View Full Version : How long would you wait after a job interview before moving on?

08-25-2014, 04:20 PM
Had my job interview on Friday, 8/15/14.
I read how to know whether or not your job interview went well on forbes.com and similar sites. By all indications, I believe I did very well.
The guy said he'd contact me in a week. This past Friday, I decided to call him instead. He said the company was still going through the hiring process and eliminating candidates, and that he'd call me by Monday to let me know if I'm still in.
It's Monday now and still no word. I'm losing hope. I also read on Forbes that a big company, like this one I applied for, can take 2-3 weeks before contacting you about the job if they're still interested, but should I continue waiting?
I have applied for other jobs, so I am somewhat worried that if I do get interviewed by another company and potentially hired, I'll then miss out on being hired by this job I want.

How long would you wait before moving on?

08-25-2014, 04:24 PM
If you get another offer just call them back and let them know you have another offer. They will give you a straight answer if it comes to that.

08-25-2014, 04:26 PM
Hmmm; not saying to give up, but I would definitely keep job hunting until you get an offer. Once I received my first job out of grad school, I had to apply for over 200 jobs prior to getting into my industry (but in a year I've already been promoted once and promised another one before the year ends).

Keep pushing man, good things will happen for you.

08-25-2014, 04:29 PM
If I were you...

I would continue applying for other jobs and going to interviews.

Don't call them back today, but maybe Tuesday or Wednesday.

If they did a lot of interviews, they may just be taking their time to decide. I'd say hold out hope for that job, but in the meantime continue searching for opportunities.

I've been offered a job, did a couple days of training, and then was let go because of a denied background check (although they knew about my criminal history) -this caused me to miss out on another job I was offered.

Just make sure you continue looking for work until you have 100% secured a job you like!

Good luck tho my brotha