View Full Version : Would the 1992 olympic silver medal Croatia team win the NBA championship today?

09-27-2014, 04:31 PM
just found it interesting that they were the only team to keep it at least close in the first quarter against the dream team.
drazen was a beast too

09-27-2014, 07:21 PM
Not even close, to be honest. Drazen, Kukoc and Radja were definitely NBA material, but they'd still face bench depth and defense issues (none of the players I mentioned was ever particularly good at it), not to mention that actually only Drazen up to then had been NBA tested (and Vrankovic, but as a bench warmer). Especially in their first season, they'd struggle big-time.

Practically all NBA teams would be able to keep up with the DT for a quarter most of the time (assuming DTers "clone" themselves to play for both the DT and their respective teams, for fairness sake).

09-27-2014, 08:13 PM
no way bro. No chance. Not a single one. As psileas correctly points out you need depth and star power to win a ring.

The only international teams I ever see contending for an NBA ring are the 2010s spain and the 1990 yugoslavia. Even so it wouldn't a certain as athleticism is much more important in the wider NBA game so players would't be as efficient as in FIBA. I'm mainly talking about guard play.

09-27-2014, 09:19 PM
1992 and 1996 (with petrovic alive ) yugoslavia as a whole would have given them a run for there money and had a chance ... i am a little biased but seeing as croatia came second in 92 and yugo (serbia) came second in 96 theres a good chance if that generation could have stayed together they would have been a power house then and would be a power house now
Potential team right now would be the dragic bros dario saric milos teodosic bogdanovic from serbia bogdanovic from croatia pekovic vucevic just to name a few

2010-2014 spain is in with a chance to win even though they choked badly this recent wc they have they talent and depth to hang with anyone from any era

Again this is the dream team we talking about so obviously they would be a favourite anyhow you turn it

Apologies for the bad typing im on my phone

09-29-2014, 12:27 PM
just found it interesting that they were the only team to keep it at least close in the first quarter against the dream team.
drazen was a beast too

No, but possible Yugoslavian team (1992-1996) containing not only Croation players could be in the playoffs for sure. They would have the much needed depth and offensive talents. They will lack the atletism and defensive hustle, but would have enormous basketball IQ, a lot of deadly outside shooters in (Petrovic, Danilovic, Komazec, Djordjevic), good rebounding power from Divac and Radja, solid back-ups in Vrankovic and Rebraca, versatile forwards like Kukoc and Bodiroga.