View Full Version : People who talk negativity on tha knicks...

08-11-2014, 06:41 PM
Phuck yall!!!!! We gonna make tha damn playoffs this season!:mad: (leaves stage)

08-11-2014, 06:42 PM
knicks suck

08-11-2014, 06:44 PM
knicks suck

08-11-2014, 06:46 PM
we wouldn't care so much if you stopped being such a ****** about it

Real Men Wear Green
08-11-2014, 06:47 PM
Phuck yall!!!!! We gonna make tha damn playoffs this season!:mad: (leaves stage)
Somewhere in NYC, 5 people are scratching their heads watching a hobo that just climbed down from an upended garbage pail after screaming incoherently.

08-11-2014, 07:04 PM

08-11-2014, 07:04 PM
You're the only poster who talks about them

Avy bet they don't do better than 6 seed, IF they even make the playoffs

Smook A.
08-11-2014, 07:08 PM
Damn, why are you being all sensitive about what other people think? We're not all going to love the Knicks. Some posters here hate them and don't think they'll make the playoffs. Others have different opinions. At the end of the day... who cares? :confusedshrug:

TheReal Kendall
08-11-2014, 07:10 PM
I got them making the 8th seed bro. I feel bad for my boy Melo but he getting paid and he chose this garbage team

08-11-2014, 07:13 PM
See? Now that's the shit.

My man makes one lickle post about Knicks, and they come running with the tongues dangling. :D

I love it. We're gonna have some fun this season! :pimp:

08-11-2014, 07:13 PM
You're the only poster who talks about them

Avy bet they don't do better than 6 seed, IF they even make the playoffs

he already perma ban bet me that the knicks will finish higher than the raptors. don't bother

08-11-2014, 07:15 PM
In b4 Lowry tears ACL....

08-11-2014, 07:15 PM
Somewhere in NYC, 5 people are scratching their heads watching a hobo that just climbed down from an upended garbage pail after screaming incoherently.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Man, this Real14 guy must be close to being permabanned.

Like this isn't even remotely close to being thread worthy :eek:

Smook A.
08-11-2014, 07:18 PM
In b4 Lowry tears ACL....
You're ****ed up

Real Men Wear Green
08-11-2014, 07:21 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Man, this Real14 guy must be close to being permabanned.
Sadly no but you can expect him to tell us he'll never post here again within a week. And of course "return" five minutes later.

08-11-2014, 07:22 PM
You're ****ed up
Lol dude has been wishing injuries on every teams star player for a while now

Smook A.
08-11-2014, 07:24 PM
Lol dude has been wishing injuries on every teams star player for a while now
Well if you think about it, that's really the only way the Knicks can make the playoffs, unfortunately.

Real Men Wear Green
08-11-2014, 07:29 PM
Well if you think about it, that's really the only way the Knicks can make the playoffs, unfortunately.
They're 12 ACL tears from the ECF, maybe if we see 30 they can win a ring.

08-11-2014, 07:31 PM
Why do you want to make the play offs with that roster? You have no chance of making an actual run so what's the point? They should have let Melo walk and rebuilt. They are a large market, if they spent some time collecting lottery picks and had some young talent big names would in interested. As it stands they aren't doing shit and no one wants to go there.

08-11-2014, 07:32 PM
They're 12 ACL tears from the ECF, maybe if we see 30 they can win a ring.

Smook A.
08-11-2014, 07:32 PM
They're 12 ACL tears from the ECF, maybe if we see 30 they can win a ring.

08-11-2014, 07:41 PM
Lol dude has been wishing injuries on every teams star player for a while now

Y'all can dish it out but you can't take it. My team gets bashed daily: I give it right back to ya.

08-11-2014, 08:15 PM
They're 12 ACL tears from the ECF, maybe if we see 30 they can win a ring.

Oh wow that's brutal :roll:

08-11-2014, 08:34 PM
I think they can snag the 8 seed but it won't be easy.

In all honesty it would be better if they miss the playoffs to get a nice draft pick but at the same time, they won't be bad enough to get a top pick unless Silver pulls a Stern/Ewing lottery move.:D

08-11-2014, 09:08 PM
The Knicks aren't even good enough to get the 8th seed in the WNBA.

Get real.

08-11-2014, 09:41 PM
Meanwhile the usual haters are posting in this thread I see.

I mean the hating is going so far that people are posting about the Knicks not even having their pick for next year, when they absolutely do. The poster would rather post his hate quickly, rather than do 5 seconds of research before posting. Sums it up perfectly actually. He obviously deleted it.

08-12-2014, 10:06 AM
In b4 Lowry tears ACL....

Even if that were to happen, the Raptors probably still win the division. Raptors were 3-0 without Lowry at one point, 5-0 without both him and Amir. They were 14-0 when a starter missed a lot of time or was injured.

Not saying we go perfect without Lowry if he missed the season nor do I want him to miss a season, but we had a good enough to team compete night in and night out. The team now is better than last year's, just going on paper. Last time the Raptors had a big test without 2 of their starters:



DeMar also finished with 22 and 9 assists. DeMar, Jonas, and Ross all look improved going into next season.

08-12-2014, 10:14 AM
Knicks fans act like victims when they're in every other thread spouting off about their squad.

If fans of other bad teams did the same, they'd get smacked down the same. Typical New York entitled attitude.

el gringos
08-12-2014, 10:15 AM
Even if that were to happen, the Raptors probably still win the division. Raptors were 3-0 without Lowry at one point, 5-0 without both him and Amir. They were 14-0 when a starter missed a lot of time or was injured.

Not saying we go perfect without Lowry if he missed the season nor do I want him to miss a season, but we had a good enough to team compete night in and night out. The team now is better than last year's, just going on paper. Last time the Raptors had a big test without 2 of their starters:



DeMar also finished with 22 and 9 assists. DeMar, Jonas, and Ross all look improved going into next season.
1 season leads you to delusional? Yeah sure. Raptors are the favorite. They don't have a Carmelo, but they have a derozen and a Lowry. They don't have a Jr, but they have a Ross.

Raptors don't even have a player as talented as bargnani. But they did get Novak

08-12-2014, 10:17 AM
1 season leads you to delusional? Yeah sure. Raptors are the favorite. They don't have a Carmelo, but they have a derozen and a Lowry. They don't have a Jr, but they have a Ross.

Raptors don't even have a player as talented as bargnani. But they did get Novak

They also don't have a player as brutally shitty as bargs...and they play team ball. Plus they have better roll players

08-12-2014, 10:17 AM
If Knicks did not crack 41 wins this could be PJax's first losing season.:(

08-12-2014, 10:27 AM
1 season leads you to delusional? Yeah sure. Raptors are the favorite. They don't have a Carmelo, but they have a derozen and a Lowry. They don't have a Jr, but they have a Ross.

Raptors don't even have a player as talented as bargnani. But they did get Novak

Posters on ISH (for the most part)










ESPN Forecast


All have the Raptors over the Knicks and the other division rivals. That usually means they are the favourites. They can't all be delusional... but then I forgot who I was responding too.

Obligatory for el gringos
