View Full Version : KKK heading to Ferguson?

08-18-2014, 08:21 PM

This World :facepalm

oh the horror
08-18-2014, 08:26 PM
That's asking for an over bigger explosion of violence.

Patrick Chewing
08-18-2014, 08:31 PM
The world is on fire right now.

I blame the administration though. They have divided this country more than it has ever been divided.

Divide and conquer.

08-18-2014, 08:33 PM
Article says they aren't going to Ferguson but a nearby town but still I would expect fireworks.

08-18-2014, 08:36 PM
The world is on fire right now.

I blame the administration though. They have divided this country more than it has ever been divided.

Divide and conquer.

How has our president divided this nation? Besides skin pigmentation, of course.

08-18-2014, 08:37 PM
The world is on fire right now.

I blame the administration though. They have divided this country more than it has ever been divided.

Divide and conquer.
Honestly its probably best obama is president now.

If his justice department concludes the investigation that the cop was justified in shooting Brown, it would be the only hope for many african americans to accept the verdict.

If say bush was president I think because brown has become a Cause c

longtime lurker
08-18-2014, 08:37 PM
Godzuki and dude77 are packing sandwiches for the trip..

longtime lurker
08-18-2014, 08:40 PM
The world is on fire right now.

I blame the administration though. They have divided this country more than it has ever been divided.

Divide and conquer.

Lmao wait what?

08-18-2014, 08:42 PM
Godzuki and dude77 are packing sandwiches for the trip..


Patrick Chewing
08-18-2014, 08:47 PM
How has our president divided this nation? Besides skin pigmentation, of course.

Well, for one thing, if I had a son, he would not look like Trayvon Martin.

08-18-2014, 08:54 PM
patrick chewing blames obama in the third post of this thread, you cant write this stuff folks. :oldlol:

08-18-2014, 08:58 PM
And now the inbred hillbilly contingent enters the fray.

The media sure did a great job of stoking the flames and thronging this into a giant bonfire for no good reason.

08-18-2014, 08:58 PM
Well, I guess we haven't seen the end of the violence in Ferguson then.
I can't think of anything worse than the KKK, honestly.

Patrick Chewing
08-18-2014, 08:59 PM
patrick chewing blames obama in the third post of this thread, you cant write this stuff folks. :oldlol:

Obama: The first Black President in American History

Black America still crying racism and looting as retribution for their "oppression".

Obama could've been like MLK, but he's not interested in any of that.

08-18-2014, 10:01 PM
Obama: The first Black President in American History

Black America still crying racism and looting as retribution for their "oppression".

Ya because having a black president means all racism is dead. :roll:

08-18-2014, 10:05 PM
Store Owners Arm themselves:




Patrick Chewing
08-18-2014, 10:09 PM
Ya because having a black president means all racism is dead. :roll:

You're missing my point as most of you on this board do.

These folks in Missouri should be not crying about race. Race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson should not be there crying about race. Black on black crime is the highest form of crime amongst blacks, yet blacks don't stand out against it. The moment someone else of a different race kills a black person, it's racism and black people are on the streets protesting and looting. That, by definition, is reverse racism.

To be a victim of "white racism" in 2014 is a weak argument. There has been no better opportunity for blacks to step out of the gutter than right now. To allow yourself to be represented by racist Black Panthers and race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson is only holding yourself back further and further. When does this cycle end??

08-18-2014, 10:11 PM
There's NO REASON WHATSOEVER to think has has anything to do with this.

08-18-2014, 10:16 PM
These folks in Missouri should be not crying about race. Race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson should not be there crying about race. Black on black crime is the highest form of crime amongst blacks, yet blacks don't stand out against it. The moment someone else of a different race kills a black person, it's racism and black people are on the streets protesting and looting. That, by definition, is reverse racism.

Patrick Chewing
08-18-2014, 10:26 PM

7 people killed and 29 injured in Chicago this past weekend. Where's your laughing smiley now??


08-18-2014, 10:31 PM
7 people killed and 29 injured in Chicago this past weekend. Where's your laughing smiley now??

A dead black man only matters if the killer is white.

