View Full Version : Serious Question: How much is on the line for GOATbrook?

10-23-2014, 02:13 PM
I was thinking about this earlier today.

If he stars as the main guy, and OKC puts up a good record, does he claim the throne as the undisputed 3rd best player in the league? I know that a lot of ISH posters put him there, but there is always the media- and coach-driven faction that puts him at least behind Chris Paul, and sometimes even Blake.

If they are just "okay" is he just a top 5-7 player who can sometimes look like a top 3 player?

What if they suck? Surely he is top 10, but how far will he drop in peoples' minds?

10-23-2014, 02:14 PM
He's #1 in my heart no matter what

10-23-2014, 02:59 PM
Westbrook could put up 10/3/2 on 10% shooting with no wins until Durant comes back and he'll still be top 5 to me. In fact, I might blame Durant for not being there when they needed him.

10-23-2014, 03:20 PM
Hes top 3-5 along with C Paul, Griffin,

10-23-2014, 07:42 PM
What I wanna know is, why cant they or the clips win when having 2 of the supposed top 5 players in the league on their team.