View Full Version : People keep posting the Kobe Raptors block gif. but this was his last game

09-09-2014, 01:22 PM

with 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter kobe BROKE HIS LEG

he proceeded to torch memphis.

this was the game kobe got back in shape after 2 weeks

now i don't see much difference between this and 2012 kobe.. or even 2010 kobe

same athleticism. same range.

kobe bryant without pau gasol in the lineup will average 26-27ppg

mark my words.

all it takes kobe to get back to being kobe is .................


"see ya at the party"

09-09-2014, 01:38 PM
The block was his first game back. That's why it get replayed a lot. Infact, I think it was the biggest thread of the year for the Lakers


Not sure if anything else got that much feedback. I could be wrong.

09-09-2014, 01:41 PM
The block was his first game back. That's why it get replayed a lot. Infact, I think it was the biggest thread of the year for the Lakers


Not sure if anything else got that much feedback. I could be wrong.

kobe went from that to raping the grizzlies in less than 2 weeks.

imagine him with an actual training camp and a realistic healing time for the achilles.

dude should be close to 100%

09-09-2014, 01:42 PM
The block was his first game back. That's why it get replayed a lot. Infact, I think it was the biggest thread of the year for the Lakers


Not sure if anything else got that much feedback. I could be wrong.

Where's the thread for when Kobe blocked Lebron ?