View Full Version : Which MMPORG games did you guys play?

08-18-2014, 08:02 PM
I quit at like level 52 with about 500k. Wasn't too hardcore.
Friend gave me his level 89 a few summers ago and he had about $20 million on it. Ended up giving it to some random kid.
Game was so boring yet so addicting as a kid.
I loved woodcutting and I remember having 60+ wc on all my accounts lol.
Wasn't a member though.

Experimented with maplestory (this game took way too much commitment to make a decent character) and world of warcraft. I loved world of warcraft but I thought it was too expensive. Had vanilla WoW, got it right after the first expansion.

Also I played Silkroad. Game was pretty funny. I somehow picked up 4.5 mil worth of equipment in the first two days. Later found out it was only enough to buy decent armor for a mid level player :wtf:. Game had too many botters. Fun but it got boring unless you knew people in the game. We had a guild that were a group of friends from school. We all quit within about a year.

08-18-2014, 08:05 PM
I played this game no one has heard of called Tibia

Played WoW
Played runescape
Played ragnarok.

08-18-2014, 08:07 PM
I played this game no one has heard of called Tibia

Played WoW
Played runescape
Played ragnarok.

Which was your favorite?

If WoW was more affordable, I probably would have played it a lot more than I did for that one month trial I used up.

08-18-2014, 08:12 PM
I played Dark Age of Camelot (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBnEeQlYXS4) on/off for 10 years since 2004. I recently quit and gave away my account. The official trailer is linked in this post.

Edit: Probably my favorite solo class of the game was called a Valewalker, a hybrid with wielded a two-handed scythe. Some solo gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCirC-YiYd4&list=UU2xHglRfb_lrm4FxX5g0UPA

08-18-2014, 08:17 PM
Which was your favorite?

If WoW was more affordable, I probably would have played it a lot more than I did for that one month trial I used up.
I like each for different reasons.

Runescape was somewhat popular at my school. We had this computer class where if we got our work done we could just mess around. We had counter strike, starcraft, runescape and a few others. Horrible graphics thou and very basic game play

it was fun to play with people i knew.

Ragnarok like insanely pretty to me. it had an interesting combat system and skill tree system. interesting classes to. but the point of mmorpgs is group play. Like no one on these servers spoke english lol.

Tibia is like a less popular version of runescape. shallow gameplay, minimal choice in character type and once you choose a character not many interesting ways to build it.

WoW was probably the best when i played it, but was too easy. they dumbed the game down so much.

08-18-2014, 08:19 PM
2000-01: EverQuest. Didn't get into it much. Technically my first MMO.
2003-2005: Final Fantasy XI. Man, such a huge time sink but insanely addicting and immersive. I'll get nostalgic just listening to the music from the different zones.
2004-2009: World of Warcraft. Really great time playing this one, but it was mostly vanilla and TBC. WotLK was meh. But I continued twinking 10-19 though the last couple years and definitely got my money's worth.
2011: Final Fantasy XIV. Wow, what a let down. I was hoping to recapture some of the greatness I found in FFXI. Not even close. Haven't given ARR a shot though.

I don't know if I've just outgrown MMOs or if there's a lack of good ones today, but I'm still looking for new ones to play. No luck so far.

08-18-2014, 08:21 PM
I played Dark Age of Camelot (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBnEeQlYXS4) on/off for 10 years since 2004. I recently quit and gave away my account. The official trailer is linked in this post.

I had a Shar Champion that kicked some serious arse. Get the slowest weapon possible and gimp quickness to frontload a lot of damage (also don't get the dex/quick or haste buff). Use all your debuffs and the insta damage, then hit once with frontal assault to slow them down, and then run away for a second to get ready for another frontal assault (backed by by annihilation in case they turn around to stun them) and rinse and repeat.

