View Full Version : Impressive or Expected that LeBron at 15 was a better player than Jordan at 20?

08-24-2014, 02:46 PM

08-24-2014, 03:05 PM
Senior year LeBron was definitely better than 20 year old MJ. 15 year old though? Come on.

I call bullshit on this.

08-24-2014, 03:06 PM
Senior year LeBron was definitely better than 20 year old MJ. 15 year old though? Come on.
21 year-old MJ averaged 28ppg as a rookie.

20-year old college POY MJ wouldn't have done much worse than that.

15-year old Lebron wasn't good enough to be in the league, let alone average anywhere near 28ppg.

08-24-2014, 03:09 PM
18 year-old Lebron was not as good as 21-year old rookie MJ that averaged 28ppg with a 26 PER and 59 TS%....

(plus 118 Ortg on 30% usage.. 14.0 Win Shares... 0.213 WS/48).... it's not close at all.

Real Men Wear Green
08-24-2014, 03:18 PM
21 year-old MJ averaged 28ppg as a rookie.

20-year old college POY MJ wouldn't have done much worse than that.

15-year old Lebron wasn't good enough to be in the league, let alone average anywhere near 28ppg.this. Topic could have used some more thought.

08-24-2014, 05:09 PM
We gonna act like Bran couldn't put up 30 ppg seasons at the age of 17/18 in the inflated no defense 80's??

08-24-2014, 05:17 PM
We gonna act like Bran couldn't put up 30 ppg seasons at the age of 17/18 in the inflated no defense 80's??

what does 17/18 year old LeBron have to do with anything?

as a 15 year old he might put up 8 ppg.

08-24-2014, 05:20 PM


08-24-2014, 05:32 PM
Senior year LeBron was definitely better than 20 year old MJ. 15 year old though? Come on.

Err, no he wasn't. 20 year old Jordan was dominating NBA all-star competition at the Olympic trials and prompting guys like Bobby Knight to say that he would go down as the greatest player to ever play. Senior year Lebron was worse than NBA rookie Lebron, who already posted pretty underwhelming numbers.

08-24-2014, 05:34 PM
21 year-old MJ averaged 28ppg as a rookie.

20-year old college POY MJ wouldn't have done much worse than that.

15-year old Lebron wasn't good enough to be in the league, let alone average anywhere near 28ppg.

I think he could have made the league as a 15 year old, honestly. Would any GM/team have picked him up? Absolutely not. Would he be 15th man? Maybe. But it's not unreasonable to think he could have averaged single digit ppg and a couple assists in say, 10 minutes in garbage time.

SOD 21
08-24-2014, 05:37 PM
What do you think an 18-year-old LeBron James would do in the national championship game with the game hanging in the balance and would he be able to hit the game-winning jumpshot like MJ did?

Or would he collapse under the weight and pressure of the moment like he did in the 2007/2011 NBA finals?

08-24-2014, 05:38 PM
But it's not unreasonable to think he could have averaged single digit ppg and a couple assists in say, 10 minutes in garbage time.

single-digits in 10 minutes of garbage time means you aren't good enough to be in the league... like 3.4ppg in 8.3 minutes of play is a very cuttable player.

08-24-2014, 05:39 PM
We gonna act like Bran couldn't put up 30 ppg seasons at the age of 17/18 in the inflated no defense 80's??
not shooting all mid-range, contested two's he wouldn't...

he would struggle quite a bit actually in a game of all two-pointers and no floor-spacing.

only 8% of his shots were mid-range shots this past season - this figure would have to be a MINIMUM of 30% for him to subsist at a high level in a no-spacing, two-pointers-only brand of basketball.

people think he would shoot 3's back then - not any more than Jordan did - for the first 9 years of his career (pre-2012), Lebron shot the same percentage from 3 as Jordan (32%)... Lebron only caught on to the 3-point shooting trend recently and his percentage improved in 2012.... so back in the 80's when no one shot 3's, it would be irrational to assume he would be shooting any better from 3-point land than he did the first 9 years of his career.

and with no spacing, his whole game would look different - for example, he has less room for one-legged takeoffs and would have to take off two-feet much more often... that is just one of the MANY reasons that today's wide open "spacing" era is so optimal for his style of play... with today's spacing, the half court actually plays like transition, which is perfect for him... he really came along at the right time.

08-24-2014, 05:48 PM
Senior year LeBron was definitely better than 20 year old MJ. 15 year old though? Come on.

Rooke Lebron (who turned 19 2 months into the season) was statistically worse than rookie Carmelo Anthony(who was 19 coming into the league), who also led his team to the Playoffs in the Western Conference.

You want to tell me MJ at 20 was worse than both?

08-24-2014, 05:53 PM
What do you think an 18-year-old LeBron James would do in the national championship game with the game hanging in the balance and would he be able to hit the game-winning jumpshot like MJ did?

Or would he collapse under the weight and pressure of the moment like he did in the 2007/2011 NBA finals?
Are we going to act like LeBron wouldn't have ended every college game by halftime?:biggums:

08-24-2014, 05:57 PM
Are we going to act like LeBron wouldn't have ended every college game by halftime?:biggums:


08-24-2014, 06:14 PM
How much lower would Jordan's numbers have been as a 20-year old, from what they were as a 21 year old rookie?

deja vu
08-24-2014, 06:24 PM
21 year old Jordan was better than 28 year old LeBron.

08-24-2014, 06:28 PM
21 year old Jordan was better than 28 year old LeBron.

80's were a weak era bro

19 year old LeBron >> first 3 peat MJ

08-24-2014, 06:44 PM
Is everyone here just trolling or is this actually being discussed?