View Full Version : Top 5 Reasons for Jordan Over Lebron

08-15-2014, 03:13 PM
Top 7 Reasons for Jordan Over Lebron:

1) Jordan's stats are the best and they say he carried the largest offensive load ever (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10456245&postcount=25)

2) Jordan played better competition (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10454414&postcount=101)

3) Jordan played in eras that barely used the 3-point shot - all two-pointers is a tougher brand of basketball (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10454505&postcount=104)

4) Better hops off a vertical so he scored better in traffic (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40451964#p40451964)

5) Not just quick for his size, but true guard quickness for greater mismatches vs. bigger defenders (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40452998#p40452998)

6) Goat scoring ability allowed MJ to take on the largest load and attract maximum defensive attention to free up teammates, while Lebron undertook too small a load in the 2014 Finals (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10441295&postcount=236).

7) Not only could Jordan take on the aforementioned maximum offensive load to attract maximum defensive attention and free up teammates, but his superior scoring versatility (including off-ball skill) (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40476428#p40476428) allowed him to take on that maximum load while scoring in whatever capacity allowed star teammates to play to their strengths (i.e. with Jordan off-ball, Pippen was free to be the more ball-dominant point-forward).

:pimp: The factors above enabled Jordan to control his own destiny better - translation: 6 for 6 (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10422919&postcount=9):

Air Jordan TV - GIF's of 105 Chest-to-Chest Posters: (almost all in halfcourt)

Top 15 MJ Dunks Over Multiple Contesting Defenders (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40414797#p40414797)

Random Posters 1 (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10508118&postcount=237)

Random Posters 2 (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10512996&postcount=255)

Random Posters 3 (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10487292&postcount=48)

Random Posters 4 (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10494322&postcount=198)

Random Posters 5 (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10513143&postcount=256)

Random Posters 6 (for 6) (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10273035&postcount=86)

Old-Man Chest-to-Chest Posters (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10512074&postcount=27)

Partial Collection of MJ Dunks Over All-Time Great Centers (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40382395#p40382395)

Various Two-Handed Posters Over Defenders (two-foot takeoffs) (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10441991&postcount=40)

More MJ Video:

Top 15 Hanging Jumpshots by MJ (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40750321#p40750321)

MJ Hangtime Shots Off A One-Step Vertical (Drop-Step) (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10422917&postcount=172)

MJ Flight (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10451420&postcount=76)

08-15-2014, 03:15 PM
Jordan vs Lebron isnt an arguement

2/5 vs 6/6

you dont need to explain yourself
even Lebron stans like Dragic4life knows Jordan is better

08-15-2014, 03:15 PM


08-15-2014, 03:15 PM
you only need 2/5 of those reasons to realize that MJ is better than lebron.

08-15-2014, 03:16 PM
you only need 2/5 of those reasons to realize that MJ is better than lebron.


08-15-2014, 03:18 PM
you only need 2/5 of those reasons to realize that MJ is better than lebron.


08-15-2014, 03:18 PM
stop posting.

08-15-2014, 03:19 PM
you only need 2/5 of those reasons to realize that MJ is better than lebron.

riseaganist and bigboss for ish mvps for lebron stans slayings. :roll:

08-15-2014, 03:19 PM
OP do u actually post on that other website or not? Because this is copied from there. And I've seen u post this and similar things a dozen times. It's people like you that harp on this comparison that make it worse, anyone that has watched both players or atleast has some logic knows MJ is and will always be the better player. STOP THIS SHIT!!!

08-15-2014, 03:20 PM
Look, alt, we don't need your recycled garbage from other boards...

MJ >>> LeBron, now **** off

Young X
08-15-2014, 03:21 PM
you only need 2/5 of those reasons to realize that MJ is better than lebron.:oldlol:

08-15-2014, 03:22 PM
How many times are you going to post this?

08-15-2014, 03:28 PM
MJ Over Larry Nance

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Jordan_over_Nance_and_Hot_Rod__dfcf338e5b9b7baf51b 94eeeda95f6c4.gif




http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Jordan_over_Nance_on_Baseline_35f86cbb32b90a42cfe4 f783fb1fb1f3.gif

08-15-2014, 03:35 PM
you only need 2/5 of those reasons to realize that MJ is better than lebron.

:lol :lol :lol

08-15-2014, 03:38 PM
i don't understand why the OBVIOUS has to be consistently posted here...we all know no one is catching MJ, it's a rare feat.

Lebron can peak as high as #2, but will probably finish #4-8...can we just dead this rhetoric already? :facepalm :rolleyes: :confusedshrug:

nevertheless, since when has being 2nd best to only MJ been labeled such a bad thing...well, then again, losing in the Finals as opposed to not making the playoff's seems to be so much more detrimental to a player on ISH :rolleyes:

08-15-2014, 03:39 PM
i don't understand why the OBVIOUS has to be consistently posted here...we all know no one is catching MJ, it's a rare feat.

Lebron can peak as high as #2, but will probably finish #4-8...can we just dead this rhetoric already? :facepalm :rolleyes: :confusedshrug:

nevertheless, since when has being 2nd best to only MJ been labeled such a bad thing...well, then again, losing in the Finals as opposed to not making the playoff's seems to be so much more detrimental to a player on ISH :rolleyes:

i see what you did there.

08-15-2014, 03:40 PM
6. Didn't ring chase in his prime... twice.

08-15-2014, 03:41 PM
you only need 2/5 of those reasons to realize that MJ is better than lebron.


08-15-2014, 03:59 PM

here's a great article dispelling the nonsense in the OP with 8 reasons why lebron is a better all around player than jordan

1. Defensive Versatility

Jordan used his speed and athleticism to shut down opposing perimeter players and generate turnovers. But James is just as athletic and he is capable of dominating almost any opposing player from point guards to power forwards. He is even capable of playing against some centers on defense.

To illustrate the difference between Jordan and James, let’s imagine the 2013 Heat playing against the Bulls in Jordan’s heyday.

The Heat might use 3 or 4 different players to defend Jordan in order to save James’s energy. But you can bet James would defend Jordan the best and guard him during the crucial phases of the game.

The Bulls would not have Jordan guarding James because of James’s ability to overpower him close the basket.

2. Versatility Allows Coach to Dictate Match-ups

Since James can play point guard on offense and center on defense, his coach can exploit any number of mismatches, rest anyone he wants, and dictate the personnel the other team has to have on the floor.

