View Full Version : When do we start banning incoming flights from Africa?

08-17-2014, 10:15 PM
Whether or not this is the Black Plague 2.0 isn't worth finding out.
Do you guys think there will come a point where flights coming from Africa are completely banned in First World countries?
Even if we're screwing other Americans from returning to the US, I'm not concerned. If Third World citizens want to loot medical buildings where Ebola patients have died, more death to them. Please don't bring that disease over here.

08-17-2014, 10:18 PM
It's not communicable in a way that you should be worried about it. There are far easier diseases to catch.

Le Shaqtus
08-17-2014, 10:20 PM
Unless you plan on drinking the sweat and blood of Ebola infected people.

08-17-2014, 10:21 PM
It should have been done years ago. If they didn't stick their dick in monkeys there would be no AIDS

08-17-2014, 10:25 PM
It's not communicable in a way that you should be worried about it. There are far easier diseases to catch.
Who's debating that? It's not about how easy eat is to catch, it's about how deadly it is.

08-17-2014, 10:28 PM
Unless you plan on drinking the sweat and blood of Ebola infected people.

Well, I am Dracula, so...

No, let's just say a businessman, a doctor, a missionary, etc., comes back to the US after contracting Ebola. This man comes home and plays with his kids. He sweats while they're playing. Now his kids have Ebola.
Those kids go to school and play sports, run around, interact as kids do with their classmates.
Those classmates come back home and interact with their own family members.
Those family members go about their daily lives: going to work, grocery shopping, attending the movies, etc.

Are you getting my point?
Call me paranoid, but I just don't want that risk.

08-17-2014, 10:32 PM
Well, I am Dracula, so...

No, let's just say a businessman, a doctor, a missionary, etc., comes back to the US after contracting Ebola. This man comes home and plays with his kids. He sweats while they're playing. Now his kids have Ebola.
Those kids go to school and play sports, run around, interact as kids do with their classmates.
Those classmates come back home and interact with their own family members.
Those family members go about their daily lives: going to work, grocery shopping, attending the movies, etc.

Are you getting my point?
Call me paranoid, but I just don't want that risk.
You're paranoid.

08-17-2014, 10:41 PM
Madagascar already has reports of ebola.

It's over.

08-17-2014, 10:42 PM

08-17-2014, 11:00 PM
If they didn't stick their dick in monkeys there would be no AIDS
Someone doesn't have their priorities straight.

08-17-2014, 11:27 PM
It's not communicable in a way that you should be worried about it. There are far easier diseases to catch.
You're seriously misinformed about how Ebola is transmitted. It's not as difficult to transmit as HIV. And HIV has managed to do a pretty good job of spreading around.

08-18-2014, 01:18 AM
You're seriously misinformed about how Ebola is transmitted. It's not as difficult to transmit as HIV. And HIV has managed to do a pretty good job of spreading around.

Two different types of diseases. Ebola kills a human in weeks in a visible horrific way, while HIV stays quiet in a human showing no symptoms, as they spread it around.

08-18-2014, 06:38 AM
It should have been done years ago. If they didn't stick their dick in monkeys there would be no AIDS
:oldlol: :pimp:

08-18-2014, 06:56 AM
Two different types of diseases. Ebola kills a human in weeks in a visible horrific way, while HIV stays quiet in a human showing no symptoms, as they spread it around.

Thats not really true either.

The reason the doctors who contracted ebola are improving is because there are ICU units in America that don't exist in Africa.

Nick Young
08-18-2014, 07:14 AM
I wish we would RIGHT NOW.

Still some illegal infected asshole will sneak over to the USA in a cargo ship and kill everyone.

08-18-2014, 08:20 AM
If we are going to ban people with diseases Ebola isn't one I'd start with. But you just have the normal clowns fear mongering who are too smart to really believe it, and the others of you that are just stupid and really believe it.

Carry on. I'm not getting Ebola. So i'm fine.

08-18-2014, 08:48 AM
Thats not really true either.

