View Full Version : Police pepper spray black 18-year old in his own home

10-09-2014, 12:40 PM



10-09-2014, 12:50 PM
So his neighbors called the police, thinking he was an intruder...if the police thought that was the situation this mishap should probably be blamed on the neighbors

kind of funny though to imagine IMO

OFFICER: "what the fck are you doing in this home negro"!?

MAN: "uhhh, I live here"

*sprays pepper spray in face*

OFFICER: "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say blah blah blah..."


10-09-2014, 12:55 PM
Dave Chappelle was right all along. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkQKOBiHyNU)

Officer: Open and shut case, Johnson. I've seen this once before. Apparently this n*gger broke into this home and hung up pictures of himself and his family all over the house.

10-09-2014, 01:01 PM
Dave Chappelle was right all along. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkQKOBiHyNU)

Officer: Open and shut case, Johnson. I've seen this once before. Apparently this n*gger broke into this home and hung up pictures of himself and his family all over the house.


10-09-2014, 01:09 PM
Dave Chappelle was right all along. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkQKOBiHyNU)

Officer: Open and shut case, Johnson. I've seen this once before. Apparently this n*gger broke into this home and hung up pictures of himself and his family all over the house.

Was just about to look for that clip. :oldlol:

10-09-2014, 01:10 PM
Dave Chappelle was right all along. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkQKOBiHyNU)

Officer: Open and shut case, Johnson. I've seen this once before. Apparently this n*gger broke into this home and hung up pictures of himself and his family all over the house.


Perfect placement :applause:

97 bulls
10-09-2014, 01:28 PM
I saw this on Good Morning America. The picture shown did not have the kid in it. Unless I missed it. How are the cops supposed to know it was his house.

10-09-2014, 01:41 PM
I saw this on Good Morning America. The picture shown did not have the kid in it. Unless I missed it. How are the cops supposed to know it was his house.

They could call his foster parents? :confusedshrug:

Nah though, let's just pepper spray him .

10-09-2014, 01:45 PM
I saw this on Good Morning America. The picture shown did not have the kid in it. Unless I missed it. How are the cops supposed to know it was his house.

that and the elephant in the room being he's black and the family is white

poor kid... dumb neighbor, how can the kid live there for a year and you don't recognize him?

10-09-2014, 01:55 PM
that and the elephant in the room being he's black and the family is white

poor kid... dumb neighbor, how can the kid live there for a year and you don't recognize him?

You can't, he probably did recognized him. :facepalm

10-09-2014, 01:56 PM
I'd **** dude's mom.

10-09-2014, 02:09 PM
I'd **** dude's mom.

Meh, she's no Sandra Bullock

97 bulls
10-09-2014, 02:45 PM
They could call his foster parents? :confusedshrug:

Nah though, let's just pepper spray him .
True. I'm just saying that under these circumstances, I can see how the police could make that mistake. If he were a burglar, and they let him go based on that, we'd be calling them a bunch of morons.

10-09-2014, 02:56 PM
that and the elephant in the room being he's black and the family is white

poor kid... dumb neighbor, how can the kid live there for a year and you don't recognize him?

True. Sad thing is from his interview you can tell the kid has been through a lot and seems to have issues with trusting and letting people in; and after this happened I doubt that ever changes.

10-09-2014, 04:04 PM
that sucks, but there's another lesson here-- always try too cooperate with the police if it doesn't cost you anything.

when they asked him to lay down and/or explain what he was doing there, a good move would have been something like laying down, telling them that he's a foster-kid, and/or giving them a number to call. a bad move would be giving them attitude, resisting, escalating the situation... such as he did.

when i'm a stranger in a strange place i don't act entitled, i have an appropriate strategy if i get harassed. one of the basic rules in life.

anyway, i'm sure he's been through a lot, but cops are people too and they have a very high-stress job. neighbors aren't like neighbors used to be, generally speaking... most ppl in suburbia don't know each other very well IME.

10-09-2014, 05:27 PM
So he didn't even let them in? They just walked into the house because the door was unlocked? And the kid ended up getting pepper sprayed? If the parents have any sense at all, they will sue the absolute shit out of the city and they will win

10-09-2014, 05:38 PM
The only way to stop this in future is to prevent interracial adoption. Seems like the best solution.

10-09-2014, 05:43 PM
So he didn't even let them in? They just walked into the house because the door was unlocked? And the kid ended up getting pepper sprayed? If the parents have any sense at all, they will sue the absolute shit out of the city and they will win
he opened the door smiling with:

"Well hello there good officers!, lovely day isn't it? How may I help you?"

Then they pepper sprayed the shit out of him

10-09-2014, 06:24 PM
The only way to stop this in future is to prevent interracial adoption. Seems like the best solution.

The National Association of Black Social workers would agree with you but it ain't gonna happen. There are not enough white babies to go around and the majority of people looking to adopt are white(37% and 75% respectively). Plus black babies are $10,000 cheaper to adopt than white babies.

10-09-2014, 06:26 PM
Dave Chappelle was right all along. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkQKOBiHyNU)

Officer: Open and shut case, Johnson. I've seen this once before. Apparently this n*gger broke into this home and hung up pictures of himself and his family all over the house.
I just randomly watched this clip last night. :oldlol:

10-09-2014, 06:28 PM
when i'm a stranger in a strange place i don't act entitled, i have an appropriate strategy if i get harassed. one of the basic rules in life.

He wasn't a stranger in a strange place though...

10-09-2014, 07:10 PM
He wasn't a stranger in a strange place though...
of course he was. he wasn't from the neighborhood, didn't grow up there, wasn't related to the family, was a completely different ethnicity, was already legal.

people go very much by appearances in life. it's something we should all remember IMO.

if i was the parents, this is one of the first things i would have worked out when they fostered him-- "here's what to do if anyone ever gives you shit around here..."

problem solved, at least in this case.

