View Full Version : How do you feel about Rose's Comments?

11-12-2014, 11:16 AM

Rose: "I know a lot of people get mad when they see me sit out or whatever, but I think a lot of people don't understand that ..."

Rose: "When I sit out it's not because of this year. I'm thinking about long term. I'm thinking about after I'm done with basketball."

Rose: "Having graduations to go to, having meetings to go to, I don't want to be in my meetings all sore."

Rose: "Or be at my son's graduation all sore just because of something I did in the past. (I'm) just learning and being smart."

He's been taking a lot of shit this morning for saying this stuff.

Is Rose a lost cause? What do Chicago fans think?

11-12-2014, 11:25 AM
I think he's talking about an early retirement. Rose is really hurt, and playing basketball is no longer a long term goal. He's already a millionaire NBA athlete.

Hey Yo
11-12-2014, 11:26 AM
What a complete douche. Try actually "working" for a living.

He needs a new profession like telemarketing if he's worried about being sore in his 40's

Bless Mathews
11-12-2014, 11:38 AM
What a complete douche. Try actually "working" for a living.

He needs a new profession like telemarketing if he's worried about being sore in his 40's



Yea, because making other people millions and millions of dollars isn't working.

Get your head out yo ass.

Rose been working at his craft since he's 6 years old.

Good for rose thinking about his future.

You selfish fans , grow up. Appreciate the dude when he's on the court.


11-12-2014, 11:43 AM
My cuz in Chicago who eats, sleeps, and breathes Chicago Bulls told me that it's basically his brother Reggie telling him what to say. He also told me Rose is almost illiterate so he couldn't really come out with sentences on his own. I think it's safe to say my cuz is giving up on him.

11-12-2014, 11:44 AM
I think everyone has known for a while now that Rose doesn't have that Kobe-type of mindset, where you play through pain and will do anything to win.

And honestly, that's fine, not everybody can think like that or guys liike Kobe wouldn't be so special.

He shouldn't have said all this publicly though, it does nothing but fuel his haters and depress his fans.

11-12-2014, 11:50 AM
He had a good game against the Pistons. I don't undertstand why he felt depressed. He will no longer be the same player as his MVP season, but he's averaging 18 ppg, and 6 apg. It's still a solid statsline.

11-12-2014, 11:56 AM
It feels as though Rose is saying he does not want to play through certain injuries that may lead to long term pain and suffering for the rest of his life. I do not have a problem with that. Most people (myself often included) tend to only think about the present when it comes to injuries ("If I can play through the pain, I'm playing") but that's not always a great idea.

I did that last July (2013) after spraining my ankle. I almost immediately re-sprained it. It hasn't been pain-free since. I'm beginning to get the feeling that it's going to be a life issue. Not the coolest notion in the world.

I do not believe a multi-million dollar contract means one must knowingly risk their future health and well-being.

I think Grant Hill's story is relevant here:
“I don’t think anybody really knows I started to have ankle problems at the end of the 1999-2000 season, probably mid-March,” Hill said. “I was still able to go out and play. I still played well, but I was getting a lot of treatment. It was certainly bothering me. As we got closer to the end of the season, my ankle was really getting worse. I was missing practice. To the point where we had a nationally televised game against Philadelphia and I just pulled myself. My ankle was just killing me. We get back, we get an MRI. They say it’s a bone bruise.”

Hill rested the final three games of the regular season and returned to the lineup for the Miami playoff series.

“It’s still bothering me,” Hill said. “I pull myself in the third quarter. They put me on some heavy medication and we had a long break between Game 1 and Game 2. While I was on this medication I felt great. Obviously it was masking the pain. Went out and played in Game 2 and I felt a pop in the second quarter, continued on in the third quarter and couldn’t go on. When we got back, we found out it was broken.

“I (had been) told everything was fine. I even found out that certain team doctors were questioning whether I was really hurt, thinking I was soft or whatever. This was after I had pulled myself from Game 2 against the Heat. At that time, when I found out I had broken my ankle, as crazy as this sounds, I was relieved. I finally had some confirmation, I finally had proof that I’m really not making it up.”

Hill said Isiah Thomas’ long shadow might have affected the way the Pistons dealt with his injury.

“There was a standard in Detroit and that standard was Isiah,” Hill said. “He grew up in Chicago. He was tough. He played hurt. He had that great game against the Lakers in the Finals (on a twisted ankle). He was the face of the franchise and I’m sort of the exact opposite. I’m sure there were Isiah supporters within the organization. Who knows? I can only speculate. But it was like no matter what I did, it wasn’t as good as Isiah....

“I wasn’t trying to prove how tough I am. I was just trying to win.”http://www.foxsports.com/nba/story/grant-hill-says-detroit-orlando-mismanaged-injuries-042711

11-12-2014, 11:57 AM
Hating Rose is so 2011/2012. You can hate on Ballinhun8 and other rosetards, but rose is a good man.

11-12-2014, 12:02 PM

critical basketball fans: "his reckless style of play are the cause of his injuries, he needs to slow down a bit"

rose: "im going to tone down my play and be more cautious to ensure i have longevity"

critical basketball fans: "how dare he not give it 100 percent every game, he should retire"

11-12-2014, 12:06 PM

critical basketball fans: "his reckless style of play are the cause of his injuries, he needs to slow down a bit"

rose: "im going to tone down my play and be more cautious to ensure i have longevity"

critical basketball fans: "how dare he not give it 100 percent every game, he should retire"

hahahahah, so true

Hey Yo
11-12-2014, 12:11 PM


Yea, because making other people millions and millions of dollars isn't working.

Get your head out yo ass.

Rose been working at his craft since he's 6 years old.

Good for rose thinking about his future.

You selfish fans , grow up. Appreciate the dude when he's on the court.

Tell that to the "hard working guy" who dropped a grand to bring his wife and two kids to see "superstar" Rose play, but he decides NOT to be on the court because he doesn't want to be sore in his 40's.

I don't wanna be sore....:cry: :cry:

11-12-2014, 12:12 PM
geez, its not like he's earl campbell out there slamming into people and getting thrown around. name me one nba player who has become a cripple or has had major physical problems after basketball. i have no sympathy for a multi millionaire complaining about a little future discomfort. millions of people suffer much more pain for much less.

Hey Yo
11-12-2014, 12:18 PM

critical basketball fans: "his reckless style of play are the cause of his injuries, he needs to slow down a bit"

rose: "im going to tone down my play and be more cautious to ensure i have longevity"

critical basketball fans: "how dare he not give it 100 percent every game, he should retire"
There's a difference between "toning down your game" to flat out "not playing tonight" because you don't want to be sore.

11-12-2014, 12:22 PM
geez, its not like he's earl campbell out there slamming into people and getting thrown around. name me one nba player who has become a cripple or has had major physical problems after basketball. i have no sympathy for a multi millionaire complaining about a little future discomfort. millions of people suffer much more pain for much less.I think there's a huge gap between living comfortably and being a cripple.

My father played football in high school and for a portion of his college life, resulting in two really jacked up knees. He still appeared to live a normal life, but it didn't mean he wasn't in pain and subject to not being able to do things than many others his age could. Ultimately, he had both knees replaced by the time he was 60.

I don't think fan see enough of former players to properly discern the toll the game took on their bodies. Just because someone may be walking from place to place doesn't mean they aren't feeling the effects of playing through that slightly torn ACL back in '88.

Hey Yo
11-12-2014, 12:22 PM
If you're Rose's teammate, making less than half than what Rose does and you hear him say this?? How's that gonna make you feel?

You gonna question how much this guy value's winning?

11-12-2014, 12:26 PM
There's a difference between "toning down your game" to flat out "not playing tonight" because you don't want to be sore.Derrick Rose is dealing with multiple injuries - to both ankles. Depending on the severity of the injury, playing through the malady could result in a more serious injury and possibly something that affects him down the road, contributing to the cumulative damage his body's bound to take regardless.

When Derrick references "sore", I do not believe he's talking about waking up the next morning and being like, "Ohhhhhhh, good workout yesterday, I'm feeling sore, son!" I think he's talking about, "Yeah, maybe playing while my ankle was jacked up 15 years ago in the early portion of the 2014-2015 regular season, leading to it becoming more jacked up and now hurting everyday when I wake up, was a bad choice."

11-12-2014, 12:28 PM
He's the anti-Kobe

11-12-2014, 12:28 PM
I personally think he didn't have to go so hard in his statements. Just telling people you rest every other game to keep fresh or monitor your injuries is fine.

This dude flat out said he's thinking of retirement.

11-12-2014, 12:32 PM
If you're Rose's teammate, making less than half than what Rose does and you hear him say this?? How's that gonna make you feel?

You gonna question how much this guy value's winning?To be completely honest, if Rose were my teammate and he said that, I think there's a good chance I'd understand where he was coming from.

I think almost every player quickly realizes, once they reach the league, that the NBA is about winning... but it's also very much about business and life. These guys are playing a game they grew up loving, but now it's for the sake of their livelihood.

I think that's also why there's not often discord over salaries between players. They understand each player is out there trying to earn for the sake of their own lives and family. We'd love to believe winning is something every player, coach and team is always consumed with, but that is not true. There's an understanding that first and foremost it's a job, where they're trying to get what they can, while they can, since most will complete the most important employment of their life by the time they're hovering around age 30.

Real Men Wear Green
11-12-2014, 12:33 PM
His stance is understandable. But if you're part of the Bulls organization it's nothing you want to hear. Can't do a thing about it right now but next time he's a free agent you don't pay him the max.

Charlie Sheen
11-12-2014, 12:36 PM


Yea, because making other people millions and millions of dollars isn't working.

Get your head out yo ass.

Rose been working at his craft since he's 6 years old.

Good for rose thinking about his future.

You selfish fans , grow up. Appreciate the dude when he's on the court.


Solid post. :applause:

Hey Yo
11-12-2014, 12:50 PM
Derrick Rose is dealing with multiple injuries - to both ankles. Depending on the severity of the injury, playing through the malady could result in a more serious injury and possibly something that affects him down the road, contributing to the cumulative damage his body's bound to take regardless.

When Derrick references "sore", I do not believe he's talking about waking up the next morning and being like, "Ohhhhhhh, good workout yesterday, I'm feeling sore, son!" I think he's talking about, "Yeah, maybe playing while my ankle was jacked up 15 years ago in the early portion of the 2014-2015 regular season, leading to it becoming more jacked up and now hurting everyday when I wake up, was a bad choice."
I understand where youre coming from and do realize his ankles are jacked right now, so he should be sitting to get back to 100%. But his statement sounded as if even when healthy, he'll sit out games while looking at his future health. Kind of like Dwyane Wade's situation last season. That doesn't send the right message to your teammates. Especially those who have ailments of their own.

11-12-2014, 01:02 PM
I understand where youre coming from and do realize his ankles are jacked right now, so he should be sitting to get back to 100%. But his statement sounded as if even when healthy, he'll sit out games while looking at his future health. Kind of like Dwyane Wade's situation last season. That doesn't send the right message to your teammates. Especially those who have ailments of their own.I feel where you're coming from as well. Kind of a weird situation, for I believe there's at least some merit to both sides of the discussion.

Bless Mathews
11-12-2014, 01:35 PM
Tell that to the "hard working guy" who dropped a grand to bring his wife and two kids to see "superstar" Rose play, but he decides NOT to be on the court because he doesn't want to be sore in his 40's.

I don't wanna be sore....:cry: :cry:


Sounds like you and your family likes him. Respect him also.

He's not a circus sideshow, kept in a cage, who's sole purpose is to entertain society. He's a person, just like you. Don't call in sick next time you puking. Don't call in sick next time you got 100 degree temperature. Go to work dammit.


11-12-2014, 02:08 PM
To be completely honest, if Rose were my teammate and he said that, I think there's a good chance I'd understand where he was coming from.

I think almost every player quickly realizes, once they reach the league, that the NBA is about winning... but it's also very much about business and life. These guys are playing a game they grew up loving, but now it's for the sake of their livelihood.

I think that's also why there's not often discord over salaries between players. They understand each player is out there trying to earn for the sake of their own lives and family. We'd love to believe winning is something every player, coach and team is always consumed with, but that is not true. There's an understanding that first and foremost it's a job, where they're trying to get what they can, while they can, since most will complete the most important employment of their life by the time they're hovering around age 30.

I can only see this being relevant for players who are earning less than 4 mill a year. Aka not rose. When u earn as much as some of these players do, you have no ****ing excuse

11-12-2014, 02:09 PM
Well my sugar lebron has had a bad back his whole career and I dont see him complaining. Plus lebron took a pay cut and less years and actually plays, but thats for a dofferent discussion

11-12-2014, 02:29 PM
I would be livid hearing this after signing him to all that money .. his ass should be obligated to give back a portion of that contract for saying that shit .. even if you're thinking that, wtf would you say it :facepalm .. some people are fkn brain dead .. you're not being paid to sit out games and have that mindset smh .. rose is laughing at the bulls right now .. stealing money like candy from a jar

11-12-2014, 02:32 PM

Sounds like you and your family likes him. Respect him also.

