View Full Version : Tell me how stupid this bet is

11-08-2014, 01:34 PM
I bet the Rockets to win the finals He bet the Cavs to win
If neither win, no one wins or loses
Doesn't matter if they match up in the finals or not

11-08-2014, 01:52 PM
did you make this bet with your imaginary friend?

11-08-2014, 01:53 PM
did you make this bet with your imaginary friend?

:roll: :roll:

Stempel, HERB
11-08-2014, 01:54 PM
One team has a much clearer path to the finals than the other. You made a bad decision if any substantial amount of money is involved. Otherwise, who gives a shit :confusedshrug:

Mr Exlax
11-08-2014, 01:56 PM
Bro the Rox won't even sniff the Finals at this point. We're too thin on our bench.

11-08-2014, 01:58 PM
One team has a much clearer path to the finals than the other. You made a bad decision if any substantial amount of money is involved. Otherwise, who gives a shit :confusedshrug:
Basically this. West is tough , East is only Chicago and maybe a surprise team like the Wizards? Another thing , Lebron could go beast mode and carry the Cavs , I don't see the Rockets getting THAT much better.

11-08-2014, 02:24 PM
Cavs suck, you made a good bet.

11-08-2014, 02:36 PM
Bro the Rox won't even sniff the Finals at this point. We're too thin on our bench.

A deep bench doesn't matter in the playoffs. They'll be fine.

Mr Exlax
11-08-2014, 02:40 PM
A deep bench doesn't matter in the playoffs. They'll be fine.

We're too thin. We're gonna run Harden and Howard into the ground during the regular season. We don't need tons of depth, but at least a little would help.

11-08-2014, 02:53 PM
I think the Cavs still have a chance

The RoX tho? lol hell no

11-08-2014, 02:57 PM
Harden hasn't proved himself in post season play.

D12 isn't a consistent go to guy.

Lebron has.

Love is.

Terrible bet.

11-08-2014, 02:58 PM
Harden hasn't proved himself in post season play.

As much as I despise Harden and want someone to punch him HARD in the stomach when he's charging to the hoop for a foul, he did prove himself against the Spurs when he was still on the Thunder. He wasn't "the man," but he did step up and was the deciding factor in that series. The Thunder have been an abject failure ever since he was traded.

11-08-2014, 07:22 PM
my drunk reasoning is that the Cavs would get playoff jitters and shit the bed. Lebron is a mental midget that can't take over like Jordan or Kobe.

Worst case scenario in my imagination is that they reach the finals but run into the juggernauts of the west.

Now the Rocks, have the best big man and SG... defensive hounds at the 1 and 3 and pretty competent at the 4, no idea about their bench either

I only bet 800 and to a good friend, we usually do friendly regular season bets but my hatred for his gay fandom to Lebron overrided my logic

11-08-2014, 07:26 PM
a buddy of mine bet me $100 that the thunder would win last year. i took him up on it immediately. yes i'll take 29 teams and you can take 1. lol

not a stupid bet that you made. low risk high reward reason to route for random contender. i don't think the rockets will pay you out, but still a great dark horse to choose.

11-08-2014, 07:29 PM
In my opinion anyone who comes out of the West this year wins it all but 2 things to consider:
1- I don't think Rockets will win the West
2- Cavs has a much easier path to the finals and who knows maybe they figured it out by then and win it all.

11-08-2014, 07:38 PM
Rule #1: Never bet against LeBron James.

11-08-2014, 07:51 PM
Rule #1: Never bet against LeBron James.

heh, he aint no Jordan, aint no Kobe, aint no Shaq... etc etc

he failed 3/5 times...

I like my bet

11-08-2014, 08:07 PM
heh, he aint no Jordan, aint no Kobe, aint no Shaq... etc etc

he failed 3/5 times...

I like my bet
Okay. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

blood yes
11-08-2014, 08:36 PM
heh, he aint no Jordan, aint no Kobe, aint no Shaq... etc etc

he failed 3/5 times...

I like my bet
Not a LeBron fan by ANY means but you have got to be a ****ing dumbass. Either that or ur lying.

LeBron's 48 point game against Detroit in 2007 (NBA record 25 points in a row, Wilt hasn't even done it) is one of the greatest playoff performances of all time.

LeBron, along with Kobe, Shaq, and Duncan have been the 4 best players of the 21st century. To bet against him for HarEn and Dwight is a terrible idea.

Say goodbye to 800 dollars you ****tard:roll:

11-08-2014, 09:10 PM
Not a LeBron fan by ANY means but you have got to be a ****ing dumbass. Either that or ur lying.

LeBron's 48 point game against Detroit in 2007 (NBA record 25 points in a row, Wilt hasn't even done it) is one of the greatest playoff performances of all time.

LeBron, along with Kobe, Shaq, and Duncan have been the 4 best players of the 21st century. To bet against him for HarEn and Dwight is a terrible idea.

Say goodbye to 800 dollars you ****tard:roll:

800 is a drop in my oil tanker....

keep trolling