View Full Version : How do you have confidence if youre really ugly?

08-08-2014, 10:31 PM
How? i feel ugly sometimes because of a car accident i had when i was 16 that left me with a unsightly scar on my face. it makes me self conscious in public sometimes. And i hate when i have to have face to face convos with people because they can see my imperfections.

08-08-2014, 10:33 PM
Some dudes just have mad game. Others have so much money it doesn't matter if they're ugly

08-08-2014, 10:34 PM

If this guy can pull chicks whats you're excess?


08-08-2014, 10:34 PM
If this guy can pull chicks whats you're excess?

he has money, that's why.

08-08-2014, 10:35 PM
Some dudes just have mad game. Others have so much money it doesn't matter if they're ugly

so if you have personality it doesnt matter?

08-08-2014, 10:35 PM


Big member.

You better damn well have one or you're a beta bitch for your entire life. (Like me)

Le Shaqtus
08-08-2014, 10:36 PM
Whip it out.

08-08-2014, 10:36 PM
so if you have personality it doesnt matter?
personality as to being money.

08-08-2014, 10:37 PM
he has money, that's why.

Yup these hoes would sleep with anyone ugly as long that he has money:lol

08-08-2014, 10:38 PM
Yup these hoes would sleep with anyone ugly of he has the money:lol
yup most definitely especially in 2014, itz money for everything wit these hoes.

08-08-2014, 10:38 PM
so if you have personality it doesnt matter?

With ugly to sometimes average girls, it may help.

Since you're beta and what not, I suggest you find someone on your level. Maybe a fat chick, ugly chick, etc.

Try plenty of fish. Free dating site.

08-08-2014, 10:40 PM
With ugly to sometimes average girls, it may help.

Since you're beta and what not, I suggest you find someone on your level. Maybe a fat chick, ugly chick, etc.

Try plenty of fish. Free dating site.
a fat or ugly or both chick works sometimes but its not worth it with them. We have to admit it that more success and money brings us to more guaranteed sex wit tha honeys:pimp: So we all have to reach for tha sky:applause:

08-08-2014, 10:43 PM
a fat or ugly or both chick works sometimes but its not worth it with them. We have to admit it that more success and money brings us to more guaranteed sex wit tha honeys:pimp: So we all have to reach for tha sky:applause:

The OP could win the lottery, I guess.

08-08-2014, 10:43 PM
so if you have personality it doesnt matter?
It matters, but the only way you can charm them with your personality is if you have the opportunity. Like if you see a woman at the gas station she may not give you a second look if you're unattractive, but if you work with this woman or go to school with her you have the opportunity to WOW her with your personality/charm.

08-08-2014, 10:44 PM
When I was a teenager, so many girls thought I was cute. A lot of girls liked me and I was one of the best at getting girls in our school.

I realized after school that I was putting a lot of stock into my looks. When I thought I looked good I could feel sky high confidence. If I didnt look good, it went way down.

I was using the past tense in that last sentence, but truthfully, I still can and do get insecure when I feel I look ugly. So this is a life lesson I am still trying to learn, but I think its good advice.

You as a person, if you are a good person, deserve good things. If you have honest intentions and effort and you arent meaning to hurt others... the way you look shouldnt define you.

So confidence should come from knowing who you are inside. Learning to be comfortable with yourself and have inner happiness. Real confidence and happiness comes from within, not from your exterior looks. Looks are fleeting. All of us will age and not look nearly as good as we used to. What will you do then about confidence?

Easier said than done. But that is the right track, I think.

08-08-2014, 10:44 PM
take this guy for an example. how or what gives him the confidence to go out in public and smile?


08-08-2014, 10:45 PM
The OP could win the lottery, I guess.
yea or save up a lot of money while having a good paying job:confusedshrug:

08-08-2014, 10:46 PM
maybe im asking the wrong questions here. take this guy for an example. how or what gives him the confidence to go out in public and smile?

seeing where he's at, he have a lot of money. Money will do that to certain people.

08-08-2014, 10:46 PM
take this guy for an example. how or what gives him the confidence to go out in public and smile?


He's rich.

08-08-2014, 10:47 PM
so being rich erases ugly?

08-08-2014, 10:50 PM
so being rich erases ugly?
yes or a good paying job or being real close with a famous person

08-08-2014, 10:52 PM
so being rich erases ugly?


Women want one of three things...



Big member

And some want all three of them.

08-08-2014, 10:53 PM

Women want one of three things...



Big member

And some want all three of them.
Most want money even sum of tha shy ones.

08-08-2014, 11:16 PM
seeing where he's at, he have a lot of money. Money will do that to certain people.

He's rich.
1) he's dead, 2) he wasn't that rich, 3) he came by his fame because he was a top-notch film critic, 4) he wasn't born that way... he got throat cancer or somesuch and the restorative operations failed.


if you can't afford plastic surgery, what about some kind of classy tattoo to break up the pattern or something? admittedly it would have to be expertly designed, but still... way cheaper, plus it would only be semi-temporary.

