View Full Version : Is every woman a potential prostitute?

08-13-2014, 11:08 AM
Now hear me out. A prostitute is a woman who sells sex for money, right? Well believe it or not, every woman has her price. Offer then enough and they do it. Some may have way higher thresholds then others but they all have a limit. No woman in this world would turn down a billion dollars to bang some guy for 5 minutes.

So, does that make all women potential prostitutes? Are we all prostitutes?

Can a woman really look down on a prostitute, when if she was offered enough she would do the exact same thing?

08-13-2014, 11:09 AM
Now hear me out. A prostitute is a woman who sells sex for money, right? Well believe it or not, every woman has her price. Offer then enough and they do it. Some may have way higher thresholds then others but they all have a limit. No woman in this world would turn down a billion dollars to bang some guy for 5 minutes.

So, does that make all women potential prostitutes? Are we all prostitutes?

Can a woman really look down on a prostitute, when if she was offered enough she would do the exact same thing?

You can say the same about men too? Also I do hope one day my net worth is $1Billion+. I got to win this year's march madness lol.

08-13-2014, 11:10 AM
I don't believe in prostitution being illegal.

Im Still Ballin
08-13-2014, 11:12 AM

08-13-2014, 11:13 AM
A prostitute is a woman who sells sex for money, right?
Nope, A prostitute is a woman whose job is selling sex for money.

08-13-2014, 11:14 AM
Truthfully, girls are prostitutes because men create the industry. Everything that has gone wrong in society is because of men. We are the dominant species. Women are reacting to us.

08-13-2014, 11:18 AM
No woman in this world would turn down a billion dollars to bang some guy for 5 minutes.

And this is not true. There are plenty of women who would turn it down immediately.

08-13-2014, 11:25 AM
And this is not true. There are plenty of women who would turn it down immediately.

Nope. You just up it. 2 billion. 3 billion.

Everyone has family to take care of or things they want to do. Money like that isnt turned down. Only 0.0001% of the worlds population would turn all money down.

08-13-2014, 11:30 AM
Nope. You just up it. 2 billion. 3 billion.

Everyone has family to take care of or things they want to do. Money like that isnt turned down. Only 0.0001% of the worlds population would turn all money down.
Nope. Plenty of women who would turn it down immediately. Not a small number either.

08-13-2014, 11:36 AM
Every girl except your mom, she sucks my d1ck for free.

Why you gotta do me like that bro

08-13-2014, 11:37 AM
50 bucks for 30 minutes with any random stranger is a prostitute. 100 bucks for 30 minutes with anyone is a prostitute. 1000 bucks for one night with select clientele is a prostitute. Hell. I'd even call someone with an exclusive sugar daddy a prostitute.

Someone who is willing to bang for 5 minutes for 1 billion dollars I would just call a sensible human being.

08-13-2014, 11:38 AM
Nope. Plenty of women who would turn it down immediately. Not a small number either.

Your being extremely naive bro. A rich guy can get pretty much any woman to sleep with him just because he is rich. So imagine offering that money to these girls in a lump sum for one night. Only women that would turn it down are probably those extremely religious women whose fear of hell supersedes their love of money.

08-13-2014, 11:40 AM
50 bucks for 30 minutes with any random stranger is a prostitute. 100 bucks for 30 minutes with anyone is a prostitute. 1000 bucks for one night with select clientele is a prostitute. Hell. I'd even call someone with an exclusive sugar daddy a prostitute.

Someone who is willing to bang for 5 minutes for 1 billion dollars I would just call a sensible human being.

Okay, now we are delving deeper into this. So is the prostitute tag based on actions, or how much you get paid? Are prostitutes looked down upon because of their actions, or because of how they are getting paid for said actions?

08-13-2014, 11:45 AM
there was this girl in my high school who charged 10 bucks for a blowjob. and she wasn't even poor.

