View Full Version : Lebron the GOAT Troll: Says He Learned "Patience" in Miami!!!

09-27-2014, 08:09 AM

Patience???... Is this guy talking about patience???.... I think he's trolling everybody.

Lebron will never appreciate championships as much as previous greats because he doesn't have to work as hard for them - it's a slap in the face that he'd use the word patience because he flat-out does NOT spend the time it takes to develop and improve his supporting casts to a championship level, and he's not willing to go through the rough waters that come with having tenure on a team.

You'll never see him do what Duncan did last year where Duncan stuck with it after the heartbreak and came all the way back to win the championship... or like Jordan after he lost to Detroit all those years while Pippen was a scrub averaging 6.5ppg yet Jordan stuck with it until he won.... or losing to Orlando in 1995 after coming back from baseball...

Lebron will never have these TRUE redemptive stories because he skips these team development parts of the process... This cleveland story is not about redemption - he was GIVEN an all-star team again... those guys from his old cleveland days are LONG GONE... Lebron bailed on them a long time ago.

It's pretty unbelievable - he's the last one to preach "patience" when it comes to developing a team to a championship level... before he bolts again, he's playing his loyal fan base for fools with this "patience" talk.... just like he did in Miami by developing a system that helped him get his stats, but that wasn't optimal for winning at the highest level... :facepalm

in before his next Finals exposure... it's inevitable.

09-27-2014, 08:18 AM

Because LeBron didn't stuck with Cleveland for 7 goddamn seasons, where all he was blessed with was Mo Williams? Where he averaged 35/8/7 through a goddamn post-season and it still wasn't enough?

And LOL at the Tim Duncan example...

It's not hard being loyal when surrounded by Talent and the GOAT Coach.

Where do you think he's going at 37 years old and 4 Championships under his belt?

He stayed on the most consistent and deep Team in the league... What a surprise. THEY enhanced his career and are able to still make him look good...

BTW: You say his Championships are of no meaning and value, because of the ring chasing and stacked Teams... And then go on to say his style of Play isn't optimal for winning and tends to be exposed in the finals...

Because that makes so much ****ing sense, right?

Pick a damn Agenda and go with it... Don't contradict yourself.

09-27-2014, 09:30 AM

09-27-2014, 09:39 AM
Blah blah blah
in 3balls perfect world the NBA would have dissolved after MJ's second 3peat

nobody cares dude. You're stale af

"wasn't optimal for winning on the highest level" :facepalm like he didn't make the finals every season and win 2 of them. GTFO with that weak shit.

09-27-2014, 09:40 AM

Patience???... Is this guy talking about patience???.... I think he's trolling everybody.

Lebron will never appreciate championships as much as previous greats because he doesn't have to work as hard for them - it's a slap in the face that he'd use the word patience because he flat-out does NOT spend the time it takes to develop and improve his supporting casts to a championship level, and he's not willing to go through the rough waters that come with having tenure on a team.

You'll never see him do what Duncan did last year where Duncan stuck with it after the heartbreak and came all the way back to win the championship... or like Jordan after he lost to Detroit all those years while Pippen was a scrub averaging 6.5ppg yet Jordan stuck with it until he won.... or losing to Orlando in 1995 after coming back from baseball...

Lebron will never have these TRUE redemptive stories because he skips these team development parts of the process... This cleveland story is not about redemption - he was GIVEN an all-star team again... those guys from his old cleveland days are LONG GONE... Lebron bailed on them a long time ago.

It's pretty unbelievable - he's the last one to preach "patience" when it comes to developing a team to a championship level... before he bolts again, he's playing his loyal fan base for fools with this "patience" talk.... just like he did in Miami by developing a system that helped him get his stats, but that wasn't optimal for winning at the highest level... :facepalm

in before his next Finals exposure... it's inevitable.

09-27-2014, 10:09 AM
3ball livin rent free in multiple nigguh's heads. :oldlol:

09-27-2014, 10:20 AM
I think you may have confused the part about LeBJ actually writing that piece. LeBJ doesn't have the verbal skills to write a piece like that.

It's a ghost writer, publicist who mocks that up and throws it in front of LeBJ. LeBJ half looks at it while playing Madden and OK's it. Boom, print, banners fly, people cry, babies fart in Cleveland.

The "Coming Home" composition coming from a man with high school intelligence (and I use that loosely. We know he didn't have to study in high school) is nonsensical.

09-27-2014, 10:23 AM
3ball livin rent free in multiple nigguh's heads. :oldlol:

The only thing living rent free is you on the street

09-27-2014, 10:26 AM
Bronze was humbled after father Wade made him a man following the 2011 debacle

09-27-2014, 10:35 AM
The only thing living rent free is you on the street

Says the nikka begging for leftovers at McDonald's. :oldlol:

09-27-2014, 01:14 PM

09-27-2014, 01:33 PM

Still waiting on that mj taking charges thread.