08-18-2014, 10:52 PM
Obama: The first Black President in American History

Black America still crying racism and looting as retribution for their "oppression".

Obama could've been like MLK, but he's not interested in any of that.

Obama's job is to serve as CiC for all Americans, not to act as a civil rights leader.

08-18-2014, 11:10 PM
7 people killed and 29 injured in Chicago this past weekend. Where's your laughing smiley now??

One issue is stereotyping leading to murder. When people believe that someone is killed only because of his skin color, it's an issue because the victim was singled out due to his race. Could happen to any black person for no reason at all.

Another unrelated issue entirely is gang violence, something that's bound to happen with gang members.

You are not this stupid.

08-18-2014, 11:15 PM
One issue is stereotyping leading to murder. When people believe that someone is killed only because of his skin color, it's an issue because the victim was singled out due to his race. Could happen to any black person for no reason at all.

Another unrelated issue entirely is gang violence, something that's bound to happen with gang members.

You are not this stupid.
There's no rational reason to think skin color played any part in this.

As if the white cop was like "time to die nιgger. Takes these SIX bullets" and the other black guy he just decided to not shoot at all.

Patrick Chewing
08-18-2014, 11:22 PM
Obama's job is to serve as CiC for all Americans, not to act as a civil rights leader.

Too late for that when he meddled into the Trayvon Martin case.

My point is that black youths don't seem to give a shit that a black man is President and don't feel inspired by that, and Obama doesn't care either.

Remember, Obama's only REAL job prior to becoming President was as a Community Organizer. In Chicago to boot.

Noob Saibot
08-18-2014, 11:25 PM
Ferguson is turning into Outworld.

Patrick Chewing
08-18-2014, 11:26 PM
One issue is stereotyping leading to murder. When people believe that someone is killed only because of his skin color, it's an issue because the victim was singled out due to his race. Could happen to any black person for no reason at all.

Another unrelated issue entirely is gang violence, something that's bound to happen with gang members.

You are not this stupid.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You can't be this stupid to believe you're own bullshit. Odds are there was nothing racially motivated here just like there was nothing involving the Martin/Zimmerman case that was racially motivated either. The PC media and race hustlers want you to believe otherwise though!! You know why?? Cause racism = ratings! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how certain media outlets exploit that to supposedly "sympathize" with the victim just to fuel their own agenda and fill their pockets with ratings money.

The real issue is how the black community really needs to wake up and take accountability for their actions. No more blaming the white man or someone else. Chicago is case and point on how blacks are allowing themselves to be selective and allowing themselves to be victims of their own violence towards one another.

08-18-2014, 11:28 PM
There's no rational reason to think skin color played any part in this.

As if the white cop was like "time to die nιgger. Takes these SIX bullets" and the other black guy he just decided to not shoot at all.
Doesn't matter if there's a "rational" reason in your opinion to think skin color played a part. Some people believe that it did, so it's different from random violence throughout the city.

08-18-2014, 11:31 PM
Too late for that when he meddled into the Trayvon Martin case.

My point is that black youths don't seem to give a shit that a black man is President and don't feel inspired by that, and Obama doesn't care either.

Remember, Obama's only REAL job prior to becoming President was as a Community Organizer. In Chicago to boot.

Because I'm sure you have your finger on the pulse of black America circa 2014. Thanks for the laugh.

08-18-2014, 11:34 PM
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You can't be this stupid to believe you're own bullshit. Odds are there was nothing racially motivated here just like there was nothing involving the Martin/Zimmerman case that was racially motivated either. The PC media and race hustlers want you to believe otherwise though!! You know why?? Cause racism = ratings! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how certain media outlets exploit that to supposedly "sympathize" with the victim just to fuel their own agenda and fill their pockets with ratings money.

The real issue is how the black community really needs to wake up and take accountability for their actions. No more blaming the white man or someone else. Chicago is case and point on how blacks are allowing themselves to be selective and allowing themselves to be victims of their own violence towards one another.
Not sure what you're rambling about.

Believing that someone killed a man for racist reasons is not "reverse racism".

