View Full Version : How do we stamp out flopping in the NBA?

09-12-2014, 09:41 AM
Shit is becoming like soccer.

I don't care if you're joakim Noah or manu ginoboli or whoever.

Its a cancer on the league and I see it becoming more and more accepted.

Need to put a big clamp on this, 5000 dollar fines will not do it...

09-12-2014, 09:45 AM
You can't, how do you know what is real flopping and what is just a human reaction? People react differently and people scream 'flop!'.
If I came swinging at your face or a body part without touching you, you'd react to it and it would look like you're flopping because I never touched you.

09-12-2014, 11:49 AM
in game penalties for flopping larger fines and one game suspensions after the 3rd flop... now that the league officials will be watching all games live from a remote location they could watch a flop on replay call it in for the game refs to call the foul... make it technical foul

09-12-2014, 01:17 PM
Yeah I've said this before.

Strong response - dedicated flopping official who does nothing but watch for flops and nothing else. he will alert the refs at the next dead ball of the flop review. Technical fouls for flops, instant reply on monitors for the fans.

Stamp out flopping response - Flops of the Night on NBA.com. Automatic shaming of floppers that way. If a team is assessed two flops in the same game (even if reviewed after by officials), then they automatically forfeit that game. No player would dare to flop in case his team gets penalized for it afterwards. Flopping will definitely disappear in the playoffs for the forfeit rule would loom large and basketball would be played ironman style. Would be awesome.

Neither of these rule changes would affect suspensions or salaries so the Players' Association would have less to file complaints over.

09-12-2014, 01:22 PM
You can't. Even soccer can't stop it (and they "invented" it and have been doing it far longer than the NBA).

Nuff Said
09-12-2014, 01:27 PM
You can't. Even soccer can't stop it (and they "invented" it and have been doing it far longer than the NBA).
Extreme consequences would definitely eliminate flopping. A zero tolerance approach. But for some reason I feel the league will never take that aggressive of an approach.

09-12-2014, 01:35 PM
You can't, how do you know what is real flopping and what is just a human reaction? People react differently and people scream 'flop!'.
If I came swinging at your face or a body part without touching you, you'd react to it and it would look like you're flopping because I never touched you.

Here are a few examples that might help you out:










09-12-2014, 01:39 PM
Something like a tennis challenge system?

Give the coach and/or players like 2 or 3 challenges to argue a call if they think the opposition flopped, and go to a slow motion close up replay. If they're right, technical foul for flopping against the opposition, and the team that argued the call keeps that challenge. If they're wrong and there was legitimate contact, they lose that challenge. If they're out of challenges, they can't argue any call, and any flops by the opposition after that is a fine.

If an individual player gets called for flopping repeatedly, maybe start using suspensions.

09-12-2014, 01:42 PM
terminate the bucks.

Cali Syndicate
09-12-2014, 01:52 PM
Have the ref call it right then and there as a flagrant. Opposing team gets free throws and the ball.

09-12-2014, 01:55 PM
Ban LeBron James and James Haren from the league.

Mass Debator
09-12-2014, 01:57 PM
Something like a tennis challenge system?

Give the coach and/or players like 2 or 3 challenges to argue a call if they think the opposition flopped, and go to a slow motion close up replay. If they're right, technical foul for flopping against the opposition, and the team that argued the call keeps that challenge. If they're wrong and there was legitimate contact, they lose that challenge. If they're out of challenges, they can't argue any call, and any flops by the opposition after that is a fine.

If an individual player gets called for flopping repeatedly, maybe start using suspensions.
NBA don't want any more stoppage in the games. They can't constantly fine or suspend the stars enough because stars drive this league filled with a limited talent pool unlike the NFL. You can't keep on putting Lebron or CP3 on the hook when they generate you tons of money. Referees can't properly judge a flop because a lot of them are because of contact...just exaggerated and in real time, it's difficult to catch quick movements like that. Players who call out the floppers just make themselves look like whiners or whatever.

See the little "fines" are the NBA acting like they care and can do something about it. They can't. Superstars run this league.

If I could, I'd just throw them floppers who are caught in replays in the penalty box like in hockey. 5 minutes of playing time out the window. You know how awkward and embarrassed Lebron would look in there alone? :roll:

09-12-2014, 05:09 PM
Extreme consequences would definitely eliminate flopping. A zero tolerance approach. But for some reason I feel the league will never take that aggressive of an approach.

Agreed. 1 strike and you are banned for life.