08-13-2014, 11:46 AM
Your being extremely naive bro. A rich guy can get pretty much any woman to sleep with him just because he is rich. So imagine offering that money to these girls in a lump sum for one night. Only women that would turn it down are probably those extremely religious women whose fear of hell supersedes their love of money.
False and false.

08-13-2014, 11:47 AM
Okay, now we are delving deeper into this. So is the prostitute tag based on actions, or how much you get paid? Are prostitutes looked down upon because of their actions, or because of how they are getting paid for said actions?
Because their job is prostituting.

08-13-2014, 11:51 AM
I would say to be a "prostitute" you have to actually have sex for money on a regular basis, not just one time.

If I were to sell a buddy a bag of pot ONCE, that doesn't make me a "drug-dealer". If I sold a friend a car, that doesn't make a "car-salesmen" etc etc

08-13-2014, 12:00 PM
well serious superman engaged:

despite all the opinions, i do believe that there are moral girls still left in this world. even some in the US. not all girls are whores. or prostitutes. my theory is that ultimately girls like to choose. no matter how big of a slut a girl is, ultimately its her choice who she wants to fu ck. if you approach a girl with the statement that you are going to pay her an X amount of dollars if she lets you plow her, she would most probably decline. ofcourse that doesn't hold true for most US females, but since I belong to the professional workforce and know and personally and deeply and mentally and sympathetically understand a professional woman, I would say that 70% of professional women would decline an offer of prostitution if the offer was under a million dollars. now if it were more than 1 million and in between 100 million, it would be about 95% of the professional women (if the offer were closer to 100 than 1). and if the offer were over 100 million only 95% of the professional women would agree to prostitution. the point being that ultimately, there are those few women that just wouldn't agree because they are just not greedy.

the 5% that doesn't agree no matter what the price, is the one you want to marry.

i actually lucked out and married one of those 5% and she is a professional and now she's making my life hell because I'm not as successful as her.

so **** her as well.

leave me single and give me a whore.

08-13-2014, 12:57 PM
Okay, now we are delving deeper into this. So is the prostitute tag based on actions, or how much you get paid? Are prostitutes looked down upon because of their actions, or because of how they are getting paid for said actions?

First of all, I don't look down on prostitutes.

Obviously there are a lot of dudes, old/ugly/awkward/lazy/whatever, who are thirsty but can't get that ***** (or the ***** they want) and have disposable income. Obviously their are a lot of women who want to earn 1000 dollars a day and don't mind to do some sexual shit to get it. I don't have a problem with that, I don't consider any of the parties there immoral or bad or look down on them in any way.

To be a real prostitute it has to be your profession. You earn money with sex and that's the money you live off. If a girl is willing to do it, but doesn't do it on a professional basis she's simply cheap. The scales flip when it's a sum of money that would drastically improve your life and the life of your loved ones. An adult should be able to sacrifice themselves for the people they love to a certain extent.

08-13-2014, 01:05 PM
Premise of topic is just false. Plenty of people wouldn't do it just on principle. People turn down things that aren't even bad that they'd get compenstated for on principle.

Just because OP's mom sucks dick for money doesn't mean every women would do it.

08-13-2014, 01:11 PM
Prostitution should be legalized...would decrease human trafficing/slavery, and rape. It would get these women off the streets and in a legal and safe environment where they won't be raped and beaten and they would be put in an STD free environment as well.

It would also increase tax revenue.

Prostitution is a VICTIMLESS CRIME...you have two consenting adults who are both agreeing on something, why should they be stopped?

Nick Young
08-13-2014, 01:15 PM
Prostitution should be legalized...would decrease human trafficing/slavery, and rape. It would get these women off the streets and in a legal and safe environment where they won't be raped and beaten and they would be put in an STD free environment as well.

It would also increase tax revenue.