He's not a circus sideshow, kept in a cage, who's sole purpose is to entertain society. He's a person, just like you. Don't call in sick next time you puking. Don't call in sick next time you got 100 degree temperature. Go to work dammit.


his sole purpose is to fkn entertain .. that's why they pay these people the way they do because people wanna watch them .. and how the fk are you gonna compare playing a fkn game and getting paid 100 million to do it to a piece of shit 9-5 dead end job .. :banghead:

Bless Mathews
11-12-2014, 02:39 PM
his sole purpose is to fkn entertain .. that's why they pay these people the way they do because people wanna watch them .. and how the fk are you gonna compare playing a fkn game and getting paid 100 million to do it to a piece of shit 9-5 dead end job .. :banghead:


Because rose makes people lots of money

Business 101 bruh.

Jesus. Addidas, the bulls, Gatorade, etc are non profit. I forgot.



11-12-2014, 02:42 PM
I would be livid hearing this after signing him to all that money .. his ass should be obligated to give back a portion of that contract for saying that shit .. even if you're thinking that, wtf would you say it :facepalm .. some people are fkn brain dead .. you're not being paid to sit out games and have that mindset smh .. rose is laughing at the bulls right now .. stealing money like candy from a jar

y would he say it??? ummmm because its a free country right?

and that makes him brain dead? being honest....not sugar coating how u feel about a situation makes u brain dead?

people are taking his comments out of context....he didnt say imma sit out a game wheneva i feel like it because im scared to play....where did he say that?

all he saying is if he ever feels discomfort he is gonna be smart about it and analyze the situation and if HE thinks its serious enough to warrant him to sit out he is....nobody knows how is body is feeling except for him and thats the crazy thing about the situation..people wanna compare him to kobe,mj and past greats like he suppose to be cut from their cloth....everybody doesnt haveto have that warrior mindset to play with certain ailments..but then again ive never heard of mj and kobe missing significant time earlier in their careers like drose....mj broke his foot his second season i think....that was it...kobe never was seriously hurt till he hit his 30's.

11-12-2014, 02:42 PM
He should never said it publicly, he comes off as a biitch.

11-12-2014, 03:05 PM
The timing of his comments couldn't have been worse. Like Rose, but if he's real worried about his post-career future that he doesn't want to sacrifice and play through pain anymore, especially given he's just 26, then he doesn't deserve to be the Bulls #1 guy (even if he is,) because that's the antithesis of what a leader does.

11-12-2014, 03:12 PM
Rose is socially retarded, not sure why people are surprised when he says something dumb..
I think he'll be ok later with the 3-500 million he's made from sometimes playing ball:cheers:

11-12-2014, 03:40 PM
No wonder this guy sits out for general "soreness" ... jesus, everyone feels sore after rigorous athletic competition. I think his comments wreak of dramatization. He's acting like he's a RB taking a pounding in the NFL.

11-12-2014, 03:46 PM
I'm not sure this is something you say or admit out loud, and I take his comments with a slight grain of salt, as it's easy to come out with this once you are getting that big guaranteed money. D Rose getting that rookie contract and having something to prove probably isn't making statements like this.

11-12-2014, 03:53 PM
1) I don't think these comments come from Rose directly. Probably originate from Reggie or from someone else in Rose's "camp".

2) Pretty lame when taken at face value. Even if what you're saying is true/how you really feel, it's not good from a PR POV. Would be better served saying that he's sitting out to preserve himself for the postseason.

11-12-2014, 03:54 PM
No wonder this guy sits out for general "soreness" ... jesus, everyone feels sore after rigorous athletic competition. I think his comments wreak of dramatization. He's acting like he's a RB taking a pounding in the NFL.

This...I can understand an NFL player saying this, but it's not like Rose is constantly taking blows to the head. Joint pain comes with the territory of being an NBA player. Deal with it. Hell, most people (athlete or not) deal with general soreness as they age.

oh the horror
11-12-2014, 04:19 PM

Sounds like you and your family likes him. Respect him also.

He's not a circus sideshow, kept in a cage, who's sole purpose is to entertain society. He's a person, just like you. Don't call in sick next time you puking. Don't call in sick next time you got 100 degree temperature. Go to work dammit.


It's remarks like this which is why I don't take much stock into anything around here as far as opinions go.

Why do you think these athletes are paid the way they are? Their good looks and charisma?