09-12-2014, 05:10 PM
It's easy. No blood, no foul.

09-12-2014, 05:31 PM
each team gets 5 instant replays per game on questionable fouls

09-12-2014, 05:34 PM
Something like a tennis challenge system?

Give the coach and/or players like 2 or 3 challenges to argue a call if they think the opposition flopped, and go to a slow motion close up replay. If they're right, technical foul for flopping against the opposition, and the team that argued the call keeps that challenge. If they're wrong and there was legitimate contact, they lose that challenge. If they're out of challenges, they can't argue any call, and any flops by the opposition after that is a fine.

If an individual player gets called for flopping repeatedly, maybe start using suspensions.

That's a horrible idea. A game that is already getting slowed down by personal fouls, free throws, commercials, and a replay system at the end of games does NOT NEED a challenge system.

Real Men Wear Green
09-12-2014, 05:34 PM
in game penalties for flopping larger fines and one game suspensions after the 3rd flop... now that the league officials will be watching all games live from a remote location they could watch a flop on replay call it in for the game refs to call the foul... make it technical foul
It would have to be something like this, or a ridiculously huge fine after the game. There will never be a perfect system but something like this would be worth trying out early in the season.

09-12-2014, 05:36 PM
Again, how do you distinguish between a real flop and a natural reaction?

Real Men Wear Green
09-12-2014, 05:52 PM
Again, how do you distinguish between a real flop and a natural reaction?
It would be a judgment call upon which people would no doubt disagree often. Similar to when the NFL flags and/or fines defenders for "dirty" hits.

09-12-2014, 06:13 PM
Count flops as techs after the game. Then they'll count towards your tech limit for suspensions

09-12-2014, 06:13 PM
Increase the fines and then if the crap continues, take away draft picks.

09-12-2014, 06:31 PM
Count flops as techs after the game. Then they'll count towards your tech limit for suspensions
I like it, however the NBA fined hardly anybody for flopping last year, they need to be more diligent in reviewing games.

09-12-2014, 06:36 PM
You can't, how do you know what is real flopping and what is just a human reaction? People react differently and people scream 'flop!'.
If I came swinging at your face or a body part without touching you, you'd react to it and it would look like you're flopping because I never touched you.

They review flagrants. They can review flops. Some of the flops are wild. People literally throwing their body backwards. They need to stop the game when someone flops like that to 'make sure they aren't hurt.' Then they can review it.

Unfortunately, this won't happen because the NBA largely doesn't care. If you watch a replay of a flop it's almost always apparent that it's a flop. Sometimes there wasn't even any contact.

Edit: To everyone talking about how the game would slow down, sure it may be slow at first... but once people started getting the D in terms of flopping ejections or techs, they would stop and it would be rare, kinda, again like a flagrant or a fight that they spend much time reviewing already.


09-12-2014, 06:38 PM
They review flagrants. They can review flops. Some of the flops are wild. People literally throwing their body backwards. They need to stop the game when someone flops like that to 'make sure they aren't hurt.' Then they can review it.

Unfortunately, this won't happen because the NBA largely doesn't care. If you watch a replay of a flop it's almost always apparent that it's a flop. Sometimes there wasn't even any contact.

Instead of stopping the game why not let the game continue while a 4th ref reviews it and then hands out a tech? If it was at the end of the game (last 5 minutes) then you could stop the game and review it.

09-12-2014, 06:40 PM
Instead of stopping the game why not let the game continue while a 4th ref reviews it and then hands out a tech? If it was at the end of the game (last 5 minutes) then you could stop the game and review it.

The NBA has the money to hire experts to review that shit if they want. They just have to make the punishment serious. A bad flop should be an ejection.


09-12-2014, 06:42 PM
1 game suspension

It will end tomorrow

09-12-2014, 06:43 PM
Again, how do you distinguish between a real flop and a natural reaction?

It would be a judgment call upon which people would no doubt disagree often. Similar to when the NFL flags and/or fines defenders for "dirty" hits.

If it is even close, rule it a natural reaction.
but there are obvious flops.

09-12-2014, 07:27 PM
Its impossible to stamp out completely, as it's been around since the beginning of basketball (for example there was a flopping on the 80s just no social media at the time to expose it and the fact that most people weren't old enough to watch), but I think giving teams instant replay abilities on every play would help lower the flopping

09-12-2014, 08:53 PM
Its actually as much flopping as ever.... some of the flops are even commendable/respectable fundamental plays, like for example:

Defensively taking a charge, even if there is contact its really 99.9% of the time a flop, play/sell it a bit, fall down so easy like you are balancing on chopsticks, ofcourse you do that, ofcourse you want to give the opponent a foul and your team the possession, why would you just sit there and stand your ground.... that stuff can even make you a 1st all-defensive player if you do it alot...

Offensively drawing contact, sometimes players will exaggerate the physical contact/foul....

It looks bad only when you get caught, when its obvious, like there is no contact and you fall down or flail around or whatever......

It has always been like this, the only difference is that today compared to any other time in NBA history a game is recorded by even more cameras from even more angles in Bluray/1080/720p quality with 100+ fps, 100hz and each play is replayed all the time in ultra slow mo and zoomed in from all angles.... you cant get away with ANYTHING like that in todays era... all games are also avaliable to any fan who has internet, for free... nothing goes to waste....

There is not more flopping going today, but the flopping (including everything else) because of the above is much more DEFINED today....

09-12-2014, 08:59 PM
Its actually as much flopping as ever.... some of the flops are even commendable/respectable fundamental plays, like for example:

Defensively taking a charge, even if there is contact its really 99.9% of the time a flop, play/sell it a bit, fall down like you are standing on chopsticks, ofcourse you do that, ofcourse you want to give the opponent a foul and your team the possession, why would you just sit there and stand your ground.... that stuff can even make you a 1st all-defensive player if you do it alot...

Offensively drawing contact, sometimes players will exaggerate the physical contact/foul....

It looks bad only when you get caught, when its obvious, like there is no contact and you fall down or flail around or whatever......

It has always been like this, the only difference is that today compared to any other time in NBA history a game is recorded by even more cameras from even more angles in Bluray/1080/720p quality with 100+ fps, 100hz and each play is replayed all the time in ultra slow mo and zoomed in from all angles.... you cant get away with ANYTHING like that in todays era... all games are also avaliable to any fan who has internet, for free... nothing goes to waste....

There is not more flopping going today, but the flopping (including everything else) because of the above is much more DEFINED today....
How's the compilation coming along?

09-12-2014, 09:25 PM
Anyone who says a challenge system, please, jump off a cliff.

Best way to stop it would be assessing bigger fines after the game, along with having a separate "flop" count that will count towards suspensions of different amounts per tier.

In game, if an official feels it was a full on flop, it counts as a Flag 1, opposition gets two shots + possession.

09-12-2014, 09:30 PM
How's the compilation coming along?

Slow but surprisingly well! I mean i am only 26 games in but have 19 flops accumulated (as legit as most of those Lebron "flops"), many more games to go... i expected to watch at least two games per day but that seems to be wishful thinking with my schedule. I can really just finish it a bit earlier if i am to impatient, but then again im not doing this to show you that Jordan flopped, there is a couple of videos out there that show you he did, but im doing this to show you that anybody can look like a big flopper or even the biggest flopper ever and for that i want a bit more content....... :)

By simply watching all/most career games of a player and nitpick for all the flops that player ever did you can make anybody look like a flopper.... trust me on this one, after im done with Jordan you maybe will....

09-12-2014, 09:37 PM
they could start by actually using the punishment system they have in place

09-12-2014, 09:38 PM
Slow but surprisingly well! I mean i am only 26 games in but have 19 flops accumulated (as legit as most of those Lebron "flops"), many more games to go... i expected to watch at least two games per day but that seems to be wishful thinking with my schedule. I can really just finish it a bit earlier if i am to impatient, but then again im not doing this to show you that Jordan flopped, there is a couple of videos out there that show you he did, but im doing this to show you that anybody can look like a big flopper or even the biggest flopper ever and for that i want a bit more content....... :)

By simply watching all/most career games of a player and nitpick for all the flops that player ever did you can make anybody look like a flopper.... trust me on this one, after im done with Jordan you maybe will....

dude nice

sounds like its time to start a new thread with vol. 1 containing these 19 flops

09-12-2014, 09:44 PM
dude nice

sounds like its time to start a new thread with vol. 1 containing these 19 flops

Oh you mean like 19 gif's? I could do that, but i want to make a video and i prefer more flops before i can do that, with like a Benny Hill theme song or something lol, i am open for suggestions. :)

09-12-2014, 09:48 PM
Slow but surprisingly well! I mean i am only 26 games in but have 19 flops accumulated (as legit as most of those Lebron "flops"), many more games to go... i expected to watch at least two games per day but that seems to be wishful thinking with my schedule. I can really just finish it a bit earlier if i am to impatient, but then again im not doing this to show you that Jordan flopped, there is a couple of videos out there that show you he did, but im doing this to show you that anybody can look like a big flopper or even the biggest flopper ever and for that i want a bit more content....... :)

By simply watching all/most career games of a player and nitpick for all the flops that player ever did you can make anybody look like a flopper.... trust me on this one, after im done with Jordan you maybe will....

Any sneak peak footage? Are you gonna do a trailer? I can't take it much longer, the anticipation is too much.

On second thought i forgot your to busy shooting 8 hours a day, being one of the best shooters in the world :bowdown: Who am I kidding......you're easily the best :bowdown:

09-12-2014, 09:58 PM
Any sneak peak footage? Are you gonna do a trailer? I can't take it much longer, the anticipation is too much.

Good idea, i can do that.

On second thought i forgot your to busy shooting 8 hours a day, being one of the best shooters in the world!! Who am I kidding......he's easily the best :bowdown:

2 hours practce (team), 6 hours shooting (by myself inside/outside), I really used to do that, for many years, you dont believe me? But that was very many beers ago...

La Frescobaldi
09-12-2014, 11:57 PM
Can't believe nobody noticed.

Simple & direct, yet effective:


You flop too much, Scola. Let this be a lesson.

09-13-2014, 12:32 AM
You can't, how do you know what is real flopping and what is just a human reaction? People react differently and people scream 'flop!'.
If I came swinging at your face or a body part without touching you, you'd react to it and it would look like you're flopping because I never touched you.

I mean, as someone who's been watching basketball for a long time, flopping has definitely become much more frequent over the last decade.

09-13-2014, 12:35 AM
If a player exaggerates when he gets hit regardless if it's a offensive foul let it go, only reward players who go down from legit contact and don't exaggerate it. Any form of acting should negate the foul or something like that.

09-13-2014, 12:36 AM
Here are a few examples that might help you out:




Those 3 aren't flops imo.

09-13-2014, 12:42 AM
Its actually as much flopping as ever.... some of the flops are even commendable/respectable fundamental plays, like for example:

Defensively taking a charge, even if there is contact its really 99.9% of the time a flop, play/sell it a bit, fall down so easy like you are balancing on chopsticks, ofcourse you do that, ofcourse you want to give the opponent a foul and your team the possession, why would you just sit there and stand your ground.... that stuff can even make you a 1st all-defensive player if you do it alot...

Offensively drawing contact, sometimes players will exaggerate the physical contact/foul....

It looks bad only when you get caught, when its obvious, like there is no contact and you fall down or flail around or whatever......

It has always been like this, the only difference is that today compared to any other time in NBA history a game is recorded by even more cameras from even more angles in Bluray/1080/720p quality with 100+ fps, 100hz and each play is replayed all the time in ultra slow mo and zoomed in from all angles.... you cant get away with ANYTHING like that in todays era... all games are also avaliable to any fan who has internet, for free... nothing goes to waste....

There is not more flopping going today, but the flopping (including everything else) because of the above is much more DEFINED today....

I wouldn't call drawing charges and selling legitimate fouls flopping. Flopping to me is trying to trick the ref into calling a foul when no foul actually occurred.

And and see way more frequent and exaggerated flopping today than I did 20-30 years ago.

09-13-2014, 12:47 AM
Can't believe nobody noticed.

Simple & direct, yet effective:


You flop too much, Scola. Let this be a lesson.


09-13-2014, 12:50 AM
Slow but surprisingly well! I mean i am only 26 games in but have 19 flops accumulated (as legit as most of those Lebron "flops"), many more games to go... i expected to watch at least two games per day but that seems to be wishful thinking with my schedule. I can really just finish it a bit earlier if i am to impatient, but then again im not doing this to show you that Jordan flopped, there is a couple of videos out there that show you he did, but im doing this to show you that anybody can look like a big flopper or even the biggest flopper ever and for that i want a bit more content....... :)

By simply watching all/most career games of a player and nitpick for all the flops that player ever did you can make anybody look like a flopper.... trust me on this one, after im done with Jordan you maybe will....

:sleeping :sleeping 19 flops in 26 games, I just find that hard to believe. That my friends is what you call a hyperbole, i bet 80 percent of "these flops" edited plays where it makes MJ looked like he's flopped by it was really contact. MJ played in an era with more physicality and where players were out there to hurt you. (IE Bad Boys)