Patrick Chewing
08-18-2014, 11:38 PM
Not sure what you're rambling about.

Believing that someone killed a man for racist reasons is not "reverse racism".

Of course it's reverse racism. No one on those streets knows the facts. The first conclusion they came to was that the cop killed him because he was black.

What's the reasoning behind coming to a conclusion like that??? Why would those people on the streets protest about one kid dying, but not protest in Chicago about the hundreds that die every year?? Can you explain that to me?

08-18-2014, 11:48 PM
Well, for one thing, if I had a son, he would not look like Trayvon Martin.
And they say racism is dead.

08-18-2014, 11:50 PM
There's no rational reason to think skin color played any part in this.

As if the white cop was like "time to die nιgger. Takes these SIX bullets" and the other black guy he just decided to not shoot at all.
Please. If both people were white, you know for a fact he would have pulled his taser or pepper spray instead.

08-18-2014, 11:51 PM
Please. If both people were white, you know for a fact he would have pulled his taser or pepper spray instead.
Yes, because cops never kill out of control white guys. Of course.

Patrick Chewing
08-18-2014, 11:53 PM
Please. If both people were white, you know for a fact he would have pulled his taser or pepper spray instead.

You're a lost cause if you truly believe that. Your tin foil hat must be too tight on that little coconut of yours.

08-18-2014, 11:53 PM
Please. If both people were white, you know for a fact he would have pulled his taser or pepper spray instead.

08-18-2014, 11:57 PM
Yes, because cops never kill out of control white guys. Of course.

In that particular town (Ferguson), you are more likely to be arrested after a traffic stop if you are black, even though they find contraband during white pull-overs 12% more of the time (22 vs 34%).

So, in this town, no, cops don't kill out of control white guys. They arrest (and in this case, kill) more black people than white people by percentage.

08-18-2014, 11:57 PM
You're a lost cause if you truly believe that. Your tin foil hat must be too tight on that little coconut of yours.
Everything you post having to do with politics was pulled straight from Fox news or Breitbart. Your opinion holds no weight in the real world.

Patrick Chewing
08-19-2014, 12:02 AM
Your opinion holds no weight in the real world.

What is your real world? You live in a blue state (by a dominating 15 percentage points) that is grossly in debt and has an illegal immigration problem.

And you want to talk about Middle America?? :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
08-19-2014, 12:05 AM
And they say racism is dead.

And this is a pathetic attempt at trying to spin what I said. I said Obama is a divider and not a uniter by saying that bullshit about Trayvon.

Your life must suck.

08-19-2014, 12:10 AM

In that particular town (Ferguson), you are more likely to be arrested after a traffic stop if you are black, even though they find contraband during white pull-overs 12% more of the time (22 vs 34%).

So, in this town, no, cops don't kill out of control white guys. They arrest (and in this case, kill) more black people than white people by percentage.
Oooohhhh. 12% more of the time. Disregard that that equals 12 white people found with contraband compared to about 130 black people found with contraband. But no. Let's use percentages to skew the numbers to make it look like white people are found with contraband more often.

You really have to stop with this "everybody is out to get black people" stuff. It's not reality. Are SOME individuals out to get black people? Of course. There are individuals who hate black people. We all know that. Stop acting like society as a whole is all a bunch of evil people lurking in the shadows just waiting for a chance to harm innocent black people. It's not real.

Btw, Ferguson is 66% black. Shouldn't the majority of the people the police kill be black?

08-19-2014, 12:14 AM
What is your real world? You live in a blue state (by a dominating 15 percentage points) that is grossly in debt and has an illegal immigration problem.

Grossly in debt?

Don't listen to Fox News guy. Go look up the numbers yourself. California is doing just fine lately.

[quote]For the first three years of [Jerry Brown's] second governorship, that has meant fixing California

08-19-2014, 12:16 AM
Oooohhhh. 12% more of the time. Disregard that that equals 12 white people found with contraband compared to about 130 black people found with contraband. But no. Let's use percentages to skew the numbers to make it look like white people are found with contraband more often.

