View Full Version : Really? Ferry is a racist?

09-13-2014, 06:26 PM
For saying Deng has some african in him, when he CLEARLY DOES.

Hawks were on the right track. Gearon ****ed up everything. I hope he gets hit in the head by a hawk's beak.


But players wanna get offended and shit like this was anything as bad as sterling.

09-13-2014, 06:27 PM
Atlanta Hawk Fan

09-13-2014, 06:49 PM
Ferry has a little American in him.

Im so nba'd out
09-13-2014, 06:58 PM
For saying Deng has some african in him, when he CLEARLY DOES.

Hawks were on the right track. Gearon ****ed up everything. I hope he gets hit in the head by a hawk's beak.


But players wanna get offended and shit like this was anything as bad as sterling.
you just dont get it bro of course its not a big deal to you because you've never experienced racism in your life.

09-13-2014, 07:25 PM
bruh, basically what he's(or the report he was reading) saying is that you can't trust african people. It's racist.

09-13-2014, 07:36 PM
He was just going by a scouting report. The fact that he said it so nonchalantly means every GM/owner in the league knows what "a little african" means and it has nothing to do with race but clubhouse/media attitude. Players who spill secrets to the media and then say they never said it, players who talk a lot of shit in the locker room amongst players but act like the good guy around coaches and owners. Those types of players are two-faced and they call them "african" to compare them with Nigerian e-mail scammers. Any white player can "have a little african" in them too if they are two-faced like that.

Im so nba'd out
09-13-2014, 07:40 PM
He was just going by a scouting report. The fact that he said it so nonchalantly means every GM/owner in the league knows what "a little african" means and it has nothing to do with race but clubhouse/media attitude. Players who spill secrets to the media and then say they never said it, players who talk a lot of shit in the locker room amongst players but act like the good guy around coaches and owners. Those types of players are two-faced and they call them "african" to compare them with Nigerian e-mail scammers. Any white player can "have a little african" in them too if they are two-faced like that.

What the hell does talking behind someone's back have anything to do with a nigerian e-mail scam.....no more post for you bro

09-13-2014, 07:41 PM

What the hell does talking behind someone's back have anything to do with a nigerian e-mail scam.....no more post for you bro
I guess you didn't read the scouting report

09-13-2014, 08:13 PM
bruh, basically what he's(or the report he was reading) saying is that you can't trust african people. It's racist.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't African countries like Nigeria known to be like the scam artist capital of the world?

Seems to me his use of "African" was in reference to culture, not race. A comment on culture is not a comment on race and therefore a comment not about race obviously is not racist.

09-13-2014, 08:19 PM
How can anyone actually be offended by what Danny Ferry said? LMAO. How sensitive do you have to be?

Tony Parker has a little French in him. Pau Gasol has a little Spanish in him. Luol Deng has a little African in him.

Im so nba'd out
09-13-2014, 08:37 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't African countries like Nigeria known to be like the scam artist capital of the world?

Seems to me his use of "African" was in reference to culture, not race. A comment on culture is not a comment on race and therefore a comment not about race obviously is not racist.
just shut up

Im so nba'd out
09-13-2014, 08:38 PM
How can anyone actually be offended by what Danny Ferry said? LMAO. How sensitive do you have to be?

Tony Parker has a little French in him. Pau Gasol has a little Spanish in him. Luol Deng has a little African in him.
your daughter has a little whore in her.you offended yet?If you never experience a drop of racism in your life dont speak on it

09-13-2014, 08:53 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't African countries like Nigeria known to be like the scam artist capital of the world?

Seems to me his use of "African" was in reference to culture, not race. A comment on culture is not a comment on race and therefore a comment not about race obviously is not racist.
What does that have to do with the individual Luol Deng?

09-13-2014, 08:55 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't African countries like Nigeria known to be like the scam artist capital of the world?

Seems to me his use of "African" was in reference to culture, not race. A comment on culture is not a comment on race and therefore a comment not about race obviously is not racist.
Luol Deng isnt from Nigeria.

And please dont waste everyone's time arguing semantics of words. :facepalm

In anycase, I still dont understand what he meant by the comment. Is luol deng going to scam them out some money or what?

09-13-2014, 09:31 PM
http://i.imgur.com/7aaD7FU.png (http://imgur.com/7aaD7FU)

09-13-2014, 09:39 PM
White people need to stop speaking, we're not allowed opinions anymore.

If someone asks for an opinion, just say no comment.

09-13-2014, 09:40 PM
http://i.imgur.com/7aaD7FU.png (http://imgur.com/7aaD7FU)
So, having "a little African in you" in this context actually meant, and I quote...

"Store front looks great but there's a black market section in the back."

Funny, I actually agree with the analysis of Deng's short time in Cleveland in the above email. He was very shady, going to the media behind the team's back and then later denying it publicly.

But, the "African" comment is an odd one, especially with the accompanying definition. Why not just leave it at "con," which was also used multiple times? The whole situation is odd.

09-13-2014, 09:40 PM
Having lived abroad and played sports abroad, it was VERY common for people to refer to me as my country or to make stereotypical Canadian jokes etc.

This is normal in team sports.

People are too soft, and need to get over themselves.

09-13-2014, 09:43 PM
Having lived abroad and played sports abroad, it was VERY common for people to refer to me as my country or to make stereotypical Canadian jokes etc.

This is normal in team sports.

People are too soft, and need to get over themselves.



/persecuting whites

09-13-2014, 11:40 PM
Luol Deng isnt from Nigeria.

And please dont waste everyone's time arguing semantics of words. :facepalm

In anycase, I still dont understand what he meant by the comment. Is luol deng going to scam them out some money or what?
He specifically used an analogy of selling counterfeit stuff in the back of the store.

At first, I took that to mean selling people fake products when they think they're getting the real thing. Upon a second reading, I'm actually just confused now.

I took it to mean a cultural thing, not racial. It just wouldn't make any sense for him to mean it like "he's got some black in him". I took it the same kinda way you would take "he's got some European in him" like how Europeans are known as playing kinda soft. Not meaning a white thing. Just the culture of how they do things in that particular region.

What the "some African in him" comment means, I actually don't know. At first, I thought he was calling him some kind of con man. I thought that's what the counterfeit merchandise comment meant, but the more I read it, I'm just lost. I don't get it. Maybe my initial thought was entirely wrong.

09-14-2014, 12:19 AM
Cleveland should reveal who this scout is.

09-14-2014, 12:23 AM
Cleveland should reveal who this scout is.
Yes. And then have him tarred and feathered... hung in the city square. I'm as sensitive to racism as anyone, but the last week has really tested my patience for the media's unquestioned ability to get people in an uproar over essentially nothing.

Got to fill those 24-hour news cycles, I suppose.

09-14-2014, 01:09 AM
Yes. And then have him tarred and feathered... hung in the city square. I'm as sensitive to racism as anyone, but the last week has really tested my patience for the media's unquestioned ability to get people in an uproar over essentially nothing.

Got to fill those 24-hour news cycles, I suppose.

What has happened to Ferry?


09-14-2014, 01:55 AM
What's worse, Ferry's comment or Lance Stephenson's rap lyrics? Lance is getting praised. smh

09-14-2014, 09:59 AM
you just dont get it bro of course its not a big deal to you because you've never experienced racism in your life.

Dude, I live in Atlanta and I'm white. Do you understand the racism I go through? Even my buddies call me a cracker, allbeit strangers do too.

I go through racism, I just don't take the petty stuff serious.