View Full Version : Mike Tyson had the craziest daily workout schedule in the late 1980s

08-21-2014, 10:02 PM
Daily Regime (7 days a week):
5am: get up and go for a 3 mile jog
6am: come back home shower and go back to bed (great workout for those huge legs of his)
10am wake up: eat oatmeal
12pm: do ring work (10 rounds of sparring)
2pm: have another meal (steak and pasta with fruit juice drink)
3pm: more ring work and 60 mins on the exercise bike (again working those huge legs for endurance)
5pm: 2000 sit-ups; 500-800 dips; 500 press-ups; 500 shrugs with a 30kg barbell and 10 mins of neck exercises
7pm: steak and pasta meal again with fruit juice (orange i think it was)
8pm: another 30 minutes on the exercise bike
then watch TV and then go to bed.

Link: http://transformetrics.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1437

P.S.: I do want to try this workout one day see how far I can get.

08-21-2014, 10:07 PM
he had to work up to this workout so if you tried this you would most likely die

08-21-2014, 10:30 PM
Dude probably had sleep apnea with that huge ass ****ing neck. Been shrugging every other day and the shit is killing me. However, I'm getting the results because my traps have literally exploded in a matter of 3 weeks.

08-21-2014, 10:37 PM
Dude probably had sleep apnea with that huge ass ****ing neck. Been shrugging every other day and the shit is killing me. However, I'm getting the results because my traps have literally exploded in a matter of 3 weeks.

yeah, I'm a little smaller than Mike Tyson and want to bulk up. Well weight wise, I'm a lot smaller. Only 170 at 5'9''. I do have a pretty large neck personally but out of shape. I guess I'll work my way into this schedule :confusedshrug:. I was thinking of trying to do this schedule every Saturday once I get back into shape.

08-21-2014, 10:37 PM
Dude probably had sleep apnea with that huge ass ****ing neck. Been shrugging every other day and the shit is killing me. However, I'm getting the results because my traps have literally exploded in a matter of 3 weeks.

Lemme get your workout brah. Like 3x10, shoulder shrugs w/dumbbells? And how much weight would you recommend for average sized and strength dude who only started lifting recently? I'm tryin to get those traps.

08-21-2014, 10:44 PM
500-800 dips


How is 5-7pm even possible?

08-21-2014, 11:18 PM
Lemme get your workout brah. Like 3x10, shoulder shrugs w/dumbbells? And how much weight would you recommend for average sized and strength dude who only started lifting recently? I'm tryin to get those traps.

I use a shrug machine because I hate picking up heavy dumbbells every time cause I'm scared I'm going to drop it on my foot eventually. I do 3 sets of 12-15 with 2 minutes rest MAX between sets. Then I drop the weight and do another 3 sets of 12-20 reps. You could add some heavy sets of 6-8 from time to time although I stopped doing it because eventually your form goes to shit. Keep your arms straight, retract your scapula and just shrug up and down. A 2-3 second squeeze at the top is the key. Sometimes I'll do 3 sets of upright rows after the first 3 sets of shrugs. Pick a weight that you can control and squeeze at the top for at least 15 reps. The range of motion is short for shrugs so I prefer high reps.

Heavy deadlifts/rack pulls will do wonders for your traps as well.

08-21-2014, 11:19 PM
500-800 dips


How is 5-7pm even possible?

Well Tyson used to bench 200+ at around 15 years old. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled this off. Tyson up to like 1988 was just ridiculously scary. My father used to follow him a lot and said he is by far the best boxer he's seen and my father has watched 70s Ali with his father.

08-21-2014, 11:21 PM
Daily Regime (7 days a week):
5am: get up and go for a 3 mile jog
6am: come back home shower and go back to bed (great workout for those huge legs of his)
10am wake up: eat oatmeal
12pm: do ring work (10 rounds of sparring)
2pm: have another meal (steak and pasta with fruit juice drink)
3pm: more ring work and 60 mins on the exercise bike (again working those huge legs for endurance)
5pm: 2000 sit-ups; 500-800 dips; 500 press-ups; 500 shrugs with a 30kg barbell and 10 mins of neck exercises
7pm: steak and pasta meal again with fruit juice (orange i think it was)
8pm: another 30 minutes on the exercise bike
then watch TV and then go to bed.

Link: http://transformetrics.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1437

P.S.: I do want to try this workout one day see how far I can get.
this seems impossible in two hours..

08-21-2014, 11:24 PM
yeah, I'm a little smaller than Mike Tyson and want to bulk up. Well weight wise, I'm a lot smaller. Only 170 at 5'9''. I do have a pretty large neck personally but out of shape. I guess I'll work my way into this schedule :confusedshrug:. I was thinking of trying to do this schedule every Saturday once I get back into shape.

Wasn't Tyson like 5'9 230? He was also relatively lean. Dude has insane genetics and in all likelihood juiced as well. This workout most likely wouldn't work for the average male.

08-21-2014, 11:24 PM
I use a shrug machine because I hate picking up heavy dumbbells every time cause I'm scared I'm going to drop it on my foot eventually. I do 3 sets of 12-15 with 2 minutes rest MAX between sets. Then I drop the weight and do another 3 sets of 12-20 reps. You could add some heavy sets of 6-8 from time to time although I stopped doing it because eventually your form goes to shit. Keep your arms straight, retract your scapula and just shrug up and down. A 2-3 second squeeze at the top is the key. Sometimes I'll do 3 sets of upright rows after the first 3 sets of shrugs. Pick a weight that you can control and squeeze at the top for at least 15 reps. The range of motion is short for shrugs so I prefer high reps.

Heavy deadlifts/rack pulls will do wonders for your traps as well.


Thanks man appreciate it.

08-21-2014, 11:27 PM
Wasn't Tyson like 5'9 230? He was also relatively lean. Dude has insane genetics and in all likelihood juiced as well. This workout most likely wouldn't work for the average male.

Well personally I don't want to push 185 at 5'9''. I'm just trying to become ripped but not like heavyweight champion ripped.

08-21-2014, 11:30 PM
this seems impossible in two hours..

he would have to do 32 of whatever exercise per minute of whatever exercise he is doing to finish all that in 2 hours.

Possible... but you'll have to have superhuman endurance to finish all that.

08-21-2014, 11:38 PM
Well personally I don't want to push 185 at 5'9''. I'm just trying to become ripped but not like heavyweight champion ripped.

Eh trust me you won't even if you tried unless you decided to take some needles. I'm 5'9 as well(still have time to grow though :D) and the most ripped we could possibly be is around 165 5% body fat or 170-175 10% body fat.

08-21-2014, 11:44 PM
Eh trust me you won't even if you tried unless you decided to take some needles. I'm 5'9 as well(still have time to grow though :D) and the most ripped we could possibly be is around 165 5% body fat or 170-175 10% body fat.

Well I prefer some extra weight so I can deal with people posting me up who are 5'11''-6'0'':pimp: