View Full Version : Russia close to a historic $20bn oil deal with Iran

08-06-2014, 01:57 AM
It's not official but both sides are getting closer trade and economic cooperation. Looks like Putin is not just siting on his ass.


08-06-2014, 02:13 AM
Good one. Never understood the diplomatic "terrorism" U.S. imposed on Iran.

08-06-2014, 02:16 AM
Good one. Never understood the diplomatic "terrorism" U.S. imposed on Iran.

One Word: AIPAC.

08-06-2014, 02:27 AM
It's also not surprising two countries that has western sanctions are helping each other out.

08-06-2014, 08:02 AM
EU leaders are so weak. at least U.S. has been trying to rein Putin in for awhile. too bad Putin is smarter than all of them :facepalm

08-06-2014, 08:21 AM
One Word: AIPAC.
How does that explain China's role in sanctions against Iran? Or Germany's?

The counties involved in the negotiations with Iran were

United States
United Kingdom

plus Germany

08-06-2014, 08:23 AM
Good one. Never understood the diplomatic "terrorism" U.S. imposed on Iran.

You don't understand why the nations of the UN Security Council would want to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

08-06-2014, 08:35 AM
You don't understand why the nations of the UN Security Council would want to prevent Iran from going nuclear?

No explain.

08-06-2014, 08:46 AM
You don't understand why the nations of the UN Security Council would want to prevent Iran from going nuclear?
Because of the hysterical Israeli PM? Europeans countries are U.S. puppets dont even count them as a separate opinion.

08-06-2014, 09:34 AM
No explain.
Regardless of what the Ayatollah says in public, Iran will weaponize if it feels it can push it's agenda on the world stage by doing so, much in the same way India, Pakistan and North Korea have done. On it's own, that's not any more terrifying than any other country arming itself with nukes.

The problem in Iran is that too many hardliners in the upper echelons of the Ayatollah's group of clergymen (the men who run the country) are complicit in arming and funding Shiite militant groups. Those men similarly hold influence over people in the scientific and military apparatus in Iran...the men who will construct and deploy those nuclear weapons. The really scary part is that these religious men who no one elected have zero internal accountability; if they want to siphon state funds to terrorist groups, the regime does nothing to stop them. Ergo, it's not completely crazy to assume that any nuclear weaponry Iran eventually develops will eventually end up the hands of people who will have no qualms about using it.

08-06-2014, 09:44 AM
Regardless of what the Ayatollah says in public, Iran will weaponize if it feels it can push it's agenda on the world stage by doing so, much in the same way India, Pakistan and North Korea have done. On it's own, that's not any more terrifying than any other country arming itself with nukes.

The problem in Iran is that too many hardliners in the upper echelons of the Ayatollah's group of clergymen (the men who run the country) are complicit in arming and funding Shiite militant groups. Those men similarly hold influence over people in the scientific and military apparatus in Iran...the men who will construct and deploy those nuclear weapons. The really scary part is that these religious men who no one elected have zero internal accountability; if they want to siphon state funds to terrorist groups, the regime does nothing to stop them. Ergo, it's not completely crazy to assume that any nuclear weaponry Iran eventually develops will eventually end up the hands of people who will have no qualms about using it.
I hardly doubt anyone would give access to use nuclear weapons to religious nutcases in Iran, Iranian people are not that dumb. What concerns me more, why a almost failed state like Pakistan i allowed to have nuclear weapons? Only few months ago, there was an attack against one of the nuclear weapon facilities in Pakistan by "terrorist".

08-06-2014, 09:51 AM
I hardly doubt anyone would give access to use nuclear weapons to religious nutcases in Iran, Iranian people are not that dumb. What concerns me more, why a almost failed state like Pakistan i allowed to have nuclear weapons? Only few months ago, there was an attack against one of the nuclear weapon facilities in Pakistan by "terrorist".

ughh who is higher than the Ayatollah in Iran? Did you not see the younger moderate movement get completely crushed? they get arrested for dancing for christs sakes :facepalm

how do you all think like "I hardly doubt anyone would give access to use nuclear weapons to religious nutcases in Iran, Iranian people are not that dumb"....seriously wtf? is this all based on ones own thinking and not factual world realities? :biggums:

08-06-2014, 09:54 AM
Gotta respect that. Making the right business moves :applause:

08-06-2014, 09:58 AM
ughh who is higher than the Ayatollah in Iran? Did you not see the younger moderate movement get completely crushed? they get arrested for dancing for christs sakes :facepalm

how do you all think like "I hardly doubt anyone would give access to use nuclear weapons to religious nutcases in Iran, Iranian people are not that dumb"....seriously wtf? is this all based on ones own thinking and not factual world realities? :biggums:
Same thing happens in Saudi Arabia, but they are your buddies. Iran doesnt have capabilities to produce nuclear weapons. And after all the assassinations and sabotages from Israel they are no where near enriching uranium needed for nuclear weapon

08-06-2014, 10:05 AM
Same thing happens in Saudi Arabia, but they are your buddies. Iran doesnt have capabilities to produce nuclear weapons. And after all the assassinations and sabotages from Israel they are no where near enriching uranium needed for nuclear weapon

well when Saudi Arabia starts putting hits on people talking bad about Allah around the world maybe i'll worry about them getting nukes....see fundamentalist islamists at the top where there is no separation of church and state. Saudi Arabia has a separation.

furthermore they're not developing nukes....

it always makes me laugh how so many people here always go out of their way to paint the US as worse than the Islamic extremists. I swear the internet made everyone dumb, or maybe its just more apparent now.

08-06-2014, 10:07 AM
I hardly doubt anyone would give access to use nuclear weapons to religious nutcases in Iran, Iranian people are not that dumb. What concerns me more, why a almost failed state like Pakistan i allowed to have nuclear weapons? Only few months ago, there was an attack against one of the nuclear weapon facilities in Pakistan by "terrorist".
The Iranian people couldn't be more irrelevant to the problem. They have zero say in any of this so long as the Revolutionary Guard and the Islamist militias and police remain loyal to the regime. If you read the news at all, you've seen that any dissent will be crushed internally very quickly and the rest of the world WILL stand by and watch.

If you can't imagine the scenario I described, then you don't know how Iran works. The clerical bureaucracy is an absolute nightmare of factions that often have conflicting and competing goals. There are men in that government, unelected priests, who legitimately believe that countries that haven't accepted Islam have no right to exist and associate/patronize with groups and individuals who feel the same way.

08-06-2014, 10:13 AM
Good, US' only foreign policy is forcing crippling sanctions on countries which mostly affects ordinary people. The US and her allies need to reevaluate their attitude toward other countries.

08-06-2014, 04:10 PM
Good, US' only foreign policy is forcing crippling sanctions on countries which mostly affects ordinary people. The US and her allies need to reevaluate their attitude toward other countries.


08-06-2014, 04:58 PM
Good, US' only foreign policy is forcing crippling sanctions on countries which mostly affects ordinary people. The US and her allies need to reevaluate their attitude toward other countries.


08-06-2014, 05:44 PM
u guys should offer up some suggestions then...hard enough to come up with sanctions that will make a country's government care that much to begin with. its like NKorea, no matter what we hit them with its going to trickle down to their people who will suffer the most, while Kim Jong Un still lives lavishly.

i mean they can barely come up with much to hurt Putin right now...

Iran seems like they're caving even if the people are hurting...seems to be working...took a long ass time tho :pimp: