View Full Version : Tony Allen Slaps Cameraman

11-04-2014, 10:25 AM

damn wtf lol..

Not sure he realized what he was doing and may have been caught up in emotions and a playing zone.. But doesn't look good the way he didnt even give a **** lol

11-04-2014, 10:34 AM
he apologized right after, while the FT's were happening

11-04-2014, 10:36 AM

Camera man at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I don't think he meant to hit the guy, but I think he was just angry and slapped the camera. Doesn't look like the camera man was injured. However, he did start holding his nose. If the camera was injured, in any way, he should have to buy the guy a brand new one.

11-04-2014, 11:26 AM
he apologized right after, while the FT's were happening

Good to hear

11-04-2014, 11:29 AM
Shit, didn't see this thread. :oldlol:

Tony's apology was weak. He was by the FT line and put his hand up. He gave a half-assed apology on Twitter too.

Suspend his ass. He's a professional NBA player who assaulted an innocent employee. If he were a Spur I'd expect his ass to be traded.

11-04-2014, 11:31 AM
At least I get why Dennis Rodman kicked a cameraman (nearly spraining his ankle thanks to him)...this is just nuts

you gonna slap him for doing his job?

11-04-2014, 11:32 AM
At least I get why Dennis Rodman kicked a cameraman (nearly spraining his ankle thanks to him)...this is just nuts

you gonna slap him for doing his job?

Not to mention, the Rodman guy milked it so much you hated him.

Didn't Dennis pay him like half a mil?

11-04-2014, 11:35 AM
Not to mention, the Rodman guy milked it so much you hated him.

Didn't Dennis pay him like half a mil?

I remember reading this, but from the video you can see he slightly kicked his leg then a moment later the guy is basically dead on the floor with his hands on his nuts :oldlol:

checked it up: he was suspended 11 games and paid cameraman 200k

11-04-2014, 11:57 AM
Props to the camera guy for being cool about it, he didn't seem to care much.

11-04-2014, 11:58 AM
:wtf: What was that for?

I was expecting one of those situations where the player trips over a camera guy, and then acts as though it's somehow the camera man's fault that they got hurt. That's a stupid way to behave, but it at least makes sense, in a dumb animal instinct kind of way; toddlers can be observed striking inanimate objects in retaliation, after tripping over them.

In this case, it looks like he just smacked a random camera guy, because he was called for a foul.

11-04-2014, 12:00 PM
What an asshole.

He deserves a suspension or at least a heavy fine.

11-04-2014, 12:06 PM

Camera man at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I don't think he meant to hit the guy, but I think he was just angry and slapped the camera. Doesn't look like the camera man was injured. However, he did start holding his nose. If the camera was injured, in any way, he should have to buy the guy a brand new one.

This. it doesnt look like he was trying to assault the cameraman at all. he committed a foul and got angry because it was his third one. And yeah, he should still probably buy the guy a new camera

11-04-2014, 12:16 PM
This. it doesnt look like he was trying to assault the cameraman at all. he committed a foul and got angry because it was his third one. And yeah, he should still probably buy the guy a new camera

He shouted at the camera/camera man, paused to give him a quick glance, and struck him.

11-04-2014, 12:20 PM
I don't think it was malicious, but the recklessness does deserve a suspension.

11-04-2014, 12:27 PM
That Idiot also pretty much kicked Paul in the face. He needs to be heavily fined until he learns to control himself. His look on the way back was pretty funny though. He was like: "WTF am I doing, man! They gonna suspend me!"

And lol at "buy the guy a new camera". He's probably employed at a TV station, so the camera wouldnt be his in the first place.

11-04-2014, 12:40 PM
TA zoning the **** out right there. :oldlol: Dick move that deserves a heavy fine and/or suspension.

Mass Debator
11-04-2014, 12:45 PM
Top 10 perimeter defender of all time

11-04-2014, 01:08 PM
Cameraman deserved it, though. Dude shouldn't be in the way when a player gets riled up after picking up a foul.

11-04-2014, 01:10 PM
Lol @ the cameraman flopped comments on youtube :roll:

11-04-2014, 01:39 PM
lack of self control. on such a big stage too, should know better. it happens to the best of em, I suppose.

11-04-2014, 01:40 PM
He shouted at the camera/camera man, paused to give him a quick glance, and struck him.

he wasnt shouting at the cameraman. he was shouting because he committed a foul. he starts shouting before he's even looking in the direction of the cameraman and that quick glance was a glance towards the camera. he still should be fined because you need to have better control of yourself than that but he wasnt trying to intentionally hurt that guy

edit: according to one of the utube comments. cameraguy says it's all good and tony allen apologized twice


11-04-2014, 01:45 PM
What a piece of shiit, why on earth he just attacks the guy who wasn't bothering him or something. Suspension + fine is what NBA should do. And the camera will process him for sure.

11-04-2014, 01:50 PM
he wasnt shouting at the cameraman. he was shouting because he committed a foul. he starts shouting before he's even looking in the direction of the cameraman and that quick glance was a glance towards the camera. he still should be fined because you need to have better control of yourself than that but he wasnt trying to intentionally hurt that guy

He does start before he looks. But he looks at the cameraman and says, "Why? Why? Why?" Right at the end of that he raises his hand towards his head and throws it back down.

He tried to hit the guy, plain and simple. Not a knee-jerk reaction. The guy didn't even do anything.

Fine, suspension, lost a lot of respect for him. A professional athlete, a veteran, shouldn't be so stupid. It was a home cameraman too.

11-04-2014, 01:58 PM
He does start before he looks. But he looks at the cameraman and says, "Why? Why? Why?" Right at the end of that he raises his hand towards his head and throws it back down.

He tried to hit the guy, plain and simple. Not a knee-jerk reaction. The guy didn't even do anything.

Fine, suspension, lost a lot of respect for him. A professional athlete, a veteran, shouldn't be so stupid. It was a home cameraman too.

apparently. he didnt hit the camera guy he hit the camera. anyway, i guess we just see things differently because i dont see any malice in tony's actions towards that guy that you do

11-04-2014, 02:54 PM
apparently. he didnt hit the camera guy he hit the camera. anyway, i guess we just see things differently because i dont see any malice in tony's actions towards that guy that you do

The guy was looking through the Viewfinder while Allen hit the camera. He could get an eye injury due to this dumbass getting mad about a foul call. Luckily the camera just seemed to brush his nose.

MJ(Mean John)
11-04-2014, 05:17 PM
Shit, didn't see this thread. :oldlol:

Tony's apology was weak. He was by the FT line and put his hand up. He gave a half-assed apology on Twitter too.

Suspend his ass. He's a professional NBA player who assaulted an innocent employee. If he were a Spur I'd expect his ass to be traded.

*He Battered an innocent employee.