View Full Version : Most U.S. Mosques Teach Violence

10-23-2014, 01:32 AM
-If you think I am a racist...then this thread is not for you. Nobody is talking about race/ethnicity here.

-If you think I am hating on Muslims then you need to get out of here since there are so many peaceful Muslims out there.

With the formalities out of the way, here is a good article on most U.S. Mosques teaching violence and I am sure most Muslim ISHers would agree how stupid these people are and would surely condemn these people.

[QUOTE]Researchers Mordechai Kedar and David Yerushalmi reported in the Summer 2011 issue of Middle East Quarterly about a new survey that found that

10-23-2014, 01:33 AM

10-23-2014, 01:36 AM

Why do you keep spamming my thread?

Do you not agree with the research? Are you not mad as the mosques that teach violence?

You are prime example of a person, if you had to pick and choose, you would not choose America.

10-23-2014, 01:40 AM
This is like the 4th thread you have made today hating on muslims. I am getting sick and tired of the anti muslim bullshit that you and bruinlove have been spewing all over this board lately.

Stop making these bullshit troll hate threads and ill stop posting pictures.

10-23-2014, 01:41 AM
What exactly constitutes 'violent text'? The Bible is violent as f*ck so does that mean that any Church that uses the Bible teaches violence?

10-23-2014, 01:45 AM
What exactly constitutes 'violent text'? The Bible is violent as f*ck so does that mean that any Church that uses the Bible teaches violence?

The Bible may have violence in it but it is not being preached. There are mosques out there that won't preach the violence but 80% of them will preach that aspect.

10-23-2014, 01:45 AM
so violence is a big pawt of their culture den?

10-23-2014, 01:50 AM
The Bible may have violence in it but it is not being preached. There are mosques out there that won't preach the violence but 80% of them will preach that aspect.

You're clearly talking out of your ass :lol

Do radical muslims like ISIS fighters even attend mosques regularly? I always figured they were Jonestown types where they sort of just do their own thing after breaking off from the mainstream religious practices.

10-23-2014, 01:58 AM
You're clearly talking out of your ass :lol

Do radical muslims like ISIS fighters even attend mosques regularly? I always figured they were Jonestown types where they sort of just do their own thing after breaking off from the mainstream religious practices.

If 80% of mosques are teaching violence to peaceful Muslims then imagine what ISIS and the radicals are teaching. Yikes.:eek:

10-23-2014, 01:59 AM
so violence is a big pawt of their culture den?

Yes, but to put into perspective from this research, it is a huge concern.

10-23-2014, 02:15 AM
Yet Immortal gets banned for making a couple threads and posts about the ____ people

Nick Young
10-23-2014, 03:59 AM
This is like the 4th thread you have made today hating on muslims. I am getting sick and tired of the anti muslim bullshit that you and bruinlove have been spewing all over this board lately.

Stop making these bullshit troll hate threads and ill stop posting pictures.
People are not allowed to question and a criticize a religious ideology now? It is perfectly acceptable to say what we want about Christians and make fun of mormons but saying anything against Islam is wrong?:hammerhead:

Freedom of speech son.

10-23-2014, 08:34 AM
People are not allowed to question and a criticize a religious ideology now? It is perfectly acceptable to say what we want about Christians and make fun of mormons but saying anything against Islam is wrong?:hammerhead:

Freedom of speech son.

Freedom of speech means the government cant tell you what you can/cant say. Freedom of speech does not mean that private citizens cant ridicule you for your idiotic speech, and freedom of speech does not mean you can say whatever you want on privately owned message boards.

Anyway, if people were actually allowed to question and criticize a religious ideology around here, threads that criticize israel/judiasm would not be immediately deleted.

The slightest suggestion that what israel has been doing in gaza is wrong, and you will get a thread deleted. meanwhile you clowns are over here saying shit like "most muslims are terrorists", and then you have the nerve to talk about freedom of speech..... LOL

10-23-2014, 08:41 AM
straight up, stop your nonsense. It irks me that you could actually believe you are not prejudice.