This versatility is hard to understate, and it is the real reason James should have been the defensive player of the year for several years.

3. Destroying the Point of Attack

James may be at his best against opposing point guards, whom he seems to swallow up with his ridiculous size and speed.

Point guard is often the hardest position for anyone to guard because of the way most teams throw screen after screen at the opposing defender. James often just cuts off the screener and the ball handler at once, as he did to Tony Parker in the 2013 finals and 2011 MVP Derrick Rose in the conference finals, effectively grinding these teams’ entire offense to a halt.

4. Foul Rate

Sending an opposing player to the free throw line is the easiest way to give the other team easy points, as most players shoot their highest percentage from there. Michael Jordan committed a foul an average of once every 14.7 minutes he was on the court. James commits a foul once every 21.1 minutes he is on the court, giving the opposing team fewer easy opportunities.

5. James Is a Better Three-Point Shooter

James’s three-point field goal percentage is only 1 percent higher than Jordan’s, but James takes an average of three times as many shots from behind the arc than Jordan did.

James’s three-point percentage has gone up for the last three consecutive years, reaching over 40 percent last year. That is considered an elite level that forces other teams to send a player out at James and opens up opportunities closer to the basket for his team-mates.

6. James Is a Better Passer

James has averaged 6.9 assists per game for his career, while Jordan averaged 5.3 assists per game. The fact that James is probably a better passer, and certainly a more willing passer; also highlights how James is better able to involve his teammates in the game and move the ball around to find the best shot.

This also demonstrates that…

7. James Is a better Teammate

Jordan was said to use intimidation to instill fear in his teammates to try and get the best out of them.

James is known to use encouragement and shows his trust in his teammates by passing them the ball throughout the game in order to instill confidence in them.

In a revealing interview with ESPN sports analyst Chris Brussard this past off-season, James said, “I love seeing the success of my teammates more than anything.” He said he wants his team to feel like a family.

Jordan is famously quoted: “There is no ‘I’ in ‘team,’ but there is in ‘win.’”

Who would you rather work with?

8. James Is a Better Rebounder

Jordan averaged 6.2 rebounds per game in his career, while Lebron is averaging 7.3 so far. With James’s superior size, it’s easy to see why he is a better rebounder.

In Closing

The people who see James as a better player often think of him as a bigger and stronger version of Jordan.

I think it is more complicated than that. Jordan was a superior mid-range player and scorer, whose inexhaustible drive to win made him better and better when the stakes were high.

James is a more versatile player and has a more devastating physical presence. However, he has been more susceptible to feeling pressure and failing to come through in big moments. I can’t wait to see what else he is able to accomplish. Whether you think Jordan is better or James is better, joining the debate is equally fun. It is too bad we cannot see them play against each other and we can only imagine it.


08-15-2014, 04:25 PM
This post ^^^^^^^^^ is pretty elementary-thinking.

Lebron is a less versatile scorer, which hurts his ability to fit in with teammates - so for example, he can't accomodate Wade by playing exclusively off-ball, because his numbers and production will dip... whereas with Jordan, the coach could put him anywhere on the floor and know that Jordan's production would not drop off - this is because Jordan had goat-level scoring ability in EVERY aspect of scoring, hence him being the more versatile scorer that fit better with ANY kind of teammate.

Lebron's Assist Advantage is Negligible, Especially Given How Much Less He Scores - He averages 0.6 more assists per 36 minutes than Jordan in the playoffs (5.6 to 5.0) - this is a small amount and you would expect Lebron to have some advantage in this category given HOW MUCH LESS HE SCORES - it is remarkable that Jordan is neck and neck with Lebron passing-wise, WHILE scoring so much more... Jordan scores 25% more per 36 minutes in the playoffs, while generating almost the same number of assists... Of course, when it matters most, Jordan passes better than Lebron ever has - 1991 Finals when MJ averaged 11 assists to go with 33ppg.

Lebron Rarely Guards PF's, Let Alone the Decent Ones - The media lauds Lebron for guarding PF's, but he only gets occasional spot-duty for a few possessions, and only on bad PF's that are not a threat - the one time Spo put Lebron on a decent PF, he got destroyed and the Heat had to change up the game plan (David West in Game 1 of 2014 ECF)... and it was a rarity for Lebron to guard a real PF like David West... he never guards Dirk or Duncan or Zach Randolph for example... ever... so it has become unbelievably overblown that Lebron guards PF's, because he really doesn't - let me know the next time he guards Dirk or Duncan.. i'll be waiting.

Before 2012, Lebron shot 32% from three-point land, just like Jordan - so for the first 9 years of his career, he was no better than Jordan... Lebron only recently caught on to the 3-point shooting craze and improved his shooting starting in 2012, so his improvement was a function of the era we are in... Jordan would ALSO have done this - one year he experimented shooting the 3 in 1990 - he shot 37.5% on three attempts per game.

Jordan Had to Shut Down PG's as a Standard - People laud Lebron for shutting down Derrick Rose in a series - people only took note of that because Lebron doesn't play PG or SG... but that would have been standard for Jordan - he was a SG and had to guard PG's all the time.

Lebron is not a better teammate - Unlike Lebron, Jordan's teammates always played great alongside him - the story was never about Jordan's teammates underperformance as it frequently is with Lebron... and as previously mentioned, Lebron doesn't have Jordan's scoring versatility, so he can't fit in with teammates as well (such as play primarily off-ball so Wade can be more comfortable the way point-forward Pippen was)... also, Lebron doesn't have Jordan's leadership qualities where he will be hard on teammates and force them to play up to his level like Jordan did.

08-15-2014, 04:27 PM
This post is elementary-thinking compared to the op.

Lebron is a less versatile scorer, which hurts his ability to fit in with teammates - so for example, he can't accomodate Wade by playing exclusively off-ball, because his numbers and production will dip... whereas with Jordan, the coach could put him anywhere on the floor and know that Jordan's production would not drop off - this is because Jordan had goat-level scoring ability in EVERY aspect of scoring, hence him being the more versatile scorer that fit better with ANY kind of teammate.

Lebron averages 0.6 more assists per 36 minutes than Jordan in the playoffs (5.6 to 5.0) - this is a small amount and you would expect Lebron to have some advantage in this category given HOW MUCH LESS HE SCORES - the fact that Jordan is neck and neck with Lebron passing-wise, WHILE scoring so much more is remarkable... Jordan scores 25% more per 36 minutes in the playoffs, while generating almost the same number of assists... Of course, when it matters most, Jordan passes better than Lebron ever has - 1991 Finals when MJ averaged 11 assists to go with 33ppg).