08-18-2014, 08:29 PM

08-18-2014, 08:35 PM
dark age of camelot
city of heroes
world of warcraft

08-18-2014, 08:42 PM
The game has changed a ton over the years. Now you can buy almost full buffs from NPCs in the live game. And now the name of the game is to get the slowest weapon possible with the fastest swing speed with haste+celerity. Also you can now stack 2-3 ablatives on top of each other to give you over or near 1000+ ablative hit points. Champions whether Shield spec or Large Weapon are still nasty, but the over-the-top classes in the game if I had to pick one from each realm are now the Paladin (who can now get over 1300+ AF) from Alb, Savages from Mid and probably Nightshades from Hib.


Savages? I always considered them fresh meat. Though I heard tales of them being extremely overpowered at one point before a nerf.

The game must have changed a lot.

08-18-2014, 08:49 PM

08-18-2014, 08:50 PM
DaoC 11 years ago

And WoW free trial

08-18-2014, 08:52 PM
Have any of you guys play maplestory?

In middle school around 2006-2007, there was a huge rave about it in my middle school. Some kid somehow got to like level 150... it was ridiculous. He admittedly spent 10000 hours on the game :eek: (over 5 years)

Over about 7 years, the only game I have a lot of time logged on is counter strike. About 750 hours from my old account and 950 from my new account. I met some really cool ppl on steam and I often help run servers. Part of a chill community/clan that allows me to sign in maybe once or twice a week to make sure the server is clean of hackers, etc. Laid back community for sure and I've met some very cool online people through it.

08-18-2014, 08:53 PM
My 2nd favorite character was my Norse Skald. Love that speed and was very efficient at taking out or at least surviving against multiple opponents if you knew how to efficiently kite, use your snare and the insta mezz (also, SOS was awesome :bowdown:).

08-18-2014, 08:58 PM

08-18-2014, 09:09 PM
wow, runescape, maple story

never really got into much other stuff

08-18-2014, 09:21 PM
I believe the last time I touched the game was around when every realm got these stupid minotaur classes. Though I was already barely playing it before that.


08-18-2014, 09:24 PM

08-18-2014, 09:26 PM
Have any of you guys play maplestory?

In middle school around 2006-2007, there was a huge rave about it in my middle school. Some kid somehow got to like level 150... it was ridiculous. He admittedly spent 10000 hours on the game :eek: (over 5 years)

Over about 7 years, the only game I have a lot of time logged on is counter strike. About 750 hours from my old account and 950 from my new account. I met some really cool ppl on steam and I often help run servers. Part of a chill community/clan that allows me to sign in maybe once or twice a week to make sure the server is clean of hackers, etc. Laid back community for sure and I've met some very cool online people through it.

Played Maplestory in 5th grade, shit was addicting as **** until leveling up became a complete grind. Got up to level 57 before I quit because of how long it would take to level up. I heard they made it easy as hell to level now also.

08-18-2014, 09:33 PM
I was playing Firefall for a while. Had some potential early on, didn't like the changes they made to it recently though.

08-18-2014, 09:33 PM
2000-01: EverQuest. Didn't get into it much. Technically my first MMO.
2003-2005: Final Fantasy XI. Man, such a huge time sink but insanely addicting and immersive. I'll get nostalgic just listening to the music from the different zones.
2004-2009: World of Warcraft. Really great time playing this one, but it was mostly vanilla and TBC. WotLK was meh. But I continued twinking 10-19 though the last couple years and definitely got my money's worth.
2011: Final Fantasy XIV. Wow, what a let down. I was hoping to recapture some of the greatness I found in FFXI. Not even close. Haven't given ARR a shot though.

I don't know if I've just outgrown MMOs or if there's a lack of good ones today, but I'm still looking for new ones to play. No luck so far.

I play Final Fantasy XIV. Give it a try, its a whole different game than it was in 2011.

08-18-2014, 09:48 PM

08-18-2014, 09:53 PM

08-18-2014, 09:54 PM
The only one I played was Guild Wars 2. Very good game but I think I realized that MMORPGs just aren't for me. Once I beat the story and capped out my level, I just didn't have that "carrot" to chase anymore. I don't care about crafting just for the sake of having a different look.