The reason the doctors who contracted ebola are improving is because there are ICU units in America that don't exist in Africa.

they're getting experimental drugs...

otherwise there is nothing doctors can do but let their bodies fight it and hope for the best outcome.

the ICU units are only better at containing it, but don't really help them recover from it.

08-18-2014, 08:53 AM
first we have to start sinking ships crossing the Mediterranean

Mr Clutch Melo
08-18-2014, 09:15 AM
I guarantee you that if somehow Ebola spreads to Europe that a cure will "magically" be found. :lol

I dont belive for a second that they dont have a cure. They just dont want to spend billions on corrupt leaders in Africa.

Mr Clutch Melo
08-18-2014, 09:18 AM
I wish we would RIGHT NOW.

Still some illegal infected asshole will sneak over to the USA in a cargo ship and kill everyone.

You can just run home to Mexico. What are you complaining bout ?:facepalm

08-18-2014, 09:33 AM
I guarantee you that if somehow Ebola spreads to Europe that a cure will "magically" be found. :lol

I dont belive for a second that they dont have a cure. They just dont want to spend billions on corrupt leaders in Africa.
There's no cure for AIDS. The good drugs that extended people's lives came 20 years after. Ebola is already in the US btw, where is the cure?

I'm sure it will get more attention but if we can snap our fingers and end diseases why don't we?

08-18-2014, 09:37 AM
I guarantee you that if somehow Ebola spreads to Europe that a cure will "magically" be found. :lol

I dont belive for a second that they dont have a cure. They just dont want to spend billions on corrupt leaders in Africa.

only because we'd maybe throw all of the money we have into researching a cure for it when its hitting close to home which is understandable.

not because we already have a cure. you guys here are WAY too conspiracy theory'sh without knowing how shit works. Research always works with funding...like our tech would probably be further if we poured all of our money into those pursuits, just like everything else we put money into...which equates to more people, greater minds working to improve those avenues.

Its not a conspiracy, its the way things work.

Mr Clutch Melo
08-18-2014, 10:07 AM
There's no cure for AIDS. The good drugs that extended people's lives came 20 years after. Ebola is already in the US btw, where is the cure?

I'm sure it will get more attention but if we can snap our fingers and end diseases why don't we?

You understand where Im coming from.

No doubt that they would put in more resources and time to at least hold the disease in check if this was in the West.

I dont blame them for not giving up the necessary money and recources as a big majority of that will be eaten up by corrupt scum leaders in Africa.

Its very sad as there are so many countries that could be fantastic places with proper leadership:facepalm

08-18-2014, 10:53 AM
There's no cure for AIDS. The good drugs that extended people's lives came 20 years after. Ebola is already in the US btw, where is the cure?

I'm sure it will get more attention but if we can snap our fingers and end diseases why don't we?

Not that I believe there's a cure for Ebola, but to answer your 2nd question:
It's more profitable keeping people sick and in need of medicine + treatment than to give everyone a cure that rids the disease completely.

Nick Young
08-18-2014, 10:58 AM
You can just run home to Mexico. What are you complaining bout ?:facepalm
Bro, don't be just another Scandanavian white supremacist racist. Not all people with spanish last names come from Mexico.

08-18-2014, 11:21 AM
Not that I believe there's a cure for Ebola, but to answer your 2nd question:
It's more profitable keeping people sick and in need of medicine + treatment than to give everyone a cure that rids the disease completely.
There are experimental treatments for Ebola, not necessarily a cure. They might say fvck and see what happens if they start giving it to lots of people without testing.

Do people not realize that scientist are the one's looking for cures not corporate fatheads? Mass drug producers rarely are the ones that find cures, its research university students and scientist.

08-18-2014, 11:36 AM
Not that I believe there's a cure for Ebola, but to answer your 2nd question:
It's more profitable keeping people sick and in need of medicine + treatment than to give everyone a cure that rids the disease completely.
Bullshit. Rich powerful people die from the same diseases. They last longer because they have better maintenance medicine. But they still die. If money could solve the problem, it would and they'd live.