Prostitution is a VICTIMLESS CRIME...you have two consenting adults who are both agreeing on something, why should they be stopped?
cus the bible dawg

08-13-2014, 01:21 PM
just don't tell me we are all going to act like every single male loves their job now

"but if you're passionate about your job, you won't feel like you are working"

08-13-2014, 01:33 PM
You dont know women

Now hear me out. A prostitute is a woman who sells sex for money, right? Well believe it or not, every woman has her price. Offer then enough and they do it. Some may have way higher thresholds then others but they all have a limit. No woman in this world would turn down a billion dollars to bang some guy for 5 minutes.

So, does that make all women potential prostitutes? Are we all prostitutes?

Can a woman really look down on a prostitute, when if she was offered enough she would do the exact same thing?

Men would sleep with women for a stick of gum then what does that make men?

08-13-2014, 01:39 PM
Occupation vs. Status climbing
One uses to make a living, the other uses her body to get things she wants

08-13-2014, 01:59 PM
Occupation vs. Status climbing
One uses to make a living, the other uses her body to get things she wants

and as to working for someone you don't like?
working for a cause in which you don't care for?
doing the work just so you can bring home a paycheck to keep your family warm?

of course we can always differentiate the difference

but you know

"I don't see a whole lot of honor in that"

08-13-2014, 02:04 PM
The guys in here saying most women wouldnt do it cause of principles are making me laugh so hard right now. Some real virgin white knight fakkits in this thread.

"No, she would never sleep with that guy for $1bill, shes too much of a good girl".

Yall are dumb f*cks. Forget girls, most men would take it up the ass for a few minutes for that kind of money. You guys need to come back down to Earth.

Money > All. With a billion you could make everyone you have ever known a millionaire but no, "shes has principles dude hurr durr".

08-13-2014, 02:08 PM
Prostitution should be legalized...would decrease human trafficing/slavery, and rape. It would get these women off the streets and in a legal and safe environment where they won't be raped and beaten and they would be put in an STD free environment as well.

It would also increase tax revenue.

Prostitution is a VICTIMLESS CRIME...you have two consenting adults who are both agreeing on something, why should they be stopped?

Prostitution aint that simple kid. Only the high class escort business could be seen as having no victims. But a lot of prositutes are young drug addicted girls who are being pimped out and have to do it to make money. They get beaten, raped by their pimps and a lot of them have serious mental issues and some even commit suicide. And if you asked them, they would want to continue doing it just for the money.

You think the pimping game only exists because its illegal? Legalize prostitution and the pimp game grows a hundred fold. The trafficking and abuse would grow too since its much easier to just be up front with your business and pressure your girls in private.

Primetime, you seem to be slipping up a lot recently.

08-13-2014, 02:41 PM
You think the pimping game only exists because its illegal? Legalize prostitution and the pimp game grows a hundred fold. The trafficking and abuse would grow too since its much easier to just be up front with your business and pressure your girls in private.

Coming from a place where prostitution is very legal, pimping is not much of a thing here really. The only real problem that exists with pimping here are what they call locally "loverboys". 25-40 year old dead beats who go after 16-20 year old social outcasts. It's very hard to prosecute against because these guys make their targets vulnerable and in the end essentially rope them in with "come on, just do it for one week and all our financial problems are gone, we can start a family etc etc". That's type of deceiving is hard to prove in court and it's doubtful if it's even illegal in the first place. The only illegal aspect of this is if the victim is under 18.

Trafficking is a hidden issue. The anti-prostitution advocates will grossly underestimate the amount women who come here out of their own free will to make money. The prostitution supporters will underestimate trafficking. I'd say it's not "huge". Legalisation lowers prices, so the profit margins simply aren't that big and the girls can't go to jail while the traffickers will. Trafficking is higher in places where the girls can't really go to the police and profit margins are higher, I think.

08-13-2014, 03:05 PM
and as to working for someone you don't like?
working for a cause in which you don't care for?
doing the work just so you can bring home a paycheck to keep your family warm?

of course we can always differentiate the difference

but you know

"I don't see a whole lot of honor in that"
Job morals is a different topic

08-13-2014, 03:11 PM
I think there's actually some girls out there so prude that they wouldn't go even for $20 billion or whatever ridiculous amount. they have "standards". ho'ing should totally be legal tho

you still know her? PM me
even if i did, i wouldn't be out here talking about it. i took an economics class. i understand demand and supply.

