View Full Version : League-Wide Ortg Remains Relatively Steady Over Time (OP re-done)

08-30-2014, 12:58 AM
League-wide offensive rating has remained relatively stable over the years showing that it is just as hard to score in one era as it is in another... This is because historically, defenses have had various built-in advantages that helped a defense play well, and even when these things were taken away, defenses still remained effective by compensating through the use of more strategy.

For example, in previous eras, the 3-point shot wasn't used so defenses didn't have to deal with floor-spacing.. Additionally, defenders were allowed to camp in the paint indefinitely... However, when defenses had to start guarding the 3-pointer, and when the NBA instituted the defensive 3 seconds rule so defenses couldn't camp in the paint anymore, new strategies such as the strong-side flood were invented so defenders could cover the extra ground.

In the end, the stripping of various built-in defensive advantages was effectively offset by a higher level of strategy so defensive effectiveness could be maintained... And it was maintained - camping in the paint is just as effective at guarding two-pointers as NOT being allowed to camp in the paint and using additional strategy to compensate... Steady Ortg over the eras reflects this.

Contrary to popular belief, good defenses don't miss out on implementing anything that would help them better defend the offenses they face (i.e. previous eras only needed the strong-side flood when they weren't permitted to camp in the paint anymore).. Empirical evidence (steady Ortg over time) has shown defenses to be fluid things that adjust to changing playing-style and regulatory environments over time.. This fluid nature of NBA defenses has been the driver for a steady league-wide Ortg over time.

08-30-2014, 10:39 AM
Get ethered then repost the thread :applause


08-30-2014, 11:22 AM
Get ethered then repost the thread :applause