I get poor people get ****ed but this conspiracy theory bullshit is so old.There is no magical cure for cancer being hidden. I actually know real shit that doesn't get approved that's much less sexy but i doubt you care about it because it's not deep dark conspiracy nonsense.

08-18-2014, 11:43 AM
ebola wouldnt spread in america the way it does in africa.
we have far better healthcare facilitates.
This video isnt of the areas where ebola is spreading but i think it gives a decent approximation of the challenges doctors in africa have to deal with and their lack of resources. The video is of a hospital in ethiopia, could be wrong but i think on average that is the level of hospitals that exist in africa.


America has bad healthcare on average for a first world nation (the rich in our country get the absolute best world class care at rich private hospitals), but that is like saying the raiders are a bad NFL team. They would still destroy any college team.

Also there exist a certain percentages of people in africa that fear white doctors are actually spreading the disease and dont trust the doctors.

Nick Young
08-18-2014, 11:50 AM
ebola wouldnt spread in america the way it does in africa.
we have far better healthcare facilitates.
This video isnt of the areas where ebola is spreading but i think it gives a decent approximation of the challenges doctors in africa have to deal with and their lack of resources. The video is of a hospital in ethiopia, could be wrong but i think on average that is the level of hospitals that exist in africa.


America has bad healthcare on average for a first world nation (the rich in our country get the absolute best world class care at rich private hospitals), but that is like saying the raiders are a bad NFL team. They would still destroy any college team.

Also there exist a certain percentages of people in africa that fear white doctors are actually spreading the disease and dont trust the doctors.
We dont know shit about stopping this disease. Underrating Ebola could lead to the next black death. You got a bad attitude about this brah.

08-18-2014, 11:51 AM
You understand where Im coming from.

No doubt that they would put in more resources and time to at least hold the disease in check if this was in the West.

I dont blame them for not giving up the necessary money and recources as a big majority of that will be eaten up by corrupt scum leaders in Africa.

Its very sad as there are so many countries that could be fantastic places with proper leadership:facepalm
The preventive medicine is non existent. They sanitation is also horrid. And Africa is so horrifically corrupt (i have a friend from Ghana who runs marathons and she knew a soccer player from the national team and told me stories that just make my eyes roll till they pop out of my head) that any attempt to help goes nowhere. It's horrible. But it's not people hiding secret cures like others (apparently not you) think, it's just apathy and corruption.

Look at what it takes Ebola to spread, and you see how dirty things are that it's spreading so easily.

08-18-2014, 11:52 AM
We dont know shit about stopping this disease. Underrating Ebola could lead to the next black death. You got a bad attitude about this brah.
It doesn't spread easily. Stop being so myopic.

Nick Young
08-18-2014, 12:13 PM
I guarantee you that if somehow Ebola spreads to Europe that a cure will "magically" be found. :lol

I dont belive for a second that they dont have a cure. They just dont want to spend billions on corrupt leaders in Africa.
Start believing it retard. It is currently incurable.

08-18-2014, 01:33 PM
It doesn't spread easily. Stop being so myopic.

we really don't know that. if Doctors caught it who took every precaution over there, and when they all got flown home the people handling them were in full body astronaut suits, and the one(s) that got flown into the EU were put in some capsule like containment unit, it shows we're not assuming 100% on anything in terms of this contagion.

of course the whole goal of the CDC is to calm the public from mass paranoia with their public information regarding this.

Nick Young
08-18-2014, 01:41 PM
It doesn't spread easily. Stop being so myopic.
:hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

The top scientists and doctors in the world still don't even know how to contain the disease, or treat infected patients without risking infection themselves. Why are you under the impression that we know how to contain ebola?
:hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

I remember reading about ebola in national geographic when I was 8. This shit was untreatable back then and still untreatable now 16 years later, despite doctors and scientists knowing about it and trying to create a cure. For any reasonable person, that is a cause for concern.

If I ran a country I would ban all incoming and outgoing flights to and from West Africa, as well as all incoming refuges. If I ran the UN, I would quarintine the shit out of Liberia and Sierra Leone until this outbreak dies down. People should be scared here, ebola has huge potential to be the next bubonic plague. Glad I live on an island.