08-08-2014, 11:22 PM
I dunno. Do you have anything else going on besides your face

08-08-2014, 11:24 PM
And trust me. That scar looks a lot bigger and deeper to you than to anyone around you

08-08-2014, 11:42 PM
OP, you gotta use what you've got. From this moment, you were no longer in a car accident.

You were trekking through the Amazon when you heard a cry for help. Immediately, you being to run towards the scream. You see a young girl who has been cornered by a Jaguar. You pick up a rock and bravely throw it at the Jaguar. The Jaguar turns on you. You run. The Jaguar chases. Your foot gets caught on the root of a large tree and you take a hard fall. The Jaguar slowly walks up to you. This is it, you're done. The Jaguar swipes at you and catches your face, leaving you with a huge gash on your face. Blood everywhere, adrenaline pumping, you don't really know what's going on. You start flailing your arms around in an attempt to knock the Jaguar off of you. The Jaguar keeps clawing at you when suddenly it lets out a large cry. All of a sudden, the swipes stop and you feel the full weight of the Jaguar collapse on top of you. Dazed and confused, you slowly being to lose consciousness.

You wake up what ends up being 12 hours later. You seem be in the campsite of an Amazonian tribe. You try to sit up but immediately you are held down by one of the Amazonian's. You allow them to perform their medical rituals on you. Amazingly, you are healed within a couple of days. You decide to stay around and help out the tribe in return for them saving your life. A few weeks later it's time to leave. You finish your trek through the Amazon.

10 years later you are sitting in a bar with a girl. You tell her this story and proceed to plow her all night long. You are now known as the most interesting man in the world.

08-09-2014, 09:17 AM
This thread was gayed up quickly with retarded questions.. "so if he's rich that erases ugly?"


btw, who says you cant smile if you're "ugly" ? have some confidence.

08-09-2014, 09:20 AM
OP, you gotta use what you've got. From this moment, you were no longer in a car accident.

You were trekking through the Amazon when you heard a cry for help. Immediately, you being to run towards the scream. You see a young girl who has been cornered by a Jaguar. You pick up a rock and bravely throw it at the Jaguar. The Jaguar turns on you. You run. The Jaguar chases. Your foot gets caught on the root of a large tree and you take a hard fall. The Jaguar slowly walks up to you. This is it, you're done. The Jaguar swipes at you and catches your face, leaving you with a huge gash on your face. Blood everywhere, adrenaline pumping, you don't really know what's going on. You start flailing your arms around in an attempt to knock the Jaguar off of you. The Jaguar keeps clawing at you when suddenly it lets out a large cry. All of a sudden, the swipes stop and you feel the full weight of the Jaguar collapse on top of you. Dazed and confused, you slowly being to lose consciousness.

You wake up what ends up being 12 hours later. You seem be in the campsite of an Amazonian tribe. You try to sit up but immediately you are held down by one of the Amazonian's. You allow them to perform their medical rituals on you. Amazingly, you are healed within a couple of days. You decide to stay around and help out the tribe in return for them saving your life. A few weeks later it's time to leave. You finish your trek through the Amazon.

10 years later you are sitting in a bar with a girl. You tell her this story and proceed to plow her all night long. You are now known as the most interesting man in the world.

Reminds me of "When I was backpacking across Western Europe" :oldlol:

08-09-2014, 09:24 AM
You dont have confidence. You just have to exhume confidence. Fake it. Thats what I do and I gotten some fly honeys in my time.

08-09-2014, 09:46 AM
Wear your scar with pride. You survived a car accident when you were young and you lived to tell the tale. If anyone gives you shit for it they're not worth your time. People need to call out others and put them in their place if they're giving you shit.

Don't listen to these guys who say money gives you confidence. That's one of the weakest cop out excuses I've ever heard. You want inner confidence, that comes from being content with yourself. Focus on the things you can do and the things you're good at. Don't take yourself too seriously, be a person who people want to be around. You can be the best looking guy in the world but if you have zero charisma no one will want to be around you. If you don't have charisma teach yourself. I read this book a few years ago because I wanted casting directors to remember me in an audition. http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Charisma-Myth-Personal-Magnetism/dp/0670922870/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1407591654&sr=8-1&keywords=charisma

It's well worth your time and start getting used to being a talkative person.

3 tips to start off with.

1. When you're buying groceries, clothes, Blu ray's etc talk to the cashier. Ask them how their day is etc

2. Listen to people, when they're speaking to you pay attention. Don't let your mind wander and don't just wait for your turn to speak.

3. Never turn down an opportunity to enjoy yourself. Always say yes to parties and socializing and enjoy yourself. Like I said people like to be around someone who's having fun. It's acts as a natural magnet.

Good luck bro and don't let people knock your confidence because of something you had no control over earlier on in life.

08-09-2014, 10:05 AM
just don't be confident about your looks

be confident about something else about you
and whether or not people will know or not know that about you

you're certainly not going to score the pretty girls with your looks
imagining that's what you want