08-13-2014, 03:35 PM
Job morals is a different topic

in the end, everyone is going to utilize every aspects in which they can get access to in their pursuit of happiness.

as to whether or not you want to call parenting an occupation.

that's the same as to whether or not "gold diggers" are prostitutes

08-13-2014, 03:38 PM
even if i did, i wouldn't be out here talking about it. i took an economics class. i understand demand and supply.

but clearly she didn't.

or she's just not in the prostitution "business".

08-13-2014, 03:43 PM
OP would you suck a dick for $100 mil?

99.9999999% of people have a price. The others are Gandhi, MLK Jr. and Mother Teresa

08-13-2014, 03:47 PM
OP would you suck a dick for $100 mil?

99.9999999% of people have a price. The others are Gandhi, MLK Jr. and Mother Teresa

I would 100% suck a d*ck for that money.

Your completely right with everyone having a price. Its funny though that there are guys saying that a lot of women would turn down $20 billion because of their principles LOL.

08-13-2014, 03:51 PM
OP would you suck a dick for $100 mil?

99.9999999% of people have a price. The others are Gandhi, MLK Jr. and Mother Teresa
So you're saying Gandhi wouldn't suck dick if the reward was India's freedom? What if there was no other way? What if the British said SMD or else...? MLK Jr wouldn't suck dick if it meant end of segregration in a single instance? Mother Teresa wouldn't give you a whole work over even if it meant a Trillion dollars for her charities and millions of lives saved?

Honestly i would suck a dick for a big mack. but that's only because i like sucking dick and the big mack would basically be free for me.

08-13-2014, 03:52 PM
So you're saying Gandhi wouldn't suck dick if the reward was India's freedom? What if there was no other way? What if the British said SMD or else...? MLK Jr wouldn't suck dick if it meant end of segregration in a single instance? Mother Teresa wouldn't give you a whole work over even if it meant a Trillion dollars for her charities and millions of lives saved?

Honestly i would suck a dick for a big mack. but that's only because i like sucking dick and the big mack would basically be free for me.

Thats exactly it dawg. Everyone has a price.

08-13-2014, 04:04 PM
Honestly i would suck a dick for a big mack. but that's only because i like sucking dick and the big mack would basically be free for me.

08-13-2014, 04:08 PM
Who cares about a $Billion price tag though...that doesn't happen in real life, so NO the 'potential' isn't really there at all.

Women have much more potential of being struck by lightning than being offered a $billion for some sex. Or becoming a billionaire via multiple lotto wins.

08-13-2014, 04:19 PM
So you're saying Gandhi wouldn't suck dick if the reward was India's freedom? What if there was no other way? What if the British said SMD or else...? MLK Jr wouldn't suck dick if it meant end of segregration in a single instance? Mother Teresa wouldn't give you a whole work over even if it meant a Trillion dollars for her charities and millions of lives saved?

Honestly i would suck a dick for a big mack. but that's only because i like sucking dick and the big mack would basically be free for me.

the problem with the example of sucking dick, is that there is only one beneficiary as well as one victim at once.

so sucking dick would have to be the result of a conflict.

in which, it shouldn't so much be a question, but a consequence.
because even when you answer a question, results are not promised.

08-13-2014, 04:23 PM
Gimme That, you are a solid dude and I love ya like a brother but there hasnt been a post you have ever made that I had a clue wtf you were talking about dawg.

08-13-2014, 04:38 PM
the problem with the example of sucking dick, is that there is only one beneficiary as well as one victim at once.

so sucking dick would have to be the result of a conflict.

in which, it shouldn't so much be a question, but a consequence.
because even when you answer a question, results are not promised.
umm, follow the elephants, and they'll eventually lead you to your destination. someone would come out and get you from around the cages, and you'll finally find your place within the circus.