08-18-2014, 01:46 PM
A lot of people in this thread under-estimated mothernature and diseases. Ebola don't give a shit what healthcare system we have. If human beings are stupid enough to go into a facility and steal ebola infected material like bloody sheets, then it don't give a shit.

08-18-2014, 05:08 PM
they're getting experimental drugs...

otherwise there is nothing doctors can do but let their bodies fight it and hope for the best outcome.

the ICU units are only better at containing it, but don't really help them recover from it.

lol what? It's all because of the ICU units that they are recovering. The experimental anti-viral is a sham.

08-18-2014, 08:02 PM
:hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

The top scientists and doctors in the world still don't even know how to contain the disease, or treat infected patients without risking infection themselves. Why are you under the impression that we know how to contain ebola?
:hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

I remember reading about ebola in national geographic when I was 8. This shit was untreatable back then and still untreatable now 16 years later, despite doctors and scientists knowing about it and trying to create a cure. For any reasonable person, that is a cause for concern.

If I ran a country I would ban all incoming and outgoing flights to and from West Africa, as well as all incoming refuges. If I ran the UN, I would quarintine the shit out of Liberia and Sierra Leone until this outbreak dies down. People should be scared here, ebola has huge potential to be the next bubonic plague. Glad I live on an island.

They know how it spreads. It doesn't spread easily. If you need diseases to be concerned with, this is pretty far down the list unless you are going somewhere it is occuring. It's so far from a pandemic it's not funny, and it's not that hard to contain if it reached that stage.

If you want to panic over disease this aint it.

08-18-2014, 10:43 PM
They know how it spreads. It doesn't spread easily. If you need diseases to be concerned with, this is pretty far down the list unless you are going somewhere it is occuring. It's so far from a pandemic it's not funny, and it's not that hard to contain if it reached that stage.

If you want to panic over disease this aint it.
The problem is viruses aren't static. They mutate. You don't know about the mutation until it's too late. Some viruses are airborn and some aren't because they have mutations that allow them to attach to different proteins.

Many people of European ancestry are immune to HIV because they don't produce the protein that the HIV virus need to attach itself to your t-cells. Something like 10-15% of Europeans peoples are immune to HIV. Theres actually a much rarer harder to transmit HIV-2 that can infect these people though. Mutation.

Ebola has a sudden outbreak. It's not unreasonable to think it could be due to a yet unknown mutation. It's entirely possible that we don't know all the ways in which this outbreak can spread.

08-18-2014, 10:55 PM
The problem is viruses aren't static. They mutate. You don't know about the mutation until it's too late. Some viruses are airborn and some aren't because they have mutations that allow them to attach to different proteins.

Many people of European ancestry are immune to HIV because they don't produce the protein that the HIV virus need to attach itself to your t-cells. Something like 10-15% of Europeans peoples are immune to HIV. Theres actually a much rarer harder to transmit HIV-2 that can infect these people though. Mutation.

Ebola has a sudden outbreak. It's not unreasonable to think it could be due to a yet unknown mutation. It's entirely possible that we don't know all the ways in which this outbreak can spread.

Very well put.
I feel this is truly a disease we know very little about. As it spreads, it could become stronger. I just hope it never reaches a point of spreading among major cities. Then we're all fukked.

10-13-2014, 05:25 PM
So was I right or what? Should've banned flights a couple months back.

RIP Dallas

10-13-2014, 05:39 PM


I love that gif.

10-13-2014, 05:44 PM
So was I right or what? Should've banned flights a couple months back.

RIP Dallas

yulp should have ****ed over the economy for the 2 people who had direct contact and will get infected in america.

Nick Young
10-13-2014, 05:45 PM
So was I right or what? Should've banned flights a couple months back.

RIP Dallas
They should all be banned right now.

BUT what they also do is go to Europe first, then fly in to America to appear less suspicious.

What we need to do is put all West African internationals in quarantine for a month.