The media lauds Lebron for guarding PF's, but he only gets occasional spot-duty for a few possessions, and only on bad PF's that are not a threat - the one time Spo put Lebron on a decent PF, he got destroyed and the Heat had to change up the game plan (David West in Game 1 of 2014 ECF)... and it was a rarity for Lebron to guard a real PF like David West... he never guards Dirk or Duncan or Zach Randolph for example... ever... so it has become unbelievably overblown that Lebron guards PF's, because he really doesn't - let me know the next time he guards Dirk or Duncan.. i'll be waiting.

Before 2012, Lebron shot 32% from three-point land, just like Jordan - so for the first 9 years of his career, he was no better than Jordan... Lebron only recently caught on to the 3-point shooting craze and only improved his shooting starting in 2012, so his improvement was a function of the era we are in... Jordan would ALSO have done this - one year he experimented shooting the 3 in 1990 - he shot 37.5% on three attempts per game.

People laud Lebron for shutting down Derrick Rose in a series - people only took note of that because Lebron is bigger... but that would have been standard for Jordan - he was a SG and had to guard PG's all the time.

Finally, Lebron is not a better teammate - as previously mentioned, Lebron doesn't have Jordan's scoring versatility, so he can't fit in with teammates as well (such as play primarily off-ball so Wade can be more comfortable the way point-forward Pippen was)... also, Lebron doesn't have Jordan's leadership qualities where he will be hard on teammates and force them to play up to his level like Jordan did - which brings up another point - Jordan's teammates always performed great alongside him - their underperformance was never the story like it frequently is with Lebron.


08-15-2014, 04:30 PM
How is this guy making threads when he doesn't even have 100 posts yet? :biggums:
Something tells me this guy is one of Jeff's gimmick accounts. :lol

08-15-2014, 04:33 PM
This post ^^^^^^^^^ is pretty elementary-thinking.

Lebron is a less versatile scorer, which hurts his ability to fit in with teammates - so for example, he can't accomodate Wade by playing exclusively off-ball, because his numbers and production will dip... whereas with Jordan, the coach could put him anywhere on the floor and know that Jordan's production would not drop off - this is because Jordan had goat-level scoring ability in EVERY aspect of scoring, hence him being the more versatile scorer that fit better with ANY kind of teammate.

Lebron's Assist Advantage is Negligible, Especially Given How Much Less He Scores - He averages 0.6 more assists per 36 minutes than Jordan in the playoffs (5.6 to 5.0) - this is a small amount and you would expect Lebron to have some advantage in this category given HOW MUCH LESS HE SCORES - the fact that Jordan is neck and neck with Lebron passing-wise, WHILE scoring so much more is remarkable... Jordan scores 25% more per 36 minutes in the playoffs, while generating almost the same number of assists... Of course, when it matters most, Jordan passes better than Lebron ever has - 1991 Finals when MJ averaged 11 assists to go with 33ppg).

Lebron Rarely Guards PF's, Let Alone the Decent Ones - The media lauds Lebron for guarding PF's, but he only gets occasional spot-duty for a few possessions, and only on bad PF's that are not a threat - the one time Spo put Lebron on a decent PF, he got destroyed and the Heat had to change up the game plan (David West in Game 1 of 2014 ECF)... and it was a rarity for Lebron to guard a real PF like David West... he never guards Dirk or Duncan or Zach Randolph for example... ever... so it has become unbelievably overblown that Lebron guards PF's, because he really doesn't - let me know the next time he guards Dirk or Duncan.. i'll be waiting.

Before 2012, Lebron shot 32% from three-point land, just like Jordan - so for the first 9 years of his career, he was no better than Jordan... Lebron only recently caught on to the 3-point shooting craze and only improved his shooting starting in 2012, so his improvement was a function of the era we are in... Jordan would ALSO have done this - one year he experimented shooting the 3 in 1990 - he shot 37.5% on three attempts per game.

Jordan Had to Shut Down PG's as a Standard - People laud Lebron for shutting down Derrick Rose in a series - people only took note of that because Lebron is bigger... but that would have been standard for Jordan - he was a SG and had to guard PG's all the time.

Lebron is not a better teammate - Unlike Lebron, Jordan's teammates always played great alongside him - the story was never about Jordan's teammates underperformance as it frequently is with Lebron... and as previously mentioned, Lebron doesn't have Jordan's scoring versatility, so he can't fit in with teammates as well (such as play primarily off-ball so Wade can be more comfortable the way point-forward Pippen was)... also, Lebron doesn't have Jordan's leadership qualities where he will be hard on teammates and force them to play up to his level like Jordan did.
you do realize jordan had a MUCH better supporting cast right?

08-15-2014, 04:35 PM
you do realize jordan had a MUCH better supporting cast right?

Who did MJ have during his first 3peat?

08-15-2014, 04:35 PM
AND another piece, detailing specifically why lebron > jordan :applause:

LeBron James will eventually surpass Michael Jordan as the best NBA player ever.

Two years ago, after the Miami Heat failed to beat the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals, the argument that the “Chosen One” was better than the greatest of all time was inconceivable.

Now that the 2012-13 Miami Heat have had one of the best regular seasons in league history, the debate has come back from the grave, but this time, with some credibility.

James won his fourth league MVP award this past week and received 18 first-place votes for the Defensive Player of the Year and had many believing he should have won that award instead.

With the season LBJ has had, many think that he has the ability to take over the No. 1 spot as the greatest basketball player to ever walk this earth.

In life, like records and rules are meant to be broken, rankings are subject to change. Just because something is labeled the greatest of all time doesn’t mean it will last at the top spot forever. Something better eventually comes along and takes over.

That’s what LeBron is in the middle of doing.

He dominates the opposition to a degree we haven’t seen since Jordan in the mid-90s. He’s a scoring machine who is also a walking triple-double.

If James continues his dominance in the NBA, Jordan's status at No. 1 could fall.

While he’s certainly this generation’s version of MJ, LeBron is far from becoming the great one himself. Jordan was too good for too long, and this is only LeBron’s 10th year in the league.

However, that doesn’t mean overtaking Jordan can’t be done.