08-13-2014, 05:09 PM
For 20 billion, any and every bitch who ever lived would do just about anything.
It's really not true. Do you people not know other people? There are people who if they needed a $1 to freaking live would not do it. I'm not sure if some of you just hate women so you need to believe this or are children.

People just aren't all like that. Sorry.

08-13-2014, 05:17 PM
Are people forgetting there are female billionares?

And females worth more than 300+ millions?

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer would probably spit on your face no matter what amount of money one offered. At that point, they don't need more money.


There are also the true religious ones.

08-13-2014, 05:29 PM
as much as every man is a potential murderer

08-13-2014, 05:32 PM
it's ridiculous to talk about but every human SHOULD have sex if offered $ billions...even women who are already billionaires

Billions of dollars can save thousands of lives...it can cure diseases...it can feed the hungry...etc etc etc

A woman who is already a billionaire could take the extra billion and donate to cancer research...that is without question worth degrading yourself, you SHOULD just swallow your pride and do the right thing

08-13-2014, 06:22 PM
lol rich women would take it too. The reason they are rich in the first place is because they are cutthroat and willing to do anything to make it. They are literally addicted to making money. Banging some dude for a few minutes in exchange for $1bil? Hell yeah they would do it.

08-13-2014, 06:24 PM
It's really not true. Do you people not know other people? There are people who if they needed a $1 to freaking live would not do it. I'm not sure if some of you just hate women so you need to believe this or are children.

People just aren't all like that. Sorry.

Lol so thats why you are saying this. Of course you can go up to any girl and ask them this question and they would probably all say no. But when the money is in front of you and the offer is REALLY there, things change in a damn hurry. You should know this Niko, arent you old enough to understand the world by now?

08-13-2014, 06:25 PM

08-13-2014, 06:30 PM
I would 100% suck a d*ck for that money.

Your completely right with everyone having a price. Its funny though that there are guys saying that a lot of women would turn down $20 billion because of their principles LOL.

Yeah I'm with you on that.

Are people forgetting there are female billionares?

And females worth more than 300+ millions?

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer would probably spit on your face no matter what amount of money one offered. At that point, they don't need more money.

There are also the true religious ones.

:oldlol: Marissa Mayer is basically fcuking homeless compared to Alice Walton. $300 mil is chump change. You can bet your fcuking ass that if Bill Gates came up to her and said "Suck my dick for my net worth" she'd be down on her knees.

"At that point they don't need more money" you can't honestly believe that. That's not how it works when you get to that level. That's like saying a D1 athlete "at that point doesn't need to be in better shape". A math undergraduate "doesn't need to get any better at calculus". The US "doesn't need more military power". Silliness and not how the world works.

Honestly if someone offered you $50 billion to suck a dick and you said no, you're a god damn moron regardless of whether you're male, female, transgender, or a eunuch.

08-13-2014, 06:41 PM
Nope. Plenty of women who would turn it down immediately. Not a small number either.

I agree 100%

There are a lot of women who sincerely love their husbands and families and also realize money is of little importance in this world.

08-13-2014, 06:42 PM
I agree 100%

There are a lot of women who sincerely love their husbands and families and also realize money is of little importance in this world.



08-13-2014, 08:24 PM
Honestly if someone offered you $50 billion to suck a dick and you said no, you're a god damn moron regardless of whether you're male, female, transgender, or a eunuch.
The moronic thing is that type of thinking.

Yes everyone has a price. But for a lot of people it's not money. For example, I'm sure most people would prostitute themselves if you kidnap and torture their family and that's the price of release.

08-13-2014, 09:26 PM
We are all prostitutes. Heck, I'd suck a dick for $20.

08-13-2014, 09:40 PM
Are people forgetting there are female billionares?

And females worth more than 300+ millions?

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer would probably spit on your face no matter what amount of money one offered. At that point, they don't need more money.


There are also the true religious ones.

For $20 billion, she'd let the entire staff at Google run a train on her.

08-14-2014, 02:47 AM
potential ?