View Full Version : For posters who have weighlifted, did it make you a better ball player?

08-26-2014, 08:16 PM
Does it help being more powerful?

Orlando Magic
08-26-2014, 08:17 PM
If you want to fight for rebounds or post up a lot the answer is yes.

Otherwise no.

08-26-2014, 08:19 PM
Made me stronger. As OM said it helps when rebounding but I have more range now because of the increased upper body strength. I feel like a better defender too because I can be more physical and can fight through screens. I still can't drive for shit though

08-26-2014, 08:22 PM
Does calisthenics make more sense for a guard?

08-26-2014, 08:27 PM
Yes it does. Why do you think NBA players weight train (especially during the off-season)? Players want that extra edge when they're out there. You want to be able to absorb contact/ distribute punishment than getting thrown around like a rag doll. If you're into getting bodied by midgets ala KD, then by all means avoid the gym altogether and join a chess club.

Back to being serious: You can improve your vertical, second jump by doing squats, deadlifts, calf raises etc.. Use a medicine ball in the gym to increase your on ball strength and passing. Come on dude, it's a no brainer to workout (if you're serious about ball).

This ^ and you should workout regardless no one wants to be a fat ****.

08-26-2014, 08:36 PM
Well I'm 5'9'' and 170. I'm already in great shape in terms of being big bodied. I have huge shoulders naturally (come from a big family but didn't end up as tall lol). My vertical isn't what it used to be and thanks Immortal for the advice.

08-26-2014, 08:43 PM
Don't overthink it brotha-man - you're not LeBron James worrying about that half-step of quickness you had 7 years ago, you're probably in a youth/AAU league or something of that nature. High school, men's league, whatever. Getting stronger and improving your physical fitness is only going to help set you apart from your competition, especially if you're under 18 where the majority of ballplayers don't really work out seriously.

"Does adding muscle make you more powerful?" is like asking "does drinking water hydrate me?" lol Get in the gym, you're not going to maximize your potential in any sport until you get the most out of your body. You won't even know what you're physically capable of until you get yourself in tip-top shape.