So what does LeBron need to do to pass Jordan? It’s simple. OK, maybe not simple in the minds of you and me, but for LeBron, it is certainly achievable. And with how he has improved these past few seasons, it’s extremely possible.

While James is far from Jordan in terms of legacy, the numbers don’t lie. He is every single bit the player Jordan was if we look at the stats. The biggest hindrance to the discussion is that James doesn’t have the titles Jordan had at this point in both of their respected careers.

Let’s first take a look at overall career stats.

Jordan: 30.1 PPG, 6.2 RPG, 5.3 APG, 50 percent shooting, 33 percent three-point shooting, six championships, five MVPs, 10 scoring titles

LeBron: 27.6 PPG, 7.3 RPG, 6.9 APG, 49 percent shooting, 33 percent three-point shooting, one championship, three MVPs, zero scoring titles

Right now, LeBron is close to MJ when it comes to per-game stats. But when it comes to titles and sustained excellence, it’s all Jordan.

For James to pass MJ, he has to keep up the dominance we have been accustomed to seeing for the next five years, all while winning at least four more championships in the process.

That means he has to continue to be the best NBA player into his mid-30s.

In five years, James will be 33 and in his 15th NBA season. To be able to continue putting up the numbers he has for such a long period of time can be difficult to even the greatest of players.

Jordan was able to keep his numbers steady for the duration of his career with the Bulls, even after coming back from a year-and-a-half hiatus because of his baseball stint (per Baseball-Reference.com) after the 1993 season.

LeBron has shown he has been able to increase his level of play each season he has been in the league. He has shown this season that he is nowhere near the end of his prime. Actually, he’s getting better. If anybody can keep up 27-7-7 averages for the next five seasons, it’s LeBron James.

The biggest advantage to LeBron’s career is also his biggest disadvantage: coming into the NBA fresh out of high school.

Jordan dominated the college level for a couple years at the University of North Carolina. He was able to mature his game and use college as a stepping stone to the pros. When he was drafted, Jordan was ready for the NBA, and his stats prove it.

James, on the other hand, chose to skip college and immediately join the professional ranks.

He didn’t have the preparation Jordan had, which takes away from his early career statistics.

Take a look at both players’ numbers through their first 10 years:

Jordan: 32.3 PPG, 6.3 RPG, 5.9 APG, 51 percent shooting, 30 percent three-point shooting, three championships, three MVPs, seven scoring titles

LeBron: 27.6 PPG, 7.3 RPG, 6.9 APG, 49 percent shooting, 33 percent three-point shooting, one championship, three MVPs, zero scoring titles

But if James needs to continue putting up numbers for the next few years, then coming into the league at age 18 was the best decision he ever made. It allows James to remain in his prime longer. Although he is in his tenth year as a pro, James remains full of youth and doesn’t show signs of slowing down.

While Jordan was and forever will be a more dangerous scorer, LeBron is something we have never seen before.

James doesn’t have a position. Offensively he handles the ball, hits threes, drives to the basket and can post up all while being the team’s main distributor. On defense he can guard anyone from a healthy Derrick Rose to a super-scorer in Kevin Durant.

While LeBron can’t score like Jordan, he can do everything else at a better rate. In 2012-2013 he has become a better rebounder, better passer and more efficient player than Jordan ever was.

James is already having one of the best years in NBA history, but he’ll only pass Jordan if he continues on that same pace for the next few years.

Not only that, but LeBron has to hold off Kevin Durant in that time span, someone who has been knocking on the door to take away LeBron’s top spot.

To some, it might be impossible, but at the level James is playing at right now, the task may be easier than one might think.

So I’m going to come right out and say it: LeBron James will eventually surpass Michael Jordan as the greatest player in NBA history.

08-15-2014, 04:37 PM
[QUOTE=mehyaM24]AND another piece, detailing specifically why lebron > jordan :applause:

LeBron James will eventually surpass Michael Jordan as the best NBA player ever.

Two years ago, after the Miami Heat failed to beat the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals, the argument that the

08-15-2014, 04:38 PM
[QUOTE=mehyaM24]AND another piece, detailing specifically why lebron > jordan :applause:

LeBron James will eventually surpass Michael Jordan as the best NBA player ever.

Two years ago, after the Miami Heat failed to beat the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals, the argument that the

Magic 32
08-15-2014, 04:40 PM
This post ^^^^^^^^^ is pretty elementary-thinking.

Lebron is a less versatile scorer, which hurts his ability to fit in with teammates - so for example, he can't accomodate Wade by playing exclusively off-ball, because his numbers and production will dip... whereas with Jordan, the coach could put him anywhere on the floor and know that Jordan's production would not drop off - this is because Jordan had goat-level scoring ability in EVERY aspect of scoring, hence him being the more versatile scorer that fit better with ANY kind of teammate.

Lebron is not a better teammate - Unlike Lebron, Jordan's teammates always played great alongside him - the story was never about Jordan's teammates underperformance as it frequently is with Lebron... and as previously mentioned, Lebron doesn't have Jordan's scoring versatility, so he can't fit in with teammates as well (such as play primarily off-ball so Wade can be more comfortable the way point-forward Pippen was)... also, Lebron doesn't have Jordan's leadership qualities where he will be hard on teammates and force them to play up to his level like Jordan did.


Poor Wade. Betrayed and diminished by a monster. :( :( :(

08-15-2014, 04:41 PM
[QUOTE=mehyaM24]AND another piece, detailing specifically why lebron > jordan :applause:

LeBron James will eventually surpass Michael Jordan as the best NBA player ever.

Two years ago, after the Miami Heat failed to beat the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals, the argument that the

08-15-2014, 04:41 PM

Poor Wade. Betrayed and diminished by a monster. :( :( :(

dam... it saddens me to see Wade like this. He was robbed and then betrayed by who he thought was a loyal friend.


08-15-2014, 04:46 PM
Better player.


Better actor.


Better underwear salesman.


Better facial hair.


Better post-championship celebration.


08-15-2014, 04:46 PM
you do realize jordan had a MUCH better supporting cast right?
This is the common response from Lebron fans who marvel at Jordan's 6 for 6 and figure it must have been due to great teammates.

But the facts are that Jordan carried the largest load EVER in the playoffs, as measured by scoring output, shot attempts, and usage.

In order to win his rings, Jordan had to score way more, take far more shots, and have a much higher usage than Lebron, or anyone in history.