The other thing is that given the resources required to keep such huge worlds with so many players going, corners have to bet cut in terms of story, characters and immersion. I realized that I prefer single player RPGs because of this.

08-18-2014, 10:00 PM
Star Wars Galaxies, Warcraft, Age of Conan, Star Wars Old Republic, and now Wildstar.

I've played some others for a bit like Elder Scrolls, but those are the ones I stuck with for a while and raided.

08-18-2014, 10:24 PM
warhammer online
star wars old republic
tabula rasa
guild wars
age of conan

I vanilla and bc wow were probably the best, warhammer online had some really great PVP and I liked how they implemented tanks being useful in PVP.

I really liked vanguard as well, if it wasn't rushed and if it would run on lower end pcs it could have been really good. Felt like a huge world and looked great on my PC, once you hit like level 15 though the only content was group content and finding groups in such a large world sucked. Really liked that game for a bit though.

Tabula rasa and wildstar were both rubbish, guild wars was fun but lacking being free to play, lotro was fun but I haven't played it in years.

Neverwinter is decent and I like the user made dungeon/quest lines/modules for a bit of fun, I'll pick it up again now that an xpac just came out and it's coming to xbox one.

Age of conan was ok but got boring fast, same as the old republic which I enjoyed but got bored of when it started feeling too much like a grindy single player game.

I'll pick up warlords for WoW and play through the content in raid finder and maybe flex again but I know I won't last more than 3 months or so before I'm over it again.

Wish I had played galaxies, I did a trial near it's end but it was buggy and the client sucked.

08-18-2014, 10:34 PM
Played Maplestory in 5th grade, shit was addicting as **** until leveling up became a complete grind. Got up to level 57 before I quit because of how long it would take to level up. I heard they made it easy as hell to level now also.

yeah the friend I knew who played up until like graduation in high school was like a level 150 something dragon knight.

A lot of my friend made main accounts and funded their dexless assassins. That was the big thing to do. Eventually we all agreed to do a private server but due to miscommunication most of us joined different servers and realized we didn't sign up for the real private server we wanted to use. Sooner or later we all just stopped playing. In 9th grade, a lot of people gave up maplestory. Very very few still played post 8th grade (via 2007 for me).

NBA live became VERY popular at my school in 9th grade. Everyone who had xbox live or ps3 either played that against each other or the call of duty games. COD4 and Halo were ridiculously popular in our school.

08-18-2014, 11:05 PM
yeah the friend I knew who played up until like graduation in high school was like a level 150 something dragon knight.

A lot of my friend made main accounts and funded their dexless assassins. That was the big thing to do. Eventually we all agreed to do a private server but due to miscommunication most of us joined different servers and realized we didn't sign up for the real private server we wanted to use. Sooner or later we all just stopped playing. In 9th grade, a lot of people gave up maplestory. Very very few still played post 8th grade (via 2007 for me).

NBA live became VERY popular at my school in 9th grade. Everyone who had xbox live or ps3 either played that against each other or the call of duty games. COD4 and Halo were ridiculously popular in our school.

One of my best friends actually got married on that shit. I was like bruh......:biggums: But then we quit literally a week later. Assassin was the shit, still remember throwing steelies over ilbies because they looked better. :D

08-18-2014, 11:19 PM
One of my best friends actually got married on that shit. I was like bruh......:biggums: But then we quit literally a week later. Assassin was the shit, still remember throwing steelies over ilbies because they looked better. :D

Ilbies if I remember correctly were very expensive. Only had like one friend who used them on a consistent basis. I was a spearman but gave up relatively quickly. I liked the idea of maplestory but the community didn't seem all that nice or helpful. World of warcraft was a different story IMO. Some dude and I did a lot of the beginning quests together and were having a blast until I quit after the month trial. We formed our own guild I think. Neither one of us were high levels but he said he had a few level 60s. He helped me out a lot.