So your stance is to go against every statistician's bread and butter (percentages) for sheer numbers?

Okay guy. Whatever you say. :roll:

08-19-2014, 12:16 AM

In that particular town (Ferguson), you are more likely to be arrested after a traffic stop if you are black, even though they find contraband during white pull-overs 12% more of the time (22 vs 34%).

So, in this town, no, cops don't kill out of control white guys. They arrest (and in this case, kill) more black people than white people by percentage.

This means nothing. Its a predominantly black city. White people are probably popped for contraband at a higher % bc thats what most of them are driving into Ferguson for in the first place. In terms of overall arrest rate, there are probably far more black drivers without licenses, or who have warrants, etc when theyre pulled over.

Not even trying to judge anyone here. The reasons for these things are a different discussion but this is not some black utopia where the evil police are terrorizing people for sport. Look at the robbery that comes to light after the fact. Look at the rioting and looting. This is not a neighborhood of innocent little lambs.

I know you want to be their hero. I know you want to be superman for all those in need. And if theres no actual oppression to fight, you'll make some up. Gotta run down to the ring pretending to be Ultimate (social justice) Warrior and clear out all the threats and stand on the top turn buckle with your arms raised to wild applause from the audience. I get it man. Youre the hero. Theres always gotta be someone who needs you. You have a need to nurture.

But sometimes facts are facts and theres not really a good fit for the hero narrative. This is one of those times. Youre just gonna have to wait for another opportunity.

08-19-2014, 12:18 AM
Grossly in debt?

Don't listen to Fox News guy. Go look up the numbers yourself. California is doing just fine lately.


Try to stay up to date.
Deficit and surplus aren't the same thing as debt.

Debt is what you already owe. Deficit is going over your budget, which adds to the debt. Surplus means you spent less than your budget. It doesn't mean you are t already in debt.

08-19-2014, 12:18 AM
But no. Let's use percentages to skew the numbers to make it look like white people are found with contraband more often.

Let's play this game.

If a white dude and a black dude are pulled over in Ferguson, which one is more likely to be arrested? Bet your life on which one you'd choose?

I KNOW you'll use the data presented to make the best choice.

08-19-2014, 12:20 AM
One issue is stereotyping leading to murder. When people believe that someone is killed only because of his skin color, it's an issue because the victim was singled out due to his race. Could happen to any black person for no reason at all.

Another unrelated issue entirely is gang violence, something that's bound to happen with gang members.

You are not this stupid.
If your right and Dorian Johnson's version of events are what occurred. Wilson (the cop) deserves to go to jail for murder. Honestly if Johnson's version was correct and the cop shot brown for running away the cop is a psychopath and should get the needle and hopefully the experimental lethal concoctions.

08-19-2014, 12:21 AM
Let's play this game.

If a white dude and a black dude are pulled over in Ferguson, which one is more likely to be arrested? Bet your life on which one you'd choose?

I KNOW you'll use the data presented to make the best choice.
The white one is more likely according to you. He's the one that is likely to have contraband.

08-19-2014, 12:23 AM
If your right and Dorian Johnson's version of events are what occurred. Wilson (the cop) deserves to go to jail for murder. Honestly if Johnson's version was correct and the cop shot brown for running away the cop is a psychopath and should get the needle and hopefully the experimental lethal concoctions.
Why is Dorian Johnson still alive? If the cop is some psycho who just likes to kill blacks, why isn't Johnson dead? Did the cop decide it's just more fun to leave a witness to his heinous acts behind?

Patrick Chewing
08-19-2014, 12:23 AM
Let's play this game.

If a white dude and a black dude are pulled over in Ferguson, which one is more likely to be arrested? Bet your life on which one you'd choose?

I KNOW you'll use the data presented to make the best choice.

The answer is simple. The one committing the crime. And if the majority of the population in that town are black, then the numbers will reflect more black arrests as opposed to whites. The tin foil hat is too tight I'm telling you. Let's change subjects and talk about Building 7 and it's obvious detonation.

