View Full Version : Luigi Datome 13 point performance in the NBA

09-14-2014, 05:23 PM

Nothing about this guy(former italian Mvp league) strikes you as something more than some tall lanky joe at the park.

Just goes to show you that if you're 6'8, can move decently, have practiced fundamentals from a relatively young age, and willing to play scrappy hard and physical, you can make millions playing in the NBA or a top 4 non-NBA league.

And none of those above attributes are particulatly rare besides the 6'8

09-14-2014, 05:24 PM
Is this D'Antoni's cousin ?

09-14-2014, 05:37 PM
Nvm i researched him some more and he's a pretty good shooter for 6'8 both off the dribble and catch

09-14-2014, 05:46 PM
maybe research before you make a thread next time`?

09-14-2014, 11:21 PM
Nvm i researched him some more and he's a pretty good shooter for 6'8 both off the dribble and catch
You can work on that

09-15-2014, 12:16 AM
Nvm i researched him some more and he's a pretty good shooter for 6'8 both off the dribble and catchYeah, it was tough to get a good read on him last season. Coming into the year, he was supposed to be a big time shooter who could stretch a defense.

However, I believe he suffered an injury setback very early in the preseason and lost any opportunity of making the Pistons' rotation. When he finally did get some minutes, he looked unsure and tentative, which is very common for ballplayers not used to being end-of-bench guys getting spot minutes at the end of blowouts.

It'd be nice to see if he got an opportunity this year to prove (or not prove) whether he can contribute in the NBA. I'm pulling for him. So far, he seems like a good guy.

09-15-2014, 06:14 AM
Yeah, it was tough to get a good read on him last season. Coming into the year, he was supposed to be a big time shooter who could stretch a defense.

However, I believe he suffered an injury setback very early in the preseason and lost any opportunity of making the Pistons' rotation. When he finally did get some minutes, he looked unsure and tentative, which is very common for ballplayers not used to being end-of-bench guys getting spot minutes at the end of blowouts.

It'd be nice to see if he got an opportunity this year to prove (or not prove) whether he can contribute in the NBA. I'm pulling for him. So far, he seems like a good guy.
anyone called luigi should automatically get a chance imo, he must have been bullied a lot in his childhood:(

09-15-2014, 06:31 AM
anyone called luigi should automatically get a chance imo, he must have been bullied a lot in his childhood:(

It's actually a common name in Italy, in particular for >40 y.o. guys:
http://www.nomix.it/mappe-dei-nomi-italiani/LUIGI (http://www.nomix.it/mappe-dei-nomi-italiani/LUIGI)

09-15-2014, 09:57 AM
It's actually a common name in Italy, in particular for >40 y.o. guys:
http://www.nomix.it/mappe-dei-nomi-italiani/LUIGI (http://www.nomix.it/mappe-dei-nomi-italiani/LUIGI)
just a subtle indication to mario-luigi:cheers:
but thnx anyways

09-15-2014, 10:29 AM

Nothing about this guy(former italian Mvp league) strikes you as something more than some tall lanky joe at the park.

Just goes to show you that if you're 6'8, can move decently, have practiced fundamentals from a relatively young age, and willing to play scrappy hard and physical, you can make millions playing in the NBA or a top 4 non-NBA league.

And none of those above attributes are particulatly rare besides the 6'8
You are really overrating height and underrating overall athleticism and talent/skill.


There are plenty of 6'7+ guys that play basketball, but only a handful makes millions.