10-09-2014, 08:56 PM
of course he was. he wasn't from the neighborhood, didn't grow up there, wasn't related to the family, was a completely different ethnicity, was already legal.

people go very much by appearances in life. it's something we should all remember IMO.

if i was the parents, this is one of the first things i would have worked out when they fostered him-- "here's what to do if anyone ever gives you shit around here..."

problem solved, at least in this case.

how was he a stranger in a strange place?? :facepalm

this is the house and neighbourhood he's been living in for over a year.

10-09-2014, 09:47 PM
how was he a stranger in a strange place?? :facepalm

this is the house and neighbourhood he's been living in for over a year.
because of what i just said and what i just motherf-cking explained clearly?

10-09-2014, 09:50 PM
of course he was. he wasn't from the neighborhood, didn't grow up there, wasn't related to the family, was a completely different ethnicity, was already legal.

people go very much by appearances in life. it's something we should all remember IMO.

if i was the parents, this is one of the first things i would have worked out when they fostered him-- "here's what to do if anyone ever gives you shit around here..."

problem solved, at least in this case.

Dude, he lived there. lol. Just because he was black living with white people, he needs to explain himself in his own house? That is crazy.

longtime lurker
10-09-2014, 10:31 PM
that sucks, but there's another lesson here-- always try too cooperate with the police if it doesn't cost you anything.

when they asked him to lay down and/or explain what he was doing there, a good move would have been something like laying down, telling them that he's a foster-kid, and/or giving them a number to call. a bad move would be giving them attitude, resisting, escalating the situation... such as he did.

when i'm a stranger in a strange place i don't act entitled, i have an appropriate strategy if i get harassed. one of the basic rules in life.

anyway, i'm sure he's been through a lot, but cops are people too and they have a very high-stress job. neighbors aren't like neighbors used to be, generally speaking... most ppl in suburbia don't know each other very well IME.

This ****ing guy. Thse threads always have at least one

10-09-2014, 10:54 PM
This ****ing guy. Thse threads always have at least one
exactly. there's occasionally 1-2 ppl per ISH thread that are rudely presenting some variety of rational argument alongside the usual gang of idiots whose chronic need is to obsess upon one side of any particular argument. f-ck the police, yo! :rockon:

thus, i leave you circle-jerkers to yourselves. but if we ever do meet in life, expect a firm handshake and a swift kick up the ass. thank you.

10-09-2014, 10:54 PM
Dude, he lived there. lol. Just because he was black living with white people, he needs to explain himself in his own house? That is crazy.

yeah you do... somebody called the cops on a prowler, they were responding to a 911 call.

btw I said earlier he had been there for a year.. that was wrong, he's been with the family for a year, the family has lived in this home since late july

10-09-2014, 10:59 PM
because of what i just said and what i just motherf-cking explained clearly?

you still didnt explain how your own house could be considered a strange place. Not sure if you're acting like an idiot on purpose or if it just comes naturally to you.

longtime lurker
10-09-2014, 11:17 PM
exactly. there's occasionally 1-2 ppl per ISH thread that are rudely presenting some variety of rational argument alongside the usual gang of idiots whose chronic need is to obsess upon one side of any particular argument. f-ck the police, yo! :rockon:

thus, i leave you circle-jerkers to yourselves. but if we ever do meet in life, expect a firm handshake and a swift kick up the ass. thank you.

Please explain to me why it's right for him to be treated like a criminal in his own house? He's lived there for a year, he's not a stranger. I don't blame the kid for not submitting to being treated like a criminal in his own home. If the cops had half a brain they'd realize that an actual burglar wouldn't open the door instead of running. I guarantee the police treated the kid like a criminal instead of deescalating the situation. It's not the kids fault that the police are too ignorant to realize that white families will have foster children of different races.

Ball So Harden
10-10-2014, 12:22 AM
Damn, poor guy.

10-10-2014, 01:26 AM
and here's the other side of the coin that few here consider, mainly because of testicles-in-mouth disease and generalised ISH syndrome:

- policemen get called by dispatcher to a break-in situation: neighbor reports stranger in the house-- we don't know if he has a gun or weapon.

- cops arrive, find a suspect in residence, ask for identification.

- suspect resists at every point, cops continue asking, suspect refuses to cooperate at every juncture.

- cops forced to follow procedure and pepper-spray in order to gain ID and run through records.

- eventually records show that suspect is a foster-child adopted by owners of the house. suspect released to parents' custody.

at no point were police informed of that fact, but now cries of "racism!" rally forth with cops rendered dumbfounded by how much better they could have handled the situation.

conclusion: i love calling out racists and abusers, but i hate impugning without cause. so far, ISH has proved itself a bunch of f-cking idiots in this case, much as any watcher would have suspected in the first place.

therefore-- bye, you degenerate motherf-ckers. good luck with your bullshit nonsense accusations, as always. :cheers:

10-11-2014, 12:16 AM
I saw an oil black dude/girl (couldn't tell) with short dreads coming out of a car with a lily white baby and putting it in a stroller yesterday. Even I almost called homeland security lmao

10-11-2014, 12:18 AM
you still didnt explain how your own house could be considered a strange place. Not sure if you're acting like an idiot on purpose or if it just comes naturally to you.
It's natural. Get used to it

10-11-2014, 01:42 AM
Dude, he lived there. lol. Just because he was black living with white people, he needs to explain himself in his own house? That is crazy.

Yes, absolutely, of course, cooperate with the police when they are investigating something. Do whatever the hell you're told and you won't get tazed, pepper sprayed or shot. It is common sense.