You are just marveling at the 6 for 6 and thinking that his teammates must have been awesome... they weren't good enough to prevent Jordan from having to carry the largest load in history - (scoring output, shot attempts, usage).

08-15-2014, 04:49 PM
Jordan stans getting ethered left and right! :applause:
article was too long, so i had to cut it up in sections. suffice to say, everything in there speaks volumes. lebron is just a more versatile better player, as his numbers suggest.

08-15-2014, 05:15 PM
another article detailing specific reasons why lebron, when its all said and done, will be greater.

*On Monday night, in game four of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals, LeBron James broke Michael Jordan's playoff record for most games with at least 25 points, five rebounds, and five assists. It was another milestone for the Miami Heat superstar. As the Heat get ready to try to close out the series in Indiana tonight, it's time to admit that James has now taken Jordan's place as the greatest of all time. But you will never hear the former-players-turned-commentators admit it.

Guys like Steve Kerr (who recently left TV to coach Golden State), Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith, and Shaquille O'Neal will never give LeBron the crown. Former coaches can see greatness right off the bat. It's something you can't teach. Ex-players have a tendency of hating on the new stars who take their place. Sure, Barkley and friends will always have praise for LeBron, but they will never say he is the GOAT. They all played in the Jordan era and are endorsed by Michael. They wouldn't say anything to make him mad.

Like Jordan, LeBron quickly realized he wouldn't win championships with teammates who couldn't knock down shots when he passed them the ball. That's why he's in Miami and won't return to Cleveland. LeBron has surpassed Jordan in every facet of the game, though. Jordan had to learn to pass the ball, but finding the open man is part of LeBron's instinct since he was winning championships at the high school level. Every dunk Jordan did, LeBron can do better. He can cover five positions on the court, even center. Jordan couldn't do that.

It's been 11 years since Jordan played a game. Every new NBA fan since then doesn't know anything about Jordan except his old highlights on YouTube. They are tuning in to watch LeBron rule the NBA.

Off the court, LeBron is a better teammate than Jordan was. Michael would never have visited a teammate having a poor series to cheer him up like LeBron (along with Dwyane Wade) did with Chris Bosh. Jordan was always flying out to the casinos or wherever he hung out on his own. When the Chicago Bulls came down to play Miami during the Jordan era, all the players would come to my nightclub. The only one who didn't show up was Michael.

However, you will not see any commentators who played at the same time as Jordan say LeBron is the best ever. Jordan never faced the criticism and opinions of ex-players like LeBron has either. Jordan never had to worry about someone like Barkley saying Wilt Chamberlain was the best because he's the only player to score 100 points in one game. Hell, Barkley is the biggest hypocrite. He says LeBron should go back to Cleveland, yet Barkley bounced around teams like a groupie chasing a ring throughout his career.

It's time these hall-of-fame pundits acknowledge LeBron's place in history.

very well written :applause:

08-15-2014, 07:28 PM
In 21 out of the 24 years since 1991, the team leader in shot attempts (#1 option) on the Finals-winning team took more than 25.56% of the team's shots - which means that the load Lebron took on in 2014 Finals (25.56% of his team's shots) was not a large load, and the notion that he couldn't have done more, or that no one else would've done more, is wrong - 21 out of the last 24 did more.

The data shows that it's reasonable to ask Lebron to take more shots - because it WAS feasible - and since it was feasible and his team needed it, he should be blamed for not providing it.

The Heat needed it because they had the worst offense of any Spurs opponent - and even though the media ignores this fact, the Heat's offense hurt them as much as their defense.

The strengths of each team's offense affects the game's momentum (confidence, optimism, energy, adrenaline, etc.)... The Heat's bad offense and inability to answer the Spurs buckets contributed to the Spurs' momentum and the way the games progressed as much as bad defense... The Heat's defense had a harder job due to their bad offense that couldn't limit the Spurs momentum.

A more consistent effort throughout the games from Lebron would have made the difference in limiting the Spurs momentum - the only games the Heat had a chance to win were Games 1 and 2, where he was either on pace for, or actually got 35 points on 22 shots exactly - all coming when it mattered.

So people don't really know what they are talking about when they say it wouldn't have mattered if Lebron had shot more (like he did in Games 1 and 2)... Dallas, OKC and Portland all had better offenses that could limit Spurs momentum to make it easier on their defense, and consequently, they all did better vs the Spurs than the Heat.

But despite it being both feasible (4th smallest load in 24 years) and necessary (the Heat had the worst offense which hurt them as much as bad defense)), Lebron opted to continue his high efficiency, low-shot-attempt style like a fat cat on Wallstreet, hoarding his FG% and low-risk load like profits during an economic meltdown - but this approach failed to disrupt the Spurs defense or attract sufficient defensive attention to free up his teammates.

So I'll ask again - since when does a guy that didn't pass (turnovers equaled his assists) or play defense (blew his assignment on the Finals MVP) or take on a large load (4th smallest in 24 years) - so he basically just GOT HIS in a blowout loss - get to walk away without any blame?.. only when it makes monetary sense to keep up the MJ comparisons.

08-15-2014, 07:33 PM
This is like saying 2pac over lil wayne:lol

08-16-2014, 02:41 PM
6. Didn't ring chase in his prime... twice.

^^^^ this is so huge - what human being doesn't want a do-over 7 years into their career where they get to pick their new organization and all-star supporting cast?... and then get to do it again!!!!

Regarding the 2014 Finals, people forget that Miami's offense was the worst of any Spurs opponent and their bad offense hurt them just as much as their defense.

That is part of the reason Dallas, OKC and Portland all did better than the Heat - they all had better offenses that didn't fuel Spurs momentum by leaving Spurs buckets unanswered - their better offenses could answer Spurs buckets to prevent Spurs momentum from boiling over, which made it easier for them defensively... Otoh, Miami had the worst offense, so their offense left the Spurs buckets unanswered, which fueled Spurs momentum and made it harder for Miami defensively - a bad offense that can't curb opponent momentum and makes it harder for your defense = blowout.

Given that the Heat needed better offense to stay with the Spurs, you have to look to Lebron to see how much he can carry - and when 21 out of the last 24 years, the team leader in shot attempts from the Finals winning-team took a higher proportion of his team's shots than Lebron took in 2014, it is fair to say that he didn't carry a big enough load.