Nick Young
10-23-2014, 08:43 AM
freedom of speech means the government cant tell you what you can/cant say. freedom of speech does not mean that private citizens cant ridicule you for your idiotic speech, and freedom of speech does not mean you can say whatever you want on privately owned message boards.

anyway, if people were actually allowed to question and criticize a religious ideology around here, threads that criticize israel/judiasm would not be immediately deleted. the slightest suggestion that what israel has been doing in gaza is wrong will get a thread deleted, but you clowns are over here saying that most muslims are terrorists. Freedom of speech..... LOL
Learn to seperate politics and religions. Jews are not a hive mind. The Israeli government does not speak for and represent all Jews on the planet. If you learn to separate the two things, yes of course it is perfectly acceptable for you to question and criticize Jewish religious ideology.

10-23-2014, 08:47 AM
Learn to seperate politics and religions. Jews are not a hive mind. The Israeli government does not speak for and represent all Jews on the planet.

meanwhile you and 9er are making threads saying shit like ISIS represents all muslims.

hypocritical idiots.

10-23-2014, 08:50 AM
What exactly constitutes 'violent text'? The Bible is violent as f*ck so does that mean that any Church that uses the Bible teaches violence?
if the quoted post wasn't your first thought upon reading the op, you are either a) a below average critical thinker or b) a fanatical islamophobe racist

my belief is that most everyone falls into category b)

but its besides the point. this is another thread worthy of self-righteous ******** trolling but as misleading as your title and conclusion are, at least you posted a link with a study. this i think we can chock up as an improvement. and the people on this website who hate you no doubt deserve most of the credit.

10-23-2014, 08:51 AM
straight up, stop your nonsense. It irks me that you could actually believe you are not prejudice.
course the guy is clearly an attention whoring troll so if we all stop posting in his muslim bashing threads, in all likelihood he'll stop bashing muslims

Nick Young
10-23-2014, 08:55 AM
meanwhile you and 9er are making threads saying shit like ISIS represents all muslims.

hypocritical idiots.
WRONG. Neither of us have ever claimed that. You are putting words in to both of our mouths.:facepalm

All we are doing is drawing attention to Islamic inspired terrorist attacks, which seem to be a growing trend. Neither myself nor 9er have ever made the ridiculous claim that 'ISIS represents all muslims':facepalm

Nick Young
10-23-2014, 08:57 AM
course the guy is clearly an attention whoring troll so if we all stop posting in his muslim bashing threads, in all likelihood he'll stop bashing muslims
Do you not understand the difference between questioning a religious idealogy that seems to be inspiring so many acts of violence and terrorism in recent years, and "bashing" EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANET who follows that religious idealogy? There is no "muslim bashing" going on in these threads. The only "bashing" that is happening is "bashing" the people who are using their religious philosophy to justify violence and acts of terrorism.

10-23-2014, 08:58 AM
Do you not understand the difference between questioning a religious idealogy that seems to be inspiring so many acts of violence and terrorism in recent years, and "bashing" EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANET who follows that religious idealogy? There is no "muslim bashing" going on in these threads. The only "bashing" that is happening is "bashing" the people who are using their religious philosophy to justify violence and acts of terrorism.
:roll: :lol :roll: :cheers: :eek: :eek:


im hilarious

Nick Young
10-23-2014, 09:05 AM
:roll: :lol :roll: :cheers: :eek: :eek:


im hilarious
Yes western non-muslim hipsters who wear keffiyehs like yourself are quite LOL LOL LOL worthy:cheers:

It is sad when people try to turn a symbol of terrorist parties PLO and Hamas in to a fashionable item of clothing, and then force themselves to embrace the terrorist ideology in order to justify their wearing of the item.


10-23-2014, 09:20 AM
What exactly constitutes 'violent text'? The Bible is violent as f*ck so does that mean that any Church that uses the Bible teaches violence?

the day Christians are the issue of sooo many muslim extremists of today, and all types of dumb ass young kids are flocking to muslim extremism, unlike Christian kids, is the day you can legit make that parallel :rolleyes:

just like mf'ers always trying to bring up the Crusades. you mf'ers know how loong ago that shit was? hhow the fukk do people use shit so inapplicable to today to justify today's issues predominantly based on the Muslim religion, and what many young Muslims are teaching and getting from it?

i'll never understand the ridiculous arguments people make here contrary to current reality and today's issues. its like people are purposely using obvious inapplicable BS to excuse whats obviously a major issue. some MF'ers here can't ever be straight up :pimp:

