View Full Version : In the post-Sterling NBA, ownership fears are playing out: Am I next?

09-08-2014, 03:03 PM

"Adam had far less support on Sterling than anyone knows," a league source who speaks frequently with Silver told Yahoo Sports.

[QUOTE]Across the past several days, several high-ranking NBA officials, including owners, flew to New York to meet with Silver and discuss how the NBA would proceed on the contents of Levenson's 2012 email, sources told Yahoo Sports.

So few owners and Board of Governors members had been included in the conversation, so secretive had been Silver and league executives on the identity of Levenson, that only tiny parcels of information escaped a fortified inner circle. Through the league's back-channel gossip circles, this was known: An NBA owner is in deep trouble, and as one high-ranking official told Yahoo Sports on Friday, "I'm told it's Sterling-esque in nature."

Fear spread rapidly, because without knowledge of Levenson's identity, more than one owner wondered: "Do they have something on me?" Other high-ranking officials in organizations wondered, "Do you know if it's my guy?" Until the NBA issued a statement

09-08-2014, 03:08 PM

09-08-2014, 03:49 PM

son, they shook