Then there is runescape. I was only 11 and followed a level 78 into the wild only being level 52. Lost the full rune in my inventory and the black and gold I was wearing. My net worth went from 950k-1mil to about 500k. I remember crying after I logged out... lol oh childhood.

08-19-2014, 07:29 AM
I've maintained an active WoW subscription since August 2005 and an active LoTRO subscription since November 2007. Those two never get old or boring for me.

I also mess around in Guild Wars 2 and Tera because as far as F2P games go, those are at least tolerable and I've made some good friends in there. I care nothing for the actual story in those two, I just enjoy the combat systems...very active and engaging. I'm part of the beta for EQ's Landmark and pretty stoked to try EQ Next whenever that one gets released.

I've tried and quit Guild Wars, Everquest II, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Rift, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Elder Scrolls Online and Wildstar.

08-19-2014, 07:56 AM
Ever Quest- I was 6 years old
Dark Age of Camelot
City of Heroes/Villains
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars Old Republic
World of Warcraft
Everquest 2
Final Fantasy 11
Final Fantasy 14
Guild Wars 2

08-19-2014, 08:05 AM
wasted a year and half with Lineage II, addictive AF, it just sucks you in its reality, there were period of months were i player for 14-15 hours daily, sometimes as much as 19 hours

I still play League of Legends (ARAM mode only).

Besides that never playin MMORPGS again

08-19-2014, 09:46 AM

i had party hats and masks and all that shiz when runescape was still a 2D game. Then i quit when the one with the upgraded graphics came out. Now the party hats and masks are worth billions and trillions of gold. And i forgot my account name and pw.


08-19-2014, 10:01 AM
I played the hell out of runescape but bounced around on a few accounts so never got one super leveled. Some guy did give me his level 87 once though.

I played back when I was in 6th grade and all the way back to when Santa was giving yo-yo's out during Christmas.

I was in 6th grade and got an online "girlfriend" on that game and we actually talked like around every other day or so for around 2 years :lol

Using her myspace name I found her on facebook the other day and messaged her who I was and shit and said whats up and we talked for a while but then I think her boyfriend saw it and randomly blocked me :lol

08-19-2014, 10:22 AM
I played the hell out of runescape but bounced around on a few accounts so never got one super leveled. Some guy did give me his level 87 once though.

I played back when I was in 6th grade and all the way back to when Santa was giving yo-yo's out during Christmas.

I was in 6th grade and got an online "girlfriend" on that game and we actually talked like around every other day or so for around 2 years :lol

Using her myspace name I found her on facebook the other day and messaged her who I was and shit and said whats up and we talked for a while but then I think her boyfriend saw it and randomly blocked me :lol


08-19-2014, 10:31 AM
My favorite thing to do on runescape was to make a "hybrid" character, since as long as you kept say, range below mage, it wouldn't increase total level.

And then I'd go to the dueling arena as a level 27, throw on a noob outfit like priest robes and a bronze med helm with iron legs, and then as soon as the duel started, I'd switch to my level 50 range defense gear, and then bring out my level 50 mage shit and SLAY them lol

08-19-2014, 10:33 AM
Also one time on the forums I posted that I was selling an abysal whip and lots of people wanted to buy it and I got one dumbass agree to come buy it in like level 30 of the wilderness, and as soon as he showed up with all of his gold, like 2M worth, I stunned him with magic and chased him down and murdered him

08-19-2014, 10:36 AM
My favorite thing to do on runescape was to make a "hybrid" character, since as long as you kept say, range below mage, it wouldn't increase total level.