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Jordan_Goat_Ability_ac1e53e3c47372cda8a8f82149579b 4e.gif

DJ Leon Smith
08-16-2014, 02:44 PM
you do realize jordan had a MUCH better supporting cast right?

Jordan is one of the few players to have won a title + Finals MVP without an all-star teammate.

08-16-2014, 02:52 PM
Jordan is one of the few players to have won a title + Finals MVP without an all-star teammate.

This is a a troll thread, but Pippen should have been an all star in 1991.

08-16-2014, 02:54 PM
OP, tell us something we didn't already know...

08-16-2014, 02:59 PM
Why do people feel the need to reiterate this all the time

Only the fools still think lbj is better than Jordan, let them be fools

Why don't we just enjoy lebrons game
Sure he isn't the greatest of all
Time, but c'mon are we really gonna shit on a guy cause he isn't the greatest
Foolish thinking

DJ Leon Smith
08-16-2014, 03:00 PM
This is a a troll thread, but Pippen should have been an all star in 1991.

Shoulda-coulda-woulda. He wasn't. So your LeBron stan brothers can drop the "all-time stacked" talked. Don't take it up with me take it up with them.

08-16-2014, 03:01 PM
another article detailing specific reasons why lebron, when its all said and done, will be greater.

*On Monday night, in game four of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals, LeBron James broke Michael Jordan's playoff record for most games with at least 25 points, five rebounds, and five assists. It was another milestone for the Miami Heat superstar. As the Heat get ready to try to close out the series in Indiana tonight, it's time to admit that James has now taken Jordan's place as the greatest of all time. But you will never hear the former-players-turned-commentators admit it.

Guys like Steve Kerr (who recently left TV to coach Golden State), Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith, and Shaquille O'Neal will never give LeBron the crown. Former coaches can see greatness right off the bat. It's something you can't teach. Ex-players have a tendency of hating on the new stars who take their place. Sure, Barkley and friends will always have praise for LeBron, but they will never say he is the GOAT. They all played in the Jordan era and are endorsed by Michael. They wouldn't say anything to make him mad.

Like Jordan, LeBron quickly realized he wouldn't win championships with teammates who couldn't knock down shots when he passed them the ball. That's why he's in Miami and won't return to Cleveland. LeBron has surpassed Jordan in every facet of the game, though. Jordan had to learn to pass the ball, but finding the open man is part of LeBron's instinct since he was winning championships at the high school level. Every dunk Jordan did, LeBron can do better. He can cover five positions on the court, even center. Jordan couldn't do that.

It's been 11 years since Jordan played a game. Every new NBA fan since then doesn't know anything about Jordan except his old highlights on YouTube. They are tuning in to watch LeBron rule the NBA.

Off the court, LeBron is a better teammate than Jordan was. Michael would never have visited a teammate having a poor series to cheer him up like LeBron (along with Dwyane Wade) did with Chris Bosh. Jordan was always flying out to the casinos or wherever he hung out on his own. When the Chicago Bulls came down to play Miami during the Jordan era, all the players would come to my nightclub. The only one who didn't show up was Michael.

However, you will not see any commentators who played at the same time as Jordan say LeBron is the best ever. Jordan never faced the criticism and opinions of ex-players like LeBron has either. Jordan never had to worry about someone like Barkley saying Wilt Chamberlain was the best because he's the only player to score 100 points in one game. Hell, Barkley is the biggest hypocrite. He says LeBron should go back to Cleveland, yet Barkley bounced around teams like a groupie chasing a ring throughout his career.

It's time these hall-of-fame pundits acknowledge LeBron's place in history.

very well written :applause:

08-16-2014, 03:04 PM
Jordan Pull-Up Jumpshots on Rodman











08-16-2014, 03:06 PM
Shoulda-coulda-woulda. He wasn't. So your LeBron stan brothers can drop the "all-time stacked" talked. Don't take it up with me take it up with them.

You and the Op needs to get a room, and go F*ck yourselves.


DJ Leon Smith
08-16-2014, 03:11 PM
You and the Op needs to get a room, and go F*ck yourselves.


You need some rest and relaxation.


08-16-2014, 03:16 PM
You need some rest and relaxation.


Nah, I am just messing with you. OP is a troll. Jeff already banned his primary account.

08-16-2014, 03:16 PM
In 21 out of the 24 years since 1991, the team leader in shot attempts (#1 option) on the Finals-winning team took more than 25.56% of the team's shots - which means that the load Lebron took on in 2014 Finals (25.56% of his team's shots) was not a large load, and the notion that he couldn't have done more, or that no one else would've done more, is wrong - 21 out of the last 24 did more.

The data shows that it's reasonable to ask Lebron to take more shots - because it WAS feasible - and since it was feasible and his team needed it, he should be blamed for not providing it.

The Heat needed it because they had the worst offense of any Spurs opponent - and even though the media ignores this fact, the Heat's offense hurt them as much as their defense.

The strengths of each team's offense affects the game's momentum (confidence, optimism, energy, adrenaline, etc.)... The Heat's bad offense and inability to answer the Spurs buckets contributed to the Spurs' momentum and the way the games progressed as much as bad defense... The Heat's defense had a harder job due to their bad offense that couldn't limit the Spurs momentum.

A more consistent effort throughout the games from Lebron would have made the difference in limiting the Spurs momentum - the only games the Heat had a chance to win were Games 1 and 2, where he was either on pace for, or actually got 35 points on 22 shots exactly - all coming when it mattered.

So people don't really know what they are talking about when they say it wouldn't have mattered if Lebron had shot more (like he did in Games 1 and 2)... Dallas, OKC and Portland all had better offenses that could limit Spurs momentum to make it easier on their defense, and consequently, they all did better vs the Spurs than the Heat.

But despite it being both feasible (4th smallest load in 24 years) and necessary (the Heat had the worst offense which hurt them as much as bad defense)), Lebron opted to continue his high efficiency, low-shot-attempt style like a fat cat on Wallstreet, hoarding his FG% and low-risk load like profits during an economic meltdown - but this approach failed to disrupt the Spurs defense or attract sufficient defensive attention to free up his teammates.

