Baseball. And even then, it's only because the old timers can't stomach the fact that the athletes are better nowadays then during their heyday.

Like Bill Burr said about the Lance Armstrong scandal. Who wants to see a bunch of white guys huffing and puffing their way through the Alps without it?