08-19-2014, 12:25 AM
The answer is simple. The one committing the crime. And if the majority of the population in that town are black, then the numbers will reflect more black arrests as opposed to whites. The tin foil hat is too tight I'm telling you. Let's change subjects and talk about Building 7 and it's obvious detonation.
I heard the Jews did that in association with the shapeshifting lizard people and Dick Cheney.

08-19-2014, 12:28 AM
Please. If both people were white, you know for a fact he would have pulled his taser or pepper spray instead.

War Machine, a certified psycho, got the taser.

Dat favorable skin pigmentation.

08-19-2014, 12:29 AM
Yes, because cops never kill out of control white guys. Of course.
James Holmes killed 12 people 70 were injured, had semi automatics/rifles/smoke bombs, shot 45 rounds and I'm sure with cops not knowing if they had family in the theater. Kids and women killed. Wore his head red like the joker. Wasn't even roughed up by the police.

Patrick Chewing
08-19-2014, 12:29 AM
I heard the Jews did that in association with the shapeshifting lizard people and Dick Cheney.

Correct, so that we can find an excuse to invade Iraq and not find weapons of mass destruction.

08-19-2014, 12:30 AM

In that particular town (Ferguson), you are more likely to be arrested after a traffic stop if you are black, even though they find contraband during white pull-overs 12% more of the time (22 vs 34%).

So, in this town, no, cops don't kill out of control white guys. They arrest (and in this case, kill) more black people than white people by percentage.
from everything i have heard the black guy is more likely to be arrested.

However none of that impacts this case in particular. Did wilson have a justified reason to shoot brown? that is the question.

If dorian johnsons version is true: wilson shot brown for running away and after getting hit in the back when brown turned around and put up his hands and begged not to be shot, wilson finished him off anyways.

If johnson's version is true, I would want wilson to get the needle for being a psychopath murderer.

Wilson's version is that brown pushed him back into the car and held the car door closed when he was trying to get out. then brown punched wilson in the face and tired to steal wilson's gun. in the struggle the cops gun discharged.

Brown and johnson ran and when the cop got out to chase them and order them to stop Johnson surrendered, while brown charged at the cop. Wilson claims as the 6'4 almost 300 Lb male charging at him, he fired until that man hit the ground.

Wilson's version to me is justified use of lethal force. we can not charge at cops like that, especially after we assualt and try to take their guns.

I dont know who is telling the truth. So far it seems to me that the cops version is being confirmed by new evidence, the most compelling of which is this video where a witness claims that brown was charging at wilson while wilson was firing. Consistent with his version of events.


but I have seen nothing conclusive so far.

08-19-2014, 12:31 AM
James Holmes killed 12 people 70 were injured, had semi automatics/rifles/smoke bombs, shot 45 rounds and I'm sure with cops not knowing if they had family in the theater. Kids and women killed. Wore his head red like the joker. Wasn't even roughed up by the police.
such a shame wish cops had skinned him alive. wouldnt have blamed the cops at all.

or shot him in the groin and left him to bleed to death.

Patrick Chewing
08-19-2014, 12:32 AM
James Holmes killed 12 people 70 were injured, had semi automatics/rifles/smoke bombs, shot 45 rounds and I'm sure with cops not knowing if they had family in the theater. Kids and women killed. Wore his head red like the joker. Wasn't even roughed up by the police.

I'll finish your thought for you that you clearly omitted for obvious reasons.

...and had James Holmes pointed his assault rifle at the police or had charged at them in the same manner that this kid did, he would have been blown away by police with extreme prejudice.

You see what I just did there??

08-19-2014, 12:35 AM
such a shame wish cops had skinned him alive. wouldnt have blamed the cops at all.

or shot him in the groin and left him to bleed to death.
So now we WANT cops to murder a guy after he is caught? Oh never mind. He's not black. No injustice.

Nobody is arguing that Brown DESERVED to die. It's a matter of the cop protecting himself from someone who he allegedly had a fear of being attacked by.

Patrick Chewing
08-19-2014, 12:38 AM
This board turns into the Twilight Zone of weirdness and stupidity at times.

08-19-2014, 12:53 AM
Of course it's reverse racism. No one on those streets knows the facts. The first conclusion they came to was that the cop killed him because he was black.

