View Full Version : If Kobe averages 25, 5, and 5, is he the 2nd GOAT?

10-28-2014, 06:57 PM
If Kobe somehow manages to do what has never been done before, which is defeat father time, is he 2nd to Jordan? What I mean is, if he averages 25, 5, and 5 and makes the playoffs with maybe the worst roster of his career.

I say yes.

No player in his 19th season has ever had a better season than 25, 5, and 5.

10-28-2014, 06:59 PM
Averaging 25/5/5 on a team that wins 32 games isn't going to impress anyone.

Edit: Having now seen this first game of the season...I was stretching with 32 wins.

10-28-2014, 07:01 PM
Thats basically James Harden numbers

Is James Harden the GOAT?

exactly so no

10-28-2014, 07:03 PM
Thats basically James Harden numbers

Is James Harden the GOAT?

exactly so no
I wasn't aware James Harden was 36+ years old, 19 seasons into his NBA career.

Thanks for letting me know!

10-28-2014, 07:05 PM
I wasn't aware James Harden was 36+ years old, 19 seasons into his NBA career.

Thanks for letting me know!

He certainly moves like he is

10-28-2014, 10:29 PM
Thats basically James Harden numbers

Is James Harden the GOAT?

exactly so no

You seem shook.

10-28-2014, 10:30 PM
You seem shook.

PM me

10-28-2014, 10:30 PM
PM me

Absolutely not.

10-28-2014, 10:31 PM
makes no sense. Lets enter kobe into the paraolympics.

If kobe loses an arm and leg, and averages 5,1,1 is he the greatest player ever?

It doesn't MATTER what kobe averages. They wont be elite numbers. His prime is gone, he is heading to the retirement home and the lakers will suck.

10-29-2014, 12:48 AM
I love these threads.

If Wade lost a pinky and averaged 32/7/7 this season, would he be the GOAT?

That's how these threads sound to me. It's funny as hell.

10-29-2014, 12:49 AM