That jackass Duncan was asked if he came in to contact with anyone with ebola and lied about it and was allowed to go on his infection spree in Dallas unchecked.

They cannot be trusted to tell the truth. If we don't ban them from entering, atleast quarantine for 4 weeks MINIMUM.

10-13-2014, 05:47 PM
All Africans should be deported ASAP.

10-13-2014, 05:48 PM
I wish we would RIGHT NOW.

Still some illegal infected asshole will sneak over to the USA in a cargo ship and kill everyone.

Ebola and Islam.


10-13-2014, 05:48 PM
They should all be banned right now.

BUT what they also do is go to Europe first, then fly in to America to appear less suspicious.

What we need to do is put all West African internationals in quarantine for a month.

That jackass Duncan was asked if he came in to contact with anyone with ebola and lied about it and was allowed to go on his infection spree in Dallas unchecked.

They cannot be trusted to tell the truth. If we don't ban them from entering, atleast quarantine for 4 weeks MINIMUM.

I'd prefer if all the fear mongering idiots like yourself were rounded up and put into a camp. That way we wouldn't have to listen to the bullshit that your spouting. Who knows maybe you have another virus that cause shit to fly out of your mouth and fingers rather than blood?

10-13-2014, 08:03 PM
seriously tho, whats the harm in banning african flights, along with any known infectious ebola country flights to the U.S.? so we don't get Spain either, and its not like we can't track people who came from Africa/Spain that went somewhere else and to somewhere else to a American airliner?

Obama you sorry mf'er, i know you're politically correct like a bitch, but i really fukkin hope u step up and protect the country against Ebola spread as much as you can on your watch. i swear these are situations where we need a Republican in office who doesn't give a fukk about political correctness and everyones lame asss feelings :pimp:

HitandRun Reggie
10-13-2014, 09:24 PM
Besides the current vaccine only works on white people, so Africans are wasting there time coming here to get help.


You don't really believe that do you?

10-13-2014, 10:03 PM
It's not communicable in a way that you should be worried about it. There are far easier diseases to catch.

I'm sure there are a few doctors and nurses now that would beg to differ...

We keep hearing how it's not easily passed from one person to another but here we are with health care personnel that are wearing the proper protective gear and getting sick.

I think we're going to find out it's actually passed along from one to another easier than we'd expected...

Nick Young
10-14-2014, 05:35 AM
seriously tho, whats the harm in banning african flights, along with any known infectious ebola country flights to the U.S.? so we don't get Spain either, and its not like we can't track people who came from Africa/Spain that went somewhere else and to somewhere else to a American airliner?

Obama you sorry mf'er, i know you're politically correct like a bitch, but i really fukkin hope u step up and protect the country against Ebola spread as much as you can on your watch. i swear these are situations where we need a Republican in office who doesn't give a fukk about political correctness and everyones lame asss feelings :pimp:
Obama is in the pocket of airline lobbyists who helped to fund his winning election campaign.

10-14-2014, 08:38 AM
I wish we would RIGHT NOW.

Still some illegal infected asshole will sneak over to the USA in a cargo ship and kill everyone.

You kill me sometimes dude :lol

10-14-2014, 10:49 AM
Obama is in the pocket of airline lobbyists who helped to fund his winning election campaign.

Another baseless claim?

I expect nothing less than 3-4 sentences of bullshit neatly concluded with a sarcastic point and a "doe" followed by a :bowdown: .

10-14-2014, 11:04 AM
Another baseless claim?

I expect nothing less than 3-4 sentences of bullshit neatly concluded with a sarcastic point and a "doe" followed by a :bowdown: .
https://www.opensecrets.org/pres12/contrib.php?id=N00009638 no airlines, but im curious why do federal agencies donate money that will be wasted on political campaigns

Nick Young
10-14-2014, 11:11 AM
Another baseless claim?

I expect nothing less than 3-4 sentences of bullshit neatly concluded with a sarcastic point and a "doe" followed by a :bowdown: .
Obama would rather please the airline companies then protect the country. Why do you stick up so hard for this lameduck president who is basically Bush 2.0?