So I'll ask again - since when does a guy that didn't pass (turnovers equaled his assists) or play defense (blew his assignment on the Finals MVP) or take on a large load (4th smallest in 24 years) - so he basically just GOT HIS in a blowout loss - get to walk away without any blame?.. only when it makes monetary sense to keep up the MJ comparisons.
Goddam dude, you just went ham. Bran stans shook:oldlol:

I loved the bolded part :applause:

And I totally agree with your premise, LeBron, as the best offensive Heat player, needed to be much more aggressive and try to assert his will like a certain GOAT used to when his team needed him the most. By being more aggressive, LeBron would've gotten to the FT more, he would've put fouls on Leonard and other Spurs and he would've commaded more defensive attention, therefore opening better looks for his teammates. At the very least he should've tried but never really did. I was really disappointed in his Finals performance. Stats look nice but watching the games, he had minimal impact.

Obviously, Bran's beloved FG% would drop if he shot more and we can't have that :facepalm

08-16-2014, 03:18 PM
you only need 2/5 of those reasons to realize that MJ is better than lebron.

How do you have a red bar? Repped :cheers:

08-16-2014, 07:02 PM
The Man, he never went "ham"

He's just stealing posts from other boards... Dude is probably a lil teen

08-17-2014, 01:51 PM
Other Jordan FG's on Rodman







08-17-2014, 06:52 PM
They are all my own posts that i'm "stealing".

Regarding the ring debate - 4 out of 5 of Lebron's Finals appearances are a result of getting career do-overs on two separate occasions where he hand-picked his new organization along with veteran all-pro teammates (if only every human could be so lucky in their careers to get do-overs like this).

The fact that Jordan didn't get to hand-pick his organization and supporting cast of all-stars is evident when you look at how much more he had to do by himself to win his championships:

1) MJ had to take a much larger proportion of his teams shots

2) He had to score 25% more points per 36 minutes in the playoffs (that's 25% more scoring every 3 quarters!!)

3) He had to score a whopping 10 more ppg in the Finals..

4) His usage had to be 20% higher on better efficiency Ortg (118 to 115)

5) His clutch play had to be goat.

Why did Jordan have to do so much more to win his championships(scoring, shot attempts, usage)?.... the only possible reason is that Jordan had less help... the numbers have to add up, and there is no way that Jordan had to do so much more for his rings but somehow had equal help.. 2+2 has to equal 4.

B... b.... bu....bu... but.... but.... Pippen!!!

08-17-2014, 06:53 PM
1) better offensive player
2) better defensive player

do I really need more than 2 out of 5?

08-17-2014, 06:55 PM
Wow this thread really enlightened me :applause:

After some carefully consideration, and using some advanced stats, I revised my rankings

1. LeBron
2. Kareem
3. Wilt
4. Shaq.
5. Jordan

Good job OP :cheers:

08-17-2014, 07:01 PM
Good LAWD the ether. It's been awhile since I've seen an entire fan base slayed this badly. Blood everywhere. Decaptitated the LeStan Brigade.


And honestly I've been saying that this entire time. Specifically regarding the 2014 Finals. It wasn't the Heat just playing poorly. LeBron failed to truly give it his all, or throw caution to the wind to remain actually competitive. Or dare to inspire his troops.

Since 2012, he has coasted, paddes his FG% low risk, probably due to his fear of failure. Survivor mode, instead of KILLER mode. It's visible within his character. And it's a flaw. Tremendous talent, totally a cowardly lion when it comes to having heart. When the chips are down, Bron folds.

Anything you say about LeBron is still >> Jordan's 1-9 :sleeping

08-17-2014, 10:14 PM
Jordan jumped way higher and had better explosion off vertical which was a big advantage in traffic... Kobe is pretty good of a vertical too - and both those guys had the physique that was conducive for scoring effectively in traffic, where their vertical ability was needed.

In contrast, Lebron is actually only okay off a vertical and his physique is not conducive for mitigating defenders in traffic... Here's Lebron off a drop-step (one-step vertical), where he gets stuffed on a game winning attempt and the Heat lost... He didn't have good explosion.

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Lebron_Stuffed_after_Jumping_o_3ab12cd053656a6016f 9ea4e26ad4fa5.gif

Whereas, in the same spot, Jordan drop-steps with a lot more lift and explosion.

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Jordan_over_Orlando_Woolridge_2992ff3b66bec8217afc 9045864e3b42.gif

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Jordan_dunks_on_Shaq_7a78ff0a205611c2aaf2fcf2af13f 605.gif

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Jordan_dunks_on_Defender_off_42e80f0371b2ccd1311ad dc612220fdc.gif

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Jordan_Very_Quick_off_his_feet_85c9460760961c1fceb 26630cff21c12.gif

Here's another one where they are both doing the exact same move that ends up with them jumping off two feet, and Jordan has quite a bit more lift.

Lebron going up weak off two feet after jumpstop.. can't dunk:

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Tiago_Beats_Lebron_to_Spot_Leb_2d51dd9926d3c1cf8c5 bc8a47ecc0f04.gif

Jordan in Exact Same Spot, Exact Same Move and Jumpstop, Goes up A Lot Stronger:

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Jordan_with_the_Baseline_HopSt_f3dde741dd9364e1d67 d426c26375b8c.gif

http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/jordan_on_dominique_bee66ca7d5a73e1d21472382674cc2 af.gif
http://gifsforum.com/images_new/gif/other/grand/Jordan_over_Dominique_and_Mose_6ff5a043976a6ce3be6 3214630bd4bbc.gif

08-17-2014, 10:23 PM
It can't be scoring output like PPG, because Jordan leads that all-time (30.1 ppg regular season.. 33.6 in playoffs)

It can't be PER, because Jordan has the highest career PER ever for the regular season and playoffs.

It can't be Ortg, because Jordan's Usage/Ortg combo is the highest of all time (35% usage with 118 Ortg)

It can't be winshares, because Jordan leads everyone in that too as well as WS/48.

So i'm curious what advanced stats you were looking at.

08-18-2014, 12:09 AM
Anything you say about LeBron is still >> Jordan's 1-9 :sleeping

You can tell your kids about Jordan 1-9 but 6/6 final. They will figure it out for you who's better.

08-18-2014, 12:22 AM
It can't be scoring output like PPG, because Jordan leads that all-time (30.1 ppg regular season.. 33.6 in playoffs)

It can't be PER, because Jordan has the highest career PER ever for the regular season and playoffs.

It can't be Ortg, because Jordan's Usage/Ortg combo is the highest of all time (35% usage with 118 Ortg)

It can't be winshares, because Jordan leads everyone in that too as well as WS/48.

So i'm curious what advanced stats you were looking at.
LeBron is bigger!!!