10-23-2014, 09:47 AM
the day Christians are the issue of sooo many muslim extremists of today, and all types of dumb ass young kids are flocking to muslim extremism, unlike Christian kids, is the day you can legit make that parallel :rolleyes:

just like mf'ers always trying to bring up the Crusades. you mf'ers know how loong ago that shit was? hhow the fukk do people use shit so inapplicable to today to justify today's issues predominantly based on the Muslim religion, and what many young Muslims are teaching and getting from it?

i'll never understand the ridiculous arguments people make here contrary to current reality and today's issues. its like people are purposely using obvious inapplicable BS to excuse whats obviously a major issue. some MF'ers here can't ever be straight up :pimp:
the problem is obvious and it's a shame you can't understand it. i'll do my best to clarify the issue you raise for the 913th time.

those who want to criticize islam for modern islamic terrorism tend to rely on one type of argument more than any other; citing passages in the koran that promote violence and jihad.

the reason 500 years ago is relevant to right now is BECAUSE THE SCRIPTURES HAVE NOT CHANGED. so if you want to tell me the primary reason for islamic extremism can be found in the text, you need to explain to me why i can point to not just long historical eras during which muslims were not more violent than anybody else but also other large geographical areas in the world today that are dominated by muslims but do not share the philosophy of boka harem or al-qaeda.

the reason the crusades are important is because they demonstrate the exact same point. as do other analogies to christianity such as the kkk and the ira. all three of these movements, spread over many centuries, persistently cite christian scripture to justify their atrocities. i think the kkk was heinous, the crusades were genocidal, and the ira engaged in terrorism.

if christian scripture, much like islamic scripture, has not changed since the time these movements were operational; yet today christians are by and large peaceful and law abiding; how could it possibly be that the problem is in the text or the teaching or the ritual or the philosophy?

you don't understand that your argument is ripe with exceptions... in fact the exceptions account for more cases than the rule itself. which means it is a bad erroneous rule.

once we rule out religious tradition and sacred scripture as sources for the rise of islamic fundamentalism and terrorism, as i think this argument plainly does with convincing evidence both logical and empirical, we must undertake a search for the true sources of the phenomenon.

the position of the left on these global issues, and to a lesser extent the position of the american libertarian right, is that the source of the violence in the middle eastern muslim world is the result of geopolitics, political and economic underdevelopment, and ethnic conflict. consistent western intervention in the region for well over the past 100 years has exacerbated the ethnic conflict and stayed the economic underdevelopment.

didn't i swear never to respond to you again? well maybe you'll read this. i think i've been clear and non-confrontational. hopefully you respond with your own individual thoughts on the matter, as opposed to a bevy of emoticons, insults, and rehashed arguments.

10-23-2014, 09:56 AM
ughh i didn't even read your whole wall of txt so if i missed something feel free to make a cliff note about it, because you always type so much dancing around BS in your explanations, and rarely if ever to the point......but anyways scriptures DO change. religions DO change. how things are interpreted have become very watered down over inital tenets with most faiths every generation, and changed to be more applicable to current realities.

that is basically one of the bigger reasons probably why Christianity has much less fundamentalists than the Islamists, who have a lot more that hold on to their books fundamentalist beliefs. I also disagree with the parallel people here obfuscate that the Christian Bible preaches just as much violence and intolerance of others as the Koran. People here always exaggerate degree's in differences between everything, and always pretending like everything is the same.

Nick Young
10-23-2014, 10:03 AM
Also, the old testament has a lot of violent passages, and then later in the new testament Jesus comes along and preaches against violence and hatred, so a lot of that stuff in the old testament gets thrown aside in favour of Jesus.

The koran is the opposite.

It starts off peaceful, and then later in the book has pro-violence and encourages spreading terror in the name of furthering Islam.

The instructions in the Koran, whenever a contradiction comes up, are to follow whatever passage comes later in the book, which MEANS if you wish to follow the Koran properly, as in how the prophet of Islam Mohammad wished for it to be followed, you will ignore the earlier peaceful parts and follow the violent passages that come later.

That is-if you wish to be an extremist fundamentalist.

10-23-2014, 12:05 PM


10-23-2014, 12:12 PM
So, a garbage article from a piece of shit website from 2011 is this breaking "source" that 9er wants us to hear about all of a sudden?

Why isn't this idiot banned?