This dude has been sitting for the majority of the past several years now. And he comes out with remarks like this?

You sign on for MASSIVE amounts of money and people expect to see you out there. These athletes today are fu*king soft bro, plain and simple.

Derrick Rose is in his mid 20s already talking about life after basketball while everyone else is trying to win a chamionship. I bet his fingers work when he has to sign a contract. This ain't football. Now THOSE guys I can understand.

There's literally no defense here. They're soft.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
11-12-2014, 04:24 PM
Hes done ive said this since the 2nd injury....
its sad but its over. If hes sitting out every other game at this age and still feeling alot of problems?

Theres no way he will consistently be able to contribute to a team especially to the level he was at before the injury. He knows that and is just thinking about another contract

11-12-2014, 04:26 PM
100% bitch made.

If your not giving 100% on the court stay the **** off the team bitch.

11-12-2014, 04:36 PM
I agree with Drose 100%. You have got to think about yourself and your well being. There's more to life than basketball. Why go out there and kill yourself for people who could careless for you anyway. 9 times out 10 his critics at the moment were always looking for something to tear him down with and this is there opportunity.

11-12-2014, 04:42 PM
I agree with Drose 100%. You have got to think about yourself and your well being. There's more to life than basketball. Why go out there and kill yourself for people who could careless for you anyway. 9 times out 10 his critics at the moment were always looking for something to tear him down with and this is there opportunity.

That may be true, but he's also got 60mil left on his max contract. It's going to irk people when he is making bank while talking about his health and life after basketball. Nobody who says shit like this and is getting paid what he is, is ever going to get sympathy.

11-12-2014, 04:52 PM
That may be true, but he's also got 60mil left on his max contract. It's going to irk people when he is making bank while talking about his health and life after basketball. Nobody who says shit like this and is getting paid what he is, is ever going to get sympathy.

That's on the Bulls though. The NBA is structured where contracts are guaranteed. Rose won the real prize. It's not about what your worth, but what you negotiate. Who gives a s#@% what the press or public think when your making that kind of dough legally, earned or not.

Bless Mathews
11-12-2014, 04:59 PM
It's remarks like this which is why I don't take much stock into anything around here as far as opinions go.

Why do you think these athletes are paid the way they are? Their good looks and charisma?

This dude has been sitting for the majority of the past several years now. And he comes out with remarks like this?

You sign on for MASSIVE amounts of money and people expect to see you out there. These athletes today are fu*king soft bro, plain and simple.

Derrick Rose is in his mid 20s already talking about life after basketball while everyone else is trying to win a chamionship. I bet his fingers work when he has to sign a contract. This ain't football. Now THOSE guys I can understand.

There's literally no defense here. They're soft.

Lol. Lol.

You're just the classic idiot fan.

Have you ever torn your acl? Your mcl?

Do you know brandon Roy can barely walk these days?

Major injuries take a toll on your body.

Your taking his comments out of context.

Did he get on a soap box and just start saying he's gonna sit out games?

Or was he aksed a question by a reporter?

Why wouldn't he sit out a game or two DOWN THE ROAD if his precious injuries are sore?

The bulls would want damn sure he wants to. Gee, let's risk a game or two for possibly re injuring again and missing many more, perhaps a season, and then less of a player Cus of another major injury. Yea. Makes sense.


You are just a selfish fan, never walked a day in his shoes.

Baskeyball is a portion of his life. That's all he's saying. It ain't life and death like it is to you couch potato fans. That got nothing better to do after coming home from your job to criticize someone. Gtfo.

If he left the bulls tomorrow, every team in the league would be calling his agent.

And be GLAD that he would sit a game out here and there to rest if he needed.

Calm down. He's not playing for your freedom. Your life should not be affected if the dude wants to rest his injured body.

Tear your acl and mcl and come holleR.


11-12-2014, 05:12 PM
He's checked out. Done.

Sorry but where can he go from here :confusedshrug:

11-12-2014, 05:28 PM
this dude has a hundred million dollar shoe contract. I think he can handle a little fukking soreness.

im sorry, when u get paid that much you owe it to the people to play till the wheels fall off.

11-12-2014, 05:44 PM
I'm not mad at him at all.....

Bless Mathews
11-12-2014, 05:46 PM
this dude has a hundred million dollar shoe contract. I think he can handle a little fukking soreness.

im sorry, when u get paid that much you owe it to the people to play till the wheels fall off.



Risk a game for Hecka more.