And then I'd go to the dueling arena as a level 27, throw on a noob outfit like priest robes and a bronze med helm with iron legs, and then as soon as the duel started, I'd switch to my level 50 range defense gear, and then bring out my level 50 mage shit and SLAY them lol

Also one time on the forums I posted that I was selling an abysal whip and lots of people wanted to buy it and I got one dumbass agree to come buy it in like level 30 of the wilderness, and as soon as he showed up with all of his gold, like 2M worth, I stunned him with magic and chased him down and murdered him

idk if i should feel ashamed that i know exactly what you are talking about.

08-19-2014, 03:30 PM
Also one time on the forums I posted that I was selling an abysal whip and lots of people wanted to buy it and I got one dumbass agree to come buy it in like level 30 of the wilderness, and as soon as he showed up with all of his gold, like 2M worth, I stunned him with magic and chased him down and murdered him

My friend did this to a kid with a white phat. Literally made 370 million gold within an hour. Killed a dude in the wilderness and sold it in world 1 during some christmas break back in middle school.

08-19-2014, 03:40 PM
Ragnarok Online - Played it back in the days when there were only 4-5 classes.
Maple Story - Also played it back in the days before more classes came out.
Silk Road Online - Best MMORPG I've played.

08-19-2014, 03:43 PM
Ragnarok Online - Played it back in the days when there were only 4-5 classes.
Maple Story - Also played it back in the days before more classes came out.
Silk Road Online - Best MMORPG I've played.

Really? I got bored of it very quickly. I also felt it was inflated too. I remember level 45s in my guild all had at least 50 million and I had 4.5 million at only level 22.

Seemed way too inflated for my taste. Sick concept of a game though. I played it before all that European updates.

08-19-2014, 04:07 PM
Ah, Silkroad. I remember quitting around 50, because grinding without Golden Scroll after that was just too tiring:lol

Loved running the caravans though.

08-19-2014, 04:17 PM
Ah, Silkroad. I remember quitting around 50, because grinding without Golden Scroll after that was just too tiring:lol

Loved running the caravans though.

I relied a lot on high levels in our guild... Somehow we convinced a ton of high level players to be our guild leaders but they eventually quit b/c we were just leaching off them.:lol

08-19-2014, 05:02 PM
Really? I got bored of it very quickly. I also felt it was inflated too. I remember level 45s in my guild all had at least 50 million and I had 4.5 million at only level 22.

Seemed way too inflated for my taste. Sick concept of a game though. I played it before all that European updates.

I enjoyed Hunting/Thieving when they still had Mercenaries out. Also loved the PVP system. I think I got to lvl 90 before I quit. I played a little while longer after the Euro's came out. They were way too strong and needed to be nerfed. I couldn't keep up with all the botting going on so I just quit.

08-19-2014, 05:11 PM
Played Neverwinter with my friends, reached max level and said **** it, this is not for me. When I have free time for gaming I'll play Dota and that's it, I can't commit to mmo's...

08-19-2014, 07:39 PM
Got a beta invite today for WoW's Warlords of Draenor expansion. There goes my weekend :lol

08-19-2014, 07:41 PM
Got a beta invite today for WoW's Warlords of Draenor expansion. There goes my weekend :lol
Never could get into WoW. The lack of PvP and the way it's executed just isn't for me. I think that's why I stayed with Dark Age of Camelot even though the game is ancient and outdated. One of the better PvP games made in the MMO field IMO.

08-19-2014, 07:46 PM
Anyone ever played Fiesta Online?

08-19-2014, 07:48 PM
did any of you guys get into "A realm reborn"?

my buddy who is an MMPORG fanatic, says that game is the way MMPORG's should be made. i have yet to play it. in fact, i dont think ive played any MMPORG's. but im a final fantasy fan boy since VII came out. and am waiting for a few more of my buddies to step up to ps4 before i get it.

08-19-2014, 07:52 PM
Never could get into WoW. The lack of PvP and the way it's executed just isn't for me. I think that's why I stayed with Dark Age of Camelot even though the game is ancient and outdated. One of the better PvP games made in the MMO field IMO.

PvP prior to Arenas in WoW was terrific.