10-23-2014, 12:35 PM
Yes western non-muslim hipsters who wear keffiyehs like yourself are quite LOL LOL LOL worthy:cheers:

It is sad when people try to turn a symbol of terrorist parties PLO and Hamas in to a fashionable item of clothing, and then force themselves to embrace the terrorist ideology in order to justify their wearing of the item.

lol Just ignore Rodonks and Nannies and report them when they get out of line again. They proved to everyone yesterday they're nothing but trolls that don't provide any valuable input to a topic. Plus they obviously hate Jewish people so even more reason. Not even worth responding to any more.

10-23-2014, 12:41 PM
the day Christians are the issue of sooo many muslim extremists of today, and all types of dumb ass young kids are flocking to muslim extremism, unlike Christian kids, is the day you can legit make that parallel :rolleyes:

just like mf'ers always trying to bring up the Crusades. you mf'ers know how loong ago that shit was? hhow the fukk do people use shit so inapplicable to today to justify today's issues predominantly based on the Muslim religion, and what many young Muslims are teaching and getting from it?

i'll never understand the ridiculous arguments people make here contrary to current reality and today's issues. its like people are purposely using obvious inapplicable BS to excuse whats obviously a major issue. some MF'ers here can't ever be straight up :pimp:
It's actually part of the moslem geehot if you ever look into it. The moslems who don't want to get their hands bloody but still want to support "the cause" will be inclined to get on the Internet and "fight the infidels" using their words. I think that's what we are seeing here at ISH. They're kind of like Ebola though, you never know when they might mutate into the moslem terrorist type eventually any way due to dissatisfaction.

10-23-2014, 12:43 PM

That last pic looks like a homicide bomb not a parachute.

10-23-2014, 12:51 PM
That last pic looks like a homicide bomb not a parachute.

10-23-2014, 03:14 PM
It's actually not as big of a deal in the US. Overall, Muslims here aren't as religious as they are in Europe and only make up 1% of the population. It's Europe that I'm scared of. I have a bad feeling that within the next 20 years, the United States is going to be forced to "liberate" certain countries that have been taken completely over

10-23-2014, 03:22 PM
u mean smacking children for misbehaving? Sure.

commiting mass genocide against locals? In your wildest foolish agenda-driven dreams.


10-23-2014, 03:24 PM
I've been to about 10-12 mosques in the tri-state area and 0 have taught me to be violent.

imdaman99 did a study over 25 years long and came to the conclusion that 0% of the mosques promoted violence.

Dem stats :rockon:

10-23-2014, 03:36 PM
I've been to about 10-12 mosques in the tri-state area and 0 have taught me to be violent.

imdaman99 did a study over 25 years long and came to the conclusion that 0% of the mosques promoted violence.

Dem stats :rockon:


This is getting absurd and eerie.

I've done about 500-1000 khutbahs in my heyday. They all revolve around the basic moral lessons, 5 pillars and variations.... Like either a) separating yourself from wordly pleasures and partaking in more Sala or b) raising more money for humanitarian causes or c) the concept of the right angel on the shoulder and left angel, chase virtue avoid sin d) Preserve the Earth e) Love your parents blah blah

What's even stranger is that we're commanded to be Truthful, because the Truth will set you free.

And here we have this scallywag. This guy who has contributed nothing to ISH, nothing to anyone IRL aside from his irritating cocky personality and now is hashing the same sh!t over and over again and flooding this once glorious beacon with annoying antagonistic sh!t. Has anyone ever really really felt threatened by Muslims, at least in the States? Is this paranoia even warrantd.

And now you have the local middle aged alcoholic mispelling hick who is equally retarded (a commendable feat indeed!). These bozos could be spending their energy fixing their personal issues, but they're just as dumb as the dudes in the Middle East thinking the West is the cause of all their political, social, economical turmoil. A complete cluster**** throughout.

I can understand Nick proliferating anti-Islamic remarks because he HAS VISITED Egypt and yes the people behave quite low class over there.(not alone) . but he's got the wherewithal to appreciate the Kurds.

But thsi guy 9erempire. He's completely useless. A fraud. A Liar. An Imposter. A complete and total tool.

10-23-2014, 03:37 PM
I've been to about 10-12 mosques in the tri-state area and 0 have taught me to be violent.

imdaman99 did a study over 25 years long and came to the conclusion that 0% of the mosques promoted violence.

Dem stats :rockon:

lol @ going to 10-12 in the Tri-State area when these guys have been to a bunch all over the nation with a larger sample size.

10-23-2014, 03:43 PM

This is getting absurd and eerie.