What's the reasoning behind coming to a conclusion like that???
Why doesn't every occurrence of a white man killing a black man make national news like this one did? There's your answer.

Why would those people on the streets protest about one kid dying, but not protest in Chicago about the hundreds that die every year?? Can you explain that to me?
Read my last post.

08-19-2014, 12:57 AM
If your right and Dorian Johnson's version of events are what occurred. Wilson (the cop) deserves to go to jail for murder. Honestly if Johnson's version was correct and the cop shot brown for running away the cop is a psychopath and should get the needle and hopefully the experimental lethal concoctions.
I am right lol. I'm not taking a side in the case, just pointing out what I thought was an obvious distinction.

08-19-2014, 01:07 AM
They should go there and protest peacefully. That would be awesome.

08-19-2014, 02:17 AM
One issue is stereotyping leading to murder. When people believe that someone is killed only because of his skin color, it's an issue because the victim was singled out due to his race. Could happen to any black person for no reason at all.

Another unrelated issue entirely is gang violence, something that's bound to happen with gang members.

You are not this stupid.

That murder due to skin color and racism man.

08-19-2014, 02:18 AM
Please. If both people were white, you know for a fact he would have pulled his taser or pepper spray instead.


Poor Mr. Brown.

Why couldn't he have been beaten to death by multiple officers while pleading for his life instead.

That taser & pepper spray :rockon:

08-19-2014, 02:59 AM
And you're the head dude in charge :oldlol:
Was about to post this, lol. Dude just spits rightwing radio talking points:coleman:

08-19-2014, 03:03 AM
Grossly in debt?

Don't listen to Fox News guy. Go look up the numbers yourself. California is doing just fine lately.


Try to stay up to date.
Logic isn't welcomed here. :mad:

Nick Young
08-19-2014, 06:49 AM

Poor Mr. Brown.

Why couldn't he have been beaten to death by multiple officers while pleading for his life instead.

That taser & pepper spray :rockon:
Poor Mr Brown. Convicted for murder as a juvenile, strong arms a convenience store and steals $140 worth of cigars and punches out a cop before trying to take his fire arm and then bum-rush him.

The lovable little scamp was going to college next week too doe:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

08-19-2014, 06:58 AM
patrick chewing blames obama in the third post of this thread, you cant write this stuff folks. :oldlol:

Probably because Obama is an objectively horrible president.

Nick Young
08-19-2014, 07:05 AM
Probably because Obama is an objectively horrible president.
Leave Obama out of this. :no: He killed Osama

longtime lurker
08-19-2014, 08:45 AM
I'll finish your thought for you that you clearly omitted for obvious reasons.

...and had James Holmes pointed his assault rifle at the police or had charged at them in the same manner that this kid did, he would have been blown away by police with extreme prejudice.

You see what I just did there??

Yeah huh


08-19-2014, 08:48 AM
Yeah huh


08-19-2014, 01:19 PM
Was about to post this, lol. Dude just spits rightwing radio talking points:coleman:

The dumbest ones are the loudest. No clue how this dude isn't full red bars.

08-19-2014, 04:00 PM
Naw, thats cause he is a ginger and wearing a cowboy hat, nobody likes ginger cowboys.

The latter explains why Blake Griffin is still safe


08-19-2014, 04:43 PM
Probably because Obama is an objectively horrible president.

Objectively far superior to the Great Republican Failure, George W Bush.

08-19-2014, 04:47 PM
Poor Mr Brown. Convicted for murder as a juvenile, strong arms a convenience store and steals $140 worth of cigars and punches out a cop before trying to take his fire arm and then bum-rush him.

The lovable little scamp was going to college next week too doe:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Convicted for murder as a juvenile? What St0rmfront-approved website did you get that info from?

oh the horror
08-19-2014, 04:57 PM
Convicted for murder as a juvenile? What St0rmfront-approved website did you get that info from?

He's getting that from a series of unconfirmed tweets.


08-19-2014, 10:34 PM
Objectively far superior to the Great Republican Failure, George W Bush.