09-27-2014, 01:36 PM
3ball livin rent free in multiple nigguh's heads. :oldlol:
And you living rent free in yo parents basement you cvnt :banghead:

09-27-2014, 02:10 PM
Mods...I thought we were cracking down on the trolls. :confusedshrug:

Magic 32
09-27-2014, 02:18 PM


09-28-2014, 12:24 AM
It's funny though because even though he has the extra advantage of getting to skip the team development stages and gets to IMMEDIATELY play with established, veteran all-stars and super-team, he is STILL only 2 for 5!!!!!!!!!!!

It's like that rich, spoiled kid that gets to go to private school and has his parent's trust fund, but still underachieves... :applause: .... it's funny but entirely analogous and true this situation..... :roll:

09-28-2014, 12:31 AM
You're very obsessed with this guy that you dislike, it's very weird...

09-28-2014, 12:34 AM
Just preparing everyone for the downgrading of Lebron's championships when his career is done, as everyone will remember how he had to jump ship to play with the best talent to win all of his rings.

09-28-2014, 12:37 AM
Ok, you're a great fan of the game and it's players. Loyal Bulls fan :applause:

09-28-2014, 12:46 AM
he probably reads these forums and has realized he needs to play off-ball more... he wasn't willing to let wade be the primary ballhandler... wade had to scramble around off-ball and ended up complaining about "touches" on several occasions..

lebron's spoiled and significantly underachieves compared to other greats considering he chooses his own super-team each and every time.

09-28-2014, 12:50 AM
3ball having a meltdown. :lol :lol

09-28-2014, 12:53 AM
i think i'm done on these boards... now lebron has come out and specifically stated that he will play primarily off-ball..

the only way he can do that is to live on the block, which is not what i would have expected him to ever do...

why bother lose the weight then????????.. just more propoganda... i'm done with the nba and their STAGED THEATRICS... seriously..

09-28-2014, 01:01 AM
3ball melting down over absolutely nothing. It's the offseason, dude. At least save this for the regular season or playoffs when people give a shit.

09-28-2014, 01:06 AM
i think i'm done on these boards... now lebron has come out and specifically stated that he will play primarily off-ball..

the only way he can do that is to live on the block, which is not what i would have expected him to ever do...

why bother lose the weight then????????.. just more propoganda... i'm done with the nba and their STAGED THEATRICS... seriously..

You spelled propaganda wrong, by the way. Fix that before you leave. K?

09-28-2014, 01:23 AM
LBJ is going to put that guy in a mental hospital before the year is over

Timmy D for MVP
09-28-2014, 01:45 AM


Kawhi doesn't smile.

09-28-2014, 01:50 AM
You spelled propaganda wrong, by the way. Fix that before you leave. K?

Why did my dude meltdown over this? :biggums: :oldlol:

09-28-2014, 02:08 AM
The only patience he showed was in Cleveland, not Miami..lol

and 7yrs is still barely pushing it

09-28-2014, 02:42 AM
3ball melting down over absolutely nothing. It's the offseason, dude. At least save this for the regular season or playoffs when people give a shit.
dude had a meltdown over whether its easier to jump off one leg or two :oldlol:

09-28-2014, 02:42 AM
i think i'm done on these boards... now lebron has come out and specifically stated that he will play primarily off-ball..

the only way he can do that is to live on the block, which is not what i would have expected him to ever do...

why bother lose the weight then????????.. just more propoganda... i'm done with the nba and their STAGED THEATRICS... seriously..

please end this *****

09-28-2014, 03:01 AM

09-28-2014, 03:42 AM
i think i'm done on these boards... now lebron has come out and specifically stated that he will play primarily off-ball..

the only way he can do that is to live on the block, which is not what i would have expected him to ever do...

why bother lose the weight then????????.. just more propoganda... i'm done with the nba and their STAGED THEATRICS... seriously..
what the hell is wrong with this guy?

09-28-2014, 06:46 AM
It's true. Bran is a terrible face for the league. The only way the NBA can be saved is if MJ returned again and averaged 40 ppg off tough mid-range pull-up jumpers. :violin:

09-28-2014, 09:30 AM
I bet 3ball is one ugly mfer irl

09-28-2014, 11:29 AM
OP you're pathetic.

09-28-2014, 01:51 PM
3ball, it's not that serious man. Go outside and get some air.:facepalm

09-28-2014, 02:06 PM

please end this *****

This 3ball posts some good stuff. Not one of his best threads though.

I haven't seen you post a single thread with anything knowledgeable, so Why shouldn't you be BANNED?

09-28-2014, 03:16 PM
This 3ball posts some good stuff. Not one of his best threads though.

I haven't seen you post a single thread with anything knowledgeable, so Why shouldn't you be BANNED?
He shows knowledge at times, key word at times. However so shamelessly agenda driven that it often can't even be taken seriously.....

09-28-2014, 09:39 PM
He shows knowledge at times, key word at times. However so shamelessly agenda driven that it often can't even be taken seriously.....

I agree. He is an MJ homer, but like i said he posts some good stuff on him.

09-28-2014, 10:34 PM
LeBron is just trying to mimic the rhetoric in Miami. His media day press conference was basically Spo wearing a LeBron face mask. Patience and process were basically Spoisms during LeBron's Heat tenure.

09-28-2014, 10:40 PM
The only thing living rent free is you on the street