08-18-2014, 12:25 AM
LeBron is bigger!!!

Especially down there..

08-18-2014, 12:44 AM
1) better offensive player
2) better defensive player

do I really need more than 2 out of 5?

Stop making junior high kids that are too stupid to realize Jordan as GOAT feel insecure! Maybe they can make 6000 posts next year on their 3 alts apiece to make up for their sad lives.:lol

08-19-2014, 02:37 PM
really only need 2/5 of those reasons to legitimize your point.


08-19-2014, 02:52 PM
Top 7 Reasons for Jordan Over Lebron:

1) Jordan's stats are the best and they say he carried the largest offensive load ever (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10456245&postcount=25)

2) Jordan played better competition (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10454414&postcount=101)

3) Jordan played in eras that barely used the 3-point shot - all two-pointers is a tougher brand of basketball (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10454505&postcount=104)

4) Better hops off a vertical so he scored better in traffic (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40451964#p40451964)

5) Not just quick for his size, but true guard quickness for greater mismatches vs. bigger defenders (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40452998#p40452998)

6) Goat scoring ability allowed MJ to take on the largest load and attract maximum defensive attention to free up teammates, while Lebron undertook too small a load in the 2014 Finals (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10441295&postcount=236).

7) Not only could Jordan take on the aforementioned maximum offensive load to attract maximum defensive attention and free up teammates, but his superior scoring versatility (including off-ball skill) (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40476428#p40476428) allowed him to take on that maximum load while scoring in whatever capacity allowed star teammates to play to their strengths (i.e. with Jordan off-ball, Pippen was free to be the more ball-dominant point-forward).

:pimp: The factors above enabled Jordan to control his own destiny better - translation: 6 for 6 (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10422919&postcount=9):


Top 15 Hanging Jumpshots by MJ (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40750321#p40750321)

Top 15 MJ Dunks Over Multiple Contesting Defenders (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40414797#p40414797)

Partial Collection of MJ Dunks Over All-Time Great Centers (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=40382395#p40382395)

Various MJ Two-Handed Posters Over Defenders (two-foot takeoffs) (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10441991&postcount=40)

MJ Hangtime Shots Off A One-Step Vertical (Drop-Step) (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10422917&postcount=172)

MJ Flight (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10451420&postcount=76)

Random MJ Posters (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10273035&postcount=86)

1) E*A*S*Y to have good stats in watered down era of basketball

2) Saturation of nonathletic white 5'11 white euro players in jordans era =/= competition

3) 3>2. It's more points on the board. Another aspect of basketball current players have to take into account.

4) There was no traffic. Defense in jordans era was abysmal. Look at the highlights. It's like high school defense. 90's jordans era defense = current highschool defense.

5) What? He is quicker than bigger players? What is the point of this:hammerhead:

6) Watered down era vs current era....like comparing 6th grade basketball and NBA basketball players.

7) Pippen stats went up without jordan, nullifying your argument:confusedshrug:

Paul George 24
08-19-2014, 02:55 PM

here's a great article dispelling the nonsense in the OP with 8 reasons why lebron is a better all around player than jordan

1. Defensive Versatility

Jordan used his speed and athleticism to shut down opposing perimeter players and generate turnovers. But James is just as athletic and he is capable of dominating almost any opposing player from point guards to power forwards. He is even capable of playing against some centers on defense.

To illustrate the difference between Jordan and James, let

Paul George 24
08-19-2014, 02:56 PM
1) E*A*S*Y to have good stats in watered down era of basketball

2) Saturation of nonathletic white 5'11 white euro players in jordans era =/= competition

3) 3>2. It's more points on the board. Another aspect of basketball current players have to take into account.

4) There was no traffic. Defense in jordans era was abysmal. Look at the highlights. It's like high school defense. 90's jordans era defense = current highschool defense.

5) What? He is quicker than bigger players? What is the point of this:hammerhead:

6) Watered down era vs current era....like comparing 6th grade basketball and NBA basketball players.

7) Pippen stats went up without jordan, nullifying your argument:confusedshrug:

way better than lebron ever face :rockon:

08-19-2014, 02:57 PM
james never 3 peat :banana:

2 chances to repeat. 1 in 2011 and 2nd one was in 2014. failed horribly. :oldlol:

08-19-2014, 06:34 PM
Austin Rivers + Spacing + Hands Off Defense = Superstar MVP vs. Spurs:






AERIAL VIEW of A. Rivers + Spacing = superstar.. Of course, with bigs getting beat on the perimeter, there's no resistance at the rim - the ballhandler gets an in-stride layup with the big flailing from behind:



In today's game, with paint-camping banned, bigs are forced to come out of the paint to flood and shade in the ballhandler's wheelhouse: the perimeter.

Defending guards on the perimeter is a massive disadvantage for bigs, but today's spacing and paint-camping ban necessitate it.. Otoh, in previous eras, there was no spacing and paint-camping was legal, so bigs didn't need to come out of the paint to shade on the perimeter - they could just wait right under the rim "with no time restriction", as stiplulated in Rule 2b (http://nbahoopsonline.com/History/Leagues/NBA/Rules/Fouls.html) of the Illegal Defense Guidelines.

Shading was still used in previous eras on screen roll (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=358589&page=8) as well, but there was no spacing, so bigs still had help after getting beat on the perimeter.. But more importantly, in non-screen-roll situations, the option was there NOT to shade and just camp under the rim instead - this was the most-used and preferable option.. Today's defenders don't have this more optimal option.

08-19-2014, 06:39 PM
I wake up every day hoping someone will tell me.MJ is the goat so I don't forget.

Everybody knows about mike. I don't see the need to knob slob him every single day considering you'll never see him play again.

08-19-2014, 06:40 PM
you had to be tougher back then.. no time for patting on the back or cumbaya

Oh shit nobody talks or makes mean faces today! So tough!

08-19-2014, 06:56 PM
it's just another distinction between the two... one shows fear.. hesitation..


the other doesn't...


Hey Yo
08-19-2014, 06:57 PM
james never 3 peat :banana:
But James stuck around tried for the 4 peat.

MJ quit the league 2x with a chance to 4 peat.

Hey Yo
08-19-2014, 07:00 PM
2 chances to repeat. 1 in 2011 and 2nd one was in 2014. failed horribly. :oldlol:
Yes you did.

How does one fail to repeat when they didn't win the title the year before??