I've done about 500-1000 khutbahs in my heyday. They all revolve around the basic moral lessons, 5 pillars and variations.... Like either a) separating yourself from wordly pleasures and partaking in more Sala or b) raising more money for humanitarian causes or c) the concept of the right angel on the shoulder and left angel, chase virtue avoid sin d) Preserve the Earth e) Love your parents blah blah

What's even stranger is that we're commanded to be Truthful, because the Truth will set you free.

And here we have this scallywag. This guy who has contributed nothing to ISH, nothing to anyone IRL aside from his irritating cocky personality and now is hashing the same sh!t over and over again and flooding this once glorious beacon with annoying antagonistic sh!t. Has anyone ever really really felt threatened by Muslims, at least in the States? Is this paranoia even warrantd.

And now you have the local middle aged alcoholic mispelling hick who is equally retarded (a commendable feat indeed!). These bozos could be spending their energy fixing their personal issues, but they're just as dumb as the dudes in the Middle East thinking the West is the cause of all their political, social, economical turmoil. A complete cluster**** throughout.

I can understand Nick proliferating anti-Islamic remarks because he HAS VISITED Egypt and yes the people behave quite low class over there.(not alone) . but he's got the wherewithal to appreciate the Kurds.

But thsi guy 9erempire. He's completely useless. A fraud. A Liar. An Imposter. A complete and total tool.

You can come on here and accuse me of this and that but the fact of the matter is, you so-called peaceful Muslims on ISH have been defending these scums of the world rather than condemning them for what they do or preach.

I don't hate Muslims and I don't think they are all violent but you peaceful ones like to defend them. :facepalm

10-23-2014, 03:54 PM
You can come on here and accuse me of this and that but the fact of the matter is, you so-called peaceful Muslims on ISH have been defending these scums of the world rather than condemning them for what they do or preach.

I don't hate Muslims and I don't think they are all violent but you peaceful ones like to defend them. :facepalm

Blah Blah Blah Blah.

You're nothing. Your brain is useless. Your consciousness is misdirecting.

No one's defending anyone jackass because humans are only responsible FOR THEMSELVES. That's called individual accountability you brainwashed useless little fukk. I don't expect a single black Caribbean poster here to be under any kind of grilling for the actions of the Jamaican guy who stabbed that 18 year old girl and I don't expect Ridonks or macmac to be grilled for the atrocities committed by the jews.

You're the guy who thinks he's some kind of Shepherd protecting the Sheep, but in reality you're the lying little hypeman behind the scenes of Jaws trying to depict the Shark as a fearsome predator with complete disregard for the fact that there are so few shark deaths a year. Just a bunch of bologna and color getting everybody stressed out and distracted. A diversion. And a D- one at that.

I give you two options dipsh!t.
A) Find the real killer (heart disease, prostate cancer etc) and do something noble and work your azz off to saving mankind
B) Personally go around mosques and start attacking them to provoke them to see how savage and hateful they are.. lol.

Just shut the fakk up useless boy and back to finding a new angle of comedy/fear to draw the attention you crave in your useless little world, twerp.

The chances of an American being murdered or hurt by another Muslim American is about as large as the chances of you ever being a truthful useful human being.

10-23-2014, 03:55 PM
You can come on here and accuse me of this and that but the fact of the matter is, you so-called peaceful Muslims on ISH have been defending these scums of the world rather than condemning them for what they do or preach.

I don't hate Muslims and I don't think they are all violent but you peaceful ones like to defend them. :facepalm
You got ****ing wrecked in your own thread. Please retire.

10-23-2014, 03:58 PM
B) Personally go around mosques and start attacking them to provoke them to see how savage and hateful they are.. lol.

Are you saying your ideology is violent then? See how savage and hateful they are?:oldlol:

It comes as no surprise to see you post with so much anger and animosity, just look at the use of language and the tone of your post.

No violence. Right.:rolleyes:

10-23-2014, 03:59 PM
You got ****ing wrecked in your own thread. Please retire.

Go eat a Dodger dog and relax bro.

10-23-2014, 04:00 PM
Are you saying your ideology is violent then? See how savage and hateful they are?:oldlol:

It comes as no surprise to see you post with so much anger and animosity, just look at the use of language and the tone of your post.

No violence. Right.:rolleyes:
You literally have no reading comprehension skill.

That or you're so oblivious to reality that you are a danger to yourself and those around you.

Should I call the police to place you under 5150 hold? It really sounds like I should.

10-23-2014, 04:05 PM
You literally have no reading comprehension skill.

That or you're so oblivious to reality that you are a danger to yourself and those around you.

Should I call the police to place you under 5150 hold? It really sounds like I should.

Don't you have cell phones to fix?

10-23-2014, 04:50 PM

This is getting absurd and eerie.

I've done about 500-1000 khutbahs in my heyday. They all revolve around the basic moral lessons, 5 pillars and variations.... Like either a) separating yourself from wordly pleasures and partaking in more Sala or b) raising more money for humanitarian causes or c) the concept of the right angel on the shoulder and left angel, chase virtue avoid sin d) Preserve the Earth e) Love your parents blah blah

See that right there, 9erempire, is how you know you're dealing with a so-called "moderate" moslem. He doesn't take the teaching of his religion as seriously as the true moslems out there beheading and raping people. Either that or he's too embarrassed by what his religion teaches to just leave them as is. He had to add "bla bla" at the end in order to distance himself from them.

What's even stranger is that we're commanded to be Truthful, because the Truth will set you free.

yack yack
yada yada yada :oldlol: Beware of those that come to you as messengers of truth, but underneath they are ravenous wolves. It's part of their geehawt to lie to the "infidels" and claim it as truth. Because they're lying to the infidels it doesn't count as a sin according to their delusions. :rolleyes:


10-24-2014, 06:15 AM
Are you saying your ideology is violent then? See how savage and hateful they are?:oldlol:

It comes as no surprise to see you post with so much anger and animosity, just look at the use of language and the tone of your post.

No violence. Right.:rolleyes:
shut the **** up retard

Nick Young
10-24-2014, 06:23 AM

This is getting absurd and eerie.

I've done about 500-1000 khutbahs in my heyday. They all revolve around the basic moral lessons, 5 pillars and variations.... Like either a) separating yourself from wordly pleasures and partaking in more Sala or b) raising more money for humanitarian causes or c) the concept of the right angel on the shoulder and left angel, chase virtue avoid sin d) Preserve the Earth e) Love your parents blah blah

What's even stranger is that we're commanded to be Truthful, because the Truth will set you free.

And here we have this scallywag. This guy who has contributed nothing to ISH, nothing to anyone IRL aside from his irritating cocky personality and now is hashing the same sh!t over and over again and flooding this once glorious beacon with annoying antagonistic sh!t. Has anyone ever really really felt threatened by Muslims, at least in the States? Is this paranoia even warrantd.

And now you have the local middle aged alcoholic mispelling hick who is equally retarded (a commendable feat indeed!). These bozos could be spending their energy fixing their personal issues, but they're just as dumb as the dudes in the Middle East thinking the West is the cause of all their political, social, economical turmoil. A complete cluster**** throughout.

I can understand Nick proliferating anti-Islamic remarks because he HAS VISITED Egypt and yes the people behave quite low class over there.(not alone) . but he's got the wherewithal to appreciate the Kurds.

But thsi guy 9erempire. He's completely useless. A fraud. A Liar. An Imposter. A complete and total tool.
I know most Muslims are genuine good people just like the other big religions, probably 99.9% of the ones raised in the west are just normal people who want to get on with it, but over there in the middle east it is completely different culture with the Imams shouting death to Americas, death to Jews, all damn day long and the people treating western women like sex dolls, that is what I'm against.

For a majority of it's history Islamic ideas in the arab world created a pretty progressive empire that was more tolerant then the rest of the world at the time was, it is the past 100 years by my reckoning that this new philosophy of violence and hatred is starting to take a stronger and stronger grip. And because most of these people in the middle east have no education other then what they hear from the Imams, they are raised to blindly follow and believe this violent philosophy.

Now those people, raised in those conditions are moving out west and trying to implement their hateful version of Islam, from what I see. And the Western governments are afraid to do anything to stop it, for fear of being branded islamaphobic. That is what I'm worried about. Islam used to be the most tolerant and progressive of the major religions, but the past 100 years, bad shit has been going down and militant fundamentalism is starting to take over.

In the 50s and 60s, Al-Husseini wiped out and murdered all progressive Muslim leaders who preached tolerance and acceptance of non-Muslims in the middle east, I dunno how that culture of silencing opposition through violence is going to change, or what will be the catalyst.

03-23-2016, 06:50 PM
Damn this was in 2014.

How